Environmental Impact of Electricity Generation Technologies: A Comparison between Conventional, Nuclear, and Renewable Technologies
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
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- studies published before 2013;
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- conference papers, posters and abstracts;
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- papers that did not consider electricity as the final product;
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- studies concerning only one phase of LCA.
2.1. LCA of Conventional Systems
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- subcritical “pulverized coal” (PC) thermal power plants, which use finely ground coal for combustion;
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- supercritical power plants, based on PC technologies, but at much higher pressures and temperatures;
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- the integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), which relies on converting coal into a synthetic gas before combustion.
2.2. LCA of Renewable Energy Systems
2.2.1. Hydropower
2.2.2. Wind
2.2.3. Photovoltaics
2.2.4. Concentrated Solar Power
2.2.5. Geothermal
2.3. LCA of Nuclear Systems
3. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
a-Si | amorphous silicon PV technology |
BWR | boiling water reactor |
CCS | carbon capture and storage |
CdTe | cadmium telluride PV technology |
CHP | combined heat and power |
CIGS | copper indium gallium selenide |
CIS | copper indium selenide |
CSP | concentrated solar power |
CZTS | copper zinc tin sulfide |
DNI | direct normal irradiance |
DNSH | do not significant harm |
DSSC | dye sensitized solar cell |
EDF | Electricitè de France |
EGS | enhanced geothermal systems |
EPR | European pressurized water reactor |
FBR | fast breeder reactor |
GEMIS | global emission model for integrated systems |
GHG | greenhouse gas |
GT-MHR | gas turbine modular helium reactor |
GWP | global warming potential |
HT | hydrothermal |
HWR | heavy water reactor |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
IGCC | integrated gasification combined cycle |
IRENA | International Renewable Energy Agency |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ITRPV | International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaic |
JRC | Joint Research Centre |
LCA | life cycle assessment |
LWR | light water reactor |
NDC | nationally determined contributions |
NGCC | natural gas combined cycle |
NRE | non-renewable energy |
NREL | National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
ORC | organic Rankine cycle |
PC | pulverized coal |
PMF | particulate matter formation |
PV | photovoltaics |
PVPS | photovoltaic power systems |
PWR | pressurized water reactor |
QDSSC | quantum dot sensitized solar cell |
SMR | small modular reactor |
TAP | terrestrial acidification potential |
TCP | Technology Collaboration Programme |
TTC | twice through cycle |
UNECE | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe |
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Year of the Study | Weight |
2013–2016 | 0.8 |
2017–2019 | 1.0 |
2020–2022 | 1.2 |
Published Works | Year of the Study | Plant Type | gCO2eq/kWh |
UNECE [15] | 2021 | IGCC (USA); pulverized coal (China) | 751–1095 |
IGCC with CCS (USA); pulverized coal with CCS (China) | 147–469 | ||
IGCC (Europe); pulverized coal (Europe) | 849–1023 | ||
IGCC with CCS; pulverized coal with CCS | 279–369 | ||
Natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) | 403–513 | ||
Natural gas combined cycle with CCS | 49–220 | ||
NREL [16] | 2021 | Coal-fired | 675–1689 |
Gas-fired combustion turbine | 307–988 | ||
Asdrubali et al. [20] | 2015 | Gas-fired combined cycle | 350–410 |
Gas-fired single cycle | 480–730 | ||
Coal-fired with direct combustion | 750–1050 | ||
IGCC | 660–800 | ||
Li et al. [22] | 2020 | Coal-fired (China) | 775.86 (mean) |
Agrawal et al. [23] | 2014 | NGCC (India) | 584 (mean) |
Coal-fired (India) | 1127 (mean) | ||
Akber et al. [24] | 2017 | Coal-fired (Pakistan) | 790.11 (mean) |
Gas-fired (Pakistan) | 531 (mean) | ||
Rasheed et al. [25] | 2021 | Coal-fired (Pakistan) | 741 (mean) |
Šerešová et al. [26] | 2020 | Coal-fired (Czech Republic) | 1004 (mean) |
Gas-fired (Czech Republic) | 440 (mean) | ||
Malode et al. [27] | 2020 | Coal-fired (India) | 898–1129 |
Plant Type | Weighted Mean of the Minimum Values | Weighted Mean of the Mean Values | Weighted Mean of the Maximum Values |
Coal-fired Coal-fired with CCS Gas-fired Gas-fired with CCS | 753.9 379.0 49.0 | 899.8 316.0 | 1215.4 678.3 220.0 |
Published Works | Year of the Study | Plant Type | gCO2eq/kWh |
UNECE [29] | 2022 | Reservoir Reservoir (Europe) | 6–147 10.7 (mean) |
Motuziene et al. [30] | 2022 | Reservoir Run-of-river Run-of-river (Thailand) Run-of-river (Myanmar) | 152–237 2.06–13 52.7 (mean) 31.17–39.23 |
Ding et al. [31] | 2019 | Not specified (China) | 15.68 (mean) |
Asdrubali et al. [20] | 2015 | Reservoir and run-of-river | 2.2–74.8 11.6 (mean) |
Hertwich [32] | 2013 | Reservoir | 85 (mean) |
Veran-Leigh and Vazquez-Rowe D. [33] | 2019 | Run-of-river (Peruvian Andes) | 2.06–2.42 |
Briones Hidrovo et al. [34] | 2017 | Reservoir (Ecuador) Run-of-river (Ecuador) | 547 (mean) 2.6 (mean) |
Mahmud et al. [35] | 2019 | Reservoir (Europe) | 0.107–1.41 |
Wang et al. [36] | 2019 | Reservoir (China) | 3.1–3.7 |
Li et al. [37] | 2017 | Reservoir (China) | 6.51–10.48 |
NREL [16] | 2021 | Reservoir Run-of-river | 13 (mean) 23 (mean) |
Paulillo et al. [38] | 2019 | Not specified | 24 (mean) |
Akber et al. [24] | 2017 | Reservoir (Pakistan) Run-of-river (Pakistan) | 12.83 (mean) 8.78 (mean) |
Šerešová et al. [26] | 2020 | Not specified (Czech Republic) | 22 (mean) |
Plant Type | Weighted Mean of the Minimum Values | Weighted Mean of the Mean Values | Weighted Mean of the Maximum Values |
Reservoir | 31.1 | 126.2 ° (26.0) | 74.4 |
Run-of-river | 12.3 | 23.2 | 19.2 |
Not specified | 2.2 | 18.8 | 74.8 |
Published Works | Year of the Study | Plant Type | gCO2eq/kWh |
UNECE [29] | 2022 | Onshore (Europe) Offshore (Europe) | 12.4 (mean) 14.2 (mean) |
Wang L. et al. [36] | 2019 | Onshore (China) | 25.4–31.8 |
Alsaleh and Sattler [39] | 2019 | Onshore (USA) | 18 (mean) |
Xu et al. [40] | 2022 | Onshore (China) | 19.88 (mean) 13.59–34.50 |
Teffera et al. [41] | 2013 | Onshore (Ethiopia) | 33.6 (mean) |
Bonou et al. [42] | 2019 | Onshore (Europe) Offshore (Europe) | 7 (mean) 11 (mean) |
Kadiyala et al. [43] | 2017 | Onshore Offshore | 11.75–46.4 12.9 (mean) |
Asdrubali et al. [20] | 2015 | Onshore and offshore | 9.4 (mean) 6.2–46 |
Li et al. [44] | 2021 | Onshore | 16.4–28.2 |
Li et al. [22] | 2020 | Onshore | 31.36 (mean) |
Khoie et al. [45] | 2021 | Onshore | 14.45 (mean) |
Vélez-Henao et al. [46] | 2021 | Onshore | 12.93 (mean) |
Xie et al. [47] | 2020 | Onshore | 3.9 (mean) |
Nugent and Sovacool [48] | 2014 | Onshore | 34.11 (mean) |
NREL [16] | 2021 | Onshore Offshore | 12 (mean) 19 (mean) |
Basosi et al. [49] | 2020 | Onshore (Italy) | 13.4 (mean) |
Paulillo et al. [38] | 2019 | Onshore | 11 (mean) |
Šerešová et al. [26] | 2020 | Onshore (Czech Republic) | 19 (mean) |
Akber et al. [24] | 2017 | Onshore (Pakistan) | 11.38 (mean) |
Brussa et al. [50] | 2023 | Offshore (Italy) | 31.3 (mean) |
Garcia-Teruel et al. [51] | 2022 | Offshore (Scotland) | 25.6–45.2 |
Plant Type | Weighted Mean of the Minimum Values | Weighted Mean of the Mean Values | Weighted Mean of the Maximum Values |
Onshore | 16.6 | 16.4 | 34.9 |
Offshore | 25.6 + | 18.1 | 45.2 + |
Onshore and offshore | 6.2 ° | 9.4 ° | 46 ° |
Published Works | Year of the Study | Technology Type | gCO2eq/kWh |
UNECE [29] | 2022 | Multi-Si (ground-mounted) Multi-Si (roof-mounted) CdTe (ground-mounted) CdTe (roof-mounted) CIGS (ground-mounted) CIGS (roof-mounted) | 23–82 37 (mean) 23–83 37 (mean) 8–28 12 (mean) 10–35 15 (mean) 7.4–27 11 (mean) 9.2–34 14 (mean) |
IEA PVPS TCP [53] | 2022 | Mono-Si Multi-Si CIGS CdTe | 42.9 (mean) 44.0 (mean) 35.4 (mean) 25.5 (mean) |
NREL [16] | 2021 | All technologies a-Si CdTe CIGS Mono-Si Multi-Si | 11–226 43 (mean) 37 (mean) 25 (mean) 41 (mean) 64 (mean) 56 (mean) |
Asdrubali et al. [20] | 2015 | Not specified | 29.2 (mean) |
Li et al. [44] | 2021 | Not specified | 16–40 |
Paulillo et al. [38] | 2019 | Not specified | 48 (mean) |
Šerešová et al. [26] | 2020 | Mono-Si (Czech Republic) Multi-Si (Czech Republic) CdTe (Czech Republic) | 11 (mean) |
Ali et al. [54] | 2022 | Mono-Si (USA) and Multi-Si (USA) | 25.2–88.5 45.6 (mean) |
Ludin et al. [55] | 2018 | Mono-Si Multi-Si a-Si CdTe CIS DSSC Perovskite QDSSC | 5.6–87.3 6.04–81 8.1–57 8.9–66 33–95 9.8–25 56.65–497.2 2.89–5 |
Bergesen et al. [56] | 2014 | CdTe (ground-mounted) (USA) CIGS (ground-mounted) (USA) | 20 (mean) 22 (mean) |
Stylos and Koroneos [57] | 2014 | Multi-Si | 51.68–58.81 |
Hou et al. [58] | 2016 | Crystalline silicon Multi-Si (China) Mono-Si | 60.1 (large scale) 81 (distributed) 65.2 (large scale) 87.3 (distributed) |
Kim et al. [59] | 2014 | Mono-Si (Korea) Multi-Si (Korea) | 31.5 (mean) 41.8 (mean) |
Fu et al. [60] | 2015 | Multi-Si (China) | 50.9 (mean) |
Lunardi et al. [61] | 2018 | Si and tandem solar modules | 25–29 |
Collier et al. [62] | 2014 | Mono-Si Multi-Si a-Si CdTe CIGS Zn3P2 CZTS | 35 (mean) 29 (mean) 19 (mean) 18 (mean) 36 (mean) 30 (mean) 38 (mean) |
Celik et al. [63] | 2016 | Mono-Si Multi-Si a-Si CdTe CIS Perovskite | 23 (mean) 20 (mean) 12 (mean) 12 (mean) 17 (mean) 99–147 |
Zhang et al. [64] | 2015 | Mono-Si Multi-Si a-Si CdTe DSSC Perovskite | 29–45 23–44 18–50 14–35 19–120 60.1–5480 |
Plant Type | Weighted Mean of the Minimum Values | Weighted Mean of the Mean Values | Weighted Mean of the Maximum Values |
Mono-Si | 31.1 | 35.5 | 74.3 |
Multi-Si | 30.8 | 36.4 | 71.2 |
Mono and Multi-Si | 25.1 | 45.6 | 61.5 |
a-Si | 12.5 | 24.7 | 53.9 |
CdTe | 9.9 | 17.4 | 40.4 |
CIGS | 8.3 | 26.3 | 30.5 |
CIS | 33.0 ° | 17.0 ° | 95.0 ° |
Not specified | 16.0 | 39.6 | 40.0 |
Published Works | Year of the Study | Plant Type | gCO2eq/kWh |
Guillen-Lambea and Carvalho [65] | 2021 | Parabolic trough with storage | 26–60 |
Gasa et al. [66] | 2021 | Tower plant with storage Tower plant without storage | 9.8 (mean) 31 (mean) |
Ko et al. [67] | 2018 | Tower plant with 12 h storage | 24.3 (mean) |
Gasa et al. [68] | 2022 | Tower plant with 3 h storage Tower plant with 6 h storage Tower plant with 9 h storage Tower plant with 17.5 h storage | 14.21 (mean) 12.26 (mean) 10.99 (mean) 9.95 (mean) |
Li et al. [69] | 2019 | Tower plant with 15 h storage (China) | 35 (mean) |
Whitaker et al. [70] | 2013 | Tower plant with storage (USA) | 37 (mean) |
Asdrubali et al. [20] | 2015 | Parabolic trough and tower plants | 30.9 (mean) |
UNECE [29] | 2022 | Parabolic trough with storage Tower plant with storage | 42 (mean) 22 (mean) |
NREL [16] | 2021 | Parabolic trough with storage Tower plant with storage Parabolic dish | 26 (mean) 38 (mean) 15 (mean) |
Plant Type | Weighted Mean of the Minimum Values | Weighted Mean of the Mean Values | Weighted Mean of the Maximum Values |
Parabolic trough with storage | 26.0 ° | 33.2 | 60.0 ° |
Tower plant with storage | 20.5 | ||
Tower plant without storage | 31° |
Published Works | Year of the Study | Plant Type | gCO2eq/kWh |
Basosi et al. [49] | 2020 | Binary (Italy) | 477 (with AMIS® system) 301 (without AMIS® system) |
Asdrubali et al. [20] | 2015 | Not specified | 33.6 (mean) 16.9–142 |
Pratiwi et al. [72] | 2018 | EGS (France) | 6.97–9.15 |
Karlsdottir et al. [73] | 2020 | HT double flash | 15.9 (without CCS) 11.4 (with CCS) |
Paulillo et al. [38] | 2019 | HT single flash HT double flash | 18–24 15–23 |
Sigurjónsson et al. [74] | 2021 | EGS (Iceland) EGS (France) | 1.6–17.4 6.9–13.9 |
Lacirignola and Blanc [75] | 2013 | EGS | 16.9–49.8 |
Menberg et al. [76] | 2021 | Binary with ORC | 38.2 |
Heberle et al. [77] | 2016 | Binary with ORC | 13.2 |
NREL [16] | 2021 | EGS HT single flash Binary | 37 (mean) 32 (mean) 47 (mean) 11 (mean) |
Plant Type | Weighted Mean of the Minimum Values | Weighted Mean of the Mean Values | Weighted Mean of the Maximum Values |
EGS | 7.3 | 32.0 * | 20.6 |
Binary | 263.0 | ||
HT single flash | 18.0 | 47.0 * | 24.0 |
HT double flash | 15.0 | 13.7 ° | 23.0 |
Binary with ORC | 28.2 | ||
Not specified | 16.9 | 35.6 | 142.0 |
Published Works | Year of the Study | Plant Type | gCO2eq/kWh |
UNECE [29] | 2022 | PWR and BWR (LWR) Water-cooled SMR | 5.1–6.4 4.6–8.4 |
JRC [79] | 2021 | PWR EPR (open cycle) EPR (closed cycle) | 5.3 (mean) 5 (mean) 4.6 (mean) |
Pomponi and Hart [80] | 2021 | EPR (France) | 5 (mean) 8–64 16.97, 24.89 and 27.63 (mean values) |
Kadiyala et al. [81] | 2016 | FBR HWR PWR BWR | 6.26 (mean) 28.2 (mean) 11.87 (mean) 14.52 (mean) |
Poinssot et al. [82] | 2014 | PWR (France) | 5.29 (mean) |
Nian et al. [83] | 2014 | LWR (Singapore) | 25.03 (mean) |
Carless et al. [84] | 2016 | SMR PWR (AP1000) | 5.9–13.2 9.1 (mean) 5.5–12.1 8.4 (mean) |
Koltun et al. [85] | 2018 | IV generation GT-MHR | 9.57 (w/recycling) (mean) 9.87 (w/o recycling) (mean) |
Portugal Pereira et al. [86] | 2014 | PWR (Japan) | 16.95 (mean) |
Wang et al. [36] | 2019 | PWR (China) | 10.9–13.9 |
NREL [16] | 2021 | LWR PWR BWR HWR FBR | 13 (mean) 14 (mean) 21 (mean) 57 (mean) 0.87 (mean) |
Plant Type | Weighted Mean of the Minimum Values | Weighted Mean of the Mean Values | Weighted Mean of the Maximum Values |
LWR | 5.1 | 17.8 * | 6.4 |
PWR | 8.0 | 10.5 | 13.1 |
BWR | 18.4 | ||
FBR | 3.0 | ||
HWR | 45.5 | ||
SMR | 5.1 | 9.1 ** | 10.3 |
EPR (III gen) | 8.0 | 14.0 | 64.0 |
GT-MHR (IV gen) | 9.6 | 9.9 |
Weighted Mean of the Minimum Values | SD of the Weighted Mean of the Minimum Values | Weighted Mean of the Mean Values | SD of the Weighted Mean of the Mean Values | Weighted Mean of the Maximum Values | SD of the Weighted Mean of the Maximum Values | |
FOSSIL | ||||||
Coal-fired | 753.9 | 246.7 | 899.8 | 183.6 | 1215.4 | 619.1 |
Coal-fired with CCS | 316.0 | 136.8 | ||||
Gas-fired | 379.0 | 83.4 | 678.3 | 361.9 | ||
Gas-fired with CCS | 49.0 | 220.0 | ||||
Reservoir | 31.1 | 79.7 | 26.0 | 27.2 | 74.4 | 129.2 |
Run-of-river | 12.3 | 20.3 | 23.2 | 27.3 | 19.2 | 22.9 |
Not specified | 2.2 | 18.8 | 5.6 | 74.8 | ||
WIND | ||||||
Onshore | 16.6 | 5.7 | 16.4 | 8.6 | 34.9 | 6.8 |
Offshore | 25.6 | 18.1 | 10.7 | 45.2 | ||
Onshore and offshore | 6.2 | 9.4 | 46.0 | |||
Mono-Si | 31.1 | 23.5 | 35.5 | 24.1 | 74.3 | 26.1 |
Multi-Si | 30.8 | 17.0 | 36.4 | 18.7 | 71.2 | 25.8 |
Mono and multi-Si | 25.1 | 3.7 | 45.6 | 61.5 | 54.6 | |
a-Si | 12.5 | 4.5 | 24.7 | 18.7 | 53.9 | 12.0 |
CdTe | 9.9 | 1.4 | 17.4 | 7.8 | 40.4 | 16.8 |
CIGS | 8.3 | 1.5 | 26.3 | 14.9 | 30.5 | 5.9 |
CIS | 33.0 | 17.0 | 95.0 | |||
Not specified | 16.0 | 39.6 | 17.4 | 40.0 | ||
Parabolic trough with storage | 26.0 | 33.2 | 13.4 | 60.0 | ||
Tower plant with storage | 20.5 | 11.4 | ||||
Tower plant without storage | 31.0 | |||||
EGS | 7.3 | 4.8 | 32.0 | 20.6 | 13.1 | |
Binary | 263.0 | 282.4 | ||||
HT single flash | 18.0 | 47.0 | 24.0 | |||
HT double flash | 15.0 | 13.7 | 3.8 | 23.0 | ||
Binary with ORC | 28.2 | 24.9 | ||||
Not specified | 16.9 | 35.6 | 12.4 | 142.0 | ||
NUCLEAR | ||||||
LWR | 5.1 | 17.8 | 3.1 | 6.4 | ||
PWR | 8.0 | 4.6 | 10.5 | 4.5 | 13.1 | 3.0 |
BWR | 18.4 | 9.6 | ||||
FBR | 3.0 | 2.8 | ||||
HWR | 45.5 | 32.4 | ||||
SMR | 5.1 | 0.6 | 9.1 | 10.3 | 0.3 | |
EPR (III generation) | 8.0 | 14.0 | 12.7 | 64.0 | ||
GT-MHR (IV generation) | 9.6 | 9.9 |
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Guidi, G.; Violante, A.C.; De Iuliis, S. Environmental Impact of Electricity Generation Technologies: A Comparison between Conventional, Nuclear, and Renewable Technologies. Energies 2023, 16, 7847. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16237847
Guidi G, Violante AC, De Iuliis S. Environmental Impact of Electricity Generation Technologies: A Comparison between Conventional, Nuclear, and Renewable Technologies. Energies. 2023; 16(23):7847. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16237847
Chicago/Turabian StyleGuidi, Giambattista, Anna Carmela Violante, and Simona De Iuliis. 2023. "Environmental Impact of Electricity Generation Technologies: A Comparison between Conventional, Nuclear, and Renewable Technologies" Energies 16, no. 23: 7847. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16237847
APA StyleGuidi, G., Violante, A. C., & De Iuliis, S. (2023). Environmental Impact of Electricity Generation Technologies: A Comparison between Conventional, Nuclear, and Renewable Technologies. Energies, 16(23), 7847. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16237847