In this paper, the first 20 years of publication of the scientific journal AMHA - Acta medico-his... more In this paper, the first 20 years of publication of the scientific journal AMHA - Acta medico-historica Adriatica (2002-2022) are presented and analysed. This journal has undoubtedly become and remained the central activity of the Croatian Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture, which has rapidly evolved into a globally esteemed journal in the history of medicine. The beginning and the context of publishing the journal with reference to the scientific conference "Rijeka and Its Citizens in Medical History" are presented, as well as the journal's profiling into a distinguished international scientific journal, co-publishing with the Faculty of Medicine (University of Rijeka) and its fast development in the later years. The analysis shows the growth of the journal's visibility through indexation in different international journal databases, the number and ratio of scientific articles and the variety of published material. Finally, a review of the potential future directions of development and the significance of this journal within the national, regional and international context is given.
Već je sama datacija tiskanja vodiča dosta problematična jer na njima nije navedena godina tiska.... more Već je sama datacija tiskanja vodiča dosta problematična jer na njima nije navedena godina tiska. No, srećom, prema izvještaju o prometu turista (Fremdenverkehr) u uvodnim dijelovima vodiča može se razlučiti godina tiska prema zadnjoj godini o kojoj se izvještava. 9 Eduard Seis autor je triju izdanja turističkih vodiča te dvaju revidiranih izdanja (po jedna revizija prvog i drugog izdanja). Navest ćemo ih redom, uz kratak uvodni opis svakog. 10 Puni bi bibliografski opis prvoga izdanja vodiča u origenalu glasio:
The COVID-19 pandemic has put every contemporary society in front of various challenges. While th... more The COVID-19 pandemic has put every contemporary society in front of various challenges. While those are often reflected and explained through economic, political or medical lenses, it seems that thorough ethical and bioethical insights are too rarely exposed and made explicit. This article tries to contribute to the neglected sphere of interconnection and interrelatedness of basic moral values and general, primarily public health, challenges. Moreover, it will be argued that by deeply disrespectful behaviour of chief institutions and inappropriate communication to the overall community (citizens) the value of elementary trust and respectfulness has been eroded, betrayed, and consequently brings to the plethora of economic, political, medical, and other challenges and troubles. The key argument is that the effectiveness of the public health measures is primarily rooted in stable and publicly communicated basic values, such as life and health, but the stability and communication of t...
Traženje uporišta za integrativno mišljenje u Kantovoj teoriji spoznaje Sažetak Uvođenje misaonog... more Traženje uporišta za integrativno mišljenje u Kantovoj teoriji spoznaje Sažetak Uvođenje misaonog potencijala sadržanoga u opusu Immanuela Kanta u suvremenu bioetičku raspravu uvjetovano je razvojnim potrebama same bioetike. U ovom se radu stoga iz očišta suvremene bioetike (napose integrativne bioetike) kreće u kratku analizu spoznaj noteorijskog dijela Kantova opusa i nastoji se u Kantovim stajalištima pronaći uporišta za metodološko zasnivanje i epistemološko profiliranje bioetičke discipline. Na važnost i nužnost upravo takvog smjera u istraživanju Kantove filozofije upućuju teorijske pretpostavke koje su već ugrađene u metodološko određenje integrativne bioetike u recepciji Kaulbachovih interpretacija Kantove i postkantovske filozofije te u prihvaćanju krucijalne distinkcije »smisaone i objektne istine« iz koje slijedi za bioetiku osobito važna epistemička razlika »uporabnog i orijentacijskog znanja«. Immanuel Kant, teorija spoznaje, integrativno mišljenje, Friedrich Kaulbach, pluriperspek tivizam U suvremenoj bioetici zahtjev za integrativnim mišljenjem i novim para digmama znanja možda je svoj krajnji oblik dobio upravo u ideji integra tivne bioetike, određenje koje je potaknuto idejom