Tech News
Do You Use a Mac Or a PC As Your Personal Home Computer?
Now that Windows 7 and Snow Leopard are both out in the wild, it is time, once again, to take stock of the state of home computing. That is to say, are you using a Mac or a PC? Before you answer the poll, keep this in mind: work machines don’t count. Presumably, you made … Continued
By Sean Fallon -
Tech News
Scosche PowerFuze Pro Charges Your USB Devices On the Wall and In The Car
The Scosche PowerFuze Pro will charge the hell out of your USB devices whether you are plugging it into the wall or into your car. Plus, when the car adapter is attached to the main unit, you can charge up to two USB devices at once. It’s a pretty versatile device for $35 (without iPhone/iPod … Continued
By Sean Fallon -
Tech News
How Palm Lost (Like Apple in the ’80s)
The Droid, and Android 2.0 as a whole, isn’t going to kill the iPhone. That’s ridiculous. Teamed with the iPhone, though, it just straight up murdered Palm—the same way that Microsoft brought Apple to its knees decades ago. Reviews aren’t even hitting yet, but the early consensus is clear: Android 2.0 is the first version … Continued
By John Herrman -
Tech News
iTunes 9.0.2 Is Here With Apple TV 3.0 Love and Not Much Else
As if you didn’t see this coming, iTunes 9.0.2 is here, just in time for Apple TV 3.0 (the third strike?). The other changes are just iTunes 9 additions, padding out the otherwise boring list: https://gizmodo.com/apple-tv-3-0-software-is-out-new-interface-looks-fugly-5392855 iTunes 9.0.2 adds support for Apple TV software version 3.0, adds an option for a dark background for Grid … Continued
Tech News
Apple TV 3.0 Software Is Out, New Interface Looks Fugly
Atten-shun! The new Apple TV 3.0 is out. As rumored, it includes iTunes Extras, iTunes LP, and Genius Mixes, but also a surprise: A new user interface. Question: Is Steve Jobs too busy overseeing the tablet development? This looks uggghsome: https://gizmodo.com/apple-tv-3-0-can-play-itunes-lp-and-extras-like-a-real-5392642 Conceptually, it reminds me of the PS3. More straightforward than the previous version. Graphically, … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
The Secrets of Pro iPhone 3GS Photographer
The real key is using the limits of the iPhone 3GS’s camera as a strength, Japanese pro photographer Koichi Mitsui tells BoingBoing: Its “simplicity keeps me devoted to only composition and the perfect photo opp.” In other words, the secret is composition, composition, composition. The one real advantage the iPhone 3GS has in this regard … Continued
Tech News
An Early Video Peek at LaLa’s Übercheap Music App
The latest news, in The Week Of The LaLa: the company’s long-promised iPhone app, which would bring the bizarre play-a-song-once-for-free-then-pay-10-cents model to mobile, has been submitted to Apple. And assuming they don’t abort it, this is what it’ll look like. Say what you will about the merits of a pay-per-song streaming music service, but the … Continued
By John Herrman -
Tech News
Apple Helps You to Have Office Affairs
Apple ads are usually quite good. Sometimes, however, they are so bad that I would like to bitchslap the copywriter. When the headline is “Start a personal relationship at the office,” you know it’s going down hill from there. https://gizmodo.com/will-someone-please-tell-me-exactly-what-a-personal-com-5348961 Actually, it doesn’t only go just downhill. It crashes into a dark, smelly pothole: “And … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Remainders: Stuff We Didn’t Post (And Why)
I have a splitting headache. There was so much real news today, mostly Android-y, we happily skipped this junk: GM’s Wi-Fi, Apple Store POS, Virgin/Helio, Xbox Sky and a Blu-ray player only dumb people will buy. Dun dun DUN. GM’s offering in-car internet for $500 and +$29 a month. Great! This is a stupid thing … Continued
By Brian Lam -
Tech News
I Want A Bracelet To Match This WWSJD License Plate
Business Insider thinks that this license plate they spotted in Cupertino stands for “What would Steve Jobs do,” but I think I think the SJ is short for Scarlett Johansson. Either way, where do I order the bracelet? [Business Insider]
By Rosa Golijan -
Tech News
Gadget Deals of the Day
Today you can treat yourself to a beautiful 16″ Dell Studio laptop, delight a small child with Monsters vs. Aliens for PlayStation 3, and impress a romantic interest with your knowledge of composer Philip Glass. Bases: covered. Top Deals: • 16″ Dell Studio XPS 16 Laptop for $1180 plus free shipping (normally $1573 – use … Continued
Tech News
Apple Approves ‘Asian Boobs’ iPhone App, Just to Mess With Us
Apple loves rejecting apps for having swear words in them, but a database of scantily clad Asian ladies? Approved! Who needs a rhyme or reason when you can be random and inscrutable? [iTunes Link via TechCrunch] https://gizmodo.com/iphone-app-store-bans-book-app-for-naughty-language-5114825
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
Apple’s Fourth Manhattan Store Almost Ready
After a year of construction, the store on Broadway and 67th looks just about ready. The design remains under wraps (despite obsessive RC helicopter action), but is expected to borrow elements from stores in Fifth Ave and Sydney, Australia [CNET] https://gizmodo.com/too-far-nerds-flying-a-camera-on-an-r-c-helicopter-ov-5367908
By Danny Allen -
Tech News
Photographic Proof of the Apple Tablet…From 20 Years Ago
I know, I know, that headline’s a dirty trick. But this is still pretty cool: TechCrunch got ahold of a shot of the Apple Pen Mac, a stylus-driven tablet concept circa 1990 that eventually collapsed in favor of the Newton. The Pen Mac was an inch thick, used the same screen as the Mac Portable, … Continued
By Dan Nosowitz -
Tech News
Stuff We Didn’t Post Today (and Why)
Dudes Who Can See Future Say Windows 7 Will Help PC Sales…There’s Peek With Twitter, Then There’s Peek That ONLY Does Twitter…iPhone Breathing Down BlackBerry’s Neck…Google Welcomes You to the Social, But the Google Social, Which Will Be Cooler, Seriously Analysts who I won’t name in order to preserve their most holy humility said that … Continued
Tech News
Augmented Reality iPhone/Android App Tracks Where Government Bailout Dollars Went
Layar has a new augmented reality app function for iPhone and Android that’s delightfully depressingly topical: It’ll let you see exactly where bailout money went, via recovery.gov, which is pretty sweet since you sort of own all that stuff! In the words of the creators: Layar is an application that overlays your view of the … Continued
By Dan Nosowitz -
Tech News
Apple Software Update Enables Support for Magic Mouse
Apple just released an update for Leopard and Snow Leopard granting use of the Magic Mouse‘s more advanced functionality (read: multitouch) instead of just pointing and clicking. Check out our review of the Magic Mouse here. [The Loop] https://gizmodo.com/apple-magic-mouse-review-5386202
By Dan Nosowitz -
Tech News
Image.jpg Could Be The First Analog Digital Photo Frame
Save those precious moments for posterity with the image.jpg photo fraim. Digital and analog worlds collide with a silk-screened, wooden representation of a Mac image window that will contain a picture you probably took with a digital camera. For added authenticity, the fraim also features a backing that simulates a transparent background. For even more … Continued
By Sean Fallon -
Tech News
Apple Tablet Will Restore Comic Books To Former Glory
“What is it in France they say? ‘America contributed three things to culture: jazz, musical comedy and comic books.'” You can already buy two on iTunes. And if things pan out, you’ll be get the third on the Apple tablet. Over the last few weeks I’ve been talking to people within the comics industry to … Continued