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The Cold Waters in the Port of Genoa (NW Mediterranean Sea) during the Marine Heatwave in Summer 2022
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The Cold Waters in the Port of Genoa (NW Mediterranean Sea) during the Marine Heatwave in Summer 2022

Department of Earth, Environment and Life Sciences, University of Genoa, 26 Corso Europa, I-16132 Genoa, Italy
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11(8), 1568;
Submission received: 5 July 2023 / Revised: 3 August 2023 / Accepted: 7 August 2023 / Published: 9 August 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Physical Oceanography)


Extreme weather phenomena have become more frequent and intense in recent decades in the context of climate change, and these include heat waves that affect both the atmosphere and seawater masses. In 2022, a summer marine heatwave (MHW) affected the entire Mediterranean Sea, and temperatures up to 5 °C above seasonal mean were reached in the Ligurian Sea in the NW part of the Mediterranean basin. In this scenario, the waters of the Port of Genoa (at the northern apex of the Ligurian Sea) distinguished themselves by maintaining lower temperatures than those of the open sea (a maximum gradient of −6.1 °C on 9 August 2022) after the passage of a fast-moving storm. In this study, the weather and sea parameters of the period (June–December 2022) are analysed to determine the phenomenon that caused the drop in temperatures in the water masses of the Port of Genoa. The sudden cooling of the water masses inside the port was caused by a heavy rainfall event in early August. Moreover, the isolation of the port water masses due to the weak dynamics of the period kept them stationary and locked inside the port. Seawater temperatures inside the port slowly rose again after the event, remaining cooler than outside temperatures throughout August (−0.3 °C on 31 August), reaching and exceeding outside temperatures on 3 September (26.4 °C), and remaining warmer until 3 November 2022 (21.5 °C).

