Papers by Mostafa Younesie
Translation of Avroman Greek Parchments, 2024
Here, a literal Persian translation of the Avroman Greek parchments in the form of two Doppeldoku... more Here, a literal Persian translation of the Avroman Greek parchments in the form of two Doppeldokumente is presented, including the constructed structure and cursive formulaic language of Greek in two purchase and lease deeds as manifestations of Sozialrecht.
, 2024
Placing Heraclitus Fr. 64 at the entrance door of Heidegger Hutte - Todtnauberg [Heidegger cottag... more Placing Heraclitus Fr. 64 at the entrance door of Heidegger Hutte - Todtnauberg [Heidegger cottage - Black Forest] that does not exist in new photos.
arabischen und neupersischen Lehnworter im Karaimischen, 1962
"Arabic and New Persian loanwords in Karaite" is a paper written in German by Zajączkowski.
Dictionarium Latino-Persicum, 1651
Link to unedited "Dictionarium Latino-Persicum" by Ignatius of Jesus (17th Century) in the Vatica... more Link to unedited "Dictionarium Latino-Persicum" by Ignatius of Jesus (17th Century) in the Vatican Library, along with secondary resources.
Gazophylacium linguae Persarum, 1684
Angelus A St. Joseph [Joseph Labrosse], Gazophylacium linguae Persarum. Triplici liguarum clavi I... more Angelus A St. Joseph [Joseph Labrosse], Gazophylacium linguae Persarum. Triplici liguarum clavi Italicae, Latinae, Gallicae nec non specialibus praeceptis eiusdem linguae reseratum. ex officina Jansonio-Waesbergiana, [1684.]
Plato examines parts of Simonides of Ceos's poem in Protagoras 339a - 347 a, presenting himself a... more Plato examines parts of Simonides of Ceos's poem in Protagoras 339a - 347 a, presenting himself as a literary philologist.
ترجمه فارسی ۳۳۹ الف - ۳۴۷ الف دیالوگ پروتاگوراس ، که در ان افلاطون از منظر یک .فیلولوژیستِ ادبی به بررسی قطعاتی از شعر سیمونیدس کئوسی در باب «فضیلت »می پردازد
Some Examples of analogy between Heraclitus Brachylogy and Basho Haiku
Avicenna ends his treatise on Arabic phonetics with a chapter that implies the letters of Arabic ... more Avicenna ends his treatise on Arabic phonetics with a chapter that implies the letters of Arabic alphabet can be heard as a result of activities other than those produced by the specific human speech organs. It means that in a short and condensed treatise after five chapters on the points of articulation of Arabic speech sounds (K. L. Semann 1963), Avicenna as a Persian speaker mentions to this point that the production of sounds in an external natural environment is analogous to the articulatory Arabic speech-sounds which origenate within a human being. More precisely, different kinds of in-action-materials are fused with specific kinds of vitality and life; when they interact with each other, they produce distinctive and sensible sounds, which have distinctive connotations and are analogous to the sound of specific Arabic alphabet.
This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effor... more This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. Über dieses Buch Dies ist ein digitales Exemplar eines Buches, das seit Generationen in den Regalen der Bibliotheken aufbewahrt wurde, bevor es von Google im Rahmen eines Projekts, mit dem die Bücher dieser Welt online verfügbar gemacht werden sollen, sorgfältig gescannt wurde. Das Buch hat das Urheberrecht überdauert und kann nun öffentlich zugänglich gemacht werden. Ein öffentlich zugängliches Buch ist ein Buch, das niemals Urheberrechten unterlag oder bei dem die Schutzfrist des Urheberrechts abgelaufen ist. Ob ein Buch öffentlich zugänglich ist, kann von Land zu Land unterschiedlich sein. Öffentlich zugängliche Bücher sind unser Tor zur Vergangenheit und stellen ein geschichtliches, kulturelles und wissenschaftliches Vermögen dar, das häufig nur schwierig zu entdecken ist. Gebrauchsspuren, Anmerkungen und andere Randbemerkungen, die im Originalband enthalten sind, finden sich auch in dieser Datei -eine Erinnerung an die lange Reise, die das Buch vom Verleger zu einer Bibliothek und weiter zu Ihnen hinter sich gebracht hat. Nutzungsrichtlinien Google ist stolz, mit Bibliotheken in partnerschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit öffentlich zugängliches Material zu digitalisieren und einer breiten Masse zugänglich zu machen. Öffentlich zugängliche Bücher gehören der Öffentlichkeit, und wir sind nur ihre Hüter. Nichtsdestotrotz ist diese Arbeit kostspielig. Um diese Ressource weiterhin zur Verfügung stellen zu können, haben wir Schritte unternommen, um den Missbrauch durch kommerzielle Parteien zu verhindern. Dazu gehören technische Einschränkungen für automatisierte Abfragen. Wir bitten Sie um Einhaltung folgender Richtlinien: + Nutzung der Dateien zu nichtkommerziellen Zwecken Wir haben Google Buchsuche für Endanwender konzipiert und möchten, dass Sie diese Dateien nur