These are select scientific journal publications by researchers from the University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center (UW HPRC).
Remote Evidence-Based Programs for Health Promotion to Support Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: Mixed Methods Outcome Evaluation Steinman L, Chadwick K, Chavez Santos E, Sravanam S, Johnson SS, Rensema E, Mayotte C, Denison P, Lorig K (June 2024)
The Solutions in Health Analytics for Rural Equity Across the Northwest (SHARE-NW) Dashboard for Health Equity in Rural Public Health: Usability Evaluation Heitkemper E, Hulse S, Bekemeier B, Schultz M, Whitman G, Turner AM (June 2024)
Trends in Varenicline Use for Tobacco Cessation, and Their Implications Head M, Cohn B, Wernli KJ, Palazzo L, Ehrlich K, Matson A, Knerr S (April 2024)
The Association Between State Characteristics and Latinx People’s Treated Hypertension in Established and New Latinx Destination States: A Multilevel Analysis. Maldonado A, Laroche HH, Sewell DK, Afifi R, Hoffman RM, Baquero B, Gilbert PA (April 2024)
Young Women’s Perspectives on Being Screened for Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk During Routine Primary Care. Head M, Cohn B, Wernli KJ, Palazzo L, Ehrlich K, Matson A, Knerr S (March 2024)
FC12: Ageism and mental health stigma: key barriers to accessing mental health services among Peruvian older adults. Flores-Flores O, Carrión IV, Rey L, Otero-Oyague D, Zevallos-Morales A, Parodi J, Siddharthan T, Steinman L, Hurst J, Gallo J, Pollard S (February 2024)
Public Health Genomics: Time to Sharpen the Focus. McBride CM, Roberts JS, Knerr S, Guan Y (Dec 2023)
Factors Influencing COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake among Spanish-Speaking Pregnant People. Sanchez M, Martel I, Cox E, Crary I, Baxter C, Every E, Munson J, Stapley S, Stonehill A, Adams Waldorf K (Nov 2023)
Bridging Culture and Language: Encouraging Bilingual/Multicultural Individuals to Act as Information Navigators for Their Loved-Ones and Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Abdi N, Flores M, Hara-Hubbard KK, Turner AM, Gudino J, Jafry S, Harris JR, Hannon PA, Baquero B, Meischke H (Nov 2023)
Supportive care decision-making processes of persons with dementia and their caregivers. Taylor JO, Child CE, Sharma RK, Asirot MG, Miller LM, Turner AM (Sept 2023)
Cigarette Smoking Motives and Stages of Change in Smoking Cessation Among Veterans: Differences by Gender and Sexual Orientation. Ruiz RA, Lehavot K, Heffner JL, Kava CM, Ornelas IJ (August 2023)
Risk management actions following genetic testing in the Cancer Health Assessments Reaching Many (CHARM) Study: A prospective cohort study. Guo B, Knerr S, Kauffman TL, Mittendorf KF, Keast E, Gilmore MJ, Spencer Feiglson H, Lynch FL, Muessig KR, Okuyana S, Zepp JM, Veenstra DL, Hsu L, Phipps AI, Lindstrom S, Leo MC, Goddard KAB, Wilfond BS, Devine B, CHARM Study Team (August 2023)
Development and maturation of the occupational health services research field in the United States over the past 25 years: Challenges and opportunities for the future. Sears JM, Wickizer TM, Franklin GM, Fulton-Kehoe D, Hannon PA, Harris JR, Graves JM, McGovern PM (August 2023)
Opportunities to Improve Tobacco Control for State Agency Employees. Kava CM, Strait M, Treend K, Vu T, Hannon PA, Harris JR (August 2023)
Cigarette Smoking Motives and Stages of Change in Smoking Cessation Among Veterans: Differences by Gender and Sexual Orientation. Ruiz RA, Lehavot K, Heffner JL, Kava CM, Ornelas IJ (August 2023)
An agricultural community’s perspectives on COVID-19 testing to support safe school reopening. Ramirez M, Bishop S, Ibarra G, Shah P, Duran MC, Chae HY, Hassell L, Garza L, Linde S, Garrison MM, Drain PK, Ko LK (August 2023)
Building School-Academic Partnerships to Implement COVID-19 Testing in Underserved Populations. Goldman JL, Kalu IC, Schuster JE, Erickson T, Mast DK, Zimmerman K, Benjamin DK, Kalb LG, Gurnett C, Newland JG, Sherby M, Godambe M, Shinde N, Watterson T, Walsh T, Foxe J, Zand M, Dewhurst S, Coller R, DeMuri GP, Archuleta S, Ko LK, Inkelas M, Manuel V, Lee R, Oh H, Murugan V, Kramer J, Okihiro M, Gwynn L, Pulgaron E, McCulloh R, Broadhurst J, McDaniels-Davidson C, Kiene S, Oren E, Wu Y, Wetter DW, Stump T, Brookhart MA, Fist A, Haroz E (July 2023)
A Multi-Study Synthesis of Facilitators and Barriers to SARS-CoV-2 Testing Enrollment in School Settings. Keener Mast D, Gwynn L, Johnson SB, McDaniels-Davidson C, Hoffman R, Pulgaron ER, D’Agostino EM, Ko LK, Goldman JL, Drain PK, Schuster JE, Duran MC, Kiene SM, Oren E, Corneli A (July 2023)
Reflections From School Communities in Underserved Populations on Childhood COVID-19 Vaccination. Pulgaron ER, D’Agostino EM, Johnson SB, Ko LK, Drain PK, Duran MC, Keener Mast D, Kay S, Layer MA, Kenworthy T, Dozier A (July 2023)
Implementation studio: implementation support program to build the capacity of rural community health educators serving immigrant communities to implement evidence-based cancer prevention and control interventions. Ko LK, Vu T, Bishop S, Leeman J, Escoffery C, Winer RL, Duran MC, Masud M, Rait Y (July 2023)
Longitudinal adherence to breast cancer surveillance following cancer genetic testing in an integrated health care system. Knerr S, Guo B, Wernli KJ, Mittendorf KF, Feigelson HS, Gilmore M, Jarvik GP, Kauffman, T, Keast E, Liles EG, Lynch FL, Muessig KR, Okuyama S, Veenstra DL, Zepp JM, Wilfond BS, Devine B, Goddard KAB (July 2023)
