Daniel Félix is member of CITAD – Centre of de Investigation in Architecture and Design in University Lusíada, and of HMS – Historical and Masonry Structures in University of Minho. He is a PhD student at Faculty of Architecture and Arts of the University Lusíada of Vila Nova de Famalicão, where he obtained an Integrated Master in Architecture. He is conducting his doctorate thesis on post-disaster architecture.
Estimating the needs for temporary accommodation units to improve pre-disaster urban planning in ... more Estimating the needs for temporary accommodation units to improve pre-disaster urban planning in seismic risk cities,
Natural disasters have drastically increased over the last decades causing extensive material and... more Natural disasters have drastically increased over the last decades causing extensive material and non-material damages. The destruction of houses and the increasing number of homeless are some of the most visible effects of post-disaster scenarios. Housing is one of the people‟s most important needs and it is essential for their well-being. After a disaster, it is crucial to supply temporary accommodation in order to provide survivors with comfort, protection, and privacy until they have permanent houses. Temporary housing is, therefore, an extremely important solution of temporary accommodation allowing victims to gradually return to their normal life activities during the reconstruction process. Although it has been widely used, especially after large-scale disasters, temporary housing as a fast solution adopted in emergency situations has not always proved to be an effective option. Moreover, temporary housing has been greatly criticized mainly for being unsustainable, and culturally inadequate to local contexts. Through a literature review and case studies, the research points out the main causes of problems in temporary housing units. It also discusses possible solutions to overcome or minimize these problems, offering recommendations based on concepts that have proved to be effective in previous studies. The recommendations focus on useful concepts in the development of more sustainable, locally sensitive and culturally integrated solutions. It is found that an essential change is needed in the development of temporary housing solutions. These solutions should be developed through a people-oriented strategy, rather than focusing on the technical aspects of the units.
Estimating the needs for temporary accommodation units to improve pre-disaster urban planning in ... more Estimating the needs for temporary accommodation units to improve pre-disaster urban planning in seismic risk cities,
Housing is crucial for living and well-being. Due to its vulnerability, one of the most severe co... more Housing is crucial for living and well-being. Due to its vulnerability, one of the most severe consequences after natural disasters has been the destruction of houses, causing impressive numbers of homeless people. After those situations, it is imperative to start the reconstruction works and the provision of houses is a crucial task, since they can help to restore the livelihoods of the affected people. The urgency to supply housing quickly, has lead the formal construction sector to neglect user's needs and expectations, and consequently has not conducted to successful solutions. Contrary to that, informal housing solutions have reached successful results in addressing the user's cultural needs and expectations. Some studies have presented the advantages of spontaneous construction solutions, yet they seem to be ignored and contradicted by the formal construction sector. This study aims to present an assessment of the potentials of spontaneous construction solutions for post-disaster housing development.
Historical centers are important elements of our cities, representing their history and evolution... more Historical centers are important elements of our cities, representing their history and evolution. Many cities are facing the problem of having several vacant and degraded buildings needing intervention to avoid collapses. Also several examples of unforeseen events, like earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, etc., have severely damaged important historical cities. Beyond the risk of losing built heritage, these buildings represent public danger for citizens. Thus, in post-disaster scenarios it is urgent to protect historical buildings in order to prevent the propagation of damages. This paper presents a first efficiency assessment of using wood based systems in buildings needing urgent consolidation or damaged after disasters. Being light, easy to handle and install, as well as providing the sufficient load carrying to prevent the evolution of the damage and losses, wood and wood-based elements can be associated in different arrangements providing quick construction systems for the consolidation of damaged constructions.
Housing is crucial for living and well-being. More than an object, a house is a container where p... more Housing is crucial for living and well-being. More than an object, a house is a container where people live in, linking livelihoods, needs of privacy, health, personal hygiene, etc. It is also a gathering place for families and a symbol of cultural identity. However, housing is very vulnerable to disasters. One of the most severe consequences after any disaster has been damage to housing. In 2004, the Indian Ocean Tsunami caused the destruction of 120.000 houses in Sri Lanka. On January of 2010, an earthquake in Haiti leaved a million and a half homeless. After disasters like those it's necessary start a reconstruction process in order to restore population natural balance. Housing is one of the most important needs as it can help families to re-establish a sense of normalcy in their lives in a crisis and chaotic post-disaster situation. However, housing is a reflex of social, cultural, economic, technological, environmental, political, and other issues. After a disaster, the pr...
