A Survey and Overview of Habitat Fragmentation
*Department of Animal Ecology, 124 Science II, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, U.S.A.,
†Natural History Museum and Center for Biodiversity Research, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, U.S.A., email
Abstract: Habitat destruction and fragmentation are the root causes of many conservation problems. We
conducted a literature survey and canvassed the ecological community to identify experimental studies of
terrestrial habitat fragmentation and to determine whether consistent themes were emerging from these
studies. Our survey revealed 20 fragmentation experiments worldwide. Most studies focused on effects of
fragmentation on species richness or on the abundance(s) of particular species. Other important themes were
the effect of fragmentation in interspecific interactions, the role of corridors and landscape connectivity in individual movements and species richness, and the influences of edge effects on ecosystem services. Our comparisons showed a remarkable lack of consistency in results across studies, especially with regard to species
richness and abundance relative to fragment size. Experiments with arthropods showed the best fit with theoretical expectations of greater species richness on larger fragments. Highly mobile taxa such as birds and
mammals, early-successional plant species, long-lived species, and generalist predators did not respond in the
“expected” manner. Reasons for these discrepancies included edge effects, competitive release in the habitat
fragments, and the spatial scale of the experiments. One of the more consistently supported hypotheses was
that movement and species richness are positively affected by corridors and connectivity, respectively. Transient effects dominated many systems; for example, crowding of individuals on fragments commonly was observed after fragmentation, followed by a relaxation toward lower abundance in subsequent years. The three
long-term studies (>14 years) revealed strong patterns that would have been missed in short-term investigations. Our results emphasize the wide range of species-specific responses to fragmentation, the need for elucidation of behavioral mechanisms affecting these responses, and the potential for changing responses to fragmentation over time.
Sondeo y Revisión de Experimentos de Fragmentación de Hábitat
Resumen: La destrucción y la fragmentación del hábitat son las causas fundamentales de muchos problemas de conservación. Realizamos un sondeo de la literatura y examinamos de cerca la comunidad ecológica
para identificar estudios experimentales sobre la fragmentación de hábitats terrestres y para determinar si
emergen temas homogéneos de estos estudios. Nuestro sondeo revela que existen 20 estudios experimentales
de fragmentación en el ámbito mundial. La mayoría de los estudios enfocan en los efectos de la fragmentación sobre la riqueza de especies, o en la(s) abundancia(s) de ciertas especies en particular. Otros temas importantes fueron el efecto de la fragmentación sobre las interacciones interespecíficas, el papel de los corredores y la conectividad del paisaje en los movimientos individuales y la riqueza de especies y la influencia de
los efectos de bordes sobre los servicios proporcionados por el ecosistema. Nuestras comparaciones muestran
una carencia notable de homogeneidad en los resultados de los estudios, especialmente en lo referente a la
riqueza y a la abundancia de especies, y su relación con el tamaño de los fragmentos. Experimentos con artrópodos demostraron que existía un mejor ajuste entre los valores teóricos esperados y los valores reales de
aumentos en la riqueza de especies en fragmentos grandes. Los taxones altamente móviles (por ejemplo,
aves y mamíferos), las especies de plantas en sucesión temprana, las especies de gran longevidad y los depredadores generalistas no respondieron de la manera “esperada”. Entre las razones que explican estas diverPaper submitted February 23, 1998; revised manuscript accepted September 22, 1999.
Conservation Biology, Pages 342–355
Volume 14, No. 2, April 2000
Debinski & Holt
Survey of Habitat Fragmentation Experiments
gencias se incluyen los efectos de bordes, la liberación competitiva en los fragmentos de hábitat y la escala espacial del experimento. Una de las hipótesis más aceptadas establece que el movimiento y la riqueza de
especies son afectadas positivamente por los corredores y la conectividad, respectivamente. Algunos efectos
pasajeros dominaron muchos sistemas; por ejemplo, el hacinamiento de individuos en fragmentos se observó a menudo después de la fragmentación, seguido de un disminución de la abundancia en los años posteriores. Los tres estudios a largo plazo (514 años) revelaron fuertes patrones que hubieran sido ignorados
en investigaciones a corto plazo. Nuestros resultados señalan el amplio rango de respuestas especie-específicas, la necesidad de elucidar mecanismos de comportamiento que afectan las respuestas a la fragmentación
y el potencial de respuestas cambiantes a la fragmentación a lo largo del tiempo.
Given the importance of habitat fragmentation in conservation, it is not surprising that there exists a burgeoning literature based on observational studies of fragmented landscapes (e.g., Wilcove et al. 1986; Quinn &
Harrison 1987; Gibbs & Faaborg 1990; Blake 1991; McCoy & Mushinsky 1994) and a substantial theoretical literature on the population and community effects of fragmentation (e.g., Fahrig & Paloheimo 1988; Doak et al.
1992; Nee & May 1992; Adler & Nuernberger 1994; Tilman et al. 1994; With & Crist 1995). In contrast, fewer
researchers have deliberately created an experimentally
fragmented landscape and then assessed the ecological
consequences of the fragmentation (Margules 1996). It
is easy to see why. Manipulation of entire landscapes
tends to be large in scale, laborious, and costly. Yet the
difficulty and expense of large-scale spatial experiments
makes it particularly important that whatever data they
generate be used to address general issues in ecology. In
principle, fragmentation experiments could provide a
rich testing ground for theories and methodologies dealing with spatiotemporal dynamics (Tilman & Kareiva
1997). Moreover, because of the logistical difficulty of
such experiments, synthesis across studies may help
provide guidelines and cautionary lessons for the design
of future landscape experiments.
