Mesonet Precipitation Inventory by Provider
Mesonet Data Provider |
Provider Name |
Precipitation |
Accumulated Precipitation |
U.S. Air Force Academy | AFA | N/A | N/A |
AIRNow | AIRNow | N/A | 1h accumulation |
Alaska Department of Transportation | AKDOT | Yes | Every hour 24h accumulation |
Alaska Mesonet | AK-Meso | N/A | Accumulation since local midnight |
U.S. Army Aberdeen Proving Grounds | APG | Yes | N/A |
Citizen Weather Observers Program | APRSWXNET | Yes | Every hour 24h accumulation |
NOAA Air Resources Laboratory/ Field Research Division | ARLFRD | Yes | Every 5min accumulation |
Earth Networks, Inc. | AWS | Yes | Accumulation since local midnight |
Anything Weather Network | AWX | N/A | Accumulation since local midnight |
CA-Hydro | CA-Hydro | N/A | N/A |
Colorado Avalanche Information Center | CAIC | N/A | N/A |
Colorado Department of Transportation | CODOT | Yes | Accumulation since local midnight |
Colorado E-470 Public Highway Authority - SSI | CO_E-470 | Yes | Unknown duration |
Colorado E-470 Public Highway Authority - NPPHA | CO_E-470 | Yes | Unknown duration |
Colorado E-470 Public Highway Authority - Vaisala | CO_E-470 | N/A | Accumulation since local midnight |
DCNet | DCNet | N/A | N/A |
Delaware Environmental Observing System | DEOS | N/A | 1h accumulation |
Edwards Air Force Base | EDW | N/A | N/A |
Florida Department of Transportation | FLDOT | N/A | Accumulation since 00 UTC |
Florida Mesonet | FL-Meso | Yes | N/A |
Georgia Department of Transportation | GADOT | Yes | Accumulation since local midnight |
Goodland WFO Miscellaneous | GLDNWS | N/A | N/A |
GLOBE Program | GLOBE | N/A | Every hour 24h accumulation |
Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System | GoMOOS | N/A | N/A |
ESRL/GSD Ground-Based GPS | GPSMET/DDMET  * | Yes | N/A |
Hydrometeorological Automated Data System | HADS | N/A | Every hour 24h accumulation |
Iowa Department of Transportation | IADOT | Yes | Accumulation since 00 UTC |
Iowa Environmental Mesonet | IEM | N/A | Accumulation since local midnight |
Indiana Department of Transportation | INDOT | Yes | Accumulation since local midnight |
Boulder WFO Miscellaneous | INTERNET | N/A | Accumulation since local midnight |
Idaho Transportation Department | ITD | Yes | Every hour 24h accumulation |
Kansas Department of Transportation | KSDOT | Yes | Accumulation since local midnight |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet RWIS | KYTC-RWIS | Yes | Accumulation since local midnight |
Lower Colorado River Authority | LCRA | Yes | Every hour 24h accumulation |
LSU-JSU Mesonet | LSU-JSU | N/A | Accumulation since local midnight |
Multi-Agency Profiler Surface Observations | MAP | Yes | N/A |
Maryland Department of Transportation | MDDOT | Yes | Accumulation since local midnight |
Maine Department of Transportation | MEDOT | N/A | N/A |
Cooperative Mesonets in the Western U.S. | MesoWest | N/A | Every hour 24h accumulation |
Miscellaneous - Archbold subprovider | MISC | N/A | Every 15min accumulation |
Minnesota Department of Transportation | MNDOT | Yes | Every hour 24h accumulation |
University of Missouri Extension Commercial Agriculture Automated Weather Network | MOComAgNet | N/A | Accumulation since local midnight |
Marquette WFO Miscellaneous | MQT-Meso | N/A | N/A |
North Carolina Environment and Climate Observing Network | NC-ECONet | Yes | N/A |
North Dakota Department of Transportation | NDDOT | N/A | N/A |
Nebraska Department of Roads | NEDOR | Yes | Accumulation since local midnight |
National Estuarine Research Reserve System | NERRS | Yes | N/A |
New Hampshire Department of Transportation | NHDOT | Yes | Accumulation since local midnight |
New Jersey Weather and Climate Network | NJWxNet | Yes | N/A |
Non-Fed AWOS | NonFedAWOS | Yes | Every hour 24h accumulation |
National Ocean Service Water Level Observation Network | NOS-NWLON | N/A | N/A |
National Ocean Service Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System | NOS-PORTS | N/A | N/A |
Ohio Department of Transportation | OHDOT | Yes | N/A |
Oklahoma Mesonet | OK-Meso | N/A | Accumulation since 00 UTC |
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection | PADEP | N/A | N/A |
Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais | PCDINPE | N/A | Last 3 hours accumulation |
Remote Automated Weather Stations | RAWS | Yes | Every hour 24h accumulation |
Radiometer | RDMTR | N/A | N/A |
South Florida Water Management District | SFWMD | N/A | N/A |
Denver Urban Drainage and Flood Control District | UDFCD | Yes | Every hour 24h accumulation |
Virginia Department of Transportation | VADOT | Yes | Every hour 24h accumulation |
Vermont Agency of Transportation | VTDOT | Yes | Every hour 24h accumulation |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | WIDOT | Yes | Accumulation since local midnight |
West Texas Mesonet | WT-Meso | Yes | N/A |
WeatherFlow | WxFlow | N/A | N/A |
Weather for You | WXforYou | N/A | Unknown duration |
Wyoming Department of Transportation | WYDOT | Yes | Accumulation since local midnight |
* The precipitation data are included in the DDMET mesonet.
Last updated 22 March 2017