Dewasa ini perbuahan cara pandang terhadap siswa sebagai objek menjadi subjek dalam proses pembel... more Dewasa ini perbuahan cara pandang terhadap siswa sebagai objek menjadi subjek dalam proses pembelajaran menjadi titik tolak banyak ditemukan berbagai pendekatan pembelajaran yang inovatif. Berbagai terobosan dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi merupakan hasil dari adanya ketertarikan terhadap masalah, dilanjutkan dengan menentukan masalah dan penggunaan berbagai dimensi berpikir. Alhasil pendidikan pada abad ke-21 berhubungan dengan permasalahn baru yang ada di dunia nyata. Tidak heran kemudian Model Problem Based Learning atau Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah menjadi salah satu model pembelajaran yang disarankan penggunaannya dalam Kurikulum 2013. Bahkan buku siswa mata pelajaran, khususnya matematika yaitu pada jenjang kelas 7 dan kelas 10 pun, dikatakan sebagai penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah. Namun, dalam pelaksanaannya, masih terdapat kekeliruan dalam penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (PBM). Beberapa buku dari jenjang SMP maupun SMA pun masih ditemukan kesalahan dalam memberikan masalah yang belum memenuhi kategori masalah yang digunakan dalam PBM. Selain itu juga, beberapa pendidik yang menggunakan model PBM terlihat lebih aktif daripada siswanya, sedangkan hal tersebut tidak sesuai dengan karakteristik PBM. Oleh karena itu, dalam makalah ini akan dipaparkan umum yang berhubungan dengan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah yang dapat membantu para calon pendidik memahami model PBM. B. Rumusan Masalah Adapun masalah yang dapat dirumuskan dari paparan sebelumnya, yaitu:
Berisi Pembahasan Soal 13.3 untuk Kalkulus 2 Purcell (revisi sembilan) dan Soal 16.3 di buku Purc... more Berisi Pembahasan Soal 13.3 untuk Kalkulus 2 Purcell (revisi sembilan) dan Soal 16.3 di buku Purcell kalkulus 2 (revisi delapan)
ini merupakan file format ppt, yang membahas mengenai ringkasan integral lipat dua atas persegi p... more ini merupakan file format ppt, yang membahas mengenai ringkasan integral lipat dua atas persegi panjang serta contoh soalnya..
Escherichia coli will reduce selenite (SeO 3 2- ) andselenate (SeO 4 2- ) to elemental selenium S... more Escherichia coli will reduce selenite (SeO 3 2- ) andselenate (SeO 4 2- ) to elemental selenium Se 0 . Seleniumwill also become incorporated intoproteins as part of the amino acids selenocysteine or selenomethionine.The reaction of selenitewith glutathione produces selenodiglutathione (GS-Se-GS). Selenodiglutathioneand itssubsequent reduction to glutathioselenol (GS-SeH) are likely the key intermediatesin the possiblemetabolic fates of selenium. This review presents the possible pathwaysinvolving selenium in E. coli. Identification of intermediates and potentialprocesses from uptake of the toxic oxyanions through to theirdetoxification will assist us inunderstanding the complexities of metalloid oxyanion metabolism in thesebacteria.
Habitat destruction and fragmentation are the root causes of many conservation problems. We condu... more Habitat destruction and fragmentation are the root causes of many conservation problems. We conducted a literature survey and canvassed the ecological community to identify experimental studies of terrestrial habitat fragmentation and to determine whether consistent themes were emerging from these studies. Our survey revealed 20 fragmentation experiments worldwide. Most studies focused on effects of fragmentation on species richness or on the abundance(s) of particular species. Other important themes were the effect of fragmentation in interspecific interactions, the role of corridors and landscape connectivity in individual movements and species richness, and the influences of edge effects on ecosystem services. Our comparisons showed a remarkable lack of consistency in results across studies, especially with regard to species richness and abundance relative to fragment size. Experiments with arthropods showed the best fit with theoretical expectations of greater species richness on larger fragments. Highly mobile taxa such as birds and mammals, early-successional plant species, long-lived species, and generalist predators did not respond in the "expected" manner. Reasons for these discrepancies included edge effects, competitive release in the habitat fragments, and the spatial scale of the experiments. One of the more consistently supported hypotheses was that movement and species richness are positively affected by corridors and connectivity, respectively. Transient effects dominated many systems; for example, crowding of individuals on fragments commonly was observed after fragmentation, followed by a relaxation toward lower abundance in subsequent years. The three long-term studies ( у 14 years) revealed strong patterns that would have been missed in short-term investigations. Our results emphasize the wide range of species-specific responses to fragmentation, the need for elucidation of behavioral mechanisms affecting these responses, and the potential for changing responses to fragmentation over time.
