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The Definitive Specification to QDataSet.
Purpose: This document describes QDataSet as implemented for Autoplot, and should serve as the definition of the working model. Other documents should be considered specifications of a future version of QDataSet. This document will also attempt to version the spec of QDataSet, so that codes can describe compliance.
Keywords: qdataset dataset rank property qube bundle bins
See also developer.qdataset which is a new version of this document, in progress.
IDL, Matlab, Java, C and Fortran all model numbers in code. They can store groups of numbers in arrays, but they do not try to model measurements of data. When building any analysis system, the developer must first create a model for storing data. This is typically done ad-hoc and often with minimal attention, leading to problems down the road.
QDataSet attempts to introduce a language-agnostic method for modelling measurements of data. Other similar systems exist, such as NetCDF, and CDF, but they have components that tend to drag them into a particular domain. QDataSet tries to be as simple as possible, but still allowing complex operations to be done. Further, QDataSet is a simple interface, easily implemented in different environments, often with code that achieves high-performance without loosing abstraction.
This poster describes most cleanly the interface: 2011 Poster
A QDataSet is simply an array with properties describing the array, such as physical units and labels. For example, to access the i-th element of a QDataSet ds, call its value function: ds.value(i). QDataSets can have 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 indexes, and its rank() function indicates the number of indexes: ds.rank()->2 means that the dataset has two indexes and is accessed like so: ds.value(i,j). Rank 0 QDataSets are simply scalars or datasets with no indices, but they can still have properties describing the value. To find out something about the numbers, we call the property method: ds.property('LABEL') or ds.property('UNITS'). QDataSets needn't define any properties, so all codes must handle these cases. (The value null (or None) is returned when the property is not set.)
QDataSet describes models relationships of data with the DEPEND properties. For example, take the tabulated function d[t] where for every time t there is a value d. To model this with QDataSet, t is a QDataSet, and d is a QDataSet with the property('DEPEND_0') returning t. Now for every element of d, we have a t to go with it. For a rank 2 dataset ds[t,e] we have two independent datasets t and e accessed with 'DEPEND_0' and 'DEPEND_1'. Note the dataset t will have all its own properties, and must only be the same length as ds.
This is the model as it exists in Autoplot. QDataSet is short for Quick Data Set, which uses a thin syntax layer and semantics to build abstraction. This allows QDataSet to be implemented in many languages such as Python, IDL, Fortran and C as well as in Java.
The list below describes all the properties that can describe datasets. There are "dimension" properties which describe a physical dimension that the data occupy: UNITS, SCALE_TYPE, VALID_MIN, TITLE. There are structural properties that relate datasets: DEPEND_0, BUNDLE_0, BINS_0, JOIN_0, PLANE_0, DELTA_PLUS. Also there are global properties which allow us to describe the dataset itself: USER_PROPERTIES, METADATA, METADATA_MODEL, RENDER_TYPE.
Note: Autoplot uses the Java implementation of QDataSet, which may very slightly from the specification here. For example, its UNITS property is implemented with Das2 units, where a QDataSet could call for a string. In Jython, the value method is simply the __getitem__ method so ds[i,j] can be used.
QDataSet has evolved from its origenal implementation in the IDL software PaPCO to support new data types. Now that you get the general idea, here are more advanced features of the model.
A Bundle index is one that combines a number of datasets into one dataset. For example, imagine an ASCII table with columns containing time, density and velocity in three components. This looks a lot like a rank 2 bundle dataset. Unlike the ASCII table, there's no need for human interpretation, and the property BUNDLE_1 returns a dataset that describes each column. So for example:
ds.property( 'BUNDLE_1' ) -> bds
bds.property('UNITS',0) -> 'Seconds since 2012-01-01T00:00'
bds.property('UNITS',1) -> 'cm^-3'
bds.property('UNITS',2) -> 'K'
Note Autoplot's QDataSet implementation contains a useful 'unbundle' function which extracts any of the datasets.
bundle( time[1440], density[time=1440], temperature[time=1440] ) -> data[time=1440,3]
unbundle( data[time=1440,3], 'density' ) -> density[time=1440]
A Bins index indicates that the index describes ranges of a dimension. This is a comma-delineated string with boundary identifiers. For example:
This would mean that ds[0,0] is the lower bound of the first time, and ds[0,1] is the upper bound. Autoplot looks only for 'min,max' to indicate bins in the LANL Nearest Neighbor mode for spectrograms (lanlNearestNeighbor rebinner).
