Expressionist painters like Barnett Newman describes this period in time as a sensation of feeling "the moral crisis of a world in shambles, a world devastated by a great depression and a fierce world war, and it was impossible at that... more
S alt of the Earth is often remembered as the primary counternarrative of the cold war. A film made by blacklisted artists, it presents a miners' strike in which a largely Mexican American and Native American union overcomes a... more
A review of Sarika Chandra's _Dislocalism: The Crisis of Globalization and the Remobilizing of Americanism_ An essay on the centrality of the rentier class in Piketty's historical description of capitalism. By focusing on the rentier, Piketty describes a capitalism that, unlike... more
Oxford History of the Novel in English, V6: The American Novel, edited by Priscilla Wald and Michael A. Elliot (Oxford, Oxford U Press, 2013)
100 years ago, anti-lynching activists re-circulated lynching photos as part of their strategy to expose the pathologies of white supremacy. What does this history have to tell us about the current circulation of videos depicting the... more