Aim: Biotransformation of blueberry juice by the Serratia vaccinii bacterium gave rise to adenosi... more Aim: Biotransformation of blueberry juice by the Serratia vaccinii bacterium gave rise to adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation and glucose uptake in muscle cells and adipocytes, but inhibited adipogenesis. This study investigated the antiobesity and antidiabetic potential of biotransformed blueberry juice (BJ) in KKA y mice, rodent model of leptin resistance. Methods: BJ was incorporated in drinking water of KKA y mice. Parameters of body weight, food intake, plasma glucose, insulin, leptin, and adiponectin were measured. Before and after therapy, animals were subjected to an oral glucose tolerance test. At the end of treatment, liver, muscle, kidney, epididymal fat pad, abdominal fat pad, and dorsal fat pad were collected and weighed. Results: Incorporating BJ in drinking water protected young KKA y mice from hyperphagia and significantly reduced their weight gain. Moreover, BJ protected young KKA y mice against the development of glucose intolerance and diabetes mellitus. Chronic BJ administration in obese and diabetic KKA y mice reduced food intake and body weight. This effect could not fully explain the associated antidiabetic effect because BJ-treated mice still showed lower blood glucose level when compared with pair-fed controls. The adipokines pathway also seems to be involved because BJ significantly increased adiponectin levels in obese mice. Conclusions: This study shows that BJ decreases hyperglycemia in diabetic mice, at least in part by reversing adiponectin levels. BJ also protects young pre-diabetic mice from developing obesity and diabetes. Thus, BJ may represent a novel complementary therapy and a source of novel therapeutic agents against diabetes mellitus.
Pendidikan dalam arti luas mencakup seluruh proses hidup dan segenap bentuk interaksi antar indiv... more Pendidikan dalam arti luas mencakup seluruh proses hidup dan segenap bentuk interaksi antar individu dengan lingkungannya, baik secara formal atau non formal sampai dengan suatu taraf kedewasaan tertentu. Sedangkan secara terbatas, pendidikan diartikan sebagai proses interaksi belajar mengajar dalam bentuk formal yang dikenal sebagai pengajaran, misalnya dalam ruang lingkup sekolah.
Dewasa ini perbuahan cara pandang terhadap siswa sebagai objek menjadi subjek dalam proses pembel... more Dewasa ini perbuahan cara pandang terhadap siswa sebagai objek menjadi subjek dalam proses pembelajaran menjadi titik tolak banyak ditemukan berbagai pendekatan pembelajaran yang inovatif. Berbagai terobosan dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi merupakan hasil dari adanya ketertarikan terhadap masalah, dilanjutkan dengan menentukan masalah dan penggunaan berbagai dimensi berpikir. Alhasil pendidikan pada abad ke-21 berhubungan dengan permasalahn baru yang ada di dunia nyata. Tidak heran kemudian Model Problem Based Learning atau Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah menjadi salah satu model pembelajaran yang disarankan penggunaannya dalam Kurikulum 2013. Bahkan buku siswa mata pelajaran, khususnya matematika yaitu pada jenjang kelas 7 dan kelas 10 pun, dikatakan sebagai penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah. Namun, dalam pelaksanaannya, masih terdapat kekeliruan dalam penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (PBM). Beberapa buku dari jenjang SMP maupun SMA pun masih ditemukan kesalahan dalam memberikan masalah yang belum memenuhi kategori masalah yang digunakan dalam PBM. Selain itu juga, beberapa pendidik yang menggunakan model PBM terlihat lebih aktif daripada siswanya, sedangkan hal tersebut tidak sesuai dengan karakteristik PBM. Oleh karena itu, dalam makalah ini akan dipaparkan umum yang berhubungan dengan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah yang dapat membantu para calon pendidik memahami model PBM. B. Rumusan Masalah Adapun masalah yang dapat dirumuskan dari paparan sebelumnya, yaitu:
Berisi Pembahasan Soal 13.3 untuk Kalkulus 2 Purcell (revisi sembilan) dan Soal 16.3 di buku Purc... more Berisi Pembahasan Soal 13.3 untuk Kalkulus 2 Purcell (revisi sembilan) dan Soal 16.3 di buku Purcell kalkulus 2 (revisi delapan)
ini merupakan file format ppt, yang membahas mengenai ringkasan integral lipat dua atas persegi p... more ini merupakan file format ppt, yang membahas mengenai ringkasan integral lipat dua atas persegi panjang serta contoh soalnya..
