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Vernacular Architecture Research Papers -
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    • Vernacular Architecture
Dans Les ibadites. Mode de vie, organisation et patrimoine d’une minorité musulmane dans le Maghreb en ébullition, dossier central de la revue Horizons Maghrébins, 76, 2017, p. 151-160. Photographies : Axel Derriks. Cet article compare... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationVernacular ArchitectureTunisian Revolution-Arab Spring
Al-‘Ula is a small town northwest of Saudi Arabia, extremely rich in nature, history, and traditional architecture. The breathtaking views of rock formations, sand dunes, and palm tree oases around al-‘Ula have been essential parts of its... more
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      Cultural HeritageVernacular ArchitectureSaudi ArabiaDesert Restoration (Architecture)
Charlotte Jelidi est historienne de l'art, chercheure post-doctorante à l'Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain à Tunis où elle dirige le programme intitulé : « Contribution par l'archive, au renouveau de l'histoire coloniale.... more
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      ArchitectureUrban HistoryVernacular ArchitectureUrban Studies
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      Vernacular ArchitectureArchitectural HeritageStone architecture and design
Papers by speakers at the Hidden Charms conference on apotropaic traditions, held at Norwich Castle, April 2, 2016. Authors: Brian Hoggard, Sonja Hukantaival, Jeremy Harte, Jason Semmens, Linda Wilson, John Billingsley, Ceri Houlbrook,... more
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      FolkloreApotropaic DevicesVernacular ArchitectureFolk magic
Globalization whose effects constantly increase all over the world causes not only mono-typed, similar-looking cities but also forces rural areas to get integrated with the urban centers in their surroundings. The first steps in the... more
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    • Vernacular Architecture
In molti contesti preistorici e protostorici italiani sono largamente rinvenuti resti strutturali in terra e conglomerati architettonici combusti o parzialmente cementati. La loro caratterizzazione tecnologica è un passo importante per... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyMediterranean prehistory
Alice Davis Hitchcock Award for 1992, Society of Architectural Historians. Most Outstanding Book in Architecture and Urban Planning, Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division, Association of American Publishers, Inc., 1991.... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureDante Studies
21. yüzyılın hızlı yaşam döngüsü içinde kimi değerler yitirilirken, kimileri yeniden yaşama katılmakta, keşfedilmektedir. Anadolu’nun derin tarihi içinde yeniden keşfedilen değerlerden birisi de “köy” yaşamı olmaktadır. Belki hiç... more
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      Vernacular Typology StudiesVernacular ReligionArchitectural EducationTraditional Ecological Knowledge
A MODEL PROPOSAL FOR CONSERVATION OF ABANDONED RURAL SETTLEMENTS IN TURKEY: CASE STUDY OF ODEMIS-LUBBEY VILLAGE Following the industrial revolution, abandonment and decrease of the population in rural areas are common problems that could... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural LandscapesRural DevelopmentVernacular Architecture
The basic building materials, which can easily be reached, used for the construction of buildings have been natural materials since the first house built by humans to shelter in the world. Among this materials soil is the most commonly... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureConservation and Enhancement of Cultural and Architectural HeritageTraditional ArchitectureArchitectural Heritage Conservation
This booklet is an illustrated compilation of good practices and technical provisions with regard to sustainability, durability and resilience, identified within local building cultures of zones exposed to various constraints and types of... more
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      BusinessVernacular ArchitectureEmergency ShelterDisaster Preparedness
本文耙梳陳其寬先生自1950年代中後期至1960年代初在東海校園設計之住宿設施中呈現的地域性轉變,並指出其中可能源自臺灣傳統民居「空間觀念」以及根植於特定社會關係中的「使用行為、生活模式」之帶有地域性表徵的空間語言。 This article analyzes Chen Chi-kwan's early designs of various housing accommodations at Tunghai University. A noticeable... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryModern ArchitectureArchitectural Design
Karsak köyü Bursa nm Orhangazi ilçesine 12 km uzaklıkta, İznik Gölünün güneybatısında yer almaktadır. Köy, kuzey-güney doğrultu sunda akan Karsak Deresinin dogu kenarın da, dereye paralel olarak doğrusal bir biçim de gelişmiştir.