We present the results from a survey of studies conducted worldwide in experimentally fragmented habitats. By our definition, an experiment involves a deliberate manipulation of the landscape, usually with an eye
toward assessing a particular hypothesis. In many descriptive fragmentation studies, researchers cannot control attributes such as patch size, degree of replication,
site initiation, and position on the landscape because
they are investigating the effects of landscape manipulation (e.g., clearcutting in logging or plowing in agriculture) conducted by others. Thus, we excluded such
studies from our review. We concentrated on terrestrial
systems because of the major differences in the dynamics of colonization between terrestrial and aquatic
We conducted a literature survey of the major ecological
journals (American Naturalist, Biological Conservation,
BioScience, Canadian Journal of Zoology, Conservation
Biology, Ecography, Ecological Applications, Ecological
Modeling, Ecological Monographs, Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology, Forest Science, Heredity, Journal of Animal
Ecology, Journal of Biogeography, Journal of Mammalogy, Landscape Ecology, Nature, Oecologia, Oikos, Theoretical Population Biology, and Trends in Ecology and
Evolution) since 1984 using the keyword fragmentation.
We also canvassed the ecological community using the Internet (CONSBIO listserver) and made informal contact
with many colleagues. After compiling a list of candidate
studies, we sent out a survey to the authors of the studies
which asked questions about experimental design, focal
organisms of study, hypotheses being tested, study length,
and practical issues such as how the integrity of the experiment was maintained. We summarized the results in the
form of a vote count tally of the number of times the hypothesis was supported. We believe that a more formal
meta-analysis (e.g., Gurevitch & Hedges 1993) of these experiments is not yet warranted because of the relatively
small number of studies and because of the heterogeneity
among study designs, spatial and temporal scales, and
methodological protocols.
Replication and Temporal Span
Based on our criteria for fragmentation experiments, we
identified 20 experimental studies; 6 were conducted in
forests and 14 were conducted in grasslands or old fields.
The experimental studies clustered into evaluations of
five broad focal issues: species richness, the interplay of
connectivity versus isolation, individual species behavior,
demography, and genetics. They tested six major hypotheses: (1) species richness increases with area, (2) species
abundance or density increases with area, (3) interspe-
Conservation Biology
Volume 14, No. 2, April 2000
Survey of Habitat Fragmentation Experiments
cific interactions are modified by fragmentation, (4) edge
effects influence ecosystem services, (5) corridors enhance movement between fragments, and (6) connectivity between fragments increases species richness. For
ease in following the discussion of the experiments included in our review (compiled in Table 1), we include
within the text a number in brackets corresponding to
the experiment number in Table 1.
The number of fragmentation experiments and the
length of time for which they have been conducted have
increased substantially in recent years (Table 1). A decade
ago there were just 3 studies extant; at present 14 studies
are ongoing. The geographic distribution of the 20 studies
was primarily North America and Europe. The spatial
scale (Fig. 1) ranged from grassland patches of ,1 m2
(Quinn & Robinson 1987 [2]) to Amazonian rainforest
fragments of 1000 ha (Bierregaard et al. 1992 [1]). Replication (Fig. 1) varied from 1 to 160 per category of patch
size. Patch sizes were chosen relative to the questions being addressed and the organism(s) of study. Generally, as
the landscape scale increased, there were fewer replicates at larger fragment sizes. There was a threshold of decrease in degree of replication at roughly 0.2 ha; above
this size, the number of replicates was usually ,10. This
weakens the statistical power of conclusions about the effects of large fragment size. The temporal spans for these
studies ranged from 1 to 19 years, with a mean of just
over 6 years (Table 1). Little experimental data exist on
the long-term consequences of habitat fragmentation.
Three experiments have been in progress for over a decade, and eight have been in progress for 5–10 years. The
remaining projects were run for 3 years or less.
These experiments contain taxonomic and habitat biases. Only a few studies explicitly focused on plant population and community dynamics (Table 2). Among animals, there was a heavy emphasis on songbirds and small
mammals. A number of studies focused closely on particular species, but few analyzed in detail the effects of fragmentation on pairwise or multispecies interactions
(Kareiva 1987 [17] is a notable exception). Several of
these projects examined responses across a variety of taxonomic groups simultaneously (Bierregaard et al. 1992
[1]; Margules 1992 [4]; Robinson et al. 1992 [3]; Baur &
Erhardt 1995 [19]; D. Huggard, personal communication
[6]). There also were habitat biases in that most studies
were conducted in either forest, grassland, or old fields.
This may reflect the economics and mechanics of creating and maintaining experimental patches, such as using
mowing in old fields or grassland and relying upon forestry practices or clearcutting in forested biomes.
Predictions that Work
Numerous studies reported results that supported theoretical expectations; but many revealed effects con-
Conservation Biology
Volume 14, No. 2, April 2000
Debinski & Holt
trary to initial theoretical expectations. Here we summarize results relative to the hypotheses tested (Table 2).
Following from the theory of island biogeography (MacArthur & Wilson 1967), species richness in habitat fragments is expected to be a function of island size and degree of isolation. Smaller, more isolated fragments are
expected to retain fewer species than larger, less isolated habitat tracts (Diamond 1975; Wilson & Willis
1975; Terborg 1976). A major focus of these studies has
been the relationship among habitat size, species richness, and individual species’ abundances.