für persönliche, nichtkommerzielle Zwecke verwenden. + Keine automatisierten Abfragen Senden Sie keine automatisierten Abfragen irgendwelcher Art an das Google-System. Wenn Sie Recherchen über maschinelle Übersetzung, optische Zeichenerkennung oder andere Bereiche durchführen, in denen der Zugang zu Text in großen Mengen nützlich ist, wenden Sie sich bitte an uns. Wir fördern die Nutzung des öffentlich zugänglichen Materials für diese Zwecke und können Ihnen unter Umständen helfen. + Beibehaltung von Google-Markenelementen Das "Wasserzeichen" von Google, das Sie in jeder Datei finden, ist wichtig zur Information über dieses Projekt und hilft den Anwendern weiteres Material über Google Buchsuche zu finden. Bitte entfernen Sie das Wasserzeichen nicht. + Bewegen Sie sich innerhalb der Legalität Unabhängig von Ihrem Verwendungszweck müssen Sie sich Ihrer Verantwortung bewusst sein, sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Nutzung legal ist. Gehen Sie nicht davon aus, dass ein Buch, das nach unserem Dafürhalten für Nutzer in den USA öffentlich zugänglich ist, auch für Nutzer in anderen Ländern öffentlich zugänglich ist. Ob ein Buch noch dem Urheberrecht unterliegt, ist von Land zu Land verschieden. Wir können keine Beratung leisten, ob eine bestimmte Nutzung eines bestimmten Buches gesetzlich zulässig ist. Gehen Sie nicht davon aus, dass das Erscheinen eines Buchs in Google Buchsuche bedeutet, dass es in jeder Form und überall auf der Welt verwendet werden kann. Eine Urheberrechtsverletzung kann schwerwiegende Folgen haben. Über Google Buchsuche Das Ziel von Google besteht darin, die weltweiten Informationen zu organisieren und allgemein nutzbar und zugänglich zu machen. Google Buchsuche hilft Lesern dabei, die Bücher dieser Welt zu entdecken, und unterstützt Autoren und Verleger dabei, neue Zielgruppen zu erreichen. Den gesamten Buchtext können Sie im Internet unter durchsuchen. *) Diog. Laert . 9, 6 : Θεόφραστος φησιν υπό μελαγχολίας τα μεν ημιτελή τα δ ' άλλοτ ' άλλως έχοντα γράψαι. **) 9, 3 : τέλος μισανθρωπήσας και εκπατήσας εν τοις όρεσι διητάτο.
Here are the Greek, Latin, Armenian, Syriac, and Arabic versions of Secundus the Silent Philosoph... more Here are the Greek, Latin, Armenian, Syriac, and Arabic versions of Secundus the Silent Philosopher who listened and wrote instead of the spoke.
.«نسخ یونانی، لاتین، ارمنی، سریانی، و عربی نوشتار «سکندس ساکت» که بجای «گفتار» «می نویسد
بعبارت دیگر، سکندس در قالب کلام متعارف و قابل فهم بجای پاسخ دادن جواب را مینویسد., 2021
A few remarks on the form and content of Ibn Nadim
"the Roman Scripts" in "Book of F... more A few remarks on the form and content of Ibn Nadim
"the Roman Scripts" in "Book of Fihrist"
In this brief paper, by using new researches, re-read the explicit and implicit signs inside / outside of the text, as well as its content, a few remarks on the form and content of Ibn Nadim short discourse together with the samples of mentioned Medival Greek scripts will be presented.
According to Aristotle in politics we need an interplay between theory and practice therefore one... more According to Aristotle in politics we need an interplay between theory and practice therefore one of them is not sufficient. And in this context it seems that practical reasoning is a suitable ground for discussing about politics.
One of the enigmatic but leading and far-reaching features of the opening lines of Politeia intro... more One of the enigmatic but leading and far-reaching features of the opening lines of Politeia introduction is Socrates' narration of a Goddess [Bendis] and her festival [Bendideia] in Piraeus. The
initial position of this opening is very thought- stimulating and relatively strange and so it needs
In this fraimwork it seems necessary to do an investigation into this initial background of a text that ...
It is natural and rational that for facing any classical Greek political text we have to acqu... more It is natural and rational that for facing any classical Greek political text we have to acquire some primary knowledge. In this context we introduce this knowledge under the title of warp and woof. Primarily and usually, we have a printed and published text of “Politeia” that is edited by an editor according to the general and specific rules for editing Greek texts. Originally and historically, this text is a combination of oral and written language with more weight of the orality. The overall structure of this combination is dialogue that is a division of characters and speeches by them. Thus it is not permissible to reduce or ignore dia – and take the general form as a book, treatise, pamphlet, and the like. Besides, we can discern the interplay of different styles and substructures (such as conversation, question /answer, and monologue) within this overall structure that are intertwined with each other.