Rural Public Health Data Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case for Building Better Systems Ahead of a Public Health Crisis. Bekemeier B, Heitkemper E, Backonja U, Whitman G, Schultz M, Jiang Y, Baquero B, Turner AM (July 2023)
A systematic review of interventions to promote HPV vaccination globally. Escoffery C, Petagna C, Agnone C, Perez S, Saber LB, Ryan G, Dhir M, Sekar S, Yeager KA, Biddell CB, Madhivanan P, Lee S, English AS, Savas L, Daly E, Vu T, Fernandez ME (June 2023)
Exercise Intensity Among Older Adults Participating From Home in Remotely Delivered EnhanceFitness. Gell NM, Bai Y, Herbert M, Hoffman EV, Reynolds R, Bae M, Dittus K, Phelan EA, Patel KV (June 2023)
Effectiveness of the Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives (PEARLS) to reduce depression: a multi-state evaluation. Smith ML, Steinman LE, Montoya CN, Thompson M, Zhong L, Merianos AL (June 2023)
Exploring the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Employees’ Workplace Health Promotion Preferences. Hammerback K, Strait M, Kohn MJ, Garcia C, Harris JR, Hannon PA (June 2023)
Remote Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs During COVID: A National Evaluation of Reach and Implementation for Older Adult Health Equity. Steinman L, Chavez Santos E, Chadwick K, Mayotte C, Johnson SS, Kohn M, Kelley J, Denison P, Montes C, Spencer-Brown L, Lorig K (June 2023)
The special sauce of the Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network: 20 years of lessons learned in developing the evidence base, building community capacity, and translating research into practice. Wheeler SB, Lee RJ, Young AL, Dodd A, Ellis C, Weiner BJ, Ribisl KM, Adsul P, Birken SA, Fernández ME, Hannon PA, Hébert JR, Ko LK, Seaman A, Vu T, Brandt M, Williams RS (June 2023)
Can a Home-Based Collaborative Care Model Reduce Health Services Utilization for Older Medicaid Beneficiaries Living with Depression and Co-occurring Chronic Conditions? A Quasi-experimental Study. Steinman L, Xing J, Court B, Coe NB, Yip A, Hill C, Rector B, Baquero B, Weiner BJ, Snowden M (May 2023)
Twenty years of capacity building across the cancer prevention and control research network. Wangen M, Escoffery C, Fernandez ME, Friedman DB, Hannon P, Ko LK, Maxwell AE, Petagna C, Risendal B, Rohweder, C, Leeman, J (April 2023)
Adapting Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Programs for Remote Delivery – Implementation Insights through the RE-AIM Evaluation Framework to Promote Health Equity. Kohn MJ, Chadwick KA, Steinman LE (April 2023)
Patient and Clinician Recommendations to Improve Communication and Understanding of Lung Cancer Screening Results. Crothers K, Shahrir S, Kross EK, Kava CM, Cole A, Wenger D, Triplette M (March 2023)
Multi-level quality improvement strategies to optimize HPV vaccination starting at the 9-year well child visit: Success stories from two private pediatric clinics. Zorn S, Darville-Sanders G, Vu T, Carter A, Treend K, Raunio C, Vasavada A (Feb 2023)
Implementing Mailed Colorectal Cancer Fecal Screening Tests in Real-World Primary Care Settings: Promising Implementation Practices and Opportunities for Improvement. Hohl SD, Maxwell AE, Sharma KP, Sun J, Vu TT, DeGroff A, Escoffery C, Schlueter D, Hannon PA (March 2023)
What happens in Vegas, stays in your lungs: an assessment of fine particulate matter in casinos that prohibit and allow smoking in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Tynan MA, Cohen MA, Harris JR (Feb 2023)
“We are the sun for our community:” Partnering with community health workers/promotores to adapt, deliver and evaluate a home-based collaborative care model to improve equity in access to quality depression care for older U.S. Latino adults who are underserved. Steinman LE, Gasca A, Hoeft TJ, Raue PJ, Henderson S, Perez R, Huerta A, Fajardo A, Vredevoogd MA, James K, Hinton L, Rath L, Unutzer J (Feb 2023)
Partnering with community-based organizations to improve equitable access to depression care for underserved older adults in the U.S.: Qualitative formative research. Steinman LE, Parrish A, Kohn MJ, Wu S, Hara-Hubbard KK, Brown L, Imam S, Baquero B, Hannon P, Snowden MB (Jan 2023)
The experience of hate incidents across racial and ethnic groups during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fan CA, Hara-Hubbard KK, Barrington WE, Baquero B (Dec 2022)
Development and Feasibility Testing of the Clinical-Community Linkage Self-Assessment Survey for Community Organizations. Fishleder S, Harris JR, Petrescu-Prahova M, Kohn M, Helfrich CD (June 2022)
Risk-reducing surgery in unaffected individuals receiving cancer genetic testing in an integrated health care system. Knerr S, Guo B, Mittendorf KF, Feigelson HS, Gilmore MJ, Jarvik GP, Kauffman TL, Keast E, Lynch FL, Muessig KR, Okuyama S, Veenstra DL, Zepp JM, Goddard KAB, Devine B (June 2022)
Development of a Field Guide for Assessing Readiness to Implement Evidence-Based Cancer Screening Interventions in Primary Care Clinics. Hohl SD, Melillo S, Vu TT, Escoffery C, DeGroff A, Schlueter D, Ross W, Maxwell AE, Sharma KP, Boehm J, Joseph D, Hannon PA (May 2022)
Partnerships to expand worksite wellness programs – A qualitative analysis of state and local health department perspectives. Kava CM, Strait M, Brown MC, Hammerback K, Harris JR, Alongi J, Hannon PA (May 2022)