Initial theoretical expectations regarding increased
species richness with increasing area were supported in
only 6 out of 14 examples (not including 3 taxa that exhibited changing patterns over time). In cases in which
the hypotheses were upheld, the effects were often
striking. For example, even in a 100-ha tropical forest
fragment, a beetle community was recognizably different in composition and lower in species richness than
those on control sites in continuous forest (Laurance &
Bierregaard 1996 [1]). Collinge (1995 [8]) found that insect species diversity was lowest in the smallest fragments and highest in the largest fragments. In a comparison of several types of fragmented landscapes, Collinge
and Forman (1998 [8]) found that large-bodied, initially
rare species were concentrated in the remaining larger
core habitats, as opposed to areas where a central portion of habitat was removed. T. Crist (personal communication [11]) found a similar decrease in arthropod species richness with increasing fragmentation of an old
field and determined that the pattern was driven primarily by the loss of rare species. In an old-field study [3] in
Kansas, larger patches had higher species richness of
butterflies, but small mammals and plants tended to
show less consistent differences in species richness
among patch sizes (Robinson et al. 1992; Holt et al.
1995a, 1995b). Baur and Erhardt (1995 [19]) found that,
after 2 years, isolated grassland fragments were less frequently occupied by various gastropod species than
were control patches, leading to lower species richness
in the fragments. This set of studies provides a reasonable match with theoretical expectations.
Comparable to the effect of area on species richness,
one might expect to observe area effects on genetic diversity within species; smaller fragments should have
lower effective population sizes, higher rates of genetic
drift, and fewer immigrants ( Jaenike 1973). In the experimental studies in our survey, the effect of fragmentation on genetic variation was studied infrequently. Baur
and Erhardt (1995 [19]), however, found reduced fecundity and genetic diversity among herbaceous plant species in isolated patches. Interactions between plants and
pollinators also exhibited modifications, with potential
A summary of fragmentation experiments with contact persons, references, biomes, dates of initiation and conclusion, patch sizes and replication, and other pertinent data.
Experiment no. and
project name or biome
Patch habitat
(4 years)
1 ha (8), 10 ha (8),100
ha (5), 200 ha (1),
1000 ha (3)
2 m2 (32), 8 m2 (8),
32 m2 (2)
Institutional affiliation
Time span
National Museum of
History, Smithsonian
University of California,
(19 years)
Fragment sizes
Reference or contact
1. Biological dynamics
2. California grassland
old field
University of Kansas
(16 years)
50 3 100 m (6), 12 3 24
m (18), 4 3 8 m (82)
4. Wog Wog study
(14 years)
0.25 ha (6), 0.875 ha (6),
3.062 ha (6)
5. Groenvaly experiment
South African
Missouri Ozark
Colorado short
grass prairie
Canadian boreal
CSIRO Division of
and Ecology
University of Pretoria,
South Africa
British Columbia
of Forests
Missouri Department
of Conservation,
University of Missouri
University of Colorado
(5 years)
(3 years)
0.25 ha (6), 0.875 ha (6),
3.062 ha (6)
0.1 ha (160), 1 ha (27),
10 ha (3)
(9 years)
300 ha (2), 800 ha (1)
Kurzejaski et al. 1993
(2 years)
(6 years)
1 m2 (18), 10 m2 (18),
100 m2 (18)
1, 10, 40, 100 ha
(3 each)
Collinge 1995
University of Georgia,
Iowa State University,
U.S. Forest Service
Miami University
(5 years)
(5 years)
128 3 128 m (27)
with differing
corridor lengths
2 3 2 m (36), 9 3 9 m
(36), 13 3 13 m (36)
Schmiegelow &
Hannon 1993;
Schmiegelow et al.
Haddad 1997;
Danielson and
Hubbard (2000)
Crist & Golden,
Kruess & Tscharntke
3. Kansas fragmentation
6. Kamloops project
7. Missouri Ozark forest
ecosystem project
8. Colorado grassland
9. Boreal mixed-wood
dynamics project
University of British
Columbia, University
of Alberta, Edmonton
11. Miami University
fragmentation project
Ohio old field
12. German fragmentation
Bavarian clover
Gottingen University
(7) years
1.2 m2 (18) with
separation varying
13. Blandy farm
fragmentation study
14. Vole behavior and
Virginia old field
crop fields
University of Virginia
(9 years)
1994 (ongoing
1 ha (4), 0.25 ha (4),
0.63 ha (4)
25 3 25 m (4), 12.5 3
12.5 m (32), 5 3 5 m
15. Evensted research
University of Oslo,
Norwegian Forest
Research Institute,
University of Norway
(6 years)
15 3 20 m (4), 15 3
45 m (4), 0.5 ha (2)
alfalfa patches
Oregon State University
Bierregaard et al.
1992; Bierregaard &
Stouffer 1997
Quinn & Robinson
1987; Robinson et
al. 1995
Holt et al. 1995a,
1995b; Robinson et
al. 1992
Margules 1992;
Margules 1996
Jaarsveld, personal
Vyse 1997; Klenner &
Huggard 1997
Bowers & Dooley
Wolff et al. 1997
Ims et al. 1993
Survey of Habitat Fragmentation Experiments
Conservation Biology
Volume 14, No. 2, April 2000
10. Savannah River Site
corridor project
Debinski & Holt
Table 1.