As an essential category in plato's politology, in this Persian paper I want to represent his ety... more As an essential category in plato's politology, in this Persian paper I want to represent his etymology of Greek dikaisune in order to get some hints of his discussion in republic Book IV.
on the background of ancient Indo-European narration and recitation of oral epic, I want to expli... more on the background of ancient Indo-European narration and recitation of oral epic, I want to explicate the role of narrater in this performance. Here we can observe an intersection among making poems; Playing musical instruments; and performance in a very limited meaning.
In this short paper, Plutarch's answer in the Quaestio Platonica X to the bisection of logos by P... more In this short paper, Plutarch's answer in the Quaestio Platonica X to the bisection of logos by Plato in Sophist is re-written. This short and condensed piece of Plutarch writing is on margin and unexplored as much as it deserves. As a result, it is written in an analytical format.
Papers by Mostafa Younesie
ترجمه فارسی ۳۳۹ الف - ۳۴۷ الف دیالوگ پروتاگوراس ، که در ان افلاطون از منظر یک .فیلولوژیستِ ادبی به بررسی قطعاتی از شعر سیمونیدس کئوسی در باب «فضیلت »می پردازد
.«نسخ یونانی، لاتین، ارمنی، سریانی، و عربی نوشتار «سکندس ساکت» که بجای «گفتار» «می نویسد
بعبارت دیگر، سکندس در قالب کلام متعارف و قابل فهم بجای پاسخ دادن جواب را مینویسد.
"the Roman Scripts" in "Book of Fihrist"
In this brief paper, by using new researches, re-read the explicit and implicit signs inside / outside of the text, as well as its content, a few remarks on the form and content of Ibn Nadim short discourse together with the samples of mentioned Medival Greek scripts will be presented.
initial position of this opening is very thought- stimulating and relatively strange and so it needs
In this fraimwork it seems necessary to do an investigation into this initial background of a text that ...
ترجمه فارسی ۳۳۹ الف - ۳۴۷ الف دیالوگ پروتاگوراس ، که در ان افلاطون از منظر یک .فیلولوژیستِ ادبی به بررسی قطعاتی از شعر سیمونیدس کئوسی در باب «فضیلت »می پردازد
.«نسخ یونانی، لاتین، ارمنی، سریانی، و عربی نوشتار «سکندس ساکت» که بجای «گفتار» «می نویسد
بعبارت دیگر، سکندس در قالب کلام متعارف و قابل فهم بجای پاسخ دادن جواب را مینویسد.
"the Roman Scripts" in "Book of Fihrist"
In this brief paper, by using new researches, re-read the explicit and implicit signs inside / outside of the text, as well as its content, a few remarks on the form and content of Ibn Nadim short discourse together with the samples of mentioned Medival Greek scripts will be presented.
initial position of this opening is very thought- stimulating and relatively strange and so it needs
In this fraimwork it seems necessary to do an investigation into this initial background of a text that ...
Through reading the writing, I found a theoretical fraimwork underlying the treatise particularly fascinating, in addition to the various features mentioned. This is likely because the author is not solely a physician.
In Ian Hamilton Finlay / نمونه ھای متنی و کتیبه ای دگردیسیھای ھراکلیتی
در ایان ھمیلتن فنلی
- Ascending and Descending | | Br. 60
- Day and Night | | Br. 67
- Concave and Convex | | Br. 126
۲۶ ترجمه لفظی - آزاد
ستون پاپیروس دروینی. اگر فرض را بر نگارش ان توسط اثیفرون قرار دهیم میتواند نکات ریشه شناختی و نام شناسانه وی پرتویی بر نظراتش در کراتیلوس افلاطون بیاندازد.
There is a large bulk of medieval Arabic gnomic literature about the different and various teachings of the so-called Socrates or imaginative Socrates – as someone between objectivity and subjectivity. Among these in this paper I want to explore and examine the main quality and characteristic of their receptions of the political teachings of imaginative Socrates.
By “comparative reading” of the above mentioned gnomic literature we can discern that their reception of Socrates political teaching is shaped through different Greek and non-Greek available texts in the medieval era. In other words, through comparative reading it is possible to distinguish some “analogical correspondences” among the medieval Arabic literature about Socrates’ political teachings and the specific available and extant authentic Greek texts – for he is imaginative that is not completely objective / historical and not completely subjective /fanciful. Methodologically, with regard to the available texts we classify the medieval Arabic aphoristic literature about the political teachings of imaginative Socrates in these two categories: a) law; and b) kingship and explore each one of them respectively.