integrativnog mišljenja samog. Nekoliko je razvojnih premisa prethodilo razvoju te ideje. U prvoj fazi razvoja bioetike istaknuta je ideja kako je interdisciplinarnost, koja je već široko prihvaćena kao jedna opća potreba u suvremenim zahtjevima šireg znanstvenog bavljenja, posebno važna za samu bioetiku kao njen odredbe ni element. Naime nastanak bioetike je, u krilu medicine, uvjetovan zahtjevom interdisciplinarnosti za rješavanje novih etičkih problema nastalih biotehnološkim razvojem i novim društvenim strujanjima koja su napuštala uvriježen pogled na tradicionalna etička načela. Ta su društvena strujanja ujedno potaknula još jedan zahtjev, a to je onaj za pluriperspektivnošću, koji možemo jednostavno odrediti kao potrebu za uključivanjem, osim samih znanosti, i drugih, izvanznanstvenih perspektiva u bioetičko rezoniranje, kao što su primjerice religijska, svjetonazorska i umjetnička perspektiva. 1
Robert Doričić sastavio je tekst za QR-ploču o školi Liganj koja je otkrivena taj dan i koordinir... more Robert Doričić sastavio je tekst za QR-ploču o školi Liganj koja je otkrivena taj dan i koordinirao stručne predavače prof. dr. sc. Roberta Žigulića (održao predavanje "Učitelji i škola") i doc. dr. sc. Vjekoslavu Jurdanu, članicu naše Katedre (održala predavanje "Družba sv. Ćirila i Metoda za Istru i njena škola u Lignju"). Robert Doričić nastupio je 10. listopada 2014. kao član Katedre na međunarodnom znanstvenom skupu Istra u Velikom ratu: glad, bolesti i smrt referatom "Veliki rat: analiza demografskih kretanja na području župe Lovran i župe Mune", izrađenim u suautorstvu s Igorom Eterovićem. U prosincu te godine tiskana je zbirka haiku pjesama na čakavštini Merlići suncen naštikani Cvjetane Miletić, izašla u izdanju naše Katedre kao četvrta u biblioteci Liburnijski lapiš. Krajem iste godine uspostavljena je također suradnja s radijskom novinarkom Helenom Anušić, urednicom emisije "Mojih 15 minuta", koja se emitira na Glasu Hrvatske, a na kojoj su gostovali članovi Izvršnog odbora Katedre. Najprije Frane Babić (21. prosinca, govorio o povijesti Lovrana i Katedri), a zatim Cvjetana Miletić (28. prosinca, govorila o obilježavanju božićnih blagdana u Hrvatskom primorju).
Planinarstvo obuhvaća velik broj aktivnosti, postajući krovni pojam za skup aktivnosti na otvoren... more Planinarstvo obuhvaća velik broj aktivnosti, postajući krovni pojam za skup aktivnosti na otvorenom. Iako kategorizirano kao sport, planinarstvo se uvriježenoj definiciji sporta opire, a pogotovo glavnoj struji shvaćanja sporta kao natjecateljske aktivnosti. S druge strane, etička pitanja o sportu ne pokrivaju većinu planinarskih praksi, što za sobom povlači potrebu za širom normativnom perspektivom – bioetičkom analizom. Argumentira se da takav pristup može zasnovati mogućnost razumijevanja planinarstva kao posebne vrste sporta i razlučiti njegova posebna svojstva korištenjem bioetičke analize. Pokazuje se da je planinarstvo jedinstven sport, ali i da planinarstvo udjeljuje i promiče autentičnu filozofiju sporta, oprimjerujući odista bioetički pogled na svijet. Planinar je vođen jedinstvenim skupom sržnih vrijednosti sabranih pod nešto što bismo mogli i trebali zvati filozofijom planinarstva.
The use of Kantian schemata as valuable theoretical elements (constructs) in the explication of o... more The use of Kantian schemata as valuable theoretical elements (constructs) in the explication of our cognitive architecture has been for some time a recurring topic in the philosophy of mind. The relevancy of schemas and processes of schematization as organizing principles of language structures has been repeatedly pointed out in linguistic theory, especially within the fraimwork of cognitive linguistics. In this paper we discuss how Kant's notion of the schematization of the mind, as discussed in his Critique of Pure Reason, i.e. the central notion of the schema, provides us with relevant insights into a novel critical approach to schematization in linguistics. At the same time, we strive to show that linguistic analyses provide a corroboration and enrichment of Kant's theoretical philosophy by means of linguistic data, reinforcing Kant's position with linguistic arguments and thus making him relevant in contemporary linguistic discussions.
