Charles Sturt University
Centre for Religion, Ethics and Society
There are books in which the footnotes, or the comments scrawled by some reader's hand in the margin, are more interesting than the text. The world is one of these books." -George Santayana 1 in a well-known book, we find a whole raft of... more
Another article on Bonhoeffer's Life Together, based on talks I gave at the defence chaplains' annual retreat.
English translation: Metaphysics and the Idea of God, transl. by Philip Clayton (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990). The English edition includes two further essays (chapters 7-8) which are not in the German edition. Except in the case of... more
According to Sir Walter Raleigh, the entire plot of Paradise Lostradiates from a single point: the moment when Eve plucks and eats the forbidden fruit. 1 Referring to this moment, Raleigh remarks that there is not an incident, hardly a... more
T. F. Torrance has made a significant contribution to theological method with his model of the stratified structure of theological knowledge. According to this model, which is grounded in Torrance's realist epistemology, the knowledge of... more
Abstract John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost (1667) offers a creative seventeenth-century reconstruction of the doctrine of predestination, a reconstruction which both anticipates modern theological developments and sheds important... more
On the relation between exegesis and the spiritual senses in the work of Origen, plus a bit of Gregory of Nyssa and Sarah Coakley.