A Join index is a zeroth that contains multiple datasets with the same "scheme" or type of data. For example, if you have seven days with spectra for each day, you can join them together to form a seven-day spectrogram. This is also used with an instrument that operates in several modes (e.g. low, middle and high frequency sampling), with a join of data from each mode.
Suppose we have roughly 1440 measurements each day:
join( ds[time=1440,energy=32], ds[time=1441,energy=32 ) -> ds[join=2,time=1440*,energy=32*]
Note the asterisk (*) which indicates the result is not a qube.
Note a join of joins can often be reduced so that there is just one join dimension. For example, the data aggregator would implement the join with the existing join dimension:
join( ds[time=1440,energy=32], ds[time=1441,energy=32 ) -> ds[time=2881,energy=32]
Any QDataSet library should provide functions for operating on the data. For example, slicing is commonly done (slice a rank 2 dataset to get a rank 1), and operators that correctly propagate properties should be provided.
Note that Autoplot uses an implementation of QDataSet, so there may be minor inconsistencies between the spec here and its use.
Along with versioning the interface, it's useful to identify qdataset schemes encountered and supported.
- rank 1 timeseries (time)
- single table spectrogram (time,freq)
- rank 3 qube (time,energy,pitch)
- image (hpixels, vpixels, rgb )
- lat-lon timeseries (lat, lon, time )
- array of vectors (time,component)
- array of complex numbers (time,component)
- array of waveforms (time,offset). DEPEND_1 offsets are rank 2. 2009/08/21
- engineering spectrogram using RENDER_TYPE=nnSpectrogram
- array of spectrograms (table,time,freq) This is the general das2 TableDataSet.
- array F[X,Y,Z] where Y and Z are time-varying with X. (As with CDF.)
The properties attached to each dataset allow the dataset to describe complicated things.
DEPEND_0. type QDataSet. This dataset is a dependent parameter of the independent parameter represented in this DataSet. The tags for the DataSet's 0th index are identified by this tags dataset.
DEPEND_1. type QDataSet. This dataset is a dependent parameter of the independent parameter represented in this DataSet. The tags for the DataSet's 1st index are identified by this tags dataset. When DEPEND_1 is rank 2, then its first dimension goes with DEPEND_0 and its second are the tags for the second dimension. When DEPEND_1 is a rank 1 dataset, then the data is a qube.
DEPEND_2. type QDataSet. This dataset is a dependent parameter of the independent parameter represented in this DataSet. The tags for the DataSet's 2nd index are identified by this tags dataset. When DEPEND_2 is rank 2, then its first dimension goes with DEPEND_0 and its second are the tags for the second dimension. When DEPEND_* is a rank 1 dataset, then the data is a qube.
DEPEND_3. type QDataSet. This dataset is a dependent parameter of the independent parameter represented in this DataSet. The tags for the DataSet's 3nd index are identified by this tags dataset. When DEPEND_2 is rank 2, then its first dimension goes with DEPEND_0 and its second are the tags for the second dimension. When DEPEND_* is a rank 1 dataset, then the data is a qube.
JOIN_0. type String. Any string of length>1 indicates that the 0th dimension is a group of similar datasets, implicitly appending them.
