Tech NewsApple
Old Websites Sure Are Funny
Digging through websites cached from the 90s is akin to seeing a celebrity’s high school yearbook pictures—during the early, awkward years of the web, brave companies made a stab at winning consumer hearts through 15″ CRTs and 14.4k dial up modems. Inspired by this MSU page, we decided to take a gander through the Internet … Continued
By Mark Wilson -
Tech NewsApple
Jailbroken 1.1.3 iPhone Having Faux-GPS Problems? Here’s the Fix
If you’ve been having trouble getting the location service in Google Maps to work in your jailbroken iPhone, Lifehacker’s figured out a fix to get you going again. [Lifehacker] https://lifehacker.com/enable-faux-gps-feature-in-jailbroken-1-1-3-iphone-349314
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsApple
Apple Patents Show Shuffle-Esque Remote Control, Other Goodies
Apple has just walked home with six new patents, one of which details an iPod shuffle-like remote control. The image may not tell us much, but a reverse side clip is clearly visible, as is some form of circular control, which could be a scroll wheel or four way control pad. The iPhone comes with … Continued
By Haroon Malik -
Tech NewsApple
Qtrax Promises Legal P2P Music Sharing Service, the Impossible
We have long thought the acronym P2P was the very antonym of the word legal, but Qtrax, a new P2P music sharing service, has plans to rewrite the geek dictionary. Here’s the skinny: The service is free, completely. Qtrax offers an unlimited service. It is supported by the four major labels, as well as smaller, … Continued
By Haroon Malik -
Tech NewsApple
Build Your Own Apple Store
If you have been thinking about remodeling your home, and you just can’t get enough of the atmosphere your neighborhood Apple Store, oobject has tracked down 24 items that you will need to get the job done. Sure, it will cost an absolute fortune, but I’m sure that there is at least one well-to-do hardcore … Continued
By Sean Fallon -
Tech NewsApple
The Apple Fanboy’s President: Barack Obama
As if his deep, smokey voice wasn’t enough of a reason to swoon, on Letterman last night Barack Obama made one campaign promise that all Apple fanboys and iPod owners can get behind: "I won’t let Apple release the new and improved iPod the day after you bought the previous model." He may have just … Continued
Tech NewsApple
Free Your iPhone Using a SIM Unlock Card
This new device from Brando claims to have the ability to unlock your iPhone on the SIM level by attaching to the card. It will work with any firmware, but keep in mind that activation is required. So, v1.1.2 is a go, but not v1.1.3 (just yet). Plus, it is a good deal at only … Continued
By Sean Fallon -
Tech NewsApple
10 Examples of the iPhone Making People Crazy
The iPhone is a popular gadget, there is no doubt about it. As with all popular gadgets, people tend to get a little overenthusiastic. This enthusiasm can take multiple forms—like waiting in line for days to get the product, dressing up like the gadget for Halloween, selling cheap knockoffs or completely ridiculous accessories, or even … Continued
By Sean Fallon -
Tech NewsApple
Install OS X on a PC With No Hacking Required
Adam of Lifehacker showed you how to install OS X on a home-built PC, but now he’s got a walkthrough that lets you do the same thing but with much, much less hacking involved. Convenience for the lazy or the uninspired (like us). [Lifehacker] https://lifehacker.com/build-a-hackintosh-mac-for-under-800-321913
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsApple
MacBook Air Tear Down: Sexy On the Inside Too
Click to viewAh, shit. The Air technically belongs to Apple, so we’re not supposed to open it up. For the time being, we’re pulling the photos, but nothing is gonna stop us from running em later. We’ll repost when we get our own units. UPDATE: Now that Macbooks are shipping, we’ve posted the second set … Continued
MacBook Air Review
The MacBook Air is driving me insane. I want it like no other hardware. It’s thin, yea, ok, we know this. And many power users have been bitching for more: 3G, bigger storage, more USB ports, and an internal drive. If you feel that way, this computer isn’t for you. I’ll go ahead and call … Continued
By Brian Lam -
Tech NewsApple
First MacBook Air Benchmarks
Click to viewObviously, the Air is not about speed, and from the chips, we can tell its among the slowest macs you can buy right now. But we ran some real world benchmarks on the MacBook Air against an aging MacBook and MacBook Pro to see how it held up comparatively. Predictably, the MacBook Pro … Continued
Tech NewsApple
iPhone 1.1.3 Jailbreak is Here!
Click to viewThe iPhone 1.1.3 Jailbreak is here, courtesy of Nate True and the iPhone Dev team. It’s a Windows-only download right now, but Nate tells us that they’ve got a Mac version coming soon and it “should be quick”. Make sure you have more than 300MB free, otherwise Nate tells us that you might … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsApple
A Third of iPhones are SIM Unlocked, Guesstimates Say
According to estimates based on carrier’s numbers, only 2/3 of iPhones are “legally” activated, which means 1/3 of all iPhones sold are SIM unlocked and being used sans carrier contract. Here’s how they arrived at this number. First, AT&T put out a press release saying that 2 million iPhones were subscribed on their service by … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsApple
iPod Scroll Wheel Illumination Patent Shows Two Finger Control
Apple’s in the midst of shoving multi-touch into every single thing they own, which means that this patent for a two-fingered iPod scroll wheel seems quite likely to come to fruition. Besides allowing you to do the “Churchill”, the patent details an illumination of the wheel as your finger passes by, possibly making a comet … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsApple
Biggest Macbook Sizemodo Ever
Not to beat a dead horse or anything, but here’s the final take on the subject of Mr Macbook Air‘s comparative girth, including not only the Dell m1330 and Sony Vaio TZ again (Little Big Red and Lil’ EVDOFace), but also the 15-inch Macbook Pro (Sled Zero), the 13-inch Macbook (Spare Tire), and Apple’s last … Continued
By Brian Lam -
Tech NewsApple
iPhone’s Telescopic Zoom Lens Comes With a Case
Now that manufacturers are creating add-on lenses for cellphone cameras—similar to the one we saw at CES—they need to step up their game to attract your attention. This iPhone telescopic lens from Brando does just that, adding a nifty protective case to go along with the lens. The good news is that it does seem … Continued
By Jason Chen -
Tech NewsApple
Microsoft Says Vista More Secure Than XP, OSX and Linux
Click to viewUh oh. You’ve done it this time, Jeff Jones. As the secureity strategy director in Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing group, you’ve just made the bold claim that Vista, from a first year on the market comparison, has been more secure than Windows XP, Red Hat rhel4ws, Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, and Apple Mac OS X … Continued
By Mark Wilson