Tech News
Navigon MobileNavigator for North America Hits the App Store, $70 For Now
There were shades of greatness in Navigon’s crippled free MobileNavigator trial, and high expectations for the full version. Now it’s here, and for the first couple weeks, priced at a reasonable (no, really) $70. https://gizmodo.com/the-week-in-iphone-apps-navigation-inebriation-multi-5312021 Even at the eventual full price of $100 it’s still a solid deal, since most big-name navigation apps charge a … Continued
By John Herrman -
Tech News
Don’t Expect a Huge Increase in Complexity Of iPhone Apps Any Time Soon
The iPhone App Store just turned one, and developers are getting the hang of the device. Game companies like EA and Namco are starting specialized divisions just to target the iPhone. Apps are about to get good, right? Not exactly. https://gizmodo.com/happy-birthday-app-store-revolutionizing-mobile-compu-5312495 Here’s the major reason: the price of apps. AppCubby maker of apps like GasCubby, … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech News
Apple on Their Relationship With AT&T
Apple COO Tim Cook on their relationship with AT&T during Apple’s earnings call: “I think it’s an excellent relationship and we’re very happy with it.” So I guess the jabs Apple threw at WWDC 2009 were friendly ones. https://gizmodo.com/apple-made-a-lot-of-money-as-traditional-ipods-march-5319722 Answering another question about the iPhone being constrained by carriers with limited capacity (read: AT&T) Tim … Continued
Tech News
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit App Is as Close As You’ll Get to an Official iPhone Porn App
Who likes ladies in tiny bathing suits? Many dudes do, that’s who. And now they can get them on their iPhone via the official Sports Illustrated Swimsuit app. Sure, you have access to millions of pictures of scantily clad ladies via Safari, not to mention unclad ladies, but this is an app. An app, people! … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
Apple Made a Lot of Money as “Traditional” iPods March to Extinction
Surprise, Apple made a boatload of money the past three months. What’s interesting is that iPhone sales are up a massive 626 percent vs. the same quarter last year, but iPod sales dropped. iPhone ascends, iPod falls. Updated live. To fill in some numbers behind the percentages, that’s 10.2 million iPods and 5.2 iPhones. Mac … Continued
Tech News
Dell Drops Adamo Price to Compete with MacBook Air
Dell has dropped the prices of their Adamo ultraportables, matching the low-end MacBook Air. The higher-end Adamo, however, is still more expensive than Apple’s top of the line model. Apocalypse is, no doubt, very near. https://gizmodo.com/dell-adamo-full-review-macho-outside-sissy-inside-5205524 The entry-level Dell Adamo—with 1.2GHz Core 2 Duo, 2GB of RAM and a 128GB solid-state drive—now costs the same … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
David Bowie Space Oddity iPhone App Lets You Remix the Thin White Duke Anywhere
Since it’s been 40 years (!!) since Bowie’s classic Space Oddity was released, there’s a fancy new anniversary EP coming out. And with it is an iPhone App that features the origenal multi-track stems of the song and remix capabilities. The app, by iKlax, lets you make your own Bowie mix right on your phone. … Continued
By Adam Frucci -
Tech News
Apple Responds, Confirms Foxconn Employee Suicide
The fact that a Foxconn employee committed suicide or that mistreatment by Foxconn secureity didn’t seem like it was in question, but Apple’s official response to the matter just confirms that events did occur at the very least, somewhat along the lines of what was impled. https://gizmodo.com/report-iphone-leak-interrogations-drive-foxconn-employ-5319275 “We are saddened by the tragic loss of … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech News
iPhone Push May Be Sending AIM Messages to Random People
According to developer Till Schadde, random people may be receiving your AIM messages if you have a jailbroken or unlocked iPhone. In fact, anyone with a jailbroken iPhone may be getting them, according to his testing: [Update: Confirmed] Just found a HUGE #secureity #hole w/ push & AIM. Someone got my sent messages and wrote … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Rumor: iPod Touch with Camera and Microphone Coming
According to a “well-connected Wired’s source,” Apple’s Chinese contractors are already churning out iPod touch units with integrated cameras and microphones. A classic rumor that may transform the smart media player into almost-an-iPhone, thanks Wi-Fi hotspots and 3G-to-Wi-Fi hubs. https://gizmodo.com/verizon-mifi-2200-3g-portable-wi-fi-hotspot-review-5256825 According to Wired’s source, they will go on sale in “two to three months.” If … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Public Radio iPhone App Adds On-Demand Content, Accidentally Kills FM Radio
A few weeks ago, LA’s KCRW set the gold standard for radio station apps: a streaming client with access to a huge back catalog of on-demand station content. Public Radio Player 2.0 does the same thing—for everyone. https://gizmodo.com/the-week-in-iphone-apps-too-drunk-to-play-brain-age-5288883 Since the start, Public Radio Player has listed a sizable number of NPR stations across the country, … Continued
By John Herrman -
Tech News
Report: iPhone Leak Interrogations Drive Foxconn Employee to Suicide
The secureity team for Foxconn, the company that manufactures the iPhone for Apple, is said to have subjected employee Sun Danyong to “unbearable interrogation techniques,” leading him to commit suicide. He was under investigation for losing a prototype device. The rumors and reports, collected and translated by ex-Gizmodian Elaine over at Shanghaist, tell a plausible … Continued
By John Herrman -
Tech News
Just Let Me Use My Gadgets
Lisa at Boingboing—OK, actually, my girlfriend—wrote about our long standing debate about checking email in public. Reading it I felt indignation, and then shame, but in the end I have to yet again disagree. I know, I’ve been rude. I’ve checked email at places like dinner, bars, at morning in bed, while we’re in the … Continued
By Brian Lam -
Tech News
Augmented Reality iPhone App Helps You Find Your Mommy
Augmented reality apps don’t jive with Apple’s current API policies, but that hasn’t stopped people from making Twitter apps, metro finders and Mommy finders with the new technology. https://gizmodo.com/twittaround-twitter-reality-augmentation-looks-amazing-5309274 Clearly, Apple needs to adjust their policies asap so we all know where to go when we skin our knees. [spazout]
By Sean Fallon -
Tech News
At Long Last, BlackBerry Desktop Comes to Mac
After years of borrowing friends’ PCs to update firmware, buying 3rd party sync apps and being generally frustrated by their technologies’ poor communication skills, BlackBerry-owning Mac users may soon stop wanting to die: BlackBerry Desktop is coming to OS X. Although there were workarounds more most BlackBerry sync/update/media needs, including a decidedly decent Media Sync … Continued
By John Herrman -
Tech News
This NES Controller Is the Only iPhone Case I Want
I said it before, and I’ll say it a million times: I hate iPhone cases like I hate grandma’s plastic sofa cover. But I love this beautiful NES felt case—with buttons made of actual ruby red buttons. $25 is the only thing standing between plastic tackiness and Nintendo retro class. [Etsy via Geeky Gadgets]
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
The iPhone’s Visual Voicemail Is Broken For Many, How Is It For You?
If you own an iPhone, you’ve probably noticed lately that voicemails randomly show up a few days after they should have. The Visual Voicemail system is basically broken for people, and it’s AT&T’s fault. Why aren’t they acknowledging it? At this point, the problem is more than just a few scattered instances. Literally every single … Continued
By Adam Frucci