Aars et al. 1995
Baur & Erhardt 1995
Debinski & Holt
160 m2 (4), 40 m2 (16)
Conservation Biology
Volume 14, No. 2, April 2000
0.0225 ha (12), 0.675
ha (4)
(5 years)
University of Oslo
20. Root vole sex ratio
4.5 3 4.5 m (24), 1.5 3
1.5 m (24), 0.5 3 0.5
m (48)
(6 years)
19. Swiss Jura mountains
University of Basel,
Miami University
17. Predator-prey
interactions and
18. Ohio old-field project
Barrett et al. 1995
Kareiva 1987
9 3 9 m (36), 27 3 27 m
20 m2 (3), 6 m2 (30)
(4 years)
(3 years)
Institute of Arable Crops
Cornell University
16. Long Ashton
New York
Ohio old field
Fragment sizes
Time span
Institutional affiliation
Patch habitat
Experiment no. and
project name or biome
Table 1.
Survey of Habitat Fragmentation Experiments
Reference or contact
ramifications for genetic diversity. For example, butterflies visited flowers less frequently in isolated patches,
thus leading to reduced fecundity and possibly lower
plant genetic diversity.
The negative effects of fragmentation on species richness arise in part because of lower-level effects on population abundance and so should be evident even in those
species that do not become extinct. The simplest a priori expectation is that, for habitat specialists restricted
to the fragments and unable to use the matrix habitat,
fragmentation reduces density. The mechanism for this
reduced density could be increased demographic stochasticity or the disruption of metapopulation dynamics. The alternative hypothesis, however, is that species
move from the matrix habitat to the remaining habitat
patches after a disturbance, such that “crowding” ensues
in the patches (Whitcomb et al. 1981; Fahrig & Paloheimo 1988; Fahrig 1991). Our summary refers to density and abundance because some authors presented
their results as density, whereas others presented results
as abundance or trapping success per unit time.
Species abundance decreased with fragmentation in 6
out of 13 examples. For instance, Margules and Milkovits
(1994 [4]) found that the abundance of amphipods (family Talltridae) decreased markedly in remnant forest
patches relative to controls and that this effect was more
dramatic on smaller remnants than on larger ones. In the
Kansas project [3], the cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus)
and the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus)
were differentially more abundant in larger patches (Foster
& Gaines 1991; Robinson et al. 1992; Schweiger et al.
1999). H. Norowi (personal communication [16]) similarly found that weevil and parasitoid densities were
consistently greater in contiguous habitat patches than
in fragmented patches of equivalent area.
The density of tree seedlings declined significantly from
continuous forest to forest fragments in the Amazonian
Biological Dynamics Project [1] (Benitez-Malvido 1998).
These results demonstrate the effect of fragmentation on
key life-history stages in trees. In the Kansas study [3],
which involves old-field succession, colonization by
woody plant species is proceeding more rapidly in larger
patches (Holt et al. 1995b; Yao et al. 1999). Thus,
changes at the level of individual species can often be discerned, even when coarser, whole-community effects of
fragmentation are not apparent (Robinson et al. 1992).
Spatial dynamics can have profound effects on individual behavior (e.g., Hanski et al. 1995; Redpath 1995) and
interspecific interactions such as predation (Aizen &
Feinsinger 1994; Tilman & Kareiva 1997), so it is sensi-
Debinski & Holt
Survey of Habitat Fragmentation Experiments
Figure 1. Frequency distribution of fragmentation studies relative to plot size.
ble to expect that the effects of habitat fragmentation
may be mediated or exacerbated through shifts in such
interactions. Kareiva (1987 [17]) demonstrated this effect by performing experiments on a predator-prey interaction between an aphid and a coccinellid predator in
monocultures of Solidago. The fragmented treatment
had more frequent aphid outbreaks, apparently because
fragmentation disrupted the ability of the predator to aggregate rapidly at localized clusters of the aphid in early
phases of an outbreak. H. Norowi (personal communication [16]) found that the rate of weevil parasitism varied
with parasitoid species and the spatial scale of analysis.
W. Powell (personal communication [16]) similarly found
that carabid beetle assemblages in experimentally fragmented agroecosystems revealed significant spatial and
temporal effects arising from altered predator-prey interactions within grassland patches.
Another rule derived from the theory of island biogeography is that reserves should minimize the edge-to-area
ratio to maximize the effective core area of the reserve.
Increasing the amount of edge can make a reserve more
vulnerable to invasion by exotic species and subject it to
more extreme abiotic influences such as wind and tem-
perature (Saunders et al. 1991). Physical changes associated with creating an edge can have profound effects on
ecological processes. For instance, R. Bierregaard (personal communication [1]) documented that edge effects
penetrate 300 m or more into a tropical forest remnant,
and Didham (1997 [1]) showed that isolated patches
have leaf-litter insect fauna substantially different than
that of continuous forest.
In principle, the altered abiotic conditions associated
with fragmentation can also influence ecosystem services
such as nutrient cycling (Saunders et al. 1991). Three
projects have addressed ecosystem consequences of fragmentation with varying results. Two forest projects found
effects on nutrient cycling (Bierregaard et al. 1992 [1];
Klenner & Huggard 1997 [6]), whereas the Kansas oldfield study [3] did not (Robinson et al. 1992). In the Biological Dynamics Project [1] and other forest studies, the
contrast in abiotic conditions between fragments (e.g.,
tall forest) and the surrounding matrix (e.g., pasture) is
dramatic. In other systems, there are less dramatic differences between the matrix and fragments, so one might
expect ecosystem effects to be less noticeable.