Escherichia coli will reduce selenite (SeO 3 2- ) andselenate (SeO 4 2- ) to elemental selenium S... more Escherichia coli will reduce selenite (SeO 3 2- ) andselenate (SeO 4 2- ) to elemental selenium Se 0 . Seleniumwill also become incorporated intoproteins as part of the amino acids selenocysteine or selenomethionine.The reaction of selenitewith glutathione produces selenodiglutathione (GS-Se-GS). Selenodiglutathioneand itssubsequent reduction to glutathioselenol (GS-SeH) are likely the key intermediatesin the possiblemetabolic fates of selenium. This review presents the possible pathwaysinvolving selenium in E. coli. Identification of intermediates and potentialprocesses from uptake of the toxic oxyanions through to theirdetoxification will assist us inunderstanding the complexities of metalloid oxyanion metabolism in thesebacteria.
Habitat destruction and fragmentation are the root causes of many conservation problems. We condu... more Habitat destruction and fragmentation are the root causes of many conservation problems. We conducted a literature survey and canvassed the ecological community to identify experimental studies of terrestrial habitat fragmentation and to determine whether consistent themes were emerging from these studies. Our survey revealed 20 fragmentation experiments worldwide. Most studies focused on effects of fragmentation on species richness or on the abundance(s) of particular species. Other important themes were the effect of fragmentation in interspecific interactions, the role of corridors and landscape connectivity in individual movements and species richness, and the influences of edge effects on ecosystem services. Our comparisons showed a remarkable lack of consistency in results across studies, especially with regard to species richness and abundance relative to fragment size. Experiments with arthropods showed the best fit with theoretical expectations of greater species richness on larger fragments. Highly mobile taxa such as birds and mammals, early-successional plant species, long-lived species, and generalist predators did not respond in the "expected" manner. Reasons for these discrepancies included edge effects, competitive release in the habitat fragments, and the spatial scale of the experiments. One of the more consistently supported hypotheses was that movement and species richness are positively affected by corridors and connectivity, respectively. Transient effects dominated many systems; for example, crowding of individuals on fragments commonly was observed after fragmentation, followed by a relaxation toward lower abundance in subsequent years. The three long-term studies ( у 14 years) revealed strong patterns that would have been missed in short-term investigations. Our results emphasize the wide range of species-specific responses to fragmentation, the need for elucidation of behavioral mechanisms affecting these responses, and the potential for changing responses to fragmentation over time.
Aim: Biotransformation of blueberry juice by the Serratia vaccinii bacterium gave rise to adenosi... more Aim: Biotransformation of blueberry juice by the Serratia vaccinii bacterium gave rise to adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation and glucose uptake in muscle cells and adipocytes, but inhibited adipogenesis. This study investigated the antiobesity and antidiabetic potential of biotransformed blueberry juice (BJ) in KKA y mice, rodent model of leptin resistance. Methods: BJ was incorporated in drinking water of KKA y mice. Parameters of body weight, food intake, plasma glucose, insulin, leptin, and adiponectin were measured. Before and after therapy, animals were subjected to an oral glucose tolerance test. At the end of treatment, liver, muscle, kidney, epididymal fat pad, abdominal fat pad, and dorsal fat pad were collected and weighed. Results: Incorporating BJ in drinking water protected young KKA y mice from hyperphagia and significantly reduced their weight gain. Moreover, BJ protected young KKA y mice against the development of glucose intolerance and diabetes mellitus. Chronic BJ administration in obese and diabetic KKA y mice reduced food intake and body weight. This effect could not fully explain the associated antidiabetic effect because BJ-treated mice still showed lower blood glucose level when compared with pair-fed controls. The adipokines pathway also seems to be involved because BJ significantly increased adiponectin levels in obese mice. Conclusions: This study shows that BJ decreases hyperglycemia in diabetic mice, at least in part by reversing adiponectin levels. BJ also protects young pre-diabetic mice from developing obesity and diabetes. Thus, BJ may represent a novel complementary therapy and a source of novel therapeutic agents against diabetes mellitus.
Pendidikan dalam arti luas mencakup seluruh proses hidup dan segenap bentuk interaksi antar indiv... more Pendidikan dalam arti luas mencakup seluruh proses hidup dan segenap bentuk interaksi antar individu dengan lingkungannya, baik secara formal atau non formal sampai dengan suatu taraf kedewasaan tertentu. Sedangkan secara terbatas, pendidikan diartikan sebagai proses interaksi belajar mengajar dalam bentuk formal yang dikenal sebagai pengajaran, misalnya dalam ruang lingkup sekolah.
Papers by Dian BJ
Drafts by Dian BJ