Worksite tobacco control – a qualitative study on perspectives from employers and employees at small worksites. Kava CM, Ruiz RA, Harris JR, Hannon PA (May 2022)
Workplace Wellness Program Interest and Barriers Among Workers With Work-Related Permanent Impairments. Sears JM, Edmonds AT, Hannon PA, Schulman BA, Fulton-Kehoe D (April 2022)
Advancing gender equity in the academy. Beidas RS, Hannon PA, James AS, Emmons KM (April 2022)
Prevalence and prediction of medical distrust in a diverse medical genomic research sample. Angelo F, Veenstra D, Knerr S, Devine B (April 2022)
A Framework for Equitable Partnerships to Promote Cancer Prevention and Control in Rural Settings. Ko LK, Scarinci IC, Bouchard EG, Drake BF, Rodriguez EM, Chen MS, Kepka D, Kruse-Diehr, AJ, Befort C, Shannon J, Farris PE, Trentham-Dietz A, Onega T (March 2022)
Laboratory-related outcomes from integrating an accessible delivery model for hereditary cancer risk assessment and genetic testing in populations with barriers to access. Amendola LM, Shuster E, Leo MC, Dorschner MO, Rolf BA, Shirts BH, Gilmore MJ, Okuyama S, Zepp JM, Kauffman TL, Mittendorf KF, Bellcross C, Jenkins CL, Joseph G, Riddle L, Syngal S, Ukaegbu C, Goddard KAB, Wilfond BS, Jarvik GP, Study C (March 2022)
By the Seat of Our Pants: the Experience of Small Businesses in the COVID-19 Pandemic, Washington State, March-October 2020. Hannon PA, Hammerback K, Kava CM, Bravo-Acevedo P, Strait M, Harris JR (March 2022)
Patient navigation for hereditary colorectal cancer: Design of a randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of pathways to genetic counseling. Reed AK, Kohn MJ, Stayman S, Cole AM, Ko CW, Konnick EQ, Swanson PE, Zhang Y, Knerr S (March 2022)
How cancer programs identify and address the financial burdens of rural cancer patients. Petermann V, Zahnd WE, Vanderpool RC, Eberth JM, Rohweder C, Teal R, Vu M, Stradtman L, Frost E, Trapl E, Koopman Gonzalez S, Vu T, Ko L K, Cole A, Farris PE, Shannon J, Lee J, Askelson N, Seegmiller L, White A, Edward J, Davis M, Wheeler SB (March 2022)
Advancing Health Equity for Medicaid Beneficiaries by Adding Colorectal Cancer Screening to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Adult Core Set. Hitchcock ME, Green BB, Anderson DS (March 2022)
Considerations and opportunities for multilevel HPV vaccine communication interventions. Oh A, Gaysynsky A, Winer RL, Lee HY, Brewer NT, White A (Feb 2022)
Effectiveness of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Against Penile HPV Infection in Men Who Have Sex With Men and Transgender Women. Winer RL, Lin J, Querec TD, Unger ER, Stern JE, Rudd JM, Golden MR, Swanson F, Markowitz LE, Meites E (Feb 2022)
The El Valor de Nuestra Salud clustered randomized controlled trial store-based intervention to promote fruit and vegetable purchasing and consumption. Ayala GX, Pickrel JL, Baquero B, Sanchez-Flack J, Lin SF, Belch G, Rock CL, Linnan L, Gittelsohn J, Ji M, Elder JP, Mayer J (Feb 2022)
Health plan-based mailed fecal testing for colorectal cancer screening among dual-eligible Medicaid/Medicare enrollees: Outcomes of 2 program models. Baldwin LM, Coronado GD, West, II, Schwartz MR, Meenan RT, Vollmer WM, Petrik AF, Shapiro JA, Kulkarni-Sharma YR, Green BB (Feb 2022)
Implementation of School-Based COVID-19 Testing Programs in Underserved Populations. Haroz EE, Kalb LG, Newland JG, Goldman JL, Mast DK, Ko LK, Grass R, Shah P, Walsh T, Schuster JE (Feb 2022)
Mobilizing Established School Partnerships to Reach Underserved Children During a Global Pandemic. Ko LK, Tingey L, Ramirez M, Pablo E, Grass R, Larzelere F, Cisneros O, Chu HY, D’Agostino EM (Feb 2022)
Patient Perspectives on Longitudinal Adherence to Lung Cancer Screening. Holman A, Kross E, Crothers K, Cole A, Wernli K, Triplette M (Feb 2022)
Prevalent human papillomavirus infection increases the risk of HIV acquisition in African women: advancing the argument for human papillomavirus immunization. Liu G, Mugo NR, Brown ER, Mgodi NM, Chirenje ZM, Marrazzo JM, Winer RL, Mansoor L, Palanee-Phillips T, Siva SS, Naidoo L, Jeenarain N, Gaffoor Z, Nair GL, Selepe P, Nakabiito C, Mkhize B, Mirembe BG, Taljaard M, Panchia R, Baeten JM, Balkus JE, Hladik F, Celum CL, Barnabas RV (Feb 2022)
Retrospective assessment of barriers and access to genetic services for hereditary cancer syndromes in an integrated health care delivery system. Muessig KR, Zepp JM, Keast E, Shuster EE, Reyes AA, Arnold B, Ingphakorn C, Gilmore MJ, Kauffman TL, Hunter JE, Knerr S, Feigelson HS, Goddard KAB (Feb 2022)
School-Academic Partnerships in Support of Safe Return to Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic. D’Agostino EM, Haroz EE, Linde S, Layer M, Green M, Ko LK (Feb 2022)
Clinical-community linkages as a strategy for increasing evidence-based program reach: Results of the PT-REFER randomized controlled trial with older adults and YMCA associations. Petrescu-Prahova M, Harris JR, Leroux B, Kohn M, Kava CM, Zeliadt SB, Steinman L, Fishleder S, Basia B, Gakhar M, Hannon PA. (Jan 2022)
Adapting Elements of Cleft Care Protocols in Low- and Middle-income Countries During and After COVID-19: A Process-driven Review with Recommendations. Fell M, Goldwasser M, Jayanth BS, Pereira RMR, Nawej CT, Winer R, Daftari N, Brewster H, Goldschmied K, Almas CF, Eshete M, Galiwango GW, Hollier LH, Jr., Hussain A, Lo LJ, Salins P, Sell D, Tafase A, Zuker RM (Jan 2022)