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      GeographyVernacular ArchitectureWooden ArchitectureBursa
This article gives a description of the typical features of construction experience and the system of heating for the indigenous people of the Chukotka Administrative District, Russia. Construction and dimensional-spatial characteristics... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureEnergy Efficiency BuildingsEnergy efficiency
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      Islamic ArchaeologyVernacular ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryHousehold Archaeology
A personal rendezvous with the professional Scrabble scene at the global level. Guaranteed a fun read!
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      Travel WritingVernacular ArchitectureUrban And Regional PlanningUrban Design (Urban Studies)
ABSTRACT: A vigorous nomination of properties representing vernacular and recent heritage for listing as World Heritage Sites has been motivated by the finding of the under-representativity of the previous two pat-terns on the World... more
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      ArchitectureHistoric PreservationVernacular ArchitectureCultural World Heritage Sites
A village generally grows and develops according to its character and its potential of environment and culture. The characteristics of wetlands and swamps illustrated by typo morphology of settlements, buildings, and environments are the... more
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      GeographyVernacular Architecture
In my time today I want to consider the potential role of digital technology in vernacular architecture studies. To do this, I will discuss my recent application of these new documentation tools on an a decidedly odd building in South
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      Digital HumanitiesVernacular ArchitectureArchitectural History
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      ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureContemporary Vernacular Architecture2012 London Olympics
Taylor & Francis takes seriously its contribution to protecting our environment. In addition to all paper used in our journals being FSC-certified, this journal has gone plastic-free and no longer uses plastic cover lamination or polywrap... more
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      ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureUrbanismIranian traditional architecture
On the Beginnings of the Interest in Vernacular Architecture in the Boskovice Area. A Memorial of the 100th Anniversary of František Lipka´s Death Several researchers, who collected the expressions of oral folk literature, worked in the... more
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      EthnographyVernacular ArchitectureMoravia
The building change among the Upper Amazonian Secoya reveals the limits of expectations that are commonly held regarding sustainable building in traditional environments. This paper gives these expectations the name "the architecturally... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureContemporary Vernacular ArchitectureSustainable DesignTraditional Architecture
This essay is a review of the presently understood archaeological record of vernacular (i.e., traditional, locally inspired, domestic) architecture of the southern Levant and its northern fringes, from the beginning of a Late Chalcolithic... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureVernacular Architecture of Middle EastEarly Bronze Age in the Southern Levant
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      Vernacular ArchitectureHistoric Urban LandscapeShophouse
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      Laos (Lao PDR)Vernacular ArchitectureTai-lue in sipsongpannaTai ethnic groups
A partir de 1998 los coordinadores del presente libro iniciaron recorridos por todo el estado para identificar la arquitectura tradicional de origen popular, en donde según la perspectiva del momento, su reconocimiento ayudaría a entender... more
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      Identity (Culture)Vernacular ArchitectureBioclimatic ArchitectureTraditional Architecture
The informal dwelling could be considered a cultural universal in its global replication as immediate shelter prompted by modernism and modernisation. Simultaneously, one could argue that such buildings are of vernacular construction,... more
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      Vernacular Typology StudiesVernacular ArchitectureHousingInformal settlements, Slum upgrading, Pro-poor housing development
This review analyzes two main aspects of the vernacular architecture of Austro-Asiatic ethnic groups in Thailand based on the Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World. The emphasis is on theories and principles so as to make... more
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    • Vernacular Architecture
บทคัดย่อภาษาไทย การศึกษาเรื่อง “บริบทแวดล้อมที่ส่งผลต่อการก่อตัวและพัฒนาการของตึกแถวในย่านประวัติศาสตร์ทับเที่ยง จังหวัดตรัง” โดยศึกษาผ่านการบูรณาการกรอบความคิดทั้ง “รูปแบบทางสถาปัตยกรรม” และ “บริบท” เข้าด้วยกัน... more
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      Vernacular Typology StudiesVernacular ArchitectureShophouseVernacular Settlements
This paper shows how the aesthetics of play of opposites was at Play in the Villa Mandrot, a controversial project Le Corbusier developed at the end of the 1920s.