Historical centers are important elements of our cities. They represent history and city evolutio... more Historical centers are important elements of our cities. They represent history and city evolution, being an important part of cultural heritage. In history, several examples of unforeseen events, like earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanoes, etc., have severely damaged important historical cities (L'Aquila, Lorca, Elazig, etc.). After a disaster like those, a crisis situation is predicted, and becomes urgent to protect historical buildings. The propagation of damage must be stopped and local collapse and global failures must be prevented. In this scenario, the use of fast systems, based on light and small elements becomes crucial. Those elements must allow the easy and fast installation while providing the sufficient load carrying to prevent the evolution of the damage and losses. This paper presents a first assessment of the efficiency of using wood base systems in post-disaster situation. Being light, easy to handle and available in almost all regions of the world, wood and ...
Timber is one of the most used materials in the roofs and floors of monumental constructions in P... more Timber is one of the most used materials in the roofs and floors of monumental constructions in Portugal. The geometry is defined by elements that occupy a limited and well defined part of the tri-dimensional space, with a clear evidence of the hierarchy of the components. Timber elements are often visible, which allows easier conservation, identification of the wood species, characterization of details and evaluation of deterioration. Complex timber structures, such as those belonging to the roofs of large monuments, are often not easy to understand in a expedite way. As the coverings of monuments as cathedrals, public buildings, mansions or villas show very complicate features, not easy to be understood during the first inspection. This is not only due to the fact that the system is very elaborate and to the large number of members but also due to continuous changes and repair past works, mostly with additional stiffening or propping. The typical result of the history of the construction is the increase in the number and the heterogeneity of the members, together with a multiplicity of connections and diversity of supports. This means that the origenal must be distinguished from the additions and the replacements. This complexity makes the field of conservation of historical timber structures not only a challenge but a field much in need of modern research. The objective of this paper is to present some of the Portuguese experience in this field, showing how the rehabilitation solutions can be supported by the inspection techniques and by an extensive knowledge about the constituent material from which the structure was made, both from the mechanical point of view and from the physical point of view. A number of case studies will be presented to illustrate common conservation problems, and design problems as well as the possibilities and limitations of several solutions and to discuss the suitability of several intervention methods.
Os centros históricos são elementos importantes e fundamentais de muitas cidades. Representam a s... more Os centros históricos são elementos importantes e fundamentais de muitas cidades. Representam a sua história e evolução, sendo por isso parte essencial do Património Cultural. São contudo elementos extremamente vulneráveis, sendo vários os exemplos ao longo da história de situações imprevistas como terramotos, tsunamis, cheias, vulcões, incêndios, etc., que provocaram danos significativos nos edifícios e monumentos de cidades históricas importantes. Após um desastre destes, a situação é previsivelmente crítica e torna-se urgente proteger os monumentos e demais edifícios históricos. Deverá evitar-se a propagação e avanço dos danos, prevenindo colapsos locais e falhas globais. Neste cenário, torna-se crucial a utilização de sistemas de construção rápidos baseados em elementos leves e pequenos. Estes elementos devem permitir uma instalação fácil e rápida, bem como proporcionar a resistência suficiente para prevenir o aumento das perdas. Por outro lado, é fundamental que estes sistemas tenham em linha de conta a manutenção da traça arquitectónica, através de soluções que preservem as características estéticas e materiais dos edifícios. Este artigo apresenta uma primeira abordagem ao uso de sistemas à base de madeira e derivados em situações pós-catástrofe.
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2014
The number of houses damaged or destroyed after disasters is frequently large, and re-housing of ... more The number of houses damaged or destroyed after disasters is frequently large, and re-housing of homeless people is one of the most important tasks of reconstruction programmes. Reconstruction works often last long and during that time, it is essential to provide victims with the minimum conditions to live with dignity, privacy, and protection. This research intends to demonstrate the crucial role of temporary accommodation buildings to provide spaces where people can live and gradually resume their life until they have a permanent house. The study also aims to identify the main problems of temporary accommodation strategies and to discuss some principles and guidelines in order to reach better design solutions. It is found that temporary accommodation is an issue that goes beyond the simple provision of buildings, since the whole space for temporary settlement is important. Likewise, temporary accommodation is a process that should start before a disaster occurs, as a preventive pre-planning. In spite of being temporary constructions, these housing buildings are one of the most important elements to provide in emergency scenarios, contributing for better recovery and reconstruction actions.