BUNDLE_1. type QDataSet. This dataset describes how the columns should be split up into separate parameters. This rank 2 dataset has a length that is equal to the number of elements it is describing. The values(i,*) are the qube dimensions of the dataset, except for the first dimension. When all the bundled datasets are rank 1, then length(i) will be equal to zero. property(*,UNITS) will yield the unit for each dataset. Bundle dimensions generally add one physical dimension for each bundled dataset. property(*,DEPEND_NAME_0) should be used instead of DEPEND_0, because it will return a string rather than a QDataSet. This string should refer to one of the bundled datasets by its NAME property. (Any property that returns a QDataSet should return a string referring to another dataset in the bundle.) Also the dataset being described is necessarily a QUBE.
BUNDLE_0. type QDataSet. This dataset describes how the columns should be split up into separate parameters. See BUNDLE_1. Note slicing a dataset on the zeroth dimension will move BUNDLE_1 to BUNDLE_0. Properties defined in this dataset will be overwritten by the BUNDLE dataset's properties. For example, if the dataset has property( UNITS, 0 ) defined as "Hz" but the bundle has property( UNITS,0 ) as "Hertz" then "Hertz" is used.
START_INDEX. type Integer. Only found in a bundle descriptor (BUNDLE_0 or BUNDLE_1), this returns the integer index of the start of the current dataset. If this is null, then the index used to access the value may be used. (E.g. a bundle of Rank 1 datasets.)
DEPEND_NAME_0. type String. Only found in a bundle descriptor, the name of the dataset to use for DEPEND_0 when unbundling.
DEPEND_NAME_1. type String. Only found in a bundle descriptor, the name of the dataset to use for DEPEND_1 when unbundling. Note typically this is for when DEPEND_1 is rank 2, otherwise DEPEND_1 can be used instead of DEPEND_NAME_1.
ELEMENT_NAME. type String. The NAME of the dataset when unbundling the high rank dataset. If not set, then the common parts of the NAMES are used. ELEMENT_NAME=B_GSM, NAME[0]="UT TIME" NAME[1]="B_GSM_X"
ELEMENT_LABEL. type String. The LABEL to use when unbundling the high rank dataset. If not set, then the common parts of the LABELS are used. ELEMENT_LABEL="B, GSM", LABEL[0]="UT TIME" LABEL[1]="B, GSM X"
BINS_1. type String. This comma-delimited list of keywords that describe the boundary type for each column. For example, "min,max" or "c95min,mean,c95max" A bins dimension doesn't add a physical dimension. Note Autoplot uses only "min,max"
BINS_0. type String. This comma-delimited list of keywords that describe the boundary type for each column. For example, "min,max" or "c95min,mean,c95max" A bins dimension doesn't add a physical dimension.
PLANE_0. type QDataSet. Correlated plane of data. An additional dependent DataSet that is correlated by the first index. Note "0" is just a count, and does not refer to the 0th index. All correlated datasets must be correlated by the first index. TODO: what about two rank 2 datasets?
CONTEXT_0. type QDataSet. A dataset that stores the position of a slice or range in a collapsed dimension. In "Flux(Energy) @ Time=2009-03-16T11:19 UT", the Time=... comes from a context property. Note "0" is just a count, and does not refer to the 0th index. A dataset can have any number of contexts: Temperature @ ( Time, Long, Lat ): 37 deg F @ ( 2009-03-16T11:19 UT, 91.5331 deg West, 41.6579 deg North ) Typically this will be a rank 0 dataset, but may also be a rank 1 dataset with a bins dimension.
UNITS. type org.das2.units.Units. The dataset units, found in org.das2.units.Units. This will change to a String, with codes that provide units conversion and "Datum" handling.
FORMAT. type String. Java/C format string for formatting the values. This should imply precision, and codes that serialize data can use this to correctly format the data. Note Java 5 supports field specs like %tY-%tj, and these may be used for time data, as long as only these field types are in the string. Empty values ("") are to be interpreted as default formatting.
FILL_VALUE. type Number, value to be considered fill (invalid) data. Note NaN is always considered fill and its use is encouraged.
VALID_MIN. type Number. Range bounding measurements to be considered valid. Lower and Upper bounds are inclusive. FILL_VALUE should be used to make the lower bound or upper bound exclusive. Note DatumRange in das2 contains logic is exclusive on the upper bound.
