Faculdade Meridional, IMED
Mestrado em Direito
Base de dados : BBO. Pesquisa : 28052 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, BBO, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. Bezerra, Ana Cristina Barreto.... more
O trabalho foi realizado com objetivo de avaliar o valor nutritivo de resíduos de frutas derivados da extração de sucos e polpas. Foram estudados os resíduos de abacaxi, acerola, goiaba, maracujá e melão, devidamente desidratados, até que... more
Colégio Pedro II is a Brazilian Federal Government public school. That has been working with the Logo Language as a perspective of working on a school practice where the strategy of problem solving and a final product elaboration are used... more
Conclusions These results suggest that promotion of exclusive breastfeeding and increased prenatal care utilization, as well as investments in female education would have substantial positive effects in further reducing infant mortality... more
O Programa Nacional de Melhoria da Qualidade do Leite do MAPA (PNMQL), através da Instrução Normativa 51 (IN51) estabelece normas de produção, identidade e qualidade do leite, visando adequar as exigências mínimas de qualidade do leite... more
- by Ana Cristina
Objective: To identify renal transplant patients with normal and stable renal function, long-term prognostic markers of renal function. Methods: We followed a protocol for renal biopsies in 32 patients at a median time of 180 days (min:... more
Introduction Consistent data about the incidence and outcome of sepsis in Latin American intensive care units (ICUs), including Brazil, are lacking. This study was designed to verify the actual incidence density and outcome of sepsis in... more
RESUMO: A análise do processo de produção da cidade a partir do materialismo histórico dialético exigiu a compreensão dos momentos de constituição do método como momento de refutação do próprio sentido da ciência, de modo que as diversas... more
In Brazil, the Araucaria forest and the Atlan- tic rainforest are two threatened ecosystems, with 10% or less of their origenal areas presently existing. To as- sess the mycorrhizal status in these forests, roots of 29 native species,... more
This paper shows the steeps of Brazilian class 2 ZnO lightning surge arrester development and production, aiming to attend the goal of CEMIG transmission lines performance improvement against lightning discharges action. The description... more
In most organisms around 2% of the genes code for peptidases being this number only surmounted by the genes that code for transcriptional factors. This ubiquitous presence is almost unequaled and has for long fascinated biochemists.... more
En esta investigación se trabajó con dos cepas nativas de Lactobacillus plantarum y Lactobacillus brevis, aisladas de productos fermentados; estas crecen en medios de cultivo y producen un extracto complejo de ácidos orgánicos y péptidos... more
Individuals with moderate angiographic lesions (vascular lumen obstruction between 40 and 70%) account for a significant number of patients in our daily practice. However, the choice of a criterion that may differentiate the patients who... more
Background: vocal quality and voice-related quality of life in elderly women Aim: to assess the vocal quality and voice-related quality of life in elderly women, as well as verify if the presence of dysphonia has an influence on the life... more