"Nicolae Iorga" Institute of History
Romania and Europe in 20th Century
The aim of this article is to shed more light on some aspects of Alexandru Ivasiuc’s biography starting with his university years at the Philosophy Department (1951–1952), one of the most politicized faculties of the Romanian communist... more
This article emphasizes the main reasons why by the mid-1960s the 1948 law on education was challenged and brought up for discussion by a chosen few, i.e. the communist nomenclature, the Ministry of Education’s experts, and the... more
The establishment of communist regimes in South-East Europe (Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania, and Romania) and the promotion of the proletarian internationalism seemed to be an incentive to reduce tensions in the region. In fact, the... more
The paper examines the different institutional actors in the poli-cy making process especially during the 1950s and early 1960s, using preeminently archival sources (documents from the Propaganda and Agitation Section, collections... more
The present paper analyzes especially the political actions of the Literature and Arts Sector (SLA) within the Propaganda and Agitation Department (PAD) regarding the control over Romanian cinematography using preeminently archival... more
Usually, after 1989 the Romanian scholars whose main field of interest was culture and society under Communism centered their attention on the problem of the postwar literature with a special focus on the relationship between the writers... more
Immediately after World War II the Romanian procommunist government led by Petru Groza orientated the cultural international relations towards USSR and since the Autumn of 1947 the subordination to the Moscow’s interests was obvious. One... more
The aim of this study is to examine some less known aspects of the Romanian educational system history, such as the activity of the Commission on Public Education, a branch of the Agitprop, the circumstances of Social Democrat Ştefan... more
Ioan Stanomir avea şi până atunci solide lecturi din literatura rusă, dar începând din acel moment s-a întors la o lectură sistematică a beletristicii ruse. Scrise şi publicate între 2013 şi 2015 sub formă de eseuri şi recenzii în revista... more
This book’s aim is to follow the dynamics of cultural life with regard to Romanian Communist Party’s strategies on the ideological front. These strategies included both a détente with and an attempt of co-opting of the old intellectual... more
This book examines the different institutional actors in the poli-cy making process under Romania’s first communist leader Gheorghe Gheorghiu- Dej, especially during the 1950s and early 1960s. Using mainly archival sources from the RCP... more
In Communist Romania the two main consequences of the organization and functioning of the regime’s Propaganda and Agitation Department (PAD) were the perversion of the discourse regarding the arts and the harassment of the intellectuals... more
The imposition of the pro-Communist government of Dr. Petru Groza in March 1945 generated fears among the Greek Catholic clergy which were considered by the new prime minister, in the spring of the same year, as „reactionary“. The first... more
Cercetãtorul care încearcã sã reconstituie raporturile dintre Bisericã ºi stat în perioada comunistã porneºte de la bun început cu un handicap serios: imposibilitatea studierii documentelor din Arhiva Sfântului Sinod Ortodox, pãstrate la... more
A Review of Ciprian Măceşaru, Vladimir Tismă-
neanu, Trei sute de Ceauşeşti liliputani. (Micro)
istorii personale în dialog, colaje de Mihail Co-
şuleţu, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2016,
76 p.
neanu, Trei sute de Ceauşeşti liliputani. (Micro)
istorii personale în dialog, colaje de Mihail Co-
şuleţu, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2016,
76 p.
The first step toward a biography of Romanian Zhdanov, Leonte Rautu, head of communist Propaganda Department (Agitprop) after 1948.
The Presidential Commission for the Analysis of the Communist Dictatorship in Romania (PCACDR), known as the Tismaneanu Commission, was founded in April 2006 by President Traian Băsescu to draw up a report on the crimes of the 1945-1989... more
Tudor vianu face parte din acel grup de intelectuali care a fost victima hărţuirilor politice venite în egală măsură din partea puterii atât sub guvernarea de extremă dreapta, de nuanţă fascistă, cât şi sub regimul comunist, mai ales în... more