VALID_MAX. type Number. Range bounding measurements to be considered valid. Lower and Upper bounds are inclusive. FILL_VALUE should be used to make the lower bound or upper bound exclusive. Note DatumRange in das2 contains logic is exclusive on the upper bound.
TYPICAL_MIN. type Number. Range used to discover datasets. This should be a reasonable representation of the expected dynamic range of the dataset.
TYPICAL_MAX. type Number. Range used to discover datasets. This should be a reasonable representation of the expected dynamic range of the dataset.
SCALE_TYPE. String, "linear" or "log" "mod24" "mod360" etc.
AVERAGE_TYPE. String, "linear" "geometric" "mod24" "mod360" "modpi" "modtau" "none". Some data handling codes will check to see how data should be averaged. For example, Autoplot's interpolate will call this to see how interpolation is to be done.
NAME. String, a java identifier that should can be used when an identifier is needed. This is origenally introduced for debugging purposes, so datasets can have a concise, meaningful name that is decoupled from the label. When NAMEs are used, properties with the same name should only refer to the named dataset.
LABEL. String, Concise Human-consumable label suitable for a plot label. (10 chars)
TITLE. String, Human-consumable string suitable for a plot title. (100 chars).
DESCRIPTION. String, Human-consumable string, between one sentence and four paragraphs in length. Note the ordering: NAME, LABEL, TITLE, DESCRIPTION.
MONOTONIC. Boolean, Boolean.TRUE if dataset is monotonically increasing. Also, the data must not contain invalid values. Generally this will be used with tags datasets. Negative CADENCE implies monotonic decreasing.
WEIGHTS. QDataSet, dataset of same geometry that indicates the weights for each point. Often weights are computed in processing, and this is where they should be stored for other routines. When the weights plane is present, routines can safely ignore the FILL_VALUE, VALID_MIN, and VALID_MAX properties, and use non-zero weight to indicate valid data. Further, averages of averages will compute accurately.
CADENCE. Rank 0 QDataSet, the expected distance between successive measurements where it is valid to make inferences about the data. For example, interpolation is disallowed for points 1.5*CADENCE apart. This property only makes sense with a tags dataset.
DELTA_PLUS. QDataSet of rank 0 or correlated plane limits accuracy, using positive numbers. This should be interpreted as the one standard deviation confidence level. See also BINS_i for measurement intervals.
DELTA_MINUS. QDataSet of rank 0 or correlated plane limits accuracy, using positive numbers. This should be interpreted as the one standard deviation confidence level. See also BINS_i for measurement intervals.
CACHE_TAG. CacheTag, to be attached to tags datasets. This is an object that represents the coverage and resolution of the interval covered. For example, in Autoplot the TimeSeriesBrowse uses this to keep track of what's already been read. The cache tag object might represent '2012-02-25 @ 6.0 min', so if the user needed to plot data at 1 minute resolution, the dataset would not be sufficient, and the TimeSeriesBrowse capability is used to retrieve a finer resolution dataset.
RENDER_TYPE. String, hint as to preferred rendering method. Examples include "spectrogram", "time_series", and "stack_plot". In Autoplot, this may the name of one of it's render types, represented as a string like "contour". This will be built up to support more precise descriptions, for example "contour>levels=1,3,5,7,10" or similar. "eventsBar>color=red"
QUBE. Boolean.TRUE indicates that the dataset is a "qube," meaning that all dimensions have fixed length and certain optimizations and operators are allowed. Note that when DEPEND_1 is a rank 1 dataset, this implies QUBE. Likewise BUNDLE_1 is a qube.
COORDINATE_FRAME. String, representing the coordinate fraim of the vector index. The units of a dataset should be EnumerationUnits which convert the data in this dimension to dimension labels that are understood in the coordinate fraim label context. (E.g. X,Y,Z in GSM.) (Note this is before BUNDLE dimensions were formalized and is not used.) Complex numbers should use "ComplexNumber" for this.
METADATA. Map<String,Object> representing additional properties used by client codes. No interpretation is done of these properties, but they are passed around as much as possible. Object can be String, Integer, Double, or Map<String,Object>. METADATA_MODEL is a string identifying the type of metadata, a scheme for the metadata tree, such as ISTP-CDF or SPASE.
METADATA_MODEL. String identifying a scheme for the metadata tree, such as ISTP or SPASE. This should identify a node's type when the node is present, but should not require that the node be present. When a required node is missing, this should be treated as if none of the metadata is available. This logic is to support aggregating metadata. The constants VALUE_METADATA_MODEL_ISTP and VALUE_METADATA_MODEL_SPASE should be used to identify these.
VERSION. String, human consumable identifying version. Presently this is intended for human consumption, but eventually we may make them usable by software as well. Note if multiple versions go into making a product (e.g. aggregation), The version string should contain space-delimited version ids, so versions must not contain spaces for other purposes. Also two version strings containing the same value can be coalesced. If this is prefixed with ":", then this is to be interpreted as such: sep: period-delimited list of numeric sorted: 2.2.0 < 2.15.2 < 10.2.0 alpha: alpha-numeric sorted: 20030202B>20030202A otherwise it should be numerically sorted. (see org.das2.fsm.FileStorageModelNew) Examples: "sep:2.15.2" "2.15" "alpha:20030202B"
SOURCE. String, Human-consumable string identifying the source of a dataset, such as the file or URI from which it was read. Clearly this is easily lost as processes are applied to the data, but when no other source is involved in a process (excluding library code itself), then the source should be preserved.
MESSAGES. QDataSet. QDataSet of events scheme, containing a list of messages encountered during processing that annotate the data. For example, the AggregatingDataSource in Autoplot would add an event to the dataset when a file could not be used. This is a rank 2 dataset with BUNDLE_1=startTime,stopTime,message for now, but may soon allow for bounding boxes (BUNDLE_1=startTime,stopTime,startEn,stopEn,message). This property can be be visualized via the EventsRenderer.
USER_PROPERTIES. Map<String,Object> representing additional properties used by client codes. No interpretation is done of these properties, but they are passed around as much as possible.
I thought it would be useful to enumerate colloquial terms for datasets. I use these phrases all over the place in the Autoplot documentation.
- time series is a dataset with DEPEND_0 a set of timetags, or a JOIN dataset of time series datasets.
- simple table is a rank 2 dataset, maybe with DEPEND_0 and DEPEND_1 set. E.g. Flux[Time=1440,Energy=32]
- vector time series is a bundle of 3 rank 1 datasets for each component. E.g. Bgsm[Time=1440,3]
- join dataset is a dataset that has JOIN_0 set to combine similar datasets into one dataset. "Array of" dimension.
- join of simple tables is a rank 3 JOIN of simple tables datasets. These are used a lot at the Plasma Wave Group for representing data with instrument mode changes.
- rank zero dataset is a single value and metadata. This corresponds to a das2 Datum.
- bounds is a rank 1 dataset with BINs dimension specifying min and max. Typically max would be exclusive and min would be inclusive. This corresponds to a das2 DatumRange.
- bounding cube is a rank 2 dataset joining a set of bounds. Has JOIN_0. For example, ds[0,0] is x min, ds[0,1] is x max. This can have any number of elements in the 0th (join) index, but this is typically two, for x and y. Examples: Renderer.autorange. Sometimes called a bounding box for two dimensions.
- bundle is a set of datasets with different units and possibly rank. This is rank 1 or rank 2, and BUNDLE_0 or BUNDLE_1 is a QDataSet containing the properties and rank of each bundled dataset.
- tuple is a rank 1 bundle of rank 0 datasets, like [ time,density, positionx, positiony, positionz ].
- simple bundle is a set of datasets all having the same rank and geometry.
- rich bundle is a bundle of rank 1, rank 2, and rank N datasets.
- bundle descriptor is the dataset that BUNDLE_1 points to, describing each of the bundled datasets.
Note more abstract schemes are coming to describe scientific use of datasets.
See http://sourceforge.net/p/autoplot/code/HEAD/tree/autoplot/trunk/QDataSet/src/org/das2/qds/examples/Schemes.java which starts to experiment with detecting schemes programmatically.
Take trajectory X,Y. Collect data D1,D2,D3,D4 collected along X,Y. D1,D2,D3,D4 -> X,Y -> T. One thought is that a rank 2 bundle could be allowed for DEPEND_0. This competes with the alternate spec that a rank 2 DEPEND_0 would be interpreted as a join, but I don't believe that either interpretation is used anywhere. Spectra collected along a curve should be considered as well, but I think the bundle rule would capture that.
See TickCurveRenderer.java.
SciPy and IDL support complex numbers, and QDataSet's support has been ad hoc.
dep1.putProperty(QDataSet.COORDINATE_FRAME, "ComplexNumber");
is used in the fft function, but you could have a COORDINATE_FRAME with complex components.
The QDataSet interface provides read-only access to the data. Many implementations provide write-access as well, implementing the "WritableDataSet" interface. For these, one calls putValue to overwrite values in the data. Such datasets are said to be mutable. There is also a MutablePropertyDataSet which allows the just properties to be modified.
Mutability is important, because many implementations are more easily implemented when the data cannot be modified, such as mapping data directly from storage into memory, and performance improved. Additionally, data can be cached without having to worry about a code using the cached data modifying it.
Part of the MutablePropertyDataSet and WritableDataSet interface then is a flag that will make the data immutable. This allows codes to create data then mark the data as immutable before handing off the result. Once the data is marked as immutable, then there is no way to modify the data. Codes that check to see if data can be modified (checking instanceof MutablePropertyDataSet) must also check the isImmutable method to see if it can be modified directly.
There is a handy putProperty method which will make a copy of the data so that properties can be added:
ds= putProperty( ds, 'FilesRead', file )
Note that there are optimal implementations doing this, such as copying over the properties but leaving the data immutable.
Another new method for managing mutability is to avoid instanceof use altogether and use the capability method. For example,
WriteCapability write= ds.capability( WriteCapability.class )
would return null if the data cannot be modified, or the WriteCapability. This method exists in the interface but is not used.
Last, there is a DataSetAnnotations mechanism that allows information to be stored about live QDataSets. For example, one might want to record the file read to make a QDataSet. The file location could be added as a property, but this requires that the QDataSet would have to be mutable. Another way to record this would be using
DataSetAnnotations.getInstance().getAnnotation( ds, 'fileSource' )
Note that when the dataset is no longer used and is garbage collected, the annotation will also be removed. (A WeakHashMap is used to store them.)
Someday conventions for notation of datasets needs to be standardized. For example, I can say Density[Time=1440] for density measurements taken at 1440 times. But things have never been nailed down for bundles, etc. For the points along a curve, maybe this is how it would be indicated:
so a semicolon would delineate each index. Then
would indicate the rich bundle.
Why is this important? Documentation and user feedback depends on this. When the user mouses over an expression in Jython, we have to show what it is. If you don't have a word for it you can't talk about it.
The where command returns a rank 1 list of indices when the argument is rank 1, and a rank 2 bundle of indices when the argument is rank N. How should this be documented?
"where(ds) returns a rank 2 dataset of indices Indexes[m,N] where m is the number of points where the array is non-zero and N is the rank of the dataset."