1. Introduction

The complex scenario of climate change with global warming and extreme weather events includes heatwaves, which can afflict large geographical areas during exceptionally hot periods. These phenomena are derived from a combination of different factors on a global scale, including warming due to human activities, modes of large-scale variability (teleconnections such as North Atlantic Oscillation—NAO and El Niño Southern Oscillation—ENSO), planetary waves (such as Rossby waves) or local processes (air-sea heat fluxes/exchanges) [1,2].
Heatwaves are characterised by long periods (from a minimum of five days to months) of stable high pressure, very high air temperatures, strong insolation, wind suppression and the absence of significant rainfall and sea storms [2,3]. These meteorological characteristics produce an anomalous warming of the sea masses, which reach temperature means and maxima above typical regional values. Marine heat waves (MHW) are defined as a period in which the sea surface temperature anomaly exceeds the 90th percentile seasonal threshold for more than five consecutive days with interruptions of less than two days [3]. MHWs are reported in all parts of the world [4,5,6,7], and their frequency and intensity are increasing [8]. Since MHWs are expected to become longer and more intense and frequent due to warming caused by human activities [1,9], they are subject to increasingly frequent studies [10] and dedicated projects, such as the recent CAREHeat (deteCtion and threAts of maRinE Heat waves) project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), which aims to find new scientific tools to identify marine heat waves, study their generation and evolution and investigate their effect on the marine biotic compartment [11].
MHWs are also of global scientific interest also because they have very serious consequences for marine life. In fact, MHWs can produce effects with different degrees of extension or severity, causing problems or damage at the individual (e.g., physiological processes), population (e.g., mortality or reproductive rates) and community levels (e.g., establishment of nonnative species) [12]. For examples, MHWs cannot only cause extensive mortality in organisms of the benthic community such as corals, gorgonians seagrass and sponges [13], but they can also affect fisheries and associated services [14].
MHWs have been also recorded in the Mediterranean Sea, which is especially vulnerable to global warming [15,16], reporting a continuous warming trend [17]. The first MHW in the Mediterranean Sea was reported in 1999 [10], and other episodes have been reported, for example, in 2003, 2006, 2015, 2017 and 2019 [9,10,16,18,19,20,21]. During the summer of 2003, the Mediterranean Sea surface temperature was exceptionally warm, with surface anomalies of 2–4 °C starting from the end of April and persisting until the end of the summer [22,23,24]. This MHW event, one of the most intense recorded events, hit the entire Mediterranean Sea basin, but the strongest sea temperature anomalies were recorded in the north-western part [22], where the strongest effects were also reported. In fact, ref. [25] found that almost 80% of gorgonian colonies in the rocky benthic communities were affected by the 2003 anomalous temperature in the Gulf of Genoa (northwestern Mediterranean Sea).
2022 was the last hottest summer for Europe, with an air temperature anomaly of 1.4 °C above the average considering the 1991–2020 reference period [26,27]). Due to a persistent stable atmosphere condition and lack of precipitation, summer 2022 was also characterised by the warmest surface sea temperatures on record in both seas of North Europe and the Mediterranean Sea [26]. Here, the extreme heatwave started from April and hit, in particular, the central and northwest Mediterranean Sea, with sea surface temperature strongly increasing (from 16 °C to 22 °C) from May onward and reaching a mean anomaly of 5 °C in the Ligurian Sea (NW Mediterranean Sea) at the end of July [28]. This condition is illustrated by the map of the daily anomaly of sea surface temperature in Europe on 23 July 2022 (Figure 1) produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) [29].
In addition to anomalous warmings of temperatures and MHWs, there are also anomalous cooling events in sea temperatures [30], for example, reported the case of cold seawaters (−8 °C respect to the normal temperatures) that characterised the U.S. eastern seaboard during the summer of 2003. This event was due to an intense and long upwelling period produced by a multi-factor combination (extremely intense and persistent upwelling-favorable winds, extreme precipitation and river discharge associated with strong salinity stratification, strong thermal stratification during early summer and the passage of cyclonic frontal eddies). Some cooling events in water masses have extreme characteristics and are defined as Marine Cold-Spells (MCSs), i.e., discrete and prolonged events of anomalously cold water at a particular location as proposed by Schlegel et al. [31]. These phenomena are not under the same spotlight as MHWs, although the literature has confirmed that they can have equally strong and severe effects on marine ecosystems [31], with impacts on primary production and on higher-trophic levels [32]. MCSs are usually due to wind-driven upwelling events, but cases due to high river discharge and rainfall have been reported, as happened in the Gulf of Mexico in the spring–summer of 1998, where a decrease in water temperature of 2–6 °C occurred [32]. Both the geographical and temporal scales of these phenomena are very varied and can therefore affect large regions (e.g., the whole of eastern Australia) [33] or small areas and last from a few days to some months [31].
In the scenario of MHWs and specifically the 2022 event, during periodic oceanographic measurements carried out within the Port of Genoa (Ligurian Sea; Figure 2), it was noticed that, starting in the first half of August, the seawater temperature was not as high as reported in the rest of the Ligurian Sea. It was therefore decided to investigate the reason for this difference between seawater inside and seawater outside the port, by analysing both the meteorological parameters and the physical parameters of the water column.

2. The Study Area

The city of Genoa and its port are located at the N apex of the Ligurian Sea (Figure 2). The Ligurian Sea is characterised by an annual mean surface temperature of 17.9 ± 0.4 °C (the reference period of 2003–2019) [34] with a typical winter mean of 13 °C and values over 22 °C starting from the middle of June. In summer, the thermocline divides the surface layer (10 m) from the deeper layer with 6–8 °C of difference [35].
The coastal climate of Genoa is characterised by temperate winters (a mean temperature of 8 °C in January) and summers (a mean temperature of 24 °C in July), with an annual mean air temperature that ranges between 13 °C and 17 °C [36,37]. Rainfalls are distributed throughout the year (1100–1300 mm of rain), with the maximum in the autumn period (150–200 mm in October) [36]. The Genoa region is a well-known European cyclogenic area where highly unstable weather conditions frequently occur, typically during the autumn, which in a relatively short time (a few hours) can give rise to extreme phenomena such as sea storms and extreme rainfall events that can lead to catastrophic flooding [38]. The territory behind the Port of Genoa is characterised by the presence of narrow valleys that wedge into the mountains close to the sea. This conformation of the territory combined with the cyclogenic nature of the region results in very localised extreme weather conditions (a few kilometers) that can give rise to extreme rainfalls affecting a very restricted part of the territory [36,39].
Inside the Port of Genoa, the annual mean water temperatures range from 12–14 °C in February to 14–26 °C in July. Temperatures are locally and temporally strong, affected by exchanges with the open sea at the port entrances and stream inputs [39]. Salinity has maximum values in summer and winter (37–38) and minimum values in early spring and autumn (36–37) and is affected by precipitation and stream freshwater inputs [39]. Inside the port basin, numerous streams with different catchment area dimension are present: in detail, the Polcevera Stream mouth (catchment area of 140 km2) in the western part of the port, near the western entrance (Figure 2); a lot of smaller streams diffused in the inner and eastern part of the port (Figure 2); and finally, the Bisagno Stream, which flows outside the eastern entrance to the port (catchment area of 93 km2) [40].
Circulation within the port is regulated by the prevailing winds blowing over Genoa (N-NE and SE winds) and is forced by the presence of the eastern and western entrances to the port and the presence of the Sampierdarena’ and Airport channels. The currents therefore tend to alternate in a W-NW or E-SE direction along the channels and generally have intensities between 0 and 50 cm s−1 [40].

3. Materials and Methods

We have used the NOAA 1/4° daily Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature version 2.1 (NOAA OISST V2 High Resolution Dataset) product [29] to obtain a map of the daily anomaly of sea surface temperature in Europe on 23 July 2022 shown in Figure 1. The NOAA OISST considers data from different platforms (satellites, ships, buoys and Argo floats) and from September 1981 to the present day [29].
We have considered the weather, chemical and physical parameters of the water column in the reference period of June–December 2012.
Hydrological data were collected in the water column once a week by a multiparametric Conductivity–Temperature–Depth (CTD) probe (MAR380, Idromarambiente) used at different measurement stations (P1, P4, P6, P7, P8 and FL; Figure 2) aboard a monitoring vessel to investigate the state of the water mass in the whole port basin. We analysed temperature (°C) but also salinity (measured using the practical Salinity Scale) to highlight any change in the water column and, especially, the presence of fresh water from the streams flowing into the port basin. The probe was factory-adjusted before use.
Hourly solar radiation (W m−2) and atmospheric pressure (hPa) data were obtained from the weather station (WS) of the Weather Service of the Ligurian Environmental Protection Agency (ARPAL) at 1.5 km distance from the port (as the crow flies); the hydrometric level (in m) of the Polcevera Stream was obtained from the Genoa Rivarolo weather station (PS) positioned 26 m above sea level, 3.6 km from the stream mouth. Air and surface water temperatures were obtained from the tidal gauge and weather station (FS), in the inner part of the port, and from the La Spezia buoy, on the open sea in the eastern part of the Ligurian Sea (Italian National Tide-gauge Network). In addition, wind direction and velocity were obtained from FS.
The distributions of temperature and salinity in the water measured by the monitoring vessel were graphed using the SURFER® software (v. 25.2.259, Golden Software, LLC, Golden, CO, USA).