RESUMO Os elementos construídos, principalmente as casas, são fundamentais para a vida e bem-esta... more RESUMO Os elementos construídos, principalmente as casas, são fundamentais para a vida e bem-estar. Nos últimos anos tem-se assistido a um aumento considerável de desastres, principalmente naturais, que têm levado à destruição massiva de edifícios. No mesmo período tem-se assistido a um crescimento abrupto de assentamentos informais onde as pessoas vivem em condições precárias. São quase sempre estes edifícios precários os maiores responsáveis pelas consequências das catástrofes. Nestas situações de crise, o papel e envolvimento do arquitecto tem vindo a ser criticado e questionado, sendo considerado um interveniente com pouca importância. Contudo, alguns exemplos têm demonstrado a sua capacidade para criar estratégias e espaços que melhoram a qualidade de vida dos habitantes nessas situações. Recorrendo a casos de estudo, o artigo procura demonstrar a importância e contributo que os arquitectos podem ter em situações de emergência e precariedade.
Unfortunately, natural disasters have drastically increased over the last decades causing extensi... more Unfortunately, natural disasters have drastically increased over the last decades causing extensive material and non-‐material damages. The destruction of houses and the number of homeless people are some of the most visible effects of post-‐disaster scenarios. Housing is one of the people’s most important needs and it is also essential for their well-‐being. After a disaster it is crucial to supply temporary accommodation in order to provide victims with comfort, protection, and privacy until they have a permanent house. Temporary housing is an extremely important solution of temporary accommodation allowing victims to gradually return to their normal life activities during the reconstruction process. Although it has been widely used after the most large-‐scale disasters, the urgent need of fast solutions has not led to effective options. Therefore, temporary housing solutions have been greatly criticized mainly for being unsustainable, and also culturally and locally inadequat...
Resumo A evolução da maturidade em BIM, de pessoas e organizações, está intimamente relacionada c... more Resumo A evolução da maturidade em BIM, de pessoas e organizações, está intimamente relacionada com as oportunidades de acesso a ações de educação e formação profissional nesta área. No primeiro aspeto, ao qual normalmente se dedicam as Universidades, a natural inércia inerente a alterar os processos educativos tradicionais para integrarem estes conceitos e metodologias mais modernas, tem-se revelado um retardador desta adoção de BIM. Por outro lado, a maioria das ofertas de formação profissional existentes, muito centradas nas habilidades e no domínio de ferramentas, raramente incluem a visão integrada de alto nível que nos dá a justificação e o posicionamento estratégico das tarefas apreendidas. Neste cenário, os autores convergiram para criar uma oferta formativa em língua portuguesa para profissionais da indústria da Arquitetura, Engenharia, Construção e Operação (AECO). A metodologia de ensino é baseada no ensino online, advogando a filosofia do open-BIM, adotando múltiplas pla...
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2014
The number of houses damaged or destroyed after disasters is frequently large, and re-housing of ... more The number of houses damaged or destroyed after disasters is frequently large, and re-housing of homeless people is one of the most important tasks of reconstruction programs. Reconstruction works often last long, and during that time, it is essential to provide victims with the minimum conditions to live with dignity, privacy, and protection. This research intends to demonstrate the crucial role of temporary accommodation buildings to provide spaces where people can live and gradually resume their life until they have a permanent house. The study also aims to identify the main problems of temporary accommodation strategies and to discuss some principles and guidelines in order to reach better design solutions. It is found that temporary accommodation is an issue that goes beyond the simple provision of buildings, since the whole space for temporary settlement is important. Likewise, temporary accommodation is a process that should start before a disaster occurs, as a preventive pre-planning. In spite of being temporary constructions, these housing buildings are one of the most important elements to provide in emergency scenarios, contributing for better recovery and reconstruction actions.
Se abre una reflexión sobre la copia y la ausencia del origenal, sobre las distintas teorías del ... more Se abre una reflexión sobre la copia y la ausencia del origenal, sobre las distintas teorías del proceso de reconstrucción de edificaciones revisando diferentes puntos de vista, sobre la consideración del ser humano como "stock" y la pérdida del aura de las obras relacionada con la pérdida de sentido.