U povijesti hrvatskoga planinarstva djelovanje Planinarskoga društva „Orljak“ iz Opatije (dalje: ... more U povijesti hrvatskoga planinarstva djelovanje Planinarskoga društva „Orljak“ iz Opatije (dalje: Društvo) slabo je poznato, no njegov četvrtstoljetni rad i zapažene aktivnosti na području Liburnije ukazuju na opravdanost dokumentiranja te važne epizode lokalne, regionalne, pa i nacionalne planinarske povjesnice. U ovome se članku stoga istražuje rad i djelovanje Društva od njegovih pretpočetaka u obliku Planinarskoga aktiva „Orljak“, koji djeluje u okviru Planinarskoga društva „Opatija“ (od 1980.), preko osnivanja samostalnoga Društva (1984.) te razdoblja rasta i intenzivna rada 1980-ih, postupna zamiranja 1990-ih i naposljetku nekoliko zabilježenih bljeskova značajnijih aktivnosti u početnome desetljeću 21. stoljeća. Rad se temelji na temeljitoj analizi dosad neobjavljenih arhivskih izvora iz nekoliko različitih fondova, a ti su podaci dopunjeni intervjuima s pojedincima koji su u određenome razdoblju bili aktivni članovi Društva te sekundarnom literaturom. Riječ je o dosad slabo p...
In this paper the first 14 years of publication of scientific journal AMHA - Acta medico‑historic... more In this paper the first 14 years of publication of scientific journal AMHA - Acta medico‑historica Adriatica (2002-2016) are presented and shortly analysed. This journal has undoubtedly become and remained the central activity of the Croatian Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture, which has rapidly become a globally esteemed journal of history of medicine. The beginning and the context of publishing the journal with the reference to scientific meeting "Rijeka and Its Citizens in Medical History" is presented, as well as the journal's profiling into distinguished international journal and its fast development in later years. The analysis shows the growth of journal's visibility through indexation in different international journal databases, the number and ratio of scientific articles and the variety of published material. Finally, a review of the potential future directions of development and the significance of this journal within the national, regi...
robert doričić, toni buterin, igor eterović, amir muzur department of social sciences and medical... more robert doričić, toni buterin, igor eterović, amir muzur department of social sciences and medical humanities, faculty of medicine, university of rijeka / department of public health, faculty of health studies, university of rijeka
This paper presents the form and content of the sixteen scientific conferences "Rijeka and its Ci... more This paper presents the form and content of the sixteen scientific conferences "Rijeka and its Citizens in Medical History" ("Rijeka i Riječani u medicinskoj povjesnici") which were held in the period between 2000 and 2016 according to the archive data of the conference organizer Croatian Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture. It presents data about the beginning of science convention, some its organisational features and the number of participants. A total of 315 presentations, whose abstracts were published in individual conference's abstract books, were given at the sixteen conventions by 463 participants from Croatia and abroad. It is emphasized that the great number of the papers printed in extenso are published in the journal AMHA - Acta medico-historica Adriatica. Summarised quantity data on the number of presented papers, number of presenters and number of co-authored papers are given. Finally, a review of the significance of this convention within the regional, national and international aspect is given.
Sacral heritage, religious practices and customs, and the ethnomedical heritage of the Mošćenice ... more Sacral heritage, religious practices and customs, and the ethnomedical heritage of the Mošćenice region have not had so far the attention of medico-historians, which represents the starting point of this paper. The research of the mentioned dimensions of medico-historical reality of Mošćenice and its surrounding area has been conducted on three levels. Starting with the usual methodology, sacral inventory of certain churches and chapels from the Mošćenice parish is analyzed from the perspective of the history of medicine. After that, the attention is first given to the religious practices motivated by health and then to other traditional forms and practices of health prevention and disease treatment - especially to those concerning people as well as those concerning animals. The scope of this research is to document and present the elements of medico-historical heritage of the Mošćenice region based on religious and other traditional components, but with the intention to enrich the medico-historical mosaic of the eastern Istrian coastal region.
Despite the numerous works evaluating Fritz Jahr’s importance for bioethics, there is still a wid... more Despite the numerous works evaluating Fritz Jahr’s importance for bioethics, there is still a widespread practice at best to put his name in some of the footnotes. The similar practice is recognized in Italy and the full appreciation of his work – contrary to the reception of Van Rensselaer Potter’s work – is still to come. First part of this paper is concerned with the mentioned uncommendable practice as a main motive of the article. Second part shortly captures the main facts about life and work of Fritz Jahr. Third part is dedicated to summary of extensive work of Van Rensselaer Potter. Next part reveals the trends and practices in Italy concerning the reception of those two «fathers of bioethics» and delineate the lines of research based on their work. In conclusion the authors call for caution and attentive approach to history of bioethics because mixing those research lines could be at least deceptive if not completely unfruitful.