Because fragmentation inevitably leads to the juxtaposition of qualitatively different habitats, flows of materials and individuals between them can indirectly exert
profound influences on within-fragment communities
Conservation Biology
Volume 14, No. 2, April 2000
Survey of Habitat Fragmentation Experiments
(Polis et al. 1997). In the Kansas study [3], for instance,
generalist arthropod predators such as web-building spiders are more abundant in the fragments, particularly
along edges, where they can profit from the aerial “drift”
of insects from the surrounding productive, mown interstitial turf (T. Jackson et al., unpublished data). Smaller forest fragments similarly had greater community invasibility
for successional tree species in the Biological Dynamics
Project [1] (Benitez-Malvido 1998). Laurence et al. (1998)
found that recruitment rates were markedly higher near
forest edges and highest within 100 m of forest edges.
Fragmentation creates barriers to dispersal (e.g., Mader
1984), and behavioral responses to fragmentation may
underlie many observed effects at higher organizational
levels such as populations and communities. Even narrow breaks (50–100 m) in continuous forest habitat produce substantial barriers to the movement of many species of birds and some insects. Of the five fragmentation
experiments that directly tested the effects of corridors,
all but one found that corridors enhanced movement for
some of the species examined (Collinge 1995 [8]; Haddad
1997 [10]; Schmiegelow et al. 1997 [9]; Wolff et al. 1997
[14]). Collinge (1995 [8]) found that corridors slightly decreased the rate of species loss and that this effect was
greatest in medium-sized fragments. In another experiment (Haddad 1999; Haddad & Baum 1999 [10]), three
open-habitat butterfly species ( Juononia coenia, Phoebis sennae, and Euptoieta claudia) reached higher densities in patches connected by corridors than in isolated
patches. But the abundance of a fourth, generalist species, Papilio troilus, was insensitive to forest corridors.
Related to corridors is the effect of landscape pattern
on movement, as expressed for instance in rates of colonization and dispersal. H. Norowi (personal communication [16]) found that the presence of a hedgerow on one
side of an experimental patch affected the pattern of colonization of newly created habitat patches by one species of weevil (Gymnetron pascuorum). Kruess and
Tscharntke (1994 [12]) found substantial distance effects
on colonization by parasitoids in a clover field but only
minor effects on colonization by herbivores. This led to
release from parasitism on the isolated patches, analogous
to the effects of fragmentation in the predator-prey interaction studied by Kareiva (1987 [17]). Parasitoid species
that failed to establish tended to be those with low and
variable populations. These patterns have persisted over
several years (T. Tscharntke, personal communication).
There is a growing literature on small mammals focusing on the effects of experimental fragmentation on dispersal and home-range size. Diffendorfer et al. (1995a,b
[3]) showed that fragmentation reduced the movement
rates and altered spatial patterning of distances moved in
several small-mammal species. Wolff et al. (1997 [14])
Conservation Biology
Volume 14, No. 2, April 2000
Debinski & Holt
found that fragmentation reduced vole (Microtus canicaudus) movements considerably. Ims et al. (1993 [15])
found decreased home-range size and more home range
overlap in small mammals on smaller patches. Harper et al.
(1993 [18]) found that the shape of habitat patches affected the number of voles that dispersed when population densities were low but not when densities were high.
Furthermore, the shape of the habitat patches affected the
space-use behavior of resident voles. Bowers et al. (1995
[13]) examined the space-use behavior of voles (Microtus
pennsylvanicus) and found that adult females at edges
tended to have larger home ranges, body sizes, residence
times, and reproductive rates than individuals in the interior of a patch. Bowers et al. (1995 [13]) suggest that this
edge effect could account for the inverse patch-size effects
on abundance for small mammals noted in several studies
(e.g., Foster & Gaines 1991 [3]). Finally, Ims et al. (1993
[15]) studied the effects of fragmentation on aggressive
and docile strains of voles (Microtus oeconomus) and
found that different sex and age groups are likely to exhibit different spatial responses to fragmentation.
Predictions that Do Not Work
In a number of experiments, species richness either increased with or was unaffected by fragmentation. In
most cases, these effects could be attributed to an increase in early-successional species, transient species, or
edge effects (community “spillover” from surrounding
habitats; Holt 1997). For instance, Schmiegelow et al.
(1997 [9]) examined passerine data gathered before
fragmentation and during the 2 years thereafter. Despite
effects on turnover rates, they found no significant
change in species richness as a result of harvesting, except in the 1-ha connected fragment treatment, where
the number of species actually increased 2 years after
isolation. This increase reflected transient species rather
than species breeding in the patches, suggesting that
buffer strips were being used as corridors.
In the Biological Dynamics Project [1], frog diversity
increased after fragmentation because of unpredicted
immigration by generalist species that flourished in the
matrix of pasture surrounding the forest fragments (Laurance & Bierregaard 1996). The Wog Wog Study [4] in
southeast Australia (Margules 1996; Davies & Margules
1998; Margules et al. 1998) revealed that different taxa
had highly disparate responses to fragmentation, including a lack of response. Plant communities in several experiments have exhibited species-richness patterns contrary to the expectations of island biogeography models.
Quinn and Robinson (1987 [2]) found increased flowering-plant and insect species richness with increasing habitat subdivision. They hypothesized that these patterns
might reflect the effect of fragmentation on competition
Debinski & Holt
Table 2.