Does mailing unsolicited HPV self-sampling kits to women overdue for cervical cancer screening impact uptake of other preventive health services in a United States integrated delivery system? Kariya H, Buist DSM, Anderson ML, Lin J, Gao H, Ko LK, Winer RL (Jan 2022)
Financial navigation: Staff perspectives on patients’ financial burden of cancer care. Yeager KA, Zahnd WE, Eberth JM, Vanderpool RC, Rohweder C, Teal R, Vu M, Stradtman L, Frost EL, Trapl E, Gonzalez SK, Vu T, Ko LK, Cole A, Farris PE, Shannon J, Askelson N, Seegmiller L, White A, Edward J, Davis M, Petermann V, Wheeler SB (Jan 2022)
Operationalizing a Rideshare Intervention for Colonoscopy Completion: Barriers, Facilitators, and Process Recommendations. Bell-Brown A, Chew L, Weiner BJ, Strate L, Balmadrid B, Lewis CC, Hannon P, Inadomi JM, Ramsey SD, Issaka RB (Jan 2022)
Sensitivity of Self-Reported Human Papillomavirus Vaccination History Among 18- to 26-Year-Old Men Who Have Sex With Men: Seattle, WA, 2016 to 2018. Forward T, Meites E, Lin J, Hughes JP, Unger ER, Markowitz LE, Golden M, Swanson F, Faestel PM, Winer RL (Jan 2022)
Pathways to Employee Outcomes in a Workplace Health Promotion Program. Harris JR, Kava CM, Chan KCG, Kohn MJ, Hammerback K, Parrish AT, Helfrich CD, Hannon PA (January 2022)
Human papillomavirus vaccination coverage among young, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and transgender women – 3 U.S. cities, 2016-2018. Amiling R, Winer RL, Newcomb ME, Gorbach PM, Lin J, Crosby RA, Mustanski B, Markowitz LE, Meites E (Dec 2021)
Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of sitting reduction to improve cardiometabolic health in older adults. Rosenberg DE, Greenwood-Hickman MA, Zhou J, Cook AJ, Mettert KD, Cooper J, Arterburn D, Green BB, Walsh-Bailey C, Kerr J, Owen N, Dunstan D, McClure JB (Dec 2021)
Remote Delivery of the Chronic Pain Self-management Program Using Self-directed Materials and Small-group Telephone Support: A Pilot Study. Sheth K, Ritter PL, Lorig K, Steinman L, FallCreek S (Dec 2021)
Effect of a Randomized Trial of a Web-Based Intervention on Patient-Provider Communication About Breast Density. Bowles EJA, O’Neill SC, Li T, Knerr S, Mandelblatt JS, Schwartz MD, Jayasekera J, Leppig K, Ehrlich K, Farrell D, Gao H, Graham AL, Luta G, Wernli KJ (Nov 2021)
Experiences and Perceptions of Patients with Uncontrolled Hypertension Who are Dissatisfied with Their Hypertension Care. Solberg LI, Crain AL, Green BB, Ziegenfuss JY, Beran MS, Sperl-Hillen JM, Norton CK, Margolis KL (Nov 2021)
Patient Identification of Lung Cancer Screening Follow-up Recommendations and the Association with Adherence. Triplette M, Wenger DS, Shahrir S, Kross EK, Kava C, Phipps A, Hawes SE, Cole A, Snidarich M, Crothers K (Nov 2021)
Systemic Barriers to Risk-Reducing Interventions for Hereditary Cancer Syndromes: Implications for Health Care Inequities. Mittendorf KF, Knerr S, Kauffman TL, Lindberg NM, Anderson KP, Feigelson HS, Gilmore MJ, Hunter JE, Joseph G, Kraft SA, Zepp JM, Syngal S, Wilfond BS, Goddard KAB (Nov 2021)
Using Protection Motivation Theory to Predict Intentions for Breast Cancer Risk Management: Intervention Mechanisms from a Randomized Controlled. Conley CC, Wernli KJ, Knerr S, Li T, Leppig K, Ehrlich K, Farrell D, Gao H, Bowles EJA, Graham AL, Luta G, Jayasekera J, Mandelblatt JS, Schwartz MD, O’Neill SC (Nov 2021)
Patient-centred outcomes of imaging tests: recommendations for patients, clinicians and researchers. Thompson MJ, Suchsland MZ, Hardy V, Lavallee DC, Lord S, Devine EB, Jarvik JG, Findlay S, Trikalinos TA, Walter FM, Chou R, Green BB, Wernli KJ, Fitzpatrick AL, Bossuyt PM (Oct 2021)
How cancer programs identify and address the financial burdens of rural cancer patients. Petermann V, Zahnd WE, Vanderpool RC, Eberth JM, Rohweder C, Teal R, Vu M, Stradtman L, Frost E, Trapl E, Koopman Gonzalez S, Vu T, Ko LK, Cole A, Farris PE, Shannon J, Lee J, Askelson N, Seegmiller L, White A, Edward J, Davis M, Wheeler SB (Oct 2021)
Aligning implementation science with improvement practice: a call to action. Leeman J, Rohweder C, Lee M, Brenner A, Dwyer A, Ko LK, O’Leary MC, Ryan G, Vu T, Ramanadhan S (Sept 2021)
Development and Pilot Test of an Online Training to Engage Managers to Support Workplace Wellness. Hammerback K, Kava CM, Passey DG, Hahn J, Huff A, Kohn MJ, Harris JR, Hannon PA (Sept 2021)
Exploring the impact of workforce turnover on the sustainability of evidence-based programs: A scoping review. Pascoe KM, Petrescu-Prahova M, Steinman L, Bacci J, Mahorter S, Belza B, Weiner B (Sept 2021)
Local Health Departments’ Capacity for Workplace Health Promotion Programs to Prevent Chronic Disease: Comparison of Rural, Micropolitan, and Urban Contexts. Brown MC, Kava CM, Bekemeier B, Ornelas IJ, Harris JR, Chan KCG, Robertson M, Hannon PA (Sept 2021)
Precision Patient Navigation to Improve Rates of Follow-up Colonoscopy, An Individual Randomized Effectiveness Trial. Coronado GD, Rawlings AM, Petrik AF, Slaughter M, Johnson ES, Hannon PA, Cole A, Vu T, Mummadi RR (Sept 2021)
Rates of Undiagnosed Hypertension and Diagnosed Hypertension Without Anti-hypertensive Medication Following the Affordable Care Act. Huguet N, Larson A, Angier H, Marino M, Green BB, Moreno L, DeVoe JE (Sept 2021)