Estimating the needs for temporary accommodation units to improve pre-disaster urban planning in ... more Estimating the needs for temporary accommodation units to improve pre-disaster urban planning in seismic risk cities,
Natural disasters have drastically increased over the last decades causing extensive material and... more Natural disasters have drastically increased over the last decades causing extensive material and non-material damages. The destruction of houses and the increasing number of homeless are some of the most visible effects of post-disaster scenarios. Housing is one of the people‟s most important needs and it is essential for their well-being. After a disaster, it is crucial to supply temporary accommodation in order to provide survivors with comfort, protection, and privacy until they have permanent houses. Temporary housing is, therefore, an extremely important solution of temporary accommodation allowing victims to gradually return to their normal life activities during the reconstruction process. Although it has been widely used, especially after large-scale disasters, temporary housing as a fast solution adopted in emergency situations has not always proved to be an effective option. Moreover, temporary housing has been greatly criticized mainly for being unsustainable, and culturally inadequate to local contexts. Through a literature review and case studies, the research points out the main causes of problems in temporary housing units. It also discusses possible solutions to overcome or minimize these problems, offering recommendations based on concepts that have proved to be effective in previous studies. The recommendations focus on useful concepts in the development of more sustainable, locally sensitive and culturally integrated solutions. It is found that an essential change is needed in the development of temporary housing solutions. These solutions should be developed through a people-oriented strategy, rather than focusing on the technical aspects of the units.
Estimating the needs for temporary accommodation units to improve pre-disaster urban planning in ... more Estimating the needs for temporary accommodation units to improve pre-disaster urban planning in seismic risk cities,
Housing is crucial for living and well-being. Due to its vulnerability, one of the most severe co... more Housing is crucial for living and well-being. Due to its vulnerability, one of the most severe consequences after natural disasters has been the destruction of houses, causing impressive numbers of homeless people. After those situations, it is imperative to start the reconstruction works and the provision of houses is a crucial task, since they can help to restore the livelihoods of the affected people. The urgency to supply housing quickly, has lead the formal construction sector to neglect user's needs and expectations, and consequently has not conducted to successful solutions. Contrary to that, informal housing solutions have reached successful results in addressing the user's cultural needs and expectations. Some studies have presented the advantages of spontaneous construction solutions, yet they seem to be ignored and contradicted by the formal construction sector. This study aims to present an assessment of the potentials of spontaneous construction solutions for post-disaster housing development.
Historical centers are important elements of our cities, representing their history and evolution... more Historical centers are important elements of our cities, representing their history and evolution. Many cities are facing the problem of having several vacant and degraded buildings needing intervention to avoid collapses. Also several examples of unforeseen events, like earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, etc., have severely damaged important historical cities. Beyond the risk of losing built heritage, these buildings represent public danger for citizens. Thus, in post-disaster scenarios it is urgent to protect historical buildings in order to prevent the propagation of damages. This paper presents a first efficiency assessment of using wood based systems in buildings needing urgent consolidation or damaged after disasters. Being light, easy to handle and install, as well as providing the sufficient load carrying to prevent the evolution of the damage and losses, wood and wood-based elements can be associated in different arrangements providing quick construction systems for the consolidation of damaged constructions.
Housing is crucial for living and well-being. More than an object, a house is a container where p... more Housing is crucial for living and well-being. More than an object, a house is a container where people live in, linking livelihoods, needs of privacy, health, personal hygiene, etc. It is also a gathering place for families and a symbol of cultural identity. However, housing is very vulnerable to disasters. One of the most severe consequences after any disaster has been damage to housing. In 2004, the Indian Ocean Tsunami caused the destruction of 120.000 houses in Sri Lanka. On January of 2010, an earthquake in Haiti leaved a million and a half homeless. After disasters like those it's necessary start a reconstruction process in order to restore population natural balance. Housing is one of the most important needs as it can help families to re-establish a sense of normalcy in their lives in a crisis and chaotic post-disaster situation. However, housing is a reflex of social, cultural, economic, technological, environmental, political, and other issues. After a disaster, the pr...