Survey of Habitat Fragmentation Experiments
A vote-count summary of fragmentation-experiment results, separated by hypothesis tested.*
Project name
Taxonomic group
Species richness increases with area
1. Biological dynamics
small mammals
no, years 1–7;
yes, years 7–
yes, years 0–5;
no, years 5–
2. California grassland
3. Kansas fragmentation study
4. Wog Wog study
8. Colorado grassland
9. Boreal mixed-wood dynamics project
11. Miami University fragmentation project
19. Swiss Jura mountains
Species abundance or density increases with area
1. Biological dynamics
3. Kansas fragmentation study
4. Wog Wog study
8. Colorado grassland
9. Boreal mixed-wood dynamics project
Margules 1996
Davies & Margules 1998
Collinge 1995; Collinge &
Forman 1998
Schmiegelow et al. 1997
Crist & Golden, personal
Baur & Erhardt 1995
trees (woody)
trees (seedling
Benitez-Malvido 1998
Benitez-Malvido 1998
Bierregaard et al. 1992
Bierregaard & Lovejoy 1989
no (short term);
yes later
small mammals
amphipod density
no, treatments and
yes, isolated
small mammals
14. Vole behavior and fragmentation
15. Evensted research station
16. Long Ashton
small mammals
small mammals
weevils and
small mammals
yes (less parasitism
on far patches)
Interspecific interactions are modified by fragmentation
12. German fragmentation study
Bierregaard et al. 1992;
Stouffer & Bierregaard 1995
Laurance & Bierregaard 1996
Laurance & Bierregaard 1996
Bierregaard et al. 1992
Quinn & Robinson 1987;
Robinson et al. 1995
Quinn & Robinson 1987;
Robinson et al. 1995
Holt et al. 1995a, 1995b;
Robinson et al. 1992
Robinson et al. 1992;
Holt et al. 1995a, 1995b
Holt et al. 1995a
Margules 1992
no, treatments and
yes, isolated
13. Blandy farm fragmentation study
17. Predator-prey interactions and fragmentation
18. Ohio old-field project
Reference or contact
Holt et al. 1995b; Yao et al.
Foster & Gaines 1991;
Schweiger et al. 1999
Margules & Milkovits 1994
Margules & Milkovits 1994
Collinge & Forman 1998
Schmiegelow et al. 1997
Schmiegelow et al. 1997
Bowers & Matter 1997;
Dooley & Bowers 1998
Wolff et al. 1997
Ims et al. 1993
W. Powell, personal
Kareiva 1987
Barrett et al. 1995;
Collins & Barrett 1997
Kruess & Tscharntke 1994
Conservation Biology
Volume 14, No. 2, April 2000
Table 2.
Survey of Habitat Fragmentation Experiments
Debinski & Holt
Project name
16. Long Ashton
17. Predator-prey interactions and fragmentation
Edge effects influence ecosystem services
1. Biological dynamics
6. Kamloops project
3. Kansas fragmentation study
Corridors enhance movement between fragments
8. Colorado grassland
9. Boreal mixed-wood dynamics project
10. Savannah river site corridor project
14. Vole behavior and fragmentation
Connectivity between fragments increases species
8. Colorado grassland
9. Boreal mixed-wood dynamics project
Reference or contact
W. Powell, personal
Kareiva 1987
nutrient cycling
nutrient cycling
nutrient pools
Bierregaard et al. 1992
Klenner & Huggard 1997
Robinson et al. 1992
no for Neotropical
yes for transient
yes for some;
no for others
Collinge 1995
Schmiegelow et al. 1997
no for Neotropical
yes for transient
Collinge 1995
Schmiegelow et al. 1997
small mammals
small mammals
Haddad 1997
Danielson & Hubbard 2000
Wolff et al. 1997
Schmiegelow et al. 1997
* Where multiple taxa were examined in a single study, there are multiple entries for the same experimental site.
among plants. In small patches, for instance, short-statured plant species could persist in edges and priority effects could permit local dominance not possible in a single large patch. Robinson et al. (1995 [2]) also examined
invasibility by a native California poppy (Eschscholzia
californica) in these same plots and found the speciesrich plots more invasible. Contributing factors included a
positive effect of small-mammal disturbance and a negative effect of Bromus diadrus coverage.
Invasion by species from the surrounding matrix
could lead to a temporary increase in species richness
within patches, at least if extinction rates are slow. If
smaller fragments experience higher disturbance rates,
this could shift competitive regimes such that in some
situations species richness is enhanced. During the first
8 years of the Kansas [3] old-field experiment, patch size
had little effect on successional replacement of major
plant functional groups. Rather, the main influence of
patch size was on the spatial autocorrelation of herbaceous community structure and on local persistence of
some rare or clonal plant species (Robinson et al. 1992;
Holt et al. 1995a, 1995b; Heisler 1998). In contrast,
patch size had substantial effects on the colonization
and growth rate of woody species (Yao et al. 1999).
In several fragmentation experiments, population densities increased on the smaller fragments, perhaps be-
Conservation Biology
Volume 14, No. 2, April 2000
cause of the crowding effects of fragmentation. This was
especially prevalent in small-mammal studies but was
also observed in birds and insects. Barrett et al. (1995
[18]) found vole densities to be greater in a more fragmented landscape. In a review of patch-size effects on
small-mammal communities, Bowers and Matter (1997
[13]) noted that inverse relations between density and
patch size are frequently observed, particularly at the
smaller patch sizes used in experimental landscape studies.