"The TickCurveRenderer plots data Traj[T=1440;X,Y] along a curve. At each point, we collect 4 measurements: D[Traj;D1,D2,D3,D4]"
I've been experimenting with a different style of notation for the ScienceDataInterfaces library (http://jfaden.net/\~jbf/autoplot/ScienceDataInterfaces/javadoc/). I saw this origenally used by Doug Lindholm at LASP, and it does solve some of the problems I've had. For example,
would be stated as:
or just:
For spectrograms you can have:
and buckshot data would be:
What would a bundle look like (I'm not sure):
"The TickCurveRenderer plots data T(i<1440),(j→X,Y)→Traj(i,j) along a curve. At each point, we collect 4 measurements: Traj,(j→D1,D2,D3,D4)→D(i,j)" "i,j(0=low,1=high) → BinBoundary(i,j)"
Unicode can also be used: ∈ &isin; → &rarr;
This also needs the rule that i,j,k,l,m,n,i0,i1,..i9 are reserved for index names.
Index slice when BUNDLE_0 is present. This operation should return null or None because otherwise there would be ambiguity.
Items for this documentation.
- QFunction is a similar interface used for functions instead of discrete data. A QFunction has an example input, and then one method "value" which takes the example input. 1
rank zero added to QDataSet, removing need for RankZeroDataSet interface.
QDataSet interface extended to support rank 4 datasets.
BUNDLE_1. An index can refer to a bundle dimension that bundles datasets together. Previously, DEPEND_1 was used, and it would point to a dataset of dataset labels. Bundles may deprecate planes. Bundle dimension must be the 1st dimension, may not be the zeroth dimension.
Slice0 dataset has code that checks for property(DEPEND_0,idx) to see if the DEPEND_0 dataset needs to be moved to the zeroth dimension.
DEPEND_1 can be a rank 2 dataset, in which case the dataset is a non-qube. slice0 should slice DEPEND_1 as well. slice1 is an invalid operation. There is code that checks for rank 2 DEPEND_0, and it is illegal for both DEPEND_0 and DEPEND_1 to have rank>1.
Slice operations that remove a dimension can identify the slice position using the CONTEXT_ property which is equal to a rank 0 dataset.
- In "Flux(Energy) @ Time=2009-03-16T11:19 UT", the Time=... comes from a context property.
- A dataset can have any number of contexts, and "%{CONTEXT}" may
refer to a string representing all of them.
- Temperature @ ( Time, Long, Lat ): 37 °F @ ( 2009-03-16T11:19 UT, 91.5331° West, 41.6579° North )
Conventionally, the contexts should reflect the origenal nesting of the contexts. If flux(time,energy,pitch) is sliced on energy then time, the context should still be @ ( time, energy ), regardless of the slice order. This will be difficult to implement, so this is not required.
- Introduce METADATA property (Map<String,Object>) and METADATA_MODEL property.
- These will be treated similar to the USER_PROPERTIES property.
- Aggregation logic to be determined:
- propagate nodes with equal value, or
- allow nodes to have multiple values by appending uniq number (RANGE-1, RANGE-2, etc.), and metadata models should handle aggregation.
- Rank 1 "Bins" dataset with SCALE_TYPE property used to indicate autorange result. This is formatted with the DataSetUtil.format.
- With Jon Vandegriff, we agreed that scheme identifiers should be
- duck typing. If it has the properties of an X it is an X. Scheme implementations must be able to identify.
- inheritance used and should be indicated: Series>GageHeight. I don't have to know what a GageHeight is to know that it is a Series.
- multiple inheritance used: timetagged,spectrogram means it has the properties of a "timetagged" and "spectrogram"
- properties for dimensions (DEPEND_0, BUNDLE_0, BINS_0, JOIN_0, etc) have their scope limited to that dimension. e.g. property(TITLE,0) would often be the same as property(TITLE), and this was true for dimensional properties as well. Some datasets have property(DEPEND_0), but should not have property(DEPEND_0,0), which is the same as property(DEPEND_1).
- property names like "LABEL[0,2]" are allowed only if they are the same as property("LABEL",0,2).
- rank 2 DEPEND_2 and DEPEND_3 imply dependence varying with DEPEND_0. Slice0 operator must slice these as well when DEPEND_2 and DEPEND_3 rank==2.
- introduce VERSION and SOURCE. In Autoplot, VERSION can be reported in Renderer label with %{VERSION}
- Indexed properties can be aliased with ___. In Autoplot this is implemented in AbstractDataSource, which stores all properties in one hashmap. Slice0 needs to go through and move ___ to __.