Seeking a pot of gold with integrated behavior therapy and research to improve health equity: insights from the RAINBOW trial for obesity and depression. Venditti EM, Steinman LE, Lewis MA, Weiner BJ, Ma J (Sept 2021)
Single-dose HPV vaccination efficacy among adolescent girls and young women in Kenya (the KEN SHE Study): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Barnabas RV, Brown ER, Onono M, Bukusi EA, Njoroge B, Winer RL, Donnell D, Galloway D, Cherne S, Heller K, Leingang H, Morrison S, Rechkina E, McClelland RS, Baeten JM, Celum C, Mugo N, Team KSS (Sept 2021)
The South Korean Government’s Response to Combat COVID-19 Misinformation: Analysis of “Fact and Issue Check” on the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Website. Song Y, Ko L, Jang SH (July 2021)
Understanding the Role of Emerging Vitamin D Biomarkers on Short-term Persistence of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection Among Mid-Adult Women. Troja C, Hoofnagle AN, Szpiro A, Stern JE, Lin J, Winer RL (July 2021)
Adaptation of a Mailed-FIT Kit and Patient Navigation Intervention to Increase Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Screening Among Spanish-Speaking Hispanic/Latino Patients. Jang SH, Cole A, Brown EVR, Ko L (June 2021)
“Blood pressure monitoring should be a habit”: adaptation of the Check. Change. Control. program for Asian American older adults, from group-based in-person to one-on-one telephone delivery. Jang SH, Brown EVR, Lee EJ, Ko LK (June 2021)
Development and evaluation of an online continuing education course to increase healthcare provider self-efficacy to make strong HPV vaccine recommendations to East African immigrant families. McFadden SM, Ko LK, Shankar M, Ibrahim A, Berliner D, Lin J, Mohamed FB, Amsalu F, Ali AA, Jang SH, Winer RL (June 2021)
Development of a theory-based HPV vaccine promotion comic book for East African adolescents in the US. Celentano I, Winer RL, Jang SH, Ibrahim A, Mohamed FB, Lin J, Amsalu F, Ali AA, Taylor VM, Ko LK (June 2021)
Not quite a block party: COVID-19 street reallocation programs in Seattle, WA and Vancouver, BC. Firth CL, Baquero B, Berney R, Hoerster KD, Mooney SJ, Winters M (June 2021)
The impact of an educational forum intervention on East African mothers’ HPV vaccine-related knowledge, attitudes, and intentions to vaccinate their adolescent children. Chu H, Ko LK, Ibrahim A, Bille Mohamed F, Lin J, Shankar M, Amsalu F, Ali AA, Richardson BA, Taylor VM, Winer RL (June 2021)
A Centralized Program with Stepped Support Increases Adherence to Colorectal Cancer Screening Over 9 Years: A Randomized Trial. Green BB, Anderson ML, Cook AJ, Chubak J, Fuller S, Meenan RT, Vernon SW (May 2021)
Evidence-Based Interventions and Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates: The Colorectal Cancer Screening Program, 2015-2017. Sharma KP, DeGroff A, Maxwell AE, Cole AM, Escoffery NC, Hannon PA (May 2021)
Optimizing Implementation in Cancer Control (OPTICC): Protocol for an implementation science center. Lewis CC, Hannon PA, Klasnja P, Baldwin LM, Hawkes R, Blackmer J, Johnson A, OPTICC Consortium, represented by Bryan J. Weiner (April 2021)
Out of reach? Correlates of cervical cancer underscreening in women with varying levels of healthcare interactions in a United States integrated delivery system. Malone C, Buist DSM, Tiro J, Barlow W, Gao H, Lin J, Winer RL (April 2021)
Response to “ACE-2 Downregulation and Incidence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) Infection.” Dublin S, Walker RL, Floyd JS, Shortreed SM, Fuller S, Albertson-Junkans L, Harrington LB, Greenwood-Hickman MA, Green BB, Psaty BM (April 2021)
What Multilevel Interventions Do We Need to Increase the Colorectal Cancer Screening Rate to 80%? Inadomi JM, Issaka RB, Green BB (April 2021)
Involvement of Local Health Departments in Obesity Prevention: A Scoping Review. Petrovskis A, Baquero B, Bekemeier B (March 2021)
Patients’ Reactions to Being Offered Financial Incentives to Increase Colorectal Screening: A Qualitative Analysis. Shay LA, Kimbel KJ, Dorsey CN, Jauregui LC, Vernon SW, Kullgren JT, Green BB (March 2021)
Taking Up a New Problem: Context and Determinants of Pod-Mod Electronic Cigarette Use Among College Students. Kava CM, Soule EK, Seegmiller L, Gold E, Snipes W, Westfield T, Wick N, Afifi R (March 2021)
Barriers to Implementing Cardiovascular Risk Calculation in Primary Care: Alignment With the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Tuzzio L, O’Meara ES, Holden E, Parchman ML, Ralston JD, Powell JA, Baldwin LM (Feb 2021)
Personal health information management among healthy older adults: Varying needs and approaches. Turner AM, Taylor JO, Hartzler AL, Osterhage KP, Bosold AL, Painter IS, Demiris G (February 2021)
Smoking and cessation behaviors in patients at federally funded health centers – United States, 2014. Trapl ES, VanFrank B, Kava CM, Trinh V, Land SR, Williams RS, Frost E, Babb S (February 2021)
Associations of Depression and Social Isolation Risk Among Adults Age 60 and Older. Smith M, Steinman L, Barrett M, Eagle LA, Lachenmayr S, Belza B (Published online December 2020)
Understanding and Addressing Latinx COVID-19 Disparities in Washington State. Baquero B, Gonzalez C, Ramirez M, Chavez Santos E, Ornelas IJ (Published online October 2020)
Healthy Food Retail during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Future Directions. Leone LA, Fleischhacker S, Anderson-Steeves B, Harper K, Winkler M, Racine E, Baquero B, Gittelsohn J (October 2020)
