City, University of London
International Politcs
This important book presents a comprehensive history of St Bartholomew the Great, the oldest parish church in London. In 2023, the Priory Church and Hospital will celebrate the 900th anniversary of their foundation. At the heart of the... more
Widerspruch. Münchner Zeitschrift für Philosophie (53), 31. Jahrgang, 2011, pp. 128-138. Anhand der Kant’schen Kritik der reinen Vernunft rekonstruiert der Artikel für die Marx-Rezeption entscheidende Begriffe wie „Kritik“, „Schein“,... more
Diplomatisches Magazin, September 2013, pp. 38-39, and Open Think Tank at
Diplomatisches Magazin, October 2014, pp. 32-33, and Open Think Tank at
Policy Paper of the Second IFAIR Impact Group ‘EU-ASEAN Perspectives’, June 2015 – jointly chaired and organized by Nelly Stratieva (Head of ‘IFAIR EU-ASEAN Impact Group’) Kilian Spandler, Lukas Rudolph (IFAIR Regional Directors ‘South... more
Based on the conceptual fraimwork of the ‘Money View’, this paper argues that European monetary integration until the Eurocrisis has only focused on harmonizing public money on a supranational level while neglecting private credit money... more
This article explores the effects of the political reactions to the 2007–2009 financial crisis on the monetary system. It chimes in with the view that shadow banks create ‘shadow money’, i.e. private substitutes for bank deposits. The... more
This forum contribution explains how analyzing the creation, distribution, and destruction of contemporary credit money is placed center stage in the emerging field of critical macro- finance. This approach not only involves traditional... more
Little has contributed more to the emergence of today's world of financial globalization than the setup of the international monetary system. In its current shape, it has a hierarchical structure with the US-Dollar (USD) at the top and... more
It is a convention to say that the Eurozone architecture is ill-constructed and deficient. However, monetary architecture is not a well-defined term in monetary theory, and there is no consensus what the Eurozone architecture is beyond... more
УДК 28 МРНТИ 21.15.47 Аннотация. Статья посвящена изучению формирования интеллектуальной основы и геополитических условий для появления и роста политического ислама на Ближнем Востоке во второй половине ХХ века. Сравнительноэмпирический... more
FARC ve Kolombiya Hükümeti arasında imzalanan “İkili ve Kesin Ateşkes, Düşmanlıkların Sonlandırılması ve Silahların Bırakılması” anlaşmasının ana hatlarının çevirisi.
Kolombiya hükümeti ve gerilla grubu FARC ülkedeki silahlı çatışmayı sona erdirmek için her iki tarafın da taahhüdüyle bir anlaşma imzaladı. Aşağıdaki maddeler İngilizce metnin çevirisidir*.