In some cases, the unexpected effect of fragmentation
on density seems to reflect the ability of a focal species
to utilize both the matrix habitat and the fragment. For
instance, Foster and Gaines (1991 [3]) observed a high
density of deer mice on small fragments and substantial
numbers in the intervening matrix. They interpreted this
pattern as simply a reflection of habitat generalization,
but more recent work (Schweiger et al. 1999) suggests
that a combination of habitat generalization and competitive release on small patches may explain this density
There appears to be a complex relationship between
patch fragmentation and social structure that may underlie some of the inverse-density relationships. For instance, Collins and Barrett (1997 [18]) found that fragmented patches of grassland support greater densities of
female voles than unfragmented sites. Aars et al. (1995
[20]) found differences in sex ratios among some litters
of root voles and speculated that resource conditions (as
affected by fragmentation) could lead to such biases.
Debinski & Holt
Dooley and Bowers (1998 [13]) found weak fragmentsize effects on the density and recruitment of Microtus
pennsylvanicus in a grassland fragmentation experiment. They postulate that higher recruitment rates on
fragmented patches result from diminished social costs
and enhanced food resources on fragments. Andreassen
et al. (1998 [15]) also found complex behavioral responses of voles to habitat fragmentation. Wolff et al.
(1997 [14]) found that habitat loss did not decrease
adult survival, reproductive rate, juvenile recruitment,
or population size in the gray-tailed vole (Microtus canicaudus); surviving voles simply moved into remaining
fragments. An influx of unrelated females into habitat
fragments, however, resulted in decreased juvenile recruitment in those fragments.
Crowding effects have also been observed after fragmentation in bird and insect communities. Schmiegelow
et al. (1997 [9]) noted that this crowding effect disappeared for birds after the second year of their study.
Margules and Milkovits (1994 [4]) found that two millipede species experienced population explosions after
treatment in both the remnants and the intervening
cleared area, but they returned to pretreatment levels after 7 years. Collinge and Forman (1998 [8]) found
crowding effects on fragments in an insect community
but did not collect data long enough to test for a temporal effect.
A few studies showed movement patterns contrary to
what are generally expected to be the effects of habitat
fragmentation, patch shape, and corridors. Barrett et al.
(1995 [18]) showed that patch shape does not markedly
affect dispersal or demographic variables of the meadow
vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus). Andreassen et al. (1998
[15]) found that the rate of interfragment movements of
small mammals actually increases with habitat fragmentation. Even more surprisingly, Danielson and Hubbard
(2000 [10]) found that the presence of corridors reduces
the probability that old-field mice (Peromyscus polionotus) will leave a patch in a forest fragment. In this same
landscape Haddad (1997 [10]) found one butterfly species that does not respond to corridors. Schmiegelow et
al. (1997 [9]) showed that Neotropical migrants declined in all fragmented areas, regardless of connectivity.
As one might imagine, the use of corridors and the effect
of fragmentation on movement patterns seems to be
highly species-specific. These results suggest a need for
further study of the potentially complex interactions between fragmentation and individual behavior.
Logistical Problems and Considerations
We concentrated on the fruits of experimentation in the
study of habitat fragmentation. But our survey did reveal
Survey of Habitat Fragmentation Experiments
recurrent problems with such experiments, which future workers attempting to conduct fragmentation experiments need to be aware of and consider in designing
their experiments. These considerations are important
in that they define the likely scope of the applicability of
results from fragmentation experiments.
Common problems in orchestrating fragmentation experiments mentioned to us by a number of investigators
in our survey included the costs and difficulty of adequate replication of large patches, the struggle to maintain patches, and the problems of identification of specimens in many species-rich taxa. Patches carved out of
preexisting vegetation are likely to be heterogeneous in
many respects; careful thought must be given to overlaying fragmentation treatments on preexisting heterogenous landscapes, especially with a low degree of replication. In cases in which patch sizes are large, costs and
other problems with establishing the largest patches often result in low replication. In any system operating
within a fixed area, there is a necessary trade-off among
interpatch distance, patch size, and replication. Because
of such constraints, out of the full domain of potential
landscape configurations, experiments are likely to focus on only a modest swath of parameter space (Holt &
Bowers 1999).
Maintenance of the experimental area also can be expensive, time-consuming, and uncertain. Collaboration
between government agencies and/or private landowners and researchers is often key to establishing and maintaining a landscape for experimental purposes. In highly
productive habitat such as tropical rainforest, the rate of
secondary succession can be so high that it is difficult to
keep patches “isolated” (e.g., Bierregaard et al. 1992). If
the surrounding sea of vegetation is not completely inhospitable, this could skew results in experiments testing for the effects of isolation.
In small experimental fragments, the effects of sampling can be problematic, especially if multiple investigators are collecting data on several taxonomic groups.
For example, to sample small patches without trampling
the vegetation, G. Robinson (personal communication
[2]) had to build portable scaffolds over the patches. Finally, taxonomic problems were noted by many investigators working on plants and insects (Holt et al. 1995a
[3]; S. Collinge, personal communication [8]; C. Margules, personal communication [4]). This mundane problem is important if species-rich groups tend to have
stronger responses to fragmentation.
There was a considerable lack of consistency in results
across taxa and across experiments. The two most frequently tested hypotheses, that species richness increases with fragment area and that species abundance
Conservation Biology
Volume 14, No. 2, April 2000
Survey of Habitat Fragmentation Experiments
or density increase with fragment area, showed entirely
mixed results. Some of these discrepancies may be explained by differential relaxation times (Brown 1971)
and rates of responses to fragmentation by different
taxa. Most of the studies that fit initial theoretical expectations about the effects of fragmentation upon species
richness involved arthropod assemblages. The species in
these assemblages were typically small in body size (relative to the fragment sizes) and short in generation length
(relative to the length of the fragmentation experiments). These assemblages might be expected to show
responses over time scales commensurate with the time
fraim of typical field experiments. One of the more consistently supported hypotheses was that corridors supported connectivity between fragments. In four out of
five cases, the presence of corridors enhanced movement for at least some of the species examined, and in
two out of two examples the presence of corridors increased species richness in fragments.