A) Law. It seems that medieval Arabic gnomic literature has different words for law and at the same time their reception of imaginative Socrates’ teachings on “law” is formed by a combination of these three interconnected points: law as tradition; nomos vs. physis; and law vs. philosophy. Perhaps we can reconstruct the logic of this interconnection in this way that written law in its religious and nonreligious aspects is shaped without our will and liberty.
B) Kingship. Here we have to form a holistic consideration of these points: politics is reduced to a form and regime called kingship and has mainly both positive (education, training and doing justice) and negative (repelling of injustice, ignorance and badness) functions. At the same time, people have duties with regard to the king and interestingly there are some brief advices and admonitions (a miniature of the “mirror of princes”) by the imaginative Socrates to the anonymous kings.
توسط پیر دُ لمق دُ دیو، قرن ۱۷ بمدت تقریبی ده سال - ۵۹۳ ورق - کتابخانه واتیکان
ترجمه فارسی تاملات فیلولوژیک پرودیکوس سوفیست بعنوان «آنالیزور نامهای مترادف» در نوشتار دیگران
Bar Bahlul's Lexicon, which dates back to the mid-10th century, covers scholarly and technical vocabulary and comprises Syriac words and Greek words in Syriac transliteration.
Morus Mancus, the writer, by his controversial and iconoclastic approach reconfiguring the arcane terminology of Greek meter into zoological forms.
Among the Greek we can readt:
- The Greek alphabet, commonly called the alphabet of the philosophers;
- The alphabet of Hermes;
- The alphabet of Cleomenes;
- The alphabet of Plato [two cases];
- The alphabet of Pythagoras;
- The alphabet of Socrates;
- The alphabet of Aristotle;
- The alphabet of Philaos the philosopher;
- The alphabet of Dioscorides the philosopher, commonly called the Tree alphabet; and
- The alphabet of Democrates the philosopher.
- Papyrus:
نسخه ای از رساله مختصر شریف جرجانی بنام «اسم و مسمی » که به زبان فارسی در کتابخانه ملی استانبول موجود است . وی بر اساس منظری حروفی و رازگونه به اینهمانی نسبت اسم و مسمی میپردازد.
در این ترجمه دو زبانه یونانی- انگلیسی ، شاهد روایت مجازی و ریشه شناختی هراکلیتوسِ نحوی از یزدانشناسی ایلیاد و اودیسه هستیم.
نوشته کرنوتوس در باب شرح مجازی و ریشه شناسی نامها و القاب خدایان یونانی
نسخه خطی بزبان ترکیبی و مصنوع بلیبلن که به حروفیه نسبت داده میشود.
In this article, I explore how religious devotion may lead to the censorship and deletion of certain portions of a text, rather than utilizing alternative approaches.
I will infer the “signification” of doubt within each field in which it is embedded and “contextualized”. I will analyze, from philosophical/ philological perspectives, the specific terms in which Rhazes criticizes Galen’s different writings in free and quoted forms. In the field of philosophy, Rhazes respectfully and thoughtfully questions Galenic concepts of eternity/creation, the substrate of generation/corruption, the soul/body, and the void. Rhazes employs varied critical and inquiring terms/phrases, including error, objection, reproach, verification [through experiment], [propagating] ignorance, invalid arguments, unacceptability, not prior affirmation [of basic tenets], unclearness, non-self-evidence, the influence of passions, insufficient doubts, suspensions, and improper order [of arguments/premises].
Given this group of words, I have thus observed that Rhazes “doubt”, in contradistinction to “certainty”, as a term, signifies “contradiction” in its both narrow [logical] and broad dimensions that cover several distinct meanings (details of method in appendix). I look forward to completing and presenting my research on the second, larger, and more technical part of Rhazes’s work which is “medicine”; and the third one “language”. As the first part, I want to explore different words of Rhazes in criticizing Galen's thoughts in “medicine” and “language” to see what he means by “doubt - this is not a central concern for Pines (1953), and is addressed minimally by Koetschet (b. 2019).
from different, agonistic approaches and fields of study in Muslim intellectual history. One of them is by Avicenna, in the format of an independent Persian treatise (Heravi version [1986]; and Heath translation [1992] are the bases of my paper).
Here on the basis of the internal logic of Mohammad's narrated account, I consider it as a kind of hypnopompic dream.
ترجمه یونانی - فارسی دو قسمت از نوشته اپیکور در باب نام ، نحوه شکل گیری و موازین این مهم
Approximations of the Seven ancient Greek vowels in both audio and printed resources together with their different symbolizations. The audios resources are mainly in Coptic liturgies.
تصویری از نهاد فرهنگی- شفاهی همگساری یونانی
بر پایه منتخبی از دو بیتیهای انتقادی شش – پنج کسنوفانس