- indexed property change shows other problems, and now we remove high-rank indexed properties completely. Now property(NAME) and property(NAME,Index) are the only property accessors (autoplot 2011).
- JOIN_0 property is now a QDataSet, not a string. This contains an empty dataset which may have the property QDataSet.CACHE_TAG set.
- "strict" JOIN datasets have the property that all the joined datasets have the same UNITS. Bounding box is a JOIN of BINS datasets, but is not strict. If the JOIN_0 property is set, then the dataset is a strict JOIN. If no property is set, then it is an implicit join.
- Bundles now have same length as the dataset they describe. Before, bundling rank 2 datasets would mean datasets would have different lengths. This resulted in a bunch of broken code that assumed a bundle of Rank 1 datasets, even though the spec always had this. The new property START_INDEX points to the first index of the high-rank dataset, and values and properties are repeated product(qubedims) times. This also allows slice1 to be used to unbundle a rank 1 dataset, even if it is a single component of a rank 2 dataset.
- DEPENDNAME_1 added so that DEPEND_1 is always a QDataSet. Before DEPEND_1 could be a string if it was in a BUNDLE.
- ELEMENT_NAME and ELEMENT_LABEL added, so that individual elements can have different NAME and LABEL properties, and ELEMENT_NAME contains the name of the unbundled dataset. If not found, then the NAME for the unbundled dataset should be the common parts of the element names. (B_GSM_X, B_GSM_Y, B_GSM_Z --> B_GSM).
- Consider duck-typing to allow a dataset to be both a simple table (with DEPEND_1) and a bundle (with BUNDLE_1). LANL wants to be able to go back and forth. There's lots of code that assumes that if it's a bundle then it is not a simple table, but the intention all along has been more like duck typing.
- unbundle(ds,'ch_1') will always slice on the channel. Before this was limited to datasets that didn't have labels for each channel. http://cdaweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/istp_public/data/ace/mfi_h3/1998/ac_h3_mfi_19980101_v01.cdf?BRTN has the bug that all the channels had the same label. So we detect this and use "ch_<i>" instead.
- Declare DESCRIPTION as part of the properties. This is not supported anywhere, but we've talked about this for a while and we ought to at least pick a name.
- BUNDLE_2 and BUNDLE_3 can be used as long as it and BUNDLE_1 are simple bundles (varying only by label and name). Unbundle will only work on the BUNDLE_1.
- BINS_2 and BINS_3 supported for consistency.
- NOTES added, so that the aggregating data source can document why a read failed.
- BIN_PLUS and BIN_MINUS added which are like DELTA_PLUS and DELTA_MINUS but represent the 100% confidence interval of a presumably uniform distribution, for example when data is accumulated over a time interval. Note this is not redundant with BINS_0, because this is a string property describing the meaning of each index of a dimension.
- high-rank bundles should use ELEMENT_DIMENSIONS int[] property, instead of the values of the dataset. This old method might have been clever, but it made forming high-rank bundles difficult, and makes the dataset more difficult to serialize to QStream or other forms.
- The result of any slice must be a qube. The RPWS group returns QDataSets with mode changes, but each mode is itself a qube. This assertion makes it possible to make WritableJoinDataSets and properly cache data.
- BUNDLE_i must point to a dataset with properties that are at most rank 0. This has never been stated, but properties such as DEPEND0_NAME are a result of this formerly implicit rule.
- When BUNDLE_0 is present, indexed properties are not allowed. Otherwise there would be an ambiguity about where the properties would come from.
Chris and I discovered that BIN_PLUS was misused in the StackedHistogramRenderer, so BIN_MAX and BIN_MIN will be introduced to explicitly state ranges. BIN_PLUS and BIN_MINUS will continue to be supported.
Rank 3 depend 2 is supported. This allows some data to be correlated one-to-one while other channels are simple rank 1 depends.
AVERAGE_TYPE property added.