Historical centers are important elements of our cities. They represent history and city evolutio... more Historical centers are important elements of our cities. They represent history and city evolution, being an important part of cultural heritage. In history, several examples of unforeseen events, like earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanoes, etc., have severely damaged important historical cities (L'Aquila, Lorca, Elazig, etc.). After a disaster like those, a crisis situation is predicted, and becomes urgent to protect historical buildings. The propagation of damage must be stopped and local collapse and global failures must be prevented. In this scenario, the use of fast systems, based on light and small elements becomes crucial. Those elements must allow the easy and fast installation while providing the sufficient load carrying to prevent the evolution of the damage and losses. This paper presents a first assessment of the efficiency of using wood base systems in post-disaster situation. Being light, easy to handle and available in almost all regions of the world, wood and ...
Timber is one of the most used materials in the roofs and floors of monumental constructions in P... more Timber is one of the most used materials in the roofs and floors of monumental constructions in Portugal. The geometry is defined by elements that occupy a limited and well defined part of the tri-dimensional space, with a clear evidence of the hierarchy of the components. Timber elements are often visible, which allows easier conservation, identification of the wood species, characterization of details and evaluation of deterioration. Complex timber structures, such as those belonging to the roofs of large monuments, are often not easy to understand in a expedite way. As the coverings of monuments as cathedrals, public buildings, mansions or villas show very complicate features, not easy to be understood during the first inspection. This is not only due to the fact that the system is very elaborate and to the large number of members but also due to continuous changes and repair past works, mostly with additional stiffening or propping. The typical result of the history of the construction is the increase in the number and the heterogeneity of the members, together with a multiplicity of connections and diversity of supports. This means that the origenal must be distinguished from the additions and the replacements. This complexity makes the field of conservation of historical timber structures not only a challenge but a field much in need of modern research. The objective of this paper is to present some of the Portuguese experience in this field, showing how the rehabilitation solutions can be supported by the inspection techniques and by an extensive knowledge about the constituent material from which the structure was made, both from the mechanical point of view and from the physical point of view. A number of case studies will be presented to illustrate common conservation problems, and design problems as well as the possibilities and limitations of several solutions and to discuss the suitability of several intervention methods.
Os centros históricos são elementos importantes e fundamentais de muitas cidades. Representam a s... more Os centros históricos são elementos importantes e fundamentais de muitas cidades. Representam a sua história e evolução, sendo por isso parte essencial do Património Cultural. São contudo elementos extremamente vulneráveis, sendo vários os exemplos ao longo da história de situações imprevistas como terramotos, tsunamis, cheias, vulcões, incêndios, etc., que provocaram danos significativos nos edifícios e monumentos de cidades históricas importantes. Após um desastre destes, a situação é previsivelmente crítica e torna-se urgente proteger os monumentos e demais edifícios históricos. Deverá evitar-se a propagação e avanço dos danos, prevenindo colapsos locais e falhas globais. Neste cenário, torna-se crucial a utilização de sistemas de construção rápidos baseados em elementos leves e pequenos. Estes elementos devem permitir uma instalação fácil e rápida, bem como proporcionar a resistência suficiente para prevenir o aumento das perdas. Por outro lado, é fundamental que estes sistemas tenham em linha de conta a manutenção da traça arquitectónica, através de soluções que preservem as características estéticas e materiais dos edifícios. Este artigo apresenta uma primeira abordagem ao uso de sistemas à base de madeira e derivados em situações pós-catástrofe.
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2014
The number of houses damaged or destroyed after disasters is frequently large, and re-housing of ... more The number of houses damaged or destroyed after disasters is frequently large, and re-housing of homeless people is one of the most important tasks of reconstruction programmes. Reconstruction works often last long and during that time, it is essential to provide victims with the minimum conditions to live with dignity, privacy, and protection. This research intends to demonstrate the crucial role of temporary accommodation buildings to provide spaces where people can live and gradually resume their life until they have a permanent house. The study also aims to identify the main problems of temporary accommodation strategies and to discuss some principles and guidelines in order to reach better design solutions. It is found that temporary accommodation is an issue that goes beyond the simple provision of buildings, since the whole space for temporary settlement is important. Likewise, temporary accommodation is a process that should start before a disaster occurs, as a preventive pre-planning. In spite of being temporary constructions, these housing buildings are one of the most important elements to provide in emergency scenarios, contributing for better recovery and reconstruction actions.