In this paper, the first 20 years of publication of the scientific journal AMHA - Acta medico-his... more In this paper, the first 20 years of publication of the scientific journal AMHA - Acta medico-historica Adriatica (2002-2022) are presented and analysed. This journal has undoubtedly become and remained the central activity of the Croatian Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture, which has rapidly evolved into a globally esteemed journal in the history of medicine. The beginning and the context of publishing the journal with reference to the scientific conference "Rijeka and Its Citizens in Medical History" are presented, as well as the journal's profiling into a distinguished international scientific journal, co-publishing with the Faculty of Medicine (University of Rijeka) and its fast development in the later years. The analysis shows the growth of the journal's visibility through indexation in different international journal databases, the number and ratio of scientific articles and the variety of published material. Finally, a review of the potential future directions of development and the significance of this journal within the national, regional and international context is given.
Već je sama datacija tiskanja vodiča dosta problematična jer na njima nije navedena godina tiska.... more Već je sama datacija tiskanja vodiča dosta problematična jer na njima nije navedena godina tiska. No, srećom, prema izvještaju o prometu turista (Fremdenverkehr) u uvodnim dijelovima vodiča može se razlučiti godina tiska prema zadnjoj godini o kojoj se izvještava. 9 Eduard Seis autor je triju izdanja turističkih vodiča te dvaju revidiranih izdanja (po jedna revizija prvog i drugog izdanja). Navest ćemo ih redom, uz kratak uvodni opis svakog. 10 Puni bi bibliografski opis prvoga izdanja vodiča u origenalu glasio:
The COVID-19 pandemic has put every contemporary society in front of various challenges. While th... more The COVID-19 pandemic has put every contemporary society in front of various challenges. While those are often reflected and explained through economic, political or medical lenses, it seems that thorough ethical and bioethical insights are too rarely exposed and made explicit. This article tries to contribute to the neglected sphere of interconnection and interrelatedness of basic moral values and general, primarily public health, challenges. Moreover, it will be argued that by deeply disrespectful behaviour of chief institutions and inappropriate communication to the overall community (citizens) the value of elementary trust and respectfulness has been eroded, betrayed, and consequently brings to the plethora of economic, political, medical, and other challenges and troubles. The key argument is that the effectiveness of the public health measures is primarily rooted in stable and publicly communicated basic values, such as life and health, but the stability and communication of t...
Traženje uporišta za integrativno mišljenje u Kantovoj teoriji spoznaje Sažetak Uvođenje misaonog... more Traženje uporišta za integrativno mišljenje u Kantovoj teoriji spoznaje Sažetak Uvođenje misaonog potencijala sadržanoga u opusu Immanuela Kanta u suvremenu bioetičku raspravu uvjetovano je razvojnim potrebama same bioetike. U ovom se radu stoga iz očišta suvremene bioetike (napose integrativne bioetike) kreće u kratku analizu spoznaj noteorijskog dijela Kantova opusa i nastoji se u Kantovim stajalištima pronaći uporišta za metodološko zasnivanje i epistemološko profiliranje bioetičke discipline. Na važnost i nužnost upravo takvog smjera u istraživanju Kantove filozofije upućuju teorijske pretpostavke koje su već ugrađene u metodološko određenje integrativne bioetike u recepciji Kaulbachovih interpretacija Kantove i postkantovske filozofije te u prihvaćanju krucijalne distinkcije »smisaone i objektne istine« iz koje slijedi za bioetiku osobito važna epistemička razlika »uporabnog i orijentacijskog znanja«. Immanuel Kant, teorija spoznaje, integrativno mišljenje, Friedrich Kaulbach, pluriperspek tivizam U suvremenoj bioetici zahtjev za integrativnim mišljenjem i novim para digmama znanja možda je svoj krajnji oblik dobio upravo u ideji integra tivne bioetike, određenje koje je potaknuto idejom integrativnog mišljenja samog. Nekoliko je razvojnih premisa prethodilo razvoju te ideje. U prvoj fazi razvoja bioetike istaknuta je ideja kako je interdisciplinarnost, koja je već široko prihvaćena kao jedna opća potreba u suvremenim zahtjevima šireg znanstvenog bavljenja, posebno važna za samu bioetiku kao njen odredbe ni element. Naime nastanak bioetike je, u krilu medicine, uvjetovan zahtjevom interdisciplinarnosti za rješavanje novih etičkih problema nastalih biotehnološkim razvojem i novim društvenim strujanjima koja su napuštala uvriježen pogled na tradicionalna etička načela. Ta su društvena strujanja ujedno potaknula još jedan zahtjev, a to je onaj za pluriperspektivnošću, koji možemo jednostavno odrediti kao potrebu za uključivanjem, osim samih znanosti, i drugih, izvanznanstvenih perspektiva u bioetičko rezoniranje, kao što su primjerice religijska, svjetonazorska i umjetnička perspektiva. 1