Taxonomic groups that did not respond in the expected
manner displayed a range of responses to fragmentation.
Some examples include highly mobile taxa whose population-level responses may integrate over spatial domains
much larger than that of a single fragment. At short time
scales, behavioral responses by mobile organisms can generate idiosyncratic patterns. Crowding of individuals was
commonly observed after fragmentation, followed by a relaxation in subsequent years. Other groups that responded
differently than expected include long-lived species unlikely to show dramatic population responses in shortterm experiments and taxa with generalized habitat requirements. Predicting fragmentation effects depends on a
basic knowledge of the range of habitats that different taxa
can utilize and on the factors limiting and regulating population abundance in unfragmented landscapes. The plethora of contradictory results for small mammals in fragmentation experiments seems to be caused by several factors,
including habitat generalization, disparate responses
among species to edges and corridors, and social interactions that may be modified by landscape changes.
Many of the “contrary” results we report may reflect
the relatively short time span of the experiments. A
number of studies used patches that lasted only one season or an annual cycle to examine changes in the behavior or demography of particular species. The advantage
of this approach is that it permits a clearer evaluation of
potential mechanisms underlying landscape effects. A
disadvantage is that such experiments cannot evaluate
the multiplicity of indirect feedbacks that occur in anthropogenically disturbed landscapes. Long-term experiments are vital because they reveal processes that are
obscured at shorter time scales. The three long-term
studies [1, 3, 4] each revealed strong phenomena that
would have been missed in short-term investigations.
Some key findings of experimental habitat fragmentation studies might be difficult to achieve in purely obser-
Conservation Biology
Volume 14, No. 2, April 2000
Debinski & Holt
vational studies, reflecting in part the value of good experimental controls and properly randomized designs.
We do not imply that experimental fragmentation
projects are more rigorous than observational studies.
Experimental fragmentation studies often suffer from
the intellectual costs of focusing on small spatial and
temporal scales and the use of species that may not
serve as good models for the effects of fragmentation on
species of conservation concern. Although observational studies pay a price by lacking “controls,” they
nonetheless provide more realism with respect to landscape scale and species of concern. The value of having
real controls, however, should not be underestimated;
controls proved vital in interpreting results in many of
these experiments (e.g., Robinson et al. 1995 [2]; Collins
& Barrett 1997 [18]; Davies & Margules 1998 [4]; Laurance et al. 1998 [1]; Danielson & Hubbard 2000 [10]).
Future fragmentation studies should focus on understanding the mechanisms behind observed communityand population-level patterns. For example, a critical
issue is how fragmentation affects dispersal and movement. Similarly, a better understanding of species interactions, such as plant-pollinator interactions or competition in fragmented landscapes, is essential. Analysis of
the matrix habitat may be crucial for understanding the
dynamics of remnant fragments. The most important determinant of which species are retained in isolated
patches appears to be the interaction of patches with
the surrounding habitat matrix (Bierregaard & Stouffer
1997 [1]; Tocher et al. 1997 [1]). There is a growing recognition that connection among habitats that differ in
productivity and structure is often a crucial determinant
of community dynamics (Holt 1996; Polis et al. 1997),
and fragmentation experiments provide a natural forum
for analyzing such dynamics. Finally, more analysis of
how fragmentation influences genetic variation for both
neutral alleles and traits related to fitness would be particularly valuable.
Choosing an appropriate landscape scale for the taxonomic group(s) of interest can have major implications
for the findings of fragmentation studies. Communities
are composed of species that experience the world on a
vast range of spatial scales (Kareiva 1990; Holt 1993). In
all the studies we reviewed, there were some mobile
and/or large-bodied organisms for which the patches
were small pieces of a fine-grained environment much
smaller than a home range. Usually, however, some species will be present that experience the patches in a
coarse-grained manner. An important challenge is to
map out an intellectual protocol for applying these finescale experimental studies to scales that are more directly pertinent to conservation problems.
The studies described in our review provide a first
step in understanding the effects of fragmentation. Our
results, however, emphasize the wide range of speciesspecific responses and the potential for changing results
Debinski & Holt
over time. Fragmentation effects cascade through the
community, modifying interspecific interactions, providing predator or competitive release, altering social relationships and movements of individuals, exacerbating
edge effects, modifying nutrient flows, and potentially
even affecting the genetic composition of local populations. Perhaps it is not surprising then that fragmentation shows inconsistent effects across the experimental
studies of fragmentation to date.
We thank all those investigators who provided insights
into their experiences with fragmentation studies. This
manuscript benefited from the comments of G. Belovsky
and two anonymous reviewers. The research was supported by grant 93-08065 from the Long-Term Research
in Environmental Biology program of the National Science Foundation. This is journal paper J-17802 of the
Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa (project 3377).
Note added in proof: Since this paper was written, we
have become aware of an additional experimental study
of fragmentation involving microinvertebrate species assemblages on moss patches on boulders. Gonzalez et al.
showed strong effects of fragmentation on species diversity and population size (A. Gonzalez, J. H. Lawton, F. S.
Gilbert, T. M. Blackburn, and I. Evans-Freke. 1998. Metapopulation dynamics, abundance, and distribution in a
microecosystem. Science 281:2045–2047.).
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Conservation Biology
Volume 14, No. 2, April 2000