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      Vernacular ArchitectureMediterraneanLe Corbusier
L’urbanisation dispersée constitue t’elle une entrave ou une opportunité à la durabilité ? Comment penser le développement d’une métropole durable, entre le local et la grande échelle ?
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      ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureEcologyAcclimatization
The Czechoslavic Ethnographic Exhibition, which took place in 1895 in Prague, was a part of a wider phenomenon across Europe and North America of the second half of the 19 th century -the rising interest in folk culture and its... more
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      Design HistoryCentral European historyVernacular ArchitectureExhibition, Museum, Expositions and Worlds Fairs
Akit’s house is made mainly by a wood construction, and found as a stilt type house. Roof of the house is made by leaves, and skin of tree is still used as its wall. Nowadays, some changes have occurring on this vernacular house. In turn,... more
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      EngineeringCoastal EngineeringVernacular Architecture
The progression in vernacular architecture which took place in the south following the conclusion of the Civil War varied extensively depending upon the industry in which the property holder made their living. This historic time of... more
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      Historic PreservationVernacular ArchitectureAmerican Civil War
Throughout the country, in small towns and big cities, Mount Vernon is a constant presence. The historic house's distinctive architectural elements show up on countless buildings, both residential and commercial. Mount Vernon's unique... more
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      Historic PreservationVernacular Architecture
Kayseri had always been an important administrative center throughout its history. After Istanbul’s conquest it kept its importance as a Central Anatolian city. Furthermore, it is also known as Architect Sinan’s hometown. Talas, which is... more
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      ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureHistory of architectureHistorical Building Constructions
Dans cet article, nous faisons le point sur la connaissance de l’architecture vernaculaire en Flandre rurale, du xiiie au xixe s. À cet effet, nous relevons d’abord l’historiographie de la recherche et traitons les principales évolutions... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureArchaeology of BuildingsEarly Modern ArchitectureEighty Years' War (1568-1648)
In India two factors override others by their sheer magnitude: • a building is the outcome of a handmade craft tradition and not industrial production & • the majority of the population lives in small towns and villages and builds... more
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      ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureEkisticsManifestos
V članku je predstavljen kratek povzetek predavanja. V prostoru okoli nas se prepletajo vidni del (narava, prostor), nevidni del (energije, kačje črte) ter naša preteklost. Prostor je sestavljen tudi iz svetih mest v naravi, megalitov,... more
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      ToponomasticsVernacular ArchitectureSimbolismSymbols
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      ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureMigration Studies
A dramatic change unfolded in Palestine's landscape starting in the 1860s. Within about forty years, Palestine's fortified cities spilled beyond their centuries-old walls, and a new milieu of landowners developed a vast new housing and... more
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      Ottoman HistoryIsrael/PalestineVernacular ArchitectureHousing
Este estudio analiza procesos contemporáneos de cambio cultural en dos áreas rurales del Noroeste de España. Ambas estuvieron habitadas por grupos sociales con una marcada identidad cultural que ha dejado su impronta en la cultura... more
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      Rural SociologyUrban GeographyArchaeologyHistorical Archaeology
The first and oldest architecture, as we know it, has its' origens in the 6th century BC. There are some remnants of residential architecture but we know much more about architecture for the Gods, kings and deceased. Why? The reasons are... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureArchitectural TheoryStone architecture and design
Among the problems that we could try in this section have chosen which affects to the vernacular for being one of the most ignored architecture, but at the same time the easiest to see, explained once and, without a doubt, the most... more
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There is scarcely any local culture remained unaffected when the process of modernization entered one’s local region. In Indonesia, regions where traditional people of the so called “isolated tribe” who used to manage to survive from the... more
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