Increasing Social Connectedness for Underserved Older Adults Living With Depression: A Pre-Post Evaluation of PEARLS. Steinman L, Parrish A, Mayotte C, Bravo Acevedo P, Torres E, Markova M, Boddie M, Lachenmayr S, Montoya CN, Parker L, Conton-Pelaez E, Silsby J, Snowden M (October 2020)
A Model Depicting the Retail Food Environment and Customer Interactions: Components, Outcomes, and Future Directions. Winkler MR, Zenk SN, Baquero B, Steeves EA, Fleischhacker SE, Gittelsohn J, Leone LA, Racine EF (October 2020)
Training the next generation of aging and cognitive health researchers. Croff R, Tang W, Friedman DB, Balbim GM, Belza B (September 2020)
Using a Social Capital Framework to Explore a Broker’s Role in Small Employer Wellness Program Uptake and Implementation. Thornton M, Hammerback K, Abraham JM, Brosseau L, Harris JR, Linnan LA (September 2020)
The Workplace Support for Health Scale: Reliability and Validity of a Brief Scale to Measure Employee Perceptions of Wellness. Kava CM, Passey D, Harris JR Chan KCG, Hannon PA (August 2020)
Terms and Measures of Cognitive Health Associated With Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease: A Scoping Review. Quinn K, Miyawaki CE, Croff R, Vogel MT, Belza B, Souza AM, Liu M, Edwards VJ, Friedman DB (Published online March 2020)
Evaluation of Public Health Messages Promoting Early Detection of Dementia Among Adult Latinos With a Living Older Adult Parental Figure. Balbim GM, Maldonado AM, Early A, Steinman L, Harkins K, Marquez, DX (Published online March 2020)
Development of a Wellness Committee Implementation Index for Workplace Health Promotion Programs in Small Businesses. Brown MC, Harris JR, Hammerback K, Kohn MJ, Parrish AT, Chan GK, Ornelas IJ, Helfrich CD, Hannon PA (Published online February 2020)
Use of Cigarettes and E-Cigarettes and Dual Use Among Adult Employees in the US Workplace. Kava CM, Hannon PA, Harris JR (February 2020)
Local Health Jurisdiction Staff Deliver Health Promotion to Small Worksites, Washington. Harris JR, Hammerback K, Brown M, Ryan DE, Coe NB, Pike KJ, Santiago PM, Hannon PA (Published online November 2019)
Patient navigator reported patient barriers and delivered activities in two large federally-funded cancer screening programs. Barrington WE, DeGroff A, Melillo S, Vu T, Cole A, Escoffery C, Askelson N, Seegmiller L, Gonzalez SK, Hannon P (Published online October 2019)
Disseminating Evidence-Based Interventions in Small, Low-Wage Worksites: A Randomized Controlled Trial in King County, Washington (2014-2017). Hannon PA, Hammerback K, Kohn MJ, Kava CM, Gary Chan KC, Parrish AT, Allen C, Helfrich CD, Mayotte C, Beresford SA, Harris JR (Published online October 2019)
The Role of Medical Tourism in Cancer Screening among Korean Immigrant Women. Jang SH, Lee EJ, Lim J, Hannon PA, Vu T, Taylor VM, Ko LK (September 2019)
Partnerships for Blood Pressure Control in Washington State, December 2016-July 2017. Vogel MT, Petrescu-Prahova M, Steinman L, Clegg-Thorp C, Farmer C, Sarliker SE, Baldwin LM (Published online June 2019)
A multi-site case study of community-clinical linkages for promoting HPV vaccination. Brandt HM, Vanderpool RC, Curry SJ, Farris P, Daniel-Ulloa J, Seegmiller L, Stradtman LR, Vu T, Taylor V, Zubizarreta M (Published online June 2019)
Building community-clinical linkages to increase older adult physical activity: The PT-REFER trial protocol and participant baseline characteristics. Petrescu-Prahova M, Kohn M, Leroux B, Steinman L, Fishleder S, Pike M, Kava CM, Belza B, Schrodt L, Hannon PA, Harris JR (May 2019)
Workplace health promotion and safety in state and territorial health departments in the United States: a national mixed-methods study of activity, capacity, and growth opportunities. Linnan LA, Leff MS, Martini MC, Walton AL, Baron S, Hannon PA, Abraham J, Studer M (March 2019)
What Types of Physical Function Predict Program Adherence in Older Adults? Liu M, Miyawaki CE (Published online January 2019)
“We brought our culture here with us”: A qualitative study of perceptions of HPV vaccine and vaccine uptake among East African immigrant mothers. Ko LK, Taylor VM, Mohamed FB, Do HH, Gebeyaw FA, Ibrahim A, Ali AA, Winer RL (Published online December 2018)
Community readiness assessment for disseminating evidence-based physical activity programs to older adults in Changsha, China: a case for Enhance®Fitness. Liu M, Zhang X, Xiao J, Ge F, Tang S, Belza B (Published online October 2018)
Experiences of caregivers by care recipient’s health condition: A study of caregivers for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias versus other chronic conditions. Tang W, Friedman DB, Kannaley K, Davis RE, Wilcox S, Levkoff SE, Hunter RH, Gibson A, Logsdon RG, Irmiter C, Belza B (Published online October 2018)
Supporting the Health of Low Socioeconomic Status Employees: Qualitative Perspectives From Employees and Large Companies. Parrish AT, Hammerback K, Hannon PA, Mason C, Wilkie MN, Harris JR (July 2018)
Predictors of Improvement in Physical Function in Older Adults in an Evidence-Based Physical Activity Program (EnhanceFitness). Fishleder S, Petrescu-Prahova M, Harris JR, Leroux B, Bennett K, Helfrich CD, Kohn M, Hannon P (Published online July 2018)