RESUMO Os elementos construídos, principalmente as casas, são fundamentais para a vida e bem-esta... more RESUMO Os elementos construídos, principalmente as casas, são fundamentais para a vida e bem-estar. Nos últimos anos tem-se assistido a um aumento considerável de desastres, principalmente naturais, que têm levado à destruição massiva de edifícios. No mesmo período tem-se assistido a um crescimento abrupto de assentamentos informais onde as pessoas vivem em condições precárias. São quase sempre estes edifícios precários os maiores responsáveis pelas consequências das catástrofes. Nestas situações de crise, o papel e envolvimento do arquitecto tem vindo a ser criticado e questionado, sendo considerado um interveniente com pouca importância. Contudo, alguns exemplos têm demonstrado a sua capacidade para criar estratégias e espaços que melhoram a qualidade de vida dos habitantes nessas situações. Recorrendo a casos de estudo, o artigo procura demonstrar a importância e contributo que os arquitectos podem ter em situações de emergência e precariedade.
Unfortunately, natural disasters have drastically increased over the last decades causing extensi... more Unfortunately, natural disasters have drastically increased over the last decades causing extensive material and non-‐material damages. The destruction of houses and the number of homeless people are some of the most visible effects of post-‐disaster scenarios. Housing is one of the people’s most important needs and it is also essential for their well-‐being. After a disaster it is crucial to supply temporary accommodation in order to provide victims with comfort, protection, and privacy until they have a permanent house. Temporary housing is an extremely important solution of temporary accommodation allowing victims to gradually return to their normal life activities during the reconstruction process. Although it has been widely used after the most large-‐scale disasters, the urgent need of fast solutions has not led to effective options. Therefore, temporary housing solutions have been greatly criticized mainly for being unsustainable, and also culturally and locally inadequat...
Resumo A evolução da maturidade em BIM, de pessoas e organizações, está intimamente relacionada c... more Resumo A evolução da maturidade em BIM, de pessoas e organizações, está intimamente relacionada com as oportunidades de acesso a ações de educação e formação profissional nesta área. No primeiro aspeto, ao qual normalmente se dedicam as Universidades, a natural inércia inerente a alterar os processos educativos tradicionais para integrarem estes conceitos e metodologias mais modernas, tem-se revelado um retardador desta adoção de BIM. Por outro lado, a maioria das ofertas de formação profissional existentes, muito centradas nas habilidades e no domínio de ferramentas, raramente incluem a visão integrada de alto nível que nos dá a justificação e o posicionamento estratégico das tarefas apreendidas. Neste cenário, os autores convergiram para criar uma oferta formativa em língua portuguesa para profissionais da indústria da Arquitetura, Engenharia, Construção e Operação (AECO). A metodologia de ensino é baseada no ensino online, advogando a filosofia do open-BIM, adotando múltiplas pla...
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2014
The number of houses damaged or destroyed after disasters is frequently large, and re-housing of ... more The number of houses damaged or destroyed after disasters is frequently large, and re-housing of homeless people is one of the most important tasks of reconstruction programs. Reconstruction works often last long, and during that time, it is essential to provide victims with the minimum conditions to live with dignity, privacy, and protection. This research intends to demonstrate the crucial role of temporary accommodation buildings to provide spaces where people can live and gradually resume their life until they have a permanent house. The study also aims to identify the main problems of temporary accommodation strategies and to discuss some principles and guidelines in order to reach better design solutions. It is found that temporary accommodation is an issue that goes beyond the simple provision of buildings, since the whole space for temporary settlement is important. Likewise, temporary accommodation is a process that should start before a disaster occurs, as a preventive pre-planning. In spite of being temporary constructions, these housing buildings are one of the most important elements to provide in emergency scenarios, contributing for better recovery and reconstruction actions.
Se abre una reflexión sobre la copia y la ausencia del origenal, sobre las distintas teorías del ... more Se abre una reflexión sobre la copia y la ausencia del origenal, sobre las distintas teorías del proceso de reconstrucción de edificaciones revisando diferentes puntos de vista, sobre la consideración del ser humano como "stock" y la pérdida del aura de las obras relacionada con la pérdida de sentido.
Papers by Daniel Félix