Political Philosophy
Recent papers in Political Philosophy
Islam experienced blossoming as well as waning. The Book of Allah transformed a tribal culture into an empire. The ascent of the umma was enabled by turning to revelation. The fall was triggered by the re-orientation from revelation to... more
Philosophy today is no longer satisfied with the critique of the state, nor with developing an apology for the state: rather its contemporary task is to invent a new concept of the state. This paper consists of three parts: in the first... more
To cite: Wilkins, A. 2017. Rescaling the local: Multi-academy trusts, private monopoly and statecraft in England. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 49 (2), 171-185 For the past six years successive UK governments in... more
Slovak utopianism (and specific social and political philosophy) of the 19th century are unique topics for philosophical research that can be useful especially in an international context. The aim of the research is, using the comparative... more
Libro dedicado al pensamiento de Bataille, incluyendo en primer lugar un importante texto inédito hasta ahora en español (una conferencia sobre el juego y el placer no incluida en las Obras Completas publicadas en Francia). A través de... more
In this book, I identify contemporary developments on the theme of vulnerability within critical theory while also seeking to reconstruct an idea of vulnerability that enables an articulation of the political and demonstrates how it is... more
The question of religion in the public sphere is an important issue in many Western countries today that is characterised by disintegration of Christian hegemony (secularization), and by the emergence of religious diversity. The starting... more
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
From its creation in the late 1930s onwards, the figure of the superhero has become increasingly ambiguous and problematic. Especially in two crucial periods of recent history – the height of the Cold War in the 1980s as well as after... more
Em Origens do totalitarismo Hannah Arendt emprega o termo mal radical, compreendido como mal absoluto, para se referir à fabricação da superfluidade nos campos de extermínio. Em Eichmann em Jerusalém ela emprega a expressão banalidade do... more
ΣΧΕΣΕΙΣ ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ Η ΕΚΠΤΩΣΗΣ ; (Δημοσιεύθηκε στην: Συγκομιδή προς τιμήν του ομότιμου καθηγητή Ευτύχη Μπιτσάκη «Φιλοσοφία, επιστήμες και πολιτική».
Η διδακτική αυτή προσέγγιση αφορά στο σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση της διδασκαλίας στο πλαίσιο ενός μαθήματος φιλοσοφίας σχετικά με τις θεωρίες της γνώσης στη Β΄ Γενικού Λυκείου, με βάση το διδακτικό βιβλίο Αρχές Φιλοσοφίας στο... more
Hegel's approach to sociopolitical normativity can be understood as a response to problems that are also faced by contemporary constructivists and realists. From Hegel's perspective, realists may be able to account for the nonrelative... more
This artistic endeavor wanders from the observation that missionaries and philanthropists share a stream of ontological continuity that leads both to use vulnerabilities to draw victims into genocidal relationships that transmit... more
È uscito il volume A. Pascale, Ascesa e declino dell'impero statunitense, tomo 1 – Genesi di un regime elitario (dalle origeni al 1945), La Città del Sole-L'AntiDiplomatico, Napoli 2022. Il testo consta di 620 pagine ed è acquistabile al... more
On the History of Political Philosophy is a lively and lucid account of the major political theorists and philosophers of the ancient Greek, Roman, medieval, renaissance, and early modern periods. Topics include discussions concerning... more
Hisashi Fujita, "Désir et joie : deux philosophies politiques de la vie. Deleuze ou Bergson II", in Shin Abiko, Hisashi Fujita, Masato Goda (éds.), Tout ouvert : l'évolution créatrice en tous sens, Georg Olms Verlag : Hildesheim - Zürich... more
This paper deals with the relation between God and the secular legal systems of Western liberal democracies. It provides a normative argument for the compatibility of God and secular legal reasoning. In our age, in which believing in God... more
While " inclusion " has been seen as a central mode of redressing ongoing injustices against communities of color in the US, Indigenous political experiences feature more complex legacies of contesting US citizenship. Turning to an... more
'@ is For Activism' examines the transformation of politics through digital media, including digital television, online social networking and mobile computing. Joss Hands maps out how political relationships have been reconfigured and new... more
As the title of this survey course suggests, we will study the trajectory of modern Western history. A succinct description of that trajectory may aptly serve as the unofficial subtitle of the course: "The slow death of feudal Christendom... more
This article intervenes in the debate on the place of religious arguments in public reason. I advance the debate not by asking whether something called " religious reasons " ought to be invoked in the justification of coercive laws, but... more
Nine characters are cast into a set of circumstances that cannot be explained but with which those individuals must engage. The fate of humanity rides on what they do. Their task is to come to grips with the issue of self-governance.... more
Claude Eatherly, pilota e metereologo, era un ragazzo texano di 27 anni quando ordinò lo sgancio della prima bomba atomica della storia, Little Boy, che colpì Hiroshima il 6 agosto 1945. Nonostante la giovane età, non era certo un... more
Nouvelle édition de La descendance de l'homme (1871), Charles Darwin.
Trois chapitres portant sur l'évolution de l'esprit, de la morale et de la société.
Traduction revue et modernisée, avec une Préface par Adam Westra.
Trois chapitres portant sur l'évolution de l'esprit, de la morale et de la société.
Traduction revue et modernisée, avec une Préface par Adam Westra.
For Hannah Arendt, spontaneous, ‘initiatory’ human action and interaction are suppressed by the normalizing pressures of society once ‘life’ – that is, sheer life – becomes the primary concern of politics, as it does, she finds, in the... more
En la teoría política cristiano-occidental se ha entendido al político como a un servidor que debía prestar a su señor auxilio y consejo. Lo primero empezó siendo ayuda militar para después derivar hacia la fórmula del servicio económico.... more
2 K. Korsch, La concezione materialistica della storia in Id., Marxismo e filosofia, s. n., PGreco, Milano 2012, p. 87: «Esso [il pensiero di Marx] non si lascia collocare in nessuno dei comparti tradizionali del sistema delle scienze... more
This paper is unpublished. It deals with Pavel Florensky’s socio-philosophical views that shaped during the first Russian revolution years and were elaborated in his later works. The principal theoretical divergence of Florensky’s... more
First this paper will discuss Michel Foucault foundation of his ideas, and why more than a critical intervention from scholars of color is needed. Moreover, we should be aware that not only were Foucault’s deficient of political ideas or... more
In “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses,” Louis Althusser proposed a complete rethinking of the category of the Subject. Despite the many critiques of Subjectivity that proliferated in France at the time, Althusser intended to... more
Two prominent scholars on the history of natural rights disagree sharply on many issues, but they agree in opining that Aquinas did not have such a doctrine: Michel Villey, La formation de la pensée juridique moderne: cours d'histoire de... more
Dans ce chapitre fondamental de ma thèse (« La pulsion de pouvoir. Traduire la psychanalyse dans le champ politique, entre Deleuze et Derrida », soutenue en juin 2019), je m'intéresse au rapport que Derrida entretient avec la psychanalyse... more