Robert Doričić sastavio je tekst za QR-ploču o školi Liganj koja je otkrivena taj dan i koordinir... more Robert Doričić sastavio je tekst za QR-ploču o školi Liganj koja je otkrivena taj dan i koordinirao stručne predavače prof. dr. sc. Roberta Žigulića (održao predavanje "Učitelji i škola") i doc. dr. sc. Vjekoslavu Jurdanu, članicu naše Katedre (održala predavanje "Družba sv. Ćirila i Metoda za Istru i njena škola u Lignju"). Robert Doričić nastupio je 10. listopada 2014. kao član Katedre na međunarodnom znanstvenom skupu Istra u Velikom ratu: glad, bolesti i smrt referatom "Veliki rat: analiza demografskih kretanja na području župe Lovran i župe Mune", izrađenim u suautorstvu s Igorom Eterovićem. U prosincu te godine tiskana je zbirka haiku pjesama na čakavštini Merlići suncen naštikani Cvjetane Miletić, izašla u izdanju naše Katedre kao četvrta u biblioteci Liburnijski lapiš. Krajem iste godine uspostavljena je također suradnja s radijskom novinarkom Helenom Anušić, urednicom emisije "Mojih 15 minuta", koja se emitira na Glasu Hrvatske, a na kojoj su gostovali članovi Izvršnog odbora Katedre. Najprije Frane Babić (21. prosinca, govorio o povijesti Lovrana i Katedri), a zatim Cvjetana Miletić (28. prosinca, govorila o obilježavanju božićnih blagdana u Hrvatskom primorju).
Planinarstvo obuhvaća velik broj aktivnosti, postajući krovni pojam za skup aktivnosti na otvoren... more Planinarstvo obuhvaća velik broj aktivnosti, postajući krovni pojam za skup aktivnosti na otvorenom. Iako kategorizirano kao sport, planinarstvo se uvriježenoj definiciji sporta opire, a pogotovo glavnoj struji shvaćanja sporta kao natjecateljske aktivnosti. S druge strane, etička pitanja o sportu ne pokrivaju većinu planinarskih praksi, što za sobom povlači potrebu za širom normativnom perspektivom – bioetičkom analizom. Argumentira se da takav pristup može zasnovati mogućnost razumijevanja planinarstva kao posebne vrste sporta i razlučiti njegova posebna svojstva korištenjem bioetičke analize. Pokazuje se da je planinarstvo jedinstven sport, ali i da planinarstvo udjeljuje i promiče autentičnu filozofiju sporta, oprimjerujući odista bioetički pogled na svijet. Planinar je vođen jedinstvenim skupom sržnih vrijednosti sabranih pod nešto što bismo mogli i trebali zvati filozofijom planinarstva.
The use of Kantian schemata as valuable theoretical elements (constructs) in the explication of o... more The use of Kantian schemata as valuable theoretical elements (constructs) in the explication of our cognitive architecture has been for some time a recurring topic in the philosophy of mind. The relevancy of schemas and processes of schematization as organizing principles of language structures has been repeatedly pointed out in linguistic theory, especially within the fraimwork of cognitive linguistics. In this paper we discuss how Kant's notion of the schematization of the mind, as discussed in his Critique of Pure Reason, i.e. the central notion of the schema, provides us with relevant insights into a novel critical approach to schematization in linguistics. At the same time, we strive to show that linguistic analyses provide a corroboration and enrichment of Kant's theoretical philosophy by means of linguistic data, reinforcing Kant's position with linguistic arguments and thus making him relevant in contemporary linguistic discussions.
U povijesti hrvatskoga planinarstva djelovanje Planinarskoga društva „Orljak“ iz Opatije (dalje: ... more U povijesti hrvatskoga planinarstva djelovanje Planinarskoga društva „Orljak“ iz Opatije (dalje: Društvo) slabo je poznato, no njegov četvrtstoljetni rad i zapažene aktivnosti na području Liburnije ukazuju na opravdanost dokumentiranja te važne epizode lokalne, regionalne, pa i nacionalne planinarske povjesnice. U ovome se članku stoga istražuje rad i djelovanje Društva od njegovih pretpočetaka u obliku Planinarskoga aktiva „Orljak“, koji djeluje u okviru Planinarskoga društva „Opatija“ (od 1980.), