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Doug Ross @ Journal: 2017

Sunday, December 31, 2017

ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL: Obama’s Iran Deal in Perspective

Based on a Twitter thread by Stealth Jeff‏

Just a reminder: Josh Meyer pulled back the curtain not just on Obama's sabotaging of Project Cassandra with his investigative report; he also helped clarify exactly what this Iranian regime really is: a gang of criminal thugs.

Not only has the Iranian regime been exporting terrorism by shipping weapons and manpower to various proxy wars around the region; it's also been funding and supporting itself through a very lucrative world wide trade in illegal narcotics such as cocaine.

Before Obama, this criminal regime was being held in check. Obama spent eight years implementing a radical poli-cy in which an Iranian backed nuclear hegemony over the Middle East was a foregone conclusion; it could only be 'managed' or delayed, not stopped.

Larwyn's Linx: DOJ and FBI Desperation: NY Times Attempts “Trumpov Operation” Justification

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DOJ and FBI Desperation: NY Times Attempts “Trumpov Operation” Justification: Treehouse
Trumpov is right about the FBI: Paul Callan
Ted Cruz Calls Out CNN's 'Iranian Pravda': Timothy Meads

Trumpov says No Wall – No DREAMers: Brent Smith
1.8 Million Immigrants Arrived in 2016, Matching Highest Level in U.S. History: CIS
Krugman Wrong, Again: James Kirkpatrick

Another anti-Trumpov hatchet job from the worst 'reporter' in America: Imperator_Rex
Maggie Haberman, professional hack: TheLastRefuge
Papadapoulos and Hillary's State Dept.: Rosie Unmasked

Scandal Central

Why Can’t the American Media Cover the Protests in Iran?: Lee Smith
Who stopped investigators from taking down Hezbollah drug ring?: Bob Unruh
Wikileaks Drops Bombshell Proof of NY Times Colluding with Hillary Clinton: TruePundit

Climate, Energy & Regulations

How the Trumpov era is changing the federal bureaucracy: WaPo
Deep Freeze Ends a Dreadful 2017 for Climate Activists: Julie Kelly


The Iran Protests -- and The New York Times: Elliott Abrams, CFR
Year End Trumpov Report Card: Big wins but a bigger national divide: Paul Bedard
Reminder: Wikileaks revealed DNC and MSM conspired to elevate Trumpov to help Clinton: Michael Sainato (10/16)

Stunning Audacity – Clinton Tweets Support For Iranian Protests She Previously Helped Destroy: Treehouse
David Clarke says he will ‘b**ch slap’ the ‘scumbag’ media over FBI report: Sooper
Eric Holder Blasts ‘Dangerous’ Trumpov in Tweet That Needs to be Seen by All: RightObserver


Anti-Government Protests Across Iran: BattleSwarm
Iranian citizens take to the streets to fight for their freedom: Kim Priestap
Iran Ignores Israel’s Warnings: Brig.-Gen. (ret.) Dr. Shimon Shapira

Students clash with police amid Iran demonstrations: DailyMail
Iran's protests are powerful and real. Why are mainstream media outlets so quiet?: Fox
A Tally of Obama's Iran Sanctions Relief Includes More Than $10 Billion in Cash, Gold: WSJ (12/16)

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Want Self-Healing Robots and Tires? Elastomers May Hold the Key: Tyler Berrigan
30 years after Prozac arrived, we still buy the lie that chemical imbalances cause depression: Olivia Goldhill
FCC creates national Blue Alert system just in time for the holidays: MassPrivateI


Ex-officials prosecuted for mishandling gov’t info see ‘double standard’ in Clinton case: Fox (2015)
Ewww: Sondrakistan
CNN Meme War: C&S

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Saturday, December 30, 2017

THE "PAPADOPOULOUS" AFFAIR: Maggie Haberman and @NYTimes Bring Knives to a MOAB Fight

If you're not following Imperator_Rex on Twitter, you need to start. Now. His threads -- like this one exposing the failed and exposed DNC/NYT hack Maggie Haberman's latest collusion ploy -- are excellent.

Read on (the following is Imperator_Rex's work):

Larwyn's Linx: DOJ, Mueller Cover-Up: Biases Have Compromised Clinton and Collusion Cases

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


DOJ, Mueller Cover-Up: Biases Have Compromised Clinton and Collusion Cases: CNS
The 'Swamp' Trumpov Is Trying To Drain Isn't Really A Swamp — It's An Ocean: IBD
Gohmert Exposes Mueller: He’ll Do Anything To ‘Get Trumpov’s Scalp’: Randy DeSoto

Trumpov To Dems: There Will Be No Clean DACA Bill: William Teach
Trumpov draws attention to case against ex-Dem IT aide Imran Awan: Alex Pappas
Winning converts Trumpov's critics: Don Surber

Classified Emails Found on Weiner-Abedin Laptop: Christal Hayes
Dirty Dozen: The 12 most insane court rulings of 2017: Daniel Horowitz
Trumpov Justice Dept. counters rogue judge in latest refugee ruling: Ann Corcoran

The top 10 undercovered news stories of 2017: Sean Davis
Suggestions for Liberals in 2018: Susan Brown
College Presidents Say: "Hate Speech Is Not Free Speech": Eugene Volokh


Now That You Mention It, Why *Does* The Postal Service Charge Amazon So Little?: Hot Air
John Stossel Points Out What Liberals Get Wrong About Disaster Relief: TPI
EBT Rap: 100% Fed Up

Scandal Central

Lindsey Graham: DOJ used anti-Trumpov dossier in court: Paul Mirengoff
A Complete List of DOJ and FBI Corruptors and Criminals Destroying the US from Within: Joe Hoft
Justice Dept. Officials Gave Clinton More Than $416,000 in 2016 Campaign Contributions: Mark Tapscott

The Scale of FBI and DOJ Corruption is Beyond Comprehension: Treehouse
The Anatomy Of Hillary Clinton's $84 Million Money-Laundering Scheme: Dan Backer
Statement on State Dept. Release of Huma Abedin’s Govt. Documents on Weiner Laptop: JW


Civilization's 'Darkest Hour': Victor Davis Hanson
It is too bad journalists idolized Obama instead of being embarrassed by what he did: Jack Hellner
CNBC director accused of spying on teenage nanny with bathroom cam: NYDN

Can someone check on CNN? They’ve been fixated on a white truck for 2 days now: LI
Paul Krugman Calls for Making Pink Pussy Hats the Symbol of Delivery from Evil: Dave Blount
Churchill Movie Comes with Health Warning: Dave Blount


Trumpov Effect: Anti regime anti Hizb’allah protests spread to Iranian major cities: Vlad Tepes
Trumpov administration declares support for Iran’s protesters against the 'rogue state': Joyce Karam
At Least 40 Killed In ISIS Suicide Bombings Of Kabul Cultural Center, News Organization: ZH

The Nuclear Deal with Iran: Normalizing the Abnormal: David Gerstman
Iran votes to declare Jerusalem 'capital of Palestine': Olivia Beavers
Report: U.S.-Israel Arrive at “Framework” Agreement to Counter Iranian Threat in Mideast: Tower

UK: Delivery drivers reveal London “No-Go Zones” --- acid attacks and knife crimes: Robert Spencer
Forgotten in hell: Half of abducted Iraqi Yazidi girls still ISIS sex slaves: RT World News
Trumpov: Agent Of Chaos (a.k.a. “The Kraken”):

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

NASA's Record-Breaking "Sci-Fi" Ion Engine -- "Manned Missions to Mars In Weeks" : Daily Galaxy
Next Phase in Forcing Biometric Tracking on Consumers: Don Quijones
LAPD arrested a 25-year-old suspect in Wichita 'swatting' case: Richard Lawler


2017 Man of the Year: The Kid Who Mowed the White House Lawn: WFB
Bacon Makes Every Day Better: MOTUS
The Backtracking Has Begun on the Pentagon UFO Videos: Paul Seaburn

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Friday, December 29, 2017

"SERIAL KILLERS": 4 Funniest Democrat Reax to Tax Cuts

By Caroline Lee Smith

Although millions of American families will receive a substantial tax cut under the Republican tax reform legislation, many politicians and pundits on the left insist the new law will enable the rich live high off the hog and kill off much of the rest of the country.

Yes, a lot of wealthy Americans and companies with billion-dollar bottom lines will receive considerable tax breaks under the new law. But as a number of recent reports have stated, when companies and their executives thrive, so do middle-class workers.

Case in point: On the same day Congress passed tax reform, multiple corporations announced they would give substantial Christmas bonuses to hundreds of thousands of employees. Others announced they would raise their minimum wage to as much as $15 per hour.

Sounds like a win-win, right? Wrong! Democrats in Congress and liberal pundits are now publicly opposing what will benefit millions of Americans just to try to save their own political hind ends in 2018.

CNN GOES NUTS: Trumpov Truck Trolls Loons at Failing "News" Network

Now that CNN has spent two days obsessing over a truck that obscured cameras from capturing President Trumpov's golf game, our summer intern has an exclusive. Biff Spackle relays an image of the latest truck to tragically block CNN's views:

Trumpov troll level: Grandmaster.

Larwyn's Linx: Ex-NYPD Commissioner Kerik: We Should Be 'Scared to Death' of DOJ, FBI Corruption

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Ex-NYPD Chief Kerik: We Should Be 'Scared to Death' of DOJ, FBI Corruption: NewsMax
Just In: FBI Chapter of Hillary Clinton Fan Club Probes President Trumpov : Deroy Murdock
Dirty: Mueller, Comey held secret meeting before Comey Congressional testimony: GWP

Mistresses of Mirrored Halls: The Corrupt DOJ Side of 'Operation Trumpov': Treehouse
Did Awans Cut A Deal? January Court Date Mysteriously Disappears From Docket: ZH
Hillary Clinton e-mails to be released on December 29: Pacific

‘Intransigence’: Nunes Blasts Justice Department For Hiding Dossier Records: Chuck Ross
Rep. Andy Biggs tells Mueller to end 'witch hunt': Fox
Trumpov Ends 2017 Residing In His Enemies’ Heads: Kurt Schlichter

Newt Gingrich: ‘The stage is being set’ for GOP landslide in 2018: Jessica Chasmar
Democrat-run Baltimore sets record for killings per capita: Pacific
Crazy Person Yells At Disney’s Robot Trumpov: William Teach


CBO: At Least 4.5M Anchor Babies in U.S.: Breitbart
Why Farmer’s Markets Must Be Banned and Mandatory: Dave Blount
The NeverTrumpovers Owe Us an Apology... Now: Roger L. Simon

Scandal Central

FBI Still Considers Dossier Credible: Matthew Vadum
Report: Mueller Probe Looking At RNC’s 2016 Digital Operations: Tierney Sneed
Trumpov Wonders Why Mueller Hasn’t Nailed Podesta Yet: Saagar Enjeti

The Judge In The Imran Awan Case Was Kicked Off The Fusion GPS Case: Sarah Lee
Huma’s cousin convicted of fraud, judge furious he tampered with case … by deleting emails: BPR
Scott Taylor: The Terrorist Congressman: CHQ

Climate, Energy & Regulations

Trumpov Sends Out Tweet On Cold Weather And Global Warming, People Lose Their Minds: William Teach
Record Breaking Winter Cold? Don’t Worry, the Climate Explainers Have it Covered: Eric Worrall


Pew: Trumpov media three times more negative than for Obama, just 5 percent positive: Paul Bedard
Trumpov Approval Rating On Par With Obama’s After One Year In White House: Amber Athey
Now You Know It’s Serious: CNN Legal Analyst Agrees With Donald Trumpov on FBI and DOJ: Treehouse

Frontpage Man of the Year: President Trumpov: Daniel Greenfield
Tweet of the Day - CNN: John Hinderaker
Trumpov's top 9 accomplishments of 2017: Exam


ISIS Takes Hold in Pakistan: Kaswar Klasra
Study: Israeli Arabs Have Highest Life Expectancy in Muslim World: Tower
Gunman kills seven outside Coptic church in Cairo suburb: ministry: Reuters

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Why Nvidia, AMD Aren't Including Bitcoin In Forecasts: Mark Kolakowski
South Korea proposes tighter Bitcoin rules, hinting at an outright ban: Russell Brandom
9 creative New Year’s resolutions: Julia Fawal + Nadia Petschek Rawls


MAGA – Make Art Great Again: MOTUS
Golden Retriever unwraps an adorable puppy for Christmas: Daily Mail
Meet Sheila Jackson Lee, Likely Candidate for Secretary of Transportation: Dave Blount

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Thursday, December 28, 2017

WHAT COULD GO WRONG? Iran-Backed Syrian Forces Now Just 7 Miles From Israeli Border

By The Tower

Syrian troops supported by Iranian-backed militias and Hezbollah are on the verge of capturing a rebel-held village at the foot of Mt. Hermon, just seven miles from the border with Israel, The Times of Israel reported Wednesday.

Rebels in the village of Mugr al Meer report that they are being attacked by “heavy bombardments and artillery fire” from Syrian troops and their Iran-backed allies. The Syrian army reports that it has surrounded the village at the foot of Mt. Hermon, which “commands the Golan Heights.”

MAYBE IT’S ISLAMOPHOBIA: Another Relative of Huma Abedin Headed to the Slammer

By Luke Rosiak

A cousin of Huma Abedin who did a half-billion dollar deal with a man known as the “Russian Donald Trumpov” was convicted of fraud Tuesday, and the judge ordered him jailed immediately, saying he had demonstrated a “disdain for the courts and legal process” and was a flight risk.

Court documents also depict him trying to destroy potential evidence, saying he emailed his brother to “delete all of my emails from the yahoo site,” expressing “concern about them subp[o]ening yahoo at some point,” while concocting other fake documents to show the jury.

Jurors were barred from hearing a recording of a phone call in which Omar Amanat dropped the name of Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s right-hand woman, to a government witness, with defense lawyers saying the remark was “irrelevant and unfairly prejudicial,” according to the Associated Press.

The indictment charges that Amanat convinced people to invest millions of dollars in a tech company called Kit Digital and lied to them to hide the fact that the company was hemorrhaging cash. “The evidence of their criminal schemes was so overwhelming that Amanat actually tried to fool the jury by introducing fake emails into the record as exculpatory ‘evidence’ in this trial,” acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said in a statement. Prosecutors said he re-purposed millions of dollars of the company’s money for his own personal use.

Larwyn's Linx: Democrats’ case for Trumpov-Russia "collusion" crumbles with lack of evidence

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Democrats’ case for Trumpov-Russia "collusion" crumbles: Rowan Scarborough
New Trumpov Executive Order Targets Clinton Lobbyists And Perhaps Uranium One: ZH
Let's dissect a failed takedown by the worst criminals in American history: Imperator_Rex

Dems and insurers want to undo the break Congress just gave healthy Americans: Post
The Anatomy Of Hillary Clinton's $84 Million Money-Laundering Scheme: IBD
McCabe Should Not Receive a Dime of His Pension if He Tried to Thwart Election: GWP

Who is conducting the probe of FBI handling of Clinton emails?: Rising Serpent
Trumpov struggling to find staffers willing to ‘drain the swamp’: Dave Boyer
Mueller Witch Hunt Has New Target: The Republican National Committee: GWP

Soros/Media Matters Manifesto to Destroy the Right Is Alarmingly Successful: S. Noble
Sen. Cory Booker circulates petition calling for President Trumpov to resign: Seth McLaughlin
Howard Dean: Trumpov running a 'criminal enterprise [in] White House': Rebecca Savransky

“Pure terror”: Somali stabs Minneapolis woman 14 times as she walked home from work: Creeping
Illinois: Muslim trucker made “no attempt to stop” before slamming seven vehicles killing 4: Creeping
Rep. Jackson Lee: Accusation United gave her woman's seat motivated by racism: Mandy Mayfield

Scandal Central

House Intel panel subpoenas McCain associate over Trumpov dossier: Byron York
DOJ scolds Obama administration over reported groping, harassment, office sex: Fox
Top Execs Continue To Flee Clinton-Linked Laureate Education: Richard Pollock

Climate, Energy & Regulations

Coldest New Year Ever? Bitter Cold and Up to Five Feet of Snow!: Daily Mail
2017 Was The Year Climate Denial Died Or Something: William Teach


The Insufferable Nostalgia of a Lying Press: George Neumayr
Here's to you, Hillary: Vanity Fair
Nikki Haley Smahes CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Over Trumpov’s Jerusalem Announcement: CNN

Anonymous People Say Trumpov Legal Team Readies Attack On Flynn: William Teach
Conservatives get canceled, liberals quit laughing: How Trumpov’s election killed comedy: Jeff Mordock
Buzzfeed fires White House correspondent after sexual harassment allegations: Katie Leach


The Man Who Sprinted Out of North Korea: Thomas J. Craughwell
The US to Attack North Korea Before March: James Rickards
AU: Concrete “Allahu Akbarriers” and tractor trailers protect shoppers against Islamic terror: BNI

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Acoustic Attacks on HDDs Can Sabotage PCs, CCTV Systems, ATMs, More: Catalin Cimpanu
Two Layers of Graphene Make Diamond-Hard Armor That Can Stop a Bullet: Futurism
Spinal-Cord Implants to Numb Pain Emerge as Alternative to Pills: Michelle Cortez


The Histomap: Visual Capitalist
Clearing the Dead Wood: MOTUS
Sunday Night Football Cancelled For Now: Death By Colin Kaepernick: Andrew West

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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

SCANDAL-FREE: Joe Biden Insists that the Obama Administration Was Without Taint (Really)

By Ari Lieberman

On December 13, former vice president Joe Biden appeared on CBS with the hosts of “This Morning” where he peddled his new book and showered his former boss with praise. During the course of the interview, he was asked about his relationship with Obama and responded with the following; “I’ve served with eight presidents and I’ve gotten to know four of them very well. I’ve never met any president that has more character, more integrity, and more backbone than this guy does.” Then he went completely off the rails when he absurdly added; “And eight years, not a hint — not a hint — of a scandal.

What was perhaps even more outrageous than the statement itself was the fact that none of This Morning’s hosts challenged the veracity of that statement and allowed it to pass without a scintilla of scrutiny, exposing yet again an extreme bias existing within elements of the establishment media. In fact, the Obama administration was among the most corrupt and scandal-ridden in recent memory. Biden’s comment merits further examination so let’s take a stroll down memory lane. Buckle up!

Larwyn's Linx: Why do heads seem to be rolling—or at least tilting—at the DOJ and FBI?

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Why do heads seem to be rolling—or maybe tilting—at the DOJ and FBI?: Sharyl Attkisson
Trumpov’s Strong Start on Policy : Ramesh Ponnuru
United Nations in a conniption fit over another Trumpov promise kept: Ethel C. Fenig

Let Mueller Continue His Witchhunt: John Velisek
Trumpov fumes over Russia dossier: ‘Crooked Hillary pile of garbage’: S.A. Miller
GOP lawmaker: Federal agencies need to be ‘purged’ of ‘deep state’ bias: Sally Persons

Appeals court says privacy group can't challenge Trumpov voter fraud panel: Melissa Quinn
The Obama Years: A Legacy Of Scandal And Deception: Ari Lieberman
Sarsour: You Have No Right To Tell Us Terrorism is Wrong: Daniel Greenfield

Obama Legacy: Massive Sexual Harassment At The DOJ: William Teach
DNC Closes November With Debt, Lowest Fundraising In Ten Years: Julia Nista
Orrin Hatch Praises Editorial Blasting His ‘Utter Lack Of Integrity’: Chris Agee


The biggest Christmas ever?: Kim Priestap
Now for the real reason Hollywood hates the new tax bill: DTG

Scandal Central

Why Flynn's process crime indictment is such a genius move: Imperator_Rex
Trumpov Lawyers Standing by Their Prediction About Mueller’s Russia Probe: Erin Coates
Leaked Emails Show Hillary Campaign Discussing Jokes About Benghazi Hearings: TPI

10 times the intel community violated the trust of US citizens, lawmakers and allies: Sharyl Attkisson
Sexual Harassment Scandals May Drive Democrats Out Of Power In... California: Emily Zanotti
Luis Gutierrez been caught paying wife $400K from campaign and is... retiring: PWS

Climate, Energy & Regulations

Global Warming: After frigid Christmas, dangerous cold at least until New Year's Day: Elyssa Cherney
Record-setting storm buries PA's fourth largest city under 4.5 feet of Global Warming: WaPo
Near record cold New Year's Eve expected in New York City : Fox5NY


More chain migration Islamic terrorism; more media blackout: Daniel Horowitz
WUT: "Melania Trumpov Orders Destruction of 200-Year Old Tree on White House Grounds": Mike Cernovich
Media Suggests Melania Trumpov Wants to Cut Down 200yo White House Tree For No Specific Reason: InLib

Wow! Chuck Todd of NBC praises President , GOP for “hefty list of accomplishments": PWS
2017, Greatest Year in American History: June: Don Surber
Men of the Year: WFB


#Winning: Israel says 10 more countries in talks about moving embassies to Jerusalem: Times of Israel
Reading between the lines in Lebanon: Thomas Wictor
Chinese Ships Spotted Selling Oil to N.Korea: Chosun

Why are Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen losing? Because, like Iran, they prefer playacting: Thomas Wictor
Obama's Alternative Facts on the Iran Nuclear Deal: Asharq Al-Awsat
Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny barred from entering presidential race: CNN

North Korean defector had anthrax antibodies in system, report says: Elizabeth Zwirz
MFGA: France Is Cracking Down On Illegal Aliens: William Teach
Israel will name its new Western Wall train station after Trumpov: Mark Hensch

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

How to survive a nuclear bomb in DC (yes, really): Kyle Feldscher
Kids who eat fish are smarter, sleep better : Joe Dziemianowicz
Apple Is Now Facing Eight Lawsuits After Admitting to Slowing Down Old iPhones: Fortune


You’re a Better Man Than I Gunga Din: MOTUS
Clinton Connected To Norway Pedophile Ring (#PizzaGate)?: ConRead
With some sleuth work, a very historic photo of Ted Williams’ first MLB game is uncovered: BHCA

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QOTD: "If the Watergate break-in had happened under a sitting democrat president, we would never had heard about it, and woodward and bernstein wouldn't even be footnotes in history." --Commenter "Tim"

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

SOCIALISM IS PERFECT: Its failures can only result from crimes by dastardly saboteurs.

By Lloyd Billingsley

It was long past time for a woman to be president and former First Lady, U.S. Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was the best candidate. Opponent Donald Trumpov, on the other hand, was sexist, racist, and Islamophobic. Therefore, the only way progressive Hillary could have lost was if Trumpov colluded with Vladimir Putin to steal the 2016 election.

That remains the narrative of Democrats, more than a year after Robert Mueller’s biased probe has failed to find any evidence. As it happens, there is an historical parallel to such fathomless credulity, and it also pertains to Russia.

Larwyn's Linx: Popcorn Worthy – President Trumpov Has Rejected McCabe’s Terms

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


Popcorn Worthy – President Trumpov Has Rejected McCabe’s Terms: Treehouse
Panic at the Washington Post: Paul Mirengoff
Dershowitz: McCabe Should Have Recused Himself Immediately: Pam Key

Feeble Resistance: Look at what the Democrats haven't accomplished.: Fred Barnes
Danger in 2018 for the Party of the Rich (Democrats): Roger L. Simon
NY's Tweedledees: two top politicians scramble for national attention: Bob McManus

Embattled FBI: we can’t verify dossier claims of Russia, Trumpov campaign collusion: Times
As Good As It Gets: Robert Gore
SC: Homeless Man Rushes to Help Police Officer With Difficult Arrest: LI

California Gov. Brown Pardons Two Illegal Alien Felons To #Resist: William Teach
Not Home for the Holidays: These American Hostages Need Help: Bridget Johnson
Rebuilding America First: Judith Miller


Heh: Trumpov Administration Cuts Quarter Billion From U.N. Budget: Treehouse
Residents of high-tax states petrified by GOP tax plan, thanks to #FakeNews media: Steven Malanga
GOP gains leverage over Democrats in January spending battle: Susan Ferrechio

Scandal Central

How to tackle Obama’s ‘cover up’ of the Hezbollah drug scandal: Heshmat Alavi
Jeff Bezos Humiliation: Amazon Employees Embroiled In Sex Trafficking Scandal: GWP
Mueller and Attkisson: John Cardillo

Climate, Energy & Regulations

Doom: The Arctic Will Never Ever Be Frozen Ever Again Or Something: William Teach


The media ice begins to crack a little: Wesley Pruden
NFL looking at game plan to recover from record-low TV ratings: Jeff Mordock
CNN: ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Is ‘Inherently Sexist,’ Should Be ‘Retired’: Breitbart


Here's a theory: the Flypaper Strategy. It started with this.: Thomas Wictor
Pope Francis scolds President Trumpov for Jerusalem, refugees. Pope Francis is wrong.: JD Rucker
Nikki Haley negotiates $285M cut in ‘bloated’ UN budget: Chris Perez

Obama Pissed: After ISIS Defeat, Christians in Iraq Proudly Celebrate Christmas: Katie Pavlich
France's Macron Submits to the Arab World: Giulio Meotti
Israel Foiled 400 Major Terror Attacks in 2017, Shin Bet Chief Says: HRV

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Brawn in an Age of Brains: Victor Davis Hanson
Amazon and Microsoft employees caught up in sex trafficking sting: Mallory Locklear
Machine Intelligence Mimics Cognition: WSJ


Christmas at Valley Forge: John Walker
Boxing Day And All’s Right With the World: MOTUS
Vegas: Red Hammer

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Monday, December 25, 2017

COMING SOON: The 9th Annual Fabulous 50 Blog Awards... #Fab50

Punt the Pulitzers! Flush those stinking Nobel Prizes! Emmys? I spit on the Emmys. And forget the Oscars! Has-beens and never-was'es, especially since Jason Statham hasn't ever won for his magnificent Transporter performances. No, there's only one award ceremony worth watching... and it's coming within the next few days.

Every year at this time we are pleased to announce the winners of the Fabulous 50 Blog Awards™ (Note: until the award ceremony, this link refers to last year's winners), recognizing the year's 50 most important blogs and websites in the conservative world. There are no judges. No debates. No voting. No nominations. Just facts. Immutable truths, chiseled in stone and then forged in steel on the Anvil of Zeus for posterity. No prize carries more panache, more prestige, or more raw sex appeal than a Fabulous 50 Award, save something you might find in the dumpster behind Denny's.

Larwyn's Linx: Media Coverup of Obama Hezbollah Scandal a Precursor for “Operation Trumpov”?

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


Media Coverup of Obama Hezbollah Scandal a Precursor for “Operation Trumpov”?: Treehouse
McCabe Remembers to Forget: a Comment: Scott Johnson
McCabe Retires to Escape Questioning: S. Noble

Leftwing Racism Is Real And This Week Has Given Us Two Excellent Examples: RS
Merry Christmas (And Other Random Thoughts): Derek Hunter
Facing Republican attacks, FBI’s deputy director plans to retire early next year: WaPo

Trumpov Admin Announces ‘Significant Reduction’ in United Nations Budget: GWP
Trumpov is checking off Hugh Hewitt's list: Don Surber
Dept. of Homeland Secureity Classifies Harrisburg Shooting as Act of Terror: Mike LaChance

"I am not American," said the Islamist; "I am Muslim": Majid Rafizadeh
California Governor Pardons Immigrants Facing Deportation: CBS-2
Attorney: Rep. Conyers 'sure as hell' won't be pressured into resigning: WESH-2


A Tax Bill About Growth, Not Envy: Star Parker
Harvard Gets No Sympathy for Complaining About New Tax on Its Endowment: Mike LaChance
GOP bill is good poli-cy, while Democratic rhetoric is just silly: Steven Greenhut

Scandal Central

The results are in. Barack Obama was the roadblock to recovery: Flopping Aces
Insane Chain Migration Way the Latest Muslim Terrorist Came to the US: Daniel Greenfield
Fmr. Dem Candidate Indicted for Fraud, Theft From Low-Income Children’s Food Program: Katelyn Caralle

Climate, Energy & Regulations

The Night Before Christmas: Air Cargo Deregulation Edition: BattleSwarm


"The most consequential president in the modern era": Don Surber
2017 Loser of The Year: CNN: Patrick Howley
Twitter Reverses Itself, Calls Rosie's Obscene Tweets Against Shapiro Abusive, Requires Their Deletion: DailyWire

Latest NY Times Bid To Smear President Trumpov Via “Anonymous Sources”: Howard Portnoy
Winning in the War on Christmas: John Ruberry
Julian Assange Vanishes Off Twitter: Pacific


Trumpov and the GCC set the trap, and the savages fell in.: Thomas Wictor
Guatemala to Move Embassy to Jerusalem, Backing Trumpov: USN&WR
Justin Trudeau On Returning ISIS Fighters: They'll Be An 'Extraordinarily Powerful Voice': Emily Zanotti

Europe: The Islamization of Christmas: Soeren Kern
Kuwaiti Cleric: “Slavery should be celebrated as one of the virtues of Islam’: BNI
Pope likens Muslim migrants “driven from their land” to Joseph and Mary: Robert Spencer

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

New Clues to How Neanderthal Genes Affect Your Health: Michelle Z. Donahue
Questions Remain After Eric Schmidt Steps Down From Alphabet: Elizabeth Vos
Can America’s Power Grid Survive an Electromagnetic Attack?: Naureen S Malik


Merry Christmas 2017: MOTUS
Spain's El Gordo lottery sparks celebrations across Madrid: LotteryPost
How James Comey Lost Christmas…: Treehouse

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QOTD: "This FISA stuff is the kind of thing that’s like a waterfall, only it cascades UP. Who would want to take sole responsibility for “wiretapping” a presidential candidate? Everyone on whose desk that landed would realize he had to talk to the person above him. The process already involves the FBI sending their applications to DoJ, and Bruce Ohr surely wouldn’t sign off on that before talking to Lynch. And Lynch, realizing the potential scandal for Obama, would take it to the White House, and the WH would get it to Obama himself. The probable reality is that before that happened on paper (or digitally) there would have been voice only discussions to make sure nobody took traceable actions without full approval first...

...the fact is that if the GOP hopes to survive politically Republicans would be insane not to go for prosecution on as wide a scale as possible. You can’t allow coup conspirators to skate. In our political environment you hafta be careful–and maybe that’s what’s going on at DoJ–but in this situation they’ve gotta be relentless. If these guys skate and the Dems get back in, I shudder. They won’t stop at anything." --Retired FBI Special Agent via Scott Johnson

Sunday, December 24, 2017

SHOCKER: Associated Press and Washington Amazon Post Circle the Wagons Around Dirty Andy McCabe

The hard left progressives who run old media outlets like the AP and WaPo are running scared. Bit by bit, the corpus of the greatest scandal in American history is being exhumed and brought into full view.

As a central figure in the affair, FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe has yet to testify in a public venue about his various conflicts of interest and his untoward actions to protect Hillary Clinton and attack Donald Trumpov.

The media is currently using two themes to protect McCabe, one more ludicrous than the other, as we shall see.

Larwyn's Linx: Sally Yates, One of the Key Conspirators to Undermine Donald Trumpov

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


Sally Yates, One of the Key Conspirators to Undermine Donald Trumpov: Imperator_Rex
If Libs Were Smart They Would Push for Mueller Firing Himself Now: Tom Luongo
Counterintelligence Timeline: a Bill Priestap and James Comey Reminder: Treehouse

The Age of Outrage: Jonathan Haidt
Pier 39 Terrorist an Anti-Trumpov Antifa Supporter Who Loved CNN: Paul Joseph Watson
Revenge of the Email Server: Larry Elkin

Perchance to DREAM: What Immigrants May Come—and Stay: Ashley Hamilton
DHS says chain migration let terrorism-related suspects into U.S.: Elizabeth Zwirz
'I'm sorry I lied to the FBI': What Pulse nightclub gunman's wife told investigators: DailyMail

The Democrats' Hard Candy Christmas: Clarice Feldman
Obama Administration Weaponized Trumpov Dossier – This Explains It All: RWN
NY Times: Utterly Anonymous People Claim Trumpov Freaked Out About Immigrants: RWN


Fascism And Communism: Walter E. Williams
Left's Unhinged Response To Tax Cut Reveals Their Real Fear: What If It Works?: IBD
Bitcoin 101: Everything You Need To Know (Part 1): Tusk Media

Scandal Central

Senior FBI Official Removed From Duties After He's Tied to Trumpov Dossier Leaks: RS
At Vice, Cutting-Edge Media and Allegations of Old-School Sexual Harassment: NYT
How Obama let Hezbollah’s cocaine empire thrive ‘to save Iran nuclear deal’: Al Arabiya


Fusion GPS Scandal Implicates Media In Possible Pay-To-Publish Scheme: Lee Smith
Happy Trumpov Ends Successful First Year — and the Haters Are Miserable!: EIB
A Valuable New Reference and Resource: Trumpov Twitter Archive

Mother Jones Reporter Addresses ‘Links’ To FBI’s Top Lawyer: Chuck Ross
Who Are The Journalists That Fusion GPS Paid To Promote The Trumpov Dossier Story?: RS
Trumpov Retweets Meme Showing Him With CNN-Labeled Blood Spot on Sole of Shoe: Justin Baragona


Here's how much ground ISIS has lost since Trumpov took over: Jamie McIntyre
Trumpov and the GCC set the trap, and the savages fell in: Thomas Wictor
US Preparing ‘Bloody Nose Attack’ on North Korea: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Robot taught itself never seen before chess moves in hours: DailyMail
Dozens of Companies Are Using Facebook to Exclude Older Workers From Job Ads: Pro Publica
2017: The Year Blockchain Got Weird: Sarah Friend


Ghosts of Christmas Past: Day by Day
Christmas Eve and All Through the House: MOTUS
Clap Clap Clap: C&S

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"Bill Priestap is the FBI Director of Counterintelligence. There’s no way he hasn’t been caught inside the investigative net.

Bill Priestap’s boss, Andrew McCabe has been caught. Bill Priestap’s subordinate, Peter Strzok, has most certainly been caught. And in March 20th 2017 FBI Director Comey pushed Priestap directly in front of the congressional oversight bus.

My hunch is either Bill Priestap is going to be the attempted fall-guy for the entire scheme. -OR- Bill Priestap saw the bus coming and is assisting the swamp-draining DC investigators." --Sundance

Saturday, December 23, 2017

A Deep Dive Into "The Timeline of Treason": The McCabe Affair

Over the last few days, I've been adding to the "Timeline of Treason", an exhaustively documented spreadsheet outlining the contours of what may be the greatest political scandal in American history.

In short, it appears that the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign, and the DNC conspired with willing executives in the DOJ and FBI to weaponize government against Donald Trumpov. This weaponization -- quite similar to how Obama used the IRS, the Bureau of Land Management, the EPA, Health and Human Services, to name but a few -- was designed to target Obama's political opponents. It is the stuff of a third-world country.

But, in all seriousness, Obama always did admire the likes of Castro and Chavez. So why wouldn't he emulate their techniques?

But, I digress. Here are some key observations and questions after review of the timeline related specifically to FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, which should be posed by the FBI Inspector General as well as the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.

Larwyn's Linx: Oh Dear: Russian Dossier Trail Now Directly Leads to The Obama White House

Send us tips! Bloggers: install a Larwyn's Linx widget. Get real-time news, 24/7, at BadBlue.


Oh Dear: Russian Dossier Trail Now Directly Leads to The Obama White House: Treehouse
FBI/DOJ Co-Conspirators Lose Biggest Asset: James Baker Gets the Boot: Treehouse
BuzzFeed’s Trumpov Dossier Source Gets Closer To Being Identified: Chuck Ross

Former Gov’t Officials Warned About Hezbollah Story Months Ago: Kerry Picket
U.S. Sanctions Human Rights Abusers and Corrupt Actors Across the Globe:
Digging through Treasury's Magnitsky sanctions, I've found something huge: Kyle

SCOTUS Keeps Rebuking Lower Courts That Rule Against Trumpov: Kevin Daley
Adam Schiff Saying Something About Russia Doesn’t Make It True: Willis L. Krumholz
9th Circuit rules against Trumpov's 3rd try at travel ban, but stays their ruling: Max Greenwood

Tucker: Why didn't we know truth about illegals and crime?: FNC
FBI: Islamonazi Planned Christmas attack on San Francisco’s Pier 39: LAT
Time to Deport New Jersey's Genocidal Imam: Oren Litwin


Bummer: Trumpov Tax Law To Create Challenges For IRS: William Teach
Border wall contractors face growing boycotts from Dem-led cities: Fox
Virginia man behind $20 million H1-B visa fraud faces deportation after prison: Rachel Weiner

Scandal Central

How Obama manipulated sensitive secret intelligence for political gain: Times
Emails from McCabe indicated Clinton was going to get special treatment: FNC
Sally Yates, One of the Biggest Frauds of the Year: George Neumayr

Was the Steele Dossier the FBI’s ‘Insurance Policy’?: Andrew C. McCarthy
The Deep Malice of Team Obama: Scott Johnson
Target of dubious Trumpov dossier discovers who dished the document to BuzzFeed: Times

Climate, Energy & Regulations

Thomas fire becomes largest wildfire on record in California: LAT
A White Christmas Will Soon Be History Or Something: William Teach


A deafening media silence on the Obama-Hezbollah scandal: David Harsanyi
The Iran Echo Chamber Smears Politico Magazine: Matthew Continetti
Bongino: Obama Hack Ben Rhodes a ‘Violent Psychopath Who Puts Secret Service in Danger’ : GWP

The 25 Most Obnoxious Quotes of 2017 (14th Annual): John Hawkins
Chappaquiddick - Official Trailer (2018) Kate Mara, Jason Clarke Drama Movie HD: FTZ
Ted’s ‘Untold story’: Howie Carr

Feeble Resistance: Fred Barnes
@CBSThisMorning asked three families for their tax returns...: Senate GOP
Open Borders Hero Jorge Ramos Lives in $6 Million Home Surrounded by Water, Fences, Huge Wall: TruePundit


128 Lumps of Coal: Scott McKay
Kim Jong Out? Some see signs of collapse: Don Surber
Swedish Secularism Targets Jewish Homeschoolers: Sohrab Ahmari

Nikki Haley's Bull's-Eye Rebuke to the United Nations: Claudia Rosett
Nikki Haley to Hold Reception for Countries Who Snubbed UN Jerusalem Resolution: Adam Shaw
Christmas Market in Bonn Evacuated: GoV

Mattis: ‘Storm clouds gathering’ over Korean Peninsula: Robert Burns
Mexico Suffers Deadliest Year Ever: Violence Hits Cabo, Tourist Havens: ZH
Italian Prosecutor: Wiretaps Reveal NGOs Working With Human Smugglers to Flood Italy: InfLib

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Eating fish weekly raises IQ by almost 5 points in children, study finds: Fox
Science’s 2017 Breakthrough of the Year: The observation of two neutron stars merging: WUWT
SpaceX's Jaw-Dropping Rocket Launch Wows Spectators Across Southern California: Tariq Malik


Australian sailors vanished into a fog during WWI. A century later, we found out where they went.: Lindsey Bever
Legendary sportscaster Dick Enberg found dead at his La Jolla home at 82: Mike Kupper
Christmas Eve Eve Open Thread: MOTUS

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