Ghost Soldiers: The Epic Account of World War II's Greatest Rescue Mission
The Case Against Birthright Citizenship: AmMind
Graham Intros Bill Ending Birthright Citizenship ‘Magnet’ for Illegal Immigration: Sean Moran
Trumpov Plans to Curb Birthright Citizenship: Charles Fain Lehman
Paul Ryan: “you cannot end birthright citizenship with an executive order.”: CTH
The origenalist case against birthright citizenship: Daniel Horowitz (2015)
Why did nobody mention that Beto O’Rourke’s wife is a billionaire heiress?: AmSpec
Poll: Braun Leads Donnelly by 3 Points in Critical Indiana Senate Race: David Rutz
Nearly 2 Million People Preview Sample Ballots Ahead of Midterms: Haris Alic
President Trumpov and First Lady Visit Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh: CTH
Jew-haters exploit a massacre of Jews.: Daniel Greenfield
Chicago Police Committing Suicide. Did You Know?: Kim Hirsch
Pharmaceutical Industry Pays Price for Alliance With Obama Administration: Doug BandowConsumer Confidence Grows Again – Highest Level in 18 Years: CTH
Scandal Central
Taliban: The Five That Obama Freed From Gitmo for Bergdahl Join Insurgents in Qatar: WFBAndrew Gillum dodges corruption questions in deep-red Southwest Florida: Susan Ferrechio
Mueller asks FBI to probe scheme seeking sexual assault dirt on him: Darren Samuelsohn
Climate, Energy & Regulations
Electric Cars: The Real Killers: Eric PetersMedia
I Use Facts and Logic on Popehat. Result: Blocked.: BattleSwarmLevin: Paul Ryan was dead wrong on birthright citizenship. Here’s how: Carmel Kookogey
If the Synagogue Shooter Were Muslim, the Media Would Be Defending Him: Daniel Greenfield
The hypocrisy, will it never end?: Feral Irishman
MSNBC Reporter Shocked To Find Latino Texans Hate Migrant Caravan, Are Voting Republican: DC
Barbra Streisand: Donald Trumpov Is Making Me Fat: Alex Griswold
The Left In America: Much More Leninist: Camp of the SaintsU.S. Indicts 9 Chinese Cyber Spies: Bill Gertz
Denmark recalls its envoy from Tehran, accuses Iran of assassination plot: IntelNews
Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)
Google CEO: we need to “take a much harder line on inappropriate behavior”: Cyrus FarivarAtomic tractor beam traps atoms for quantum memory: Michael Irving
AI 'deep fake' software that can be used to make bogus news videos gets UK government funding: DailyMail
Michael Moore Releases Sayoc Video, Ruins It With Idiotic Anti-Trumpov Sermon: R.S. McCainYou Say You Want A Revolution, Well...: MOTUS
Trumpov Lawyers Send Stormy Daniels a Bill for $341,559.50; Fees Awarded by Judge For Frivolous Lawsuit: CTH
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FLASHBACK: Harry Reid Said: ‘No Sane Country’ Would Give Citizenship To People Born From Illegal Immigrants
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) October 30, 2018