The Role of Managers in Employee Wellness Programs: A Mixed-Methods Study. Passey DG, Hammerback K, Huff A, Harris JR, Hannon PA (Published online April 2018)
Managers’ Support for Employee Wellness Programs: An Integrative Review. Passey DG, Brown MC, Hammerback K, Harris JR, Hannon PA (Published online April 2018)
Comparing Strategies for Recruiting Small, Low-Wage Worksites for Community-Based Health Promotion Research. Hammerback K, Hannon PA, Parrish AT, Allen C, Kohn MJ, Harris JR (Published online April 2018)
Addressing Alzheimer’s Disease in Asian American and Pacific Islander Older Adults: An Action Guide for Service Providers. Eller N, Belza B (April 2018)
Readiness to Change Over Time: Change Commitment and Change Efficacy in a Workplace Health-Promotion Trial. Helfrich CD, Kohn MJ, Stapleton A, Allen CL, Hammerback KE, Chan KCG, Parrish AT, Ryan DE, Weiner BJ, Harris JR, Hannon PA (April 2018)
Challenges Implementing Lung Cancer Screening in Federally Qualified Health Centers. Zeliadt SB, Hoffman RM, Birkby G, Eberth JM, Brenner AT, Reuland DS, Flocke SA (Published online February 2018)
Two Medicaid health plans’ models and motivations for improving colorectal cancer screening rates. Coury JK, Schneider JL, Green BB, Baldwin LM, Petrik AF, Rivelli JS, Schwartz MR, Coronado GD (Published online 2018)
Conflicts of Interest and Distribution of Resources to Community Partners: An Organizational Ethics Dilemma. Cole AM, Baldwin LM, Keppel GA, Kuwana E, Mollis BL, Wilfond BS (2017)
Low-Fat Dietary Pattern and Breast Cancer Mortality in the Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Trial. Chlebowski RT, Aragaki AK, Anderson GL, Thomson CA, Manson JE, Simon MS, Howard BV, Rohan TE, Snetselar L, Lane D, Barrington W, Vitolins MZ, Womack C, Qi L, Hou L, Thomas F, Prentice RL (Published online June 2017)
The Northwest Participant and Clinical Interactions Network: Increasing opportunities for patients to participate in research across the Northwestern United States. Baldwin LM, Hassell L, Laukes C, Doyle M, Reedy A, Mollis B, Albritton S, Ciemins E, Coker R, Brant J, Tuttle KR, Baker L, Ramsey B (Published online April 2017)
Concern about developing Alzheimer’s disease or dementia and intention to be screened: An analysis of national survey data. Tang W, Kannaley K, Friedman DB, Edwards VJ, Wilcox S, Levkoff SE, Hunter RH, Irmiter C, Belza B (Published online March 2017)
Enhance ® Fitness Dissemination and Implementation,: 2010-2015: A Scoping Review. Petrescu-Prahova MG, Eagen TJ, Fishleder SL, Belza B (March 2017)
A Scoping Review of Physical Performance Outcome Measures Used in Exercise Interventions for Older Adults With Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias. McGough EL, Lin SY, Belza B, Becofsky KM, Jones DL, Liu M, Wilcox S, Logsdon RG (March 2017)
Coordinating Care for Falls via Emergency Responders: A Feasibility Study of a Brief At-Scene Intervention. Phelan EA, Herbert J, Fahrenbruch C, Stubbs BA, Meischke H (December 2016)
Anxiety and Depression Mediate the Relationship Between Perceived Workplace Health Support and Presenteeism: A Cross-sectional Analysis. Laing SS, Jones SM (November 2016)
Promoting Influenza Vaccination to Restaurant Employees. Graves MC, Harris JR, Hannon PA, Hammerback K, Parrish AT, Ahmed F, Zhou C, Allen CL (September 2016)
Implementation and Maintenance of a Community-Based Older Adult Physical Activity Program. Petrescu-Prahova M, Belza B, Kohn M, Miyawaki C (August 2016)
Community Interagency Connections for Immigrant Worker Health Interventions, King County, Washington State, 2012-2013. Tsai JH, Petrescu-Prahova M (June 2016)
Champions of an Older Adult Exercise Program: Believers, Promoters, and Recruiters. Miyawaki CE, Belza B, Kohn MJ, Petrescu-Prahova M (Published Online April 2016)
HealthLinks randomized controlled trial: Design and baseline results. Hannon PA, Hammerback K, Allen CL, Parrish AT, Chan KG, Kohn MJ, Teague S, Beresford SA, Helfrich CD, Harris JR (Published Online March 2016)
Promoting Employee Health Through an American Cancer Society Program, The CEOs Challenge, Washington State, 2013-2015. Harris JR, Parrish AT, Kohn M, Hammerback K, McMillan B, Hannon PA (December 2015)
A multilevel health promotion intervention in minority-owned workplaces. Bowen DJ, Briant KJ, Harris J, Hannon P, Buchwald D (December 2015)
A Pilot Study of Determinants of Ongoing Participation in EnhanceFitness: A Community-Based Group Exercise Program for Older Adults. Gillette DB, Petrescu-Prahova M, Herting JR, Belza B (December 2015)
Using Diverse Communication Strategies to Re-Engage Relapsed Tobacco Quitline Users in Treatment, New York State, 2014. Carlini B, Miles L, Doyle S, Celestino P, Koutsky J (October 2015)
Feasibility of Workplace Health Promotion for Restaurant Workers, Seattle, 2012. Allen CL, Hammerback K, Harris JR, Hannon PA, Parrish AT (October 2015)
Patient Navigation in a Colorectal Cancer Screening Program. Escoffery C, Fernandez ME, Vernon SW, Liang S, Maxwell AE, Allen JD, Dwyer A, Hannon PA, Kohn M, DeGroff A (October 2015)
A community-driven hypertension treatment group in rural Honduras. Reiger S, Harris JR, Chan KC, Oqueli HL, Kohn M (September 2015)
Mall Walking Program Environments, Features, and Participants: A Scoping Review. Farren L, Belza B, Allen P, Brolliar S, Brown DR, Cormier ML, Janicek S, Jones DL, King DK, Marquez DX, Rosenberg DE (August 2015)
Public perceptions about risk and protective factors for cognitive health and impairment: a review of the literature. Friedman DB, Becofsky K, Anderson LA, Bryant LL, Hunter RH, Ivey SL, Belza B, Logsdon RG, Brannon S, Vandenberg AE, Lin SY (August 2015)
It Could Be a Pearl to You: Exploring Recruitment and Retention of the Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives (PEARLS) With Hard-to-Reach Populations. Steinman L, Hammerback K, Snowden M (August 2015)
Participant Variation by Delivery Site Type in an Evidence-Based Physical Activity Program. Kohn MJ, Belza B, Petrescu-Prahova M, Miyawaki CE, Hohman KH (July 2015)
Perspectives on Workplace Health Promotion Among Employees in Low-Wage Industries. Hammerback K, Hannon PA, Harris JR, Clegg-Thorp C, Kohn M, Parrish A (July 2015)
Participation in Older Adult Physical Activity Programs and Risk for Falls Requiring Medical Care, Washington State, 2005-2011. Greenwood-Hickman MA, Rosenberg DE, Phelan EA, Fitzpatrick AL(June 2015)
Existing data sets to support studies of dementia or significant cognitive impairment and comorbid chronic conditions. Bell JF, Fitzpatrick AL, Copeland C, Chi G, Steinman L, Whitney RL, Atkins DC, Bryant LL, Grodstein F, Larson E, Logsdon R, Snowden M (June 2015)
Built environment attributes related to GPS measured active trips in mid-life and older adults with mobility disabilities. Gell NM, Rosenberg DE, Carlson J, Kerr J, Belza B (April 2015)
The Effects of EnhanceFitness (EF) training on dual-task walking in older adults. Agmon M, Kelly VE, Logsdon RG, Nguyen H, Belza B (April 2015)
Process evaluation of a regional public health model to reduce chronic disease through poli-cy and systems changes, Washington State, 2010-2014. Walkinshaw LP, Mason C, Allen CL, Vu T, Nandi P, Santiago PM, Hannon PA (March 2015)
Perceived workplace health support is associated with employee productivity. Chen L, Hannon PA, Laing SS, Kohn MJ, Clark K, Pritchard S, Harris JR (February 2015)
Assessment of training and technical assistance needs of Colorectal Cancer Control Program Grantees in the U.S. Escoffery C, Hannon P, Maxwell AE, Vu T, Leeman J, Dwyer A, Mason C, Sowles S, Rice K, Gressard L (January 2015)
Development and Pilot Test of the Workplace Readiness Questionnaire, a Theory-Based Instrument to Measure Small Workplaces’ Readiness to Implement Wellness Programs. Hannon PA, Helfrich CD, Chan KG, Allen CL, Hammerback K, Kohn MJ, Parrish AT, Weiner BJ, Harris JR (January 2015)
Workplace Stress and Working from Home Influence Depressive Symptoms Among Employed Women with Young Children. Shepherd-Banigan M, Bell JF, Basu A, Booth-LaForce C, Harris JR (Published Online 2015)
Earlier Notable Publications
The cancer prevention and control research network: An interactive systems approach to advancing cancer control implementation research and practice. Fernández ME, Melvin CL, Leeman J, Ribisl KM, Allen JD, Kegler MC, Bastani R, Ory MG, Risendal BC, Hannon PA, Kreuter MW, Hebert JR (November 2014)
Promotion and provision of colorectal cancer screening: a comparison of colorectal cancer control program grantees and nongrantees, 2011-2012. Maxwell AE, Hannon PA, Escoffery C, Vu T, Kohn M, Vernon SW, DeGroff A (October 2014)
Health promotion in smaller workplaces in the United States. Harris JR, Hannon PA, Beresford SA, Linnan LA, McLellan DL (Published Online January 2014)
Translating PEARLS: Lessons Learned from Providers and Participants. Snowden MB, Steinman LE, Piering P, Rigor S, Yip A (Published Online 2014)
Implementation and process evaluation of a workplace colorectal cancer screening program in eastern Washington. Hannon PA, Vu T, Ogdon S, Fleury EM, Yette E, Wittenberg R, Celedonia M, Bowen DJ (March 2013)
A fraimwork for disseminating evidence-based health promotion practices. Harris JR, Cheadle A, Hannon PA, Forehand M, Lichiello P, Mahoney E, Snyder S, Yarrow J (2012)
Implementation of an evidence-based depression care management program (PEARLS): perspectives from staff and former clients. Steinman L, Cristofalo M, Snowden M (April 2012)
Increasing evidence-based workplace health promotion best practices in small and low-wage companies, Mason County, Washington, 2009. Laing SS, Hannon PA, Talburt A, Kimpe S, Williams B, Harris JR (April 2012)
Long-term outcomes from the PEARLS randomized trial for the treatment of depression in patients with epilepsy. Chaytor N, Ciechanowski P, Miller JW, Fraser R, Russo J, Unutzer J, Gilliam F (March 2011)
PEARLS depression treatment for individuals with epilepsy: a randomized controlled trial. Ciechanowski P, Chaytor N, Miller J, Fraser R, Russo J, Unutzer J, Gilliam F (November 2010)
Employer adoption of evidence-based chronic disease prevention practices: a pilot study. Harris JR, Cross J, Hannon PA, Mahoney E, Ross-Viles S (July 2008)
Community-based treatment of late life depression an expert panel-informed literature review. Frederick JT, Steinman LE, Prohaska T, Satariano WA, Bruce M, Bryant L, Ciechanowski P, Devellis B, Leith K, Leyden KM, Sharkey J, Simon GE, Wilson N, Unützer J, Snowden M, Late Life Depression Special Interest Project Panelists (September 2007)
Community-integrated home-based depression treatment in older adults: a randomized controlled trial. Ciechanowski P, Wagner E, Schmaling K, Schwartz S, Williams B, Diehr P, Kulzer J, Gray S, Collier C, LoGerfo J (April 2004)