Vladimir Nabokov
Recent papers in Vladimir Nabokov
With the Soviet Union, you did get the sense that they were operating on a model that we could comprehend in terms of, they don't want to be blown up, we don't want to be blown up, so you do game theory and calculate ways to contain.
The fashion style of the 'Gothloli' (Gosurori, or Gothic Lolita), a member of the contemporary 'Lolita' movement, is inexorably bound to the archetypal 'Alice'. Members of this subculture dress in garments inspired by the Victorian age,... more
Eine Seminararbeit über die Exil- und Migrationsliteratur des russischen Exilautoren Vladimir Nabokov und des albanischen Autoren Gazmend Kapllani. Angefertigt für ein Seminar zu Albanischer Literatur. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem... more
« L’art de l’écrivain est son véritable passeport » : Multilinguisme, psycholinguistique et écriture chez l’écrivain Vladimir Nabokov Nabokov est le seul des écrivains russes (en Russie aussi bien que dans l’émigration) appartenant au... more
Übermensch, ideas about pity, and conception of the otherworld as 'materially continuous with this one' (p. 139) effectively revise or reinterpret Nietzsche's philosophy. In this way, Rodgers showcases not only how Nietzsche can help us... more
Les contenus de la revue Interfaces sont mis à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.
A castoff ending to Nabokov's sixth novel "Camera Obscura" is published for the first time in Olga Voronina's English translation.
On dog-motive in Russian LIterature, a polygenetical pattern of Vladimir Nabokov -- in Russian
Vladimir Nabokov's “The Real Life of Sebastian Knight” novel, points to the creative personality and society, the loneliness of man, the metaphysical meaning of artistic expression, real and true life, death, unity of spirit. The... more
Reviews 209 thing passes as if, in the face of a void of some human experiences, a space of meaning can be generated by language and its poetic dimension" (454).
Zhang Xinxin presented this piece in Chinese in Leeds on 16 July 2018, and in London on 17 July 2018. I prepared this English version, and read it at both events.
This paper explores Jameson's concept of the 'New Depthlessness' in Nabokov's Lolita and Tarentino's Pulp Fiction, focusing on the representation of American consumerist culture.
The article is an attempt at comparing two short stories published fifty years apart: Vladimir Nabokov’s “The Visit to the Museum” (1939) and Steven Millhauser’s “The Barnum Museum” (1990). An atypical venture into gothicity to dramatize... more
Walter Siti, "Il realismo è l’impossibile", Nottetempo, Roma, 2013.
Ein Grundsatz der abendländischen Philosophie besagt, dass der Mensch im Unterschied zum Tier die Sprache habe. Diese Unterscheidung regiert die Selbstbeschreibung des Menschen als zoon logon echon bei Aristoteles, als animal rationale... more
This volume not only examines Gothic peregrinations from a geographical perspective (Albanian, Czech, Polish Gothic) but also investigates how the genre has been at odds with strict demarcation of generic boundaries. Analyzing texts... more
La revue Le discours et la langue. Revue de linguistique française et d'analyse du discours, se propose de diffuser les travaux menés en français et sur le français dans le cadre de l'analyse linguistique des discours. Elle entend... more
Literary studies perfectly inclined to, and capable of determining the significance of the choice of genre, form, or narrative in any kind of work of fiction. The author's "technical" choices to bring the story to perfection basically... more
In Nabokov’s Lolita, this oneiric evocation of a gas station on the American roadside follows European émigré Humbert’s description of a cloudy landscape that reminds him of European painters Claude Lorrain’s and El Greco’s horizons. The... more
Sulla falsariga delle ricerche di Sergio Zatti sull’uniforme cristiano e il multiforme pagano, e sugli incerti destini dell’eroe della fede preda di diversioni, tentazioni e smarrimenti, si indagano alcune celebri rappresentazioni... more
In this paper, I explore the ways in which Vladimir Nabokov incorporates different literary genres in his novel Ada or Ardor by analyzing the different elements and the examples of the literary genres identified in the narrative. I will... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Analyse littéraire et thématique des sept phases de l'amour entre Charles Swann et Odette de Crécy dans le deuxième chapitre de "Du côté de chez Swann", de Marcel Proust. Analyse de l'influence des toiles qui aparaissent dans "Un amour... more
This paper serves as an analysis of Vladimir Nabokov's short story, Signs and Symbols, with regards to its narrator, the concept of "referential mania" and the possible interpretations that the story yields.
This book explores Andy Warhol’s creative engagement with social class. During the 1960s, as neoliberalism perpetuated the idea that fixed classes were a mirage and status an individual achievement, Warhol’s work appropriated images,... more
This conference paper examines the importance of Humbert's status as an exile and his attempts to create a new and fantastic reality with Lolita, who resists his attempts to isolate her.
Este artículo examina las polémicas desencadenadas por Lolita, de Vladimir Nabokov, en dos momentos: la primera edición en castellano, hecha por Sur en 1959, y su relectura después del movimiento de mujeres iniciado en 2015. Con foco en... more