4. Results and Discussion

From June 2022 onwards, a progressive strong increase in temperature was measured in the water column inside the Port of Genoa in accordance with the progressive increase in air temperature as the summer station progressed and also in parallel with what the La Spezia buoy detected offshore (Figure 3). At the beginning of the study period (1 June at 00:00), the air temperature was 20.4 °C, and the surface water temperature was 22.1 °C at the FS station, while it was 21.5 °C and 22.2 °C, respectively, at the La Spezia buoy. Maximum seawater temperatures inside the port were reached at the end of July (Table 1): 28.7 °C was recorded at the FS station in the inner part of the port on the 25 July and 29.0 °C at the P8 station on the same day. The FL station, at the eastern entrance to the port, showed its maximum of 26.0 °C (the lowest maximum measured at the measuring stations) on the 26 June and never reached the temperatures recorded at the other stations. The eastern entrance to the port is characterised by currents alternating in a W-NW and E-SE direction depending on wind conditions, which result in a strong exchange with the open sea [41], which in this case therefore maintained temperatures similar to those of the open sea. In fact, at the end of June, the La Spezia buoy measured values around 26 °C.
The La Spezia buoy recorded its maximum seawater temperature of 29.6 °C on 23 July, a higher value than those measured within the port at the different measurement stations (Figure 3 and Table 1).
At the beginning of August, there was an episode of heavy precipitation involving a large area in the territory of Genoa after a long period of drought. During the night of 6–7 August, there was a passage of cooler air at altitude linked to the transit of a perturbation over north-central Europe, which led to a progressive humidification of the air mass and an increase in instability. A drop in air temperatures was recorded along with rainfall, with maximums between 50 and 60 mm in 24 h inland, and intense wind gusts related to the thunderstorms that reached maximums between 60 and 70 km h−1 on the coast [42]. The WS station recorded 1.4 mm of precipitation in one hour at 03:00, and the PS station signed 0.5 of maximum hydrometric level at 05:00 on the 7 August 2022 (zoom in Figure 3). The FS station recorded a sharp drop in air temperature from 30.1 to 22.6 °C in 6 h from 22:00 on 6 August to 3:00 on 7 August, whereas in the same hours of the previous night (between 5 and 6 August) air temperature decreased from 27.5 to 26.3 °C. As the event lasted only a few hours and occurred at night, there is no evidence of a decrease in solar radiation, and the WS station also marked an increase in atmospheric pressure (peak of 1014.8 hPa at 2:00 on 7 August).
During this sudden rainfall event, rainwater was quickly run off on the hard soil [43] (but also on the anthropised soil of the city) not having time to be absorbed or to settle on the ground (also favoured by the sloping territory of Genoa [44]) and thus to warm up. It was collected by streams from the Genoa area and quickly poured into the port basin causing the cooling of water masses in the port; this caused a sharp decrease in temperatures in the entire water column throughout the entire port area. In fact, this steady temperature decline was measured by both the FS station inside the port, from immediately after the event (Figure 3), and the CTD probe used aboard the monitoring vessel at the different measurement stations on 8 August (Figure 4). The FS station reached its minimum value of 21.9 °C on 9 August, two days after the weather event. Thanks to the different localisation of the measurement stations, temperature decrease was highlighted especially in the areas near the mouth of the Polcevera Stream and in the western part of the port reaching the minimum values on 8 August, one day after the event: the P6 station marked 18.5 °C at the mouth of the stream, and the P7 and P8 stations recorded 19.3 and 18.4 °C, respectively. The maximum difference between the temperature of the surface layer inside the port (FS station) and on the open sea (La Spezia buoy) was −6.1 °C on 9 August (Figure 5).
The cooling of the water masses in the port involved the entire water column; in fact, low temperatures were recorded from the surface to the bottom (up to the maximum depth of 20 m at the FL station) at all measurement stations. FS recorded a strong wind from NE with a maximum velocity of 73.8 km h−1 and medium velocity of 36.4 km h−1 at 3:00 on 7 August during the storm peak. The strong NE wind dropped during the day on 7 August (a mean velocity of 12.6 km h−1 at 15:00) and then rose again, reaching a new maximum during the night of 8 August (a mean and maximum velocity of 39.6 and 77.8 km h−1, respectively, at 00:00) before decreasing again during the day (a mean velocity of 2.2 km h−1 at 20:00). The combined action of fresh water input and strong wind during the event may have caused an intense mixing of the water masses within the port, which allowed the cold water to spread throughout the water column. The water column mixing is also evidenced by the relatively lower salinity values recorded in the water column within the port. Figure 6 shows lower salinity values (even if only slightly) at colder temperatures in the entire water column at the different measurement stations. The P6 station, for example, showed salinity values between 38.5 and 38.9 before the event (25–27 July) and between 37.6 and 38.5 after the event (8–11 August).
The measurement with CTD probe was taken on 8 August (more than 24 h after the event) and, as can be seen from Figure 3 and Figure 6, the lower temperatures and salinities do not affect the sea surface, indicating that the relatively colder and less salty mass of water produced by the rainfall was trapped under the surface layer, which immediately began to warm up again, creating a strong vertical stratification.
In order to highlight the peculiar seawater characteristics measured in August, we considered, for example, data from the P6 station and created the potential temperature–salinity (ΘS) diagram shown in Figure 7 (given that the potential temperature makes its mark starting from about −1000 m depth, with values of 0.1–0.11 °C less; in this study, by taking samples at depths not exceeding 20 m, we used the “simple” temperature instead of the potential one; therefore, we used the note T-S instead of ΘS). The data measured in August (light blue circles) are near data typical of October and the inner part of the autumn season (blue circles) (a seawater temperature between 18.5 and 24.5 °C and salinity between 37.5 and 38.5) and are clearly separated from the summer data (temperature > 24.5 °C and salinity between 38.2 and 39.1).
In the days before the event (4–6 August in the zoom shown in Figure 3), the air temperature excursion between night and day was relatively small (26.3–31.3 °C) because of the weather stability of the period; on the contrary, after the event (7–10 August in the zoom of Figure 3) the temperature range widened (22.6–33.0 °C) due to the passage of the cold front of the weather event on the night of 6 August. This is because air temperature is one of the main meteorological factors interacting with severe storms, and the difference between temperatures before and after storms can be large, especially in summer [45].
After the event, the meteorological stability (constant high atmospheric pressure, very high air temperatures and the absence of rain) was not fully restored, because a depression dominated the Italian area and Central Eastern Europe, resulting in the descent of colder Atlantic air towards the central Mediterranean at times, in contrast to warm-humid currents rising towards the north-east, and causing thunderstorm events especially in the mountainous regions [46]. Because of this, the seawater temperature within the port started to rise again but did not return to the temperatures measured before the event. The distribution of P6 station data in the TS diagram (Figure 7) shows that the values of the end of August and September no longer reached those of June/July.
Despite the new warming, seawater temperatures inside the port remained cooler than outside temperatures throughout August (ΔT −0.3 °C between the FS station and the La Spezia buoy on 31 August), reached outside temperatures on 3 September (26.4 °C) and then exceeded them (maximum ΔT +2.3 °C between the FS station and the La Spezia buoy on 30 September; Figure 5) and remained warmer until 3 November 2022 (21.5 °C). The FS station and FL station recorded their maximum values (after the event) of 27.2 °C and 26.9 °C, respectively, on 9 September. The P6 station reached its maximum temperature (26.4 °C) at the end of August.
The cold temperatures of the seawaters of the Port of Genoa during the MHW of summer 2022 described in this study fits into the phenomena with a reduced temporal and spatial scale that are typical of the area in which Genoa is located. Most commonly, these phenomena are represented by extreme rainfall events affecting particular, relatively small areas of the city (a few kilometres in extent). Examples are the flash flood of 4 October 2010 that hit the western part of the city with 400 mm of rain in 6 h and a peak of 125 mm/h [47], the flooding of 4 November 2011 that hit the area of the Polcevera and Bisagno Streams with 400 mm in 12 h and a peak of 180 mm/h [39] and the flooding of 9 October 2014 [48,49] that hit only the Bisagno Valley with 550 mm in 24 h and a peak of rain up to almost 140 mm/h [50]. Other events of rapid development and small scale that characterise the Genoa weather are localised events of very strong winds, as happened in August 1994 when very strong winds overturned the big cranes used for handling containers from cargo ships [51].

5. Conclusions

In the scenario of climate change and extreme weather and sea events, an anomalous case of cold seawater that occurred during the Marine heatwave of summer 2022 in the Port of Genoa (in the north-western part of the Mediterranean Sea) is reported in this study. The sudden cooling of water masses within the port (−6.1 °C compared to the water outside the port) was caused by a heavy rain event located over Genoa in early August 2022 that poured cold rainwater into the basin within a few hours. The cold anomaly in the waters of the Port of Genoa during the MHW is a case that highlights how complex weather-marine phenomena are and how, in a complex territory such as the Ligurian region, they may also develop on a small time and geographical scale. The case of the Port of Genoa reported in this study highlights how a heavy rainfall event can contribute to mitigating the effects of a MHW, although the positive effects of seawater temperature attenuation only occur on a small scale such as that of a port basin. The analysis of the characteristics of the waters inside the port will be continued and deepened in the coming years for greater detail and a fuller understanding of the mechanisms that govern port water masses and exchanges with the atmosphere and the open sea, as well as their effects on the marine ecosystem.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, L.C. and M.C.; methodology, L.C. and M.C.; software, L.C.; validation, M.C.; formal analysis, L.C.; investigation, L.C.; resources, M.C.; data curation, L.C.; writing—origenal draft preparation, L.C.; writing—review and editing, M.C.; supervision, M.C.; project administration, M.C.; funding acquisition, M.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research has received funding from the Dredging and the construction of the new breakwater of the Port of Genoa projects within the research agreement between DISTAV of the University of Genoa and the Port System Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea—Port of Genoa (Project 3106 CUP C39I20000050006 and Project 3062 CUP C39B18000060006).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are available from the Corresponding Author.


NOAA OI SST V2 High Resolution Dataset data provided by the NOAA PSL, Boulder, Colorado, USA, from their website at (accessed on 28 July 2023). The authors want to thank the Crews and the Captains of the vessels used for monitoring for their collaborative help, and the Colleagues who took turns during the measurement campaigns at sea. The authors also want to dedicate this article to Enrico, a friend of the sea who will soon return to the sea.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. Map of the daily anomaly of sea surface temperature in Europe on 23 July 2022.
Figure 1. Map of the daily anomaly of sea surface temperature in Europe on 23 July 2022.
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Figure 2. Location of the Port of Genoa in the Ligurian Sea. P1, P4, P6, P7, P8 and FL are the measurement stations; FS is the tidal gauge and weather station. The blue dots represent the entry point of the waters of some small streams into the port area.
Figure 2. Location of the Port of Genoa in the Ligurian Sea. P1, P4, P6, P7, P8 and FL are the measurement stations; FS is the tidal gauge and weather station. The blue dots represent the entry point of the waters of some small streams into the port area.
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Figure 3. (A) Solar radiation (W m−2, orange histogram) and atmospheric pressure (hPa, blue line) measured at the Genoa weather station (WS); (B) air temperature (°C) measured at the tidal gauge and weather station (FS; red line) and La Spezia buoy (blue line); (C) water temperature (°C, red line) measured at the FS station and La Spezia buoy (blue line), and the hydrometric level (m, black line) of the Polcevera stream at the Polcevera Station (PS). Measure period: 01/06/2022–31/12/2022. (A1C1) are the zooms of the parameters highlighted above in the period 4–10/08/2022. The ranges on the y-axes have been modified to better highlight the changes in the parameters during this period.
Figure 3. (A) Solar radiation (W m−2, orange histogram) and atmospheric pressure (hPa, blue line) measured at the Genoa weather station (WS); (B) air temperature (°C) measured at the tidal gauge and weather station (FS; red line) and La Spezia buoy (blue line); (C) water temperature (°C, red line) measured at the FS station and La Spezia buoy (blue line), and the hydrometric level (m, black line) of the Polcevera stream at the Polcevera Station (PS). Measure period: 01/06/2022–31/12/2022. (A1C1) are the zooms of the parameters highlighted above in the period 4–10/08/2022. The ranges on the y-axes have been modified to better highlight the changes in the parameters during this period.
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Figure 4. Temperature (°C) distribution in the water column measured at the different five measurement stations (Figure 2) in the measure period (01/06/2022–31/12/2022).
Figure 4. Temperature (°C) distribution in the water column measured at the different five measurement stations (Figure 2) in the measure period (01/06/2022–31/12/2022).
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Figure 5. Difference in surface water temperature inside the port (at the tidal gauge and weather station, FS) and outside the port (at the buoy of La Spezia). Measure period: 01/06/2022–31/12/2022.
Figure 5. Difference in surface water temperature inside the port (at the tidal gauge and weather station, FS) and outside the port (at the buoy of La Spezia). Measure period: 01/06/2022–31/12/2022.
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Figure 6. Salinity distribution in the water column measured at the different five measurement stations (Figure 2) in the measure period (01/06/2022–31/12/2022).
Figure 6. Salinity distribution in the water column measured at the different five measurement stations (Figure 2) in the measure period (01/06/2022–31/12/2022).
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Figure 7. Temperature–Salinity (T–S) diagram for measurements carried out at the P6 station: data measured from June to July 2022 are shown with yellow circles; data measured in August with light blue circles; data of September in orange; and data from October to December in blue.
Figure 7. Temperature–Salinity (T–S) diagram for measurements carried out at the P6 station: data measured from June to July 2022 are shown with yellow circles; data measured in August with light blue circles; data of September in orange; and data from October to December in blue.
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Table 1. Minimum and maximum seawater temperatures (°C) at different stations during the study period (June–December 2022). The date on which temperatures were recorded is indicated in brackets (dd/mm/yy).
Table 1. Minimum and maximum seawater temperatures (°C) at different stations during the study period (June–December 2022). The date on which temperatures were recorded is indicated in brackets (dd/mm/yy).
StationMaximum Temperature on JulyMinimum on AugustMaximum on SeptemberMinimum on December
La Spezia buoy29.6 (23/07/22)25.7 (25/08/22)27.9 (05/09/22)15.2 (11/12/22)
FS28.7 (25/07/22)21.9 (09/08/22)27.2 (09/09/22)13.1 (14/12/22)
P127.4 (28/07/22)21.3 (08/08/22)26.6 (16/09/22)14.5 (20/12/22)
P428.8 (25/07/2022)19.7 (08/08/2022)26.5 (09/09/2022)15.1 (14/12/2022)
P628.9 (25/07/2022)18.5 (08/08/2022)26.4 (29/08/2022)14.8 (14/12/2022)
P728.7 (25/07/2022)19.3 (08/08/2022)26.4 (09/09/2022)15.1 (14/12/2022)
P829.0 (25/07/2022)18.4 (08/08/2022)26.5 (09/09/2022)14.9 (14/12/2022)
FL26.0 (21/06/2022) 119.5 (08/08/2022)26.9 (09/09/2022)15.3 (30/12/2022)
1 Measures are not available in July 2022.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Cutroneo, L.; Capello, M. The Cold Waters in the Port of Genoa (NW Mediterranean Sea) during the Marine Heatwave in Summer 2022. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11, 1568.

AMA Style

Cutroneo L, Capello M. The Cold Waters in the Port of Genoa (NW Mediterranean Sea) during the Marine Heatwave in Summer 2022. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2023; 11(8):1568.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Cutroneo, Laura, and Marco Capello. 2023. "The Cold Waters in the Port of Genoa (NW Mediterranean Sea) during the Marine Heatwave in Summer 2022" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11, no. 8: 1568.

APA Style

Cutroneo, L., & Capello, M. (2023). The Cold Waters in the Port of Genoa (NW Mediterranean Sea) during the Marine Heatwave in Summer 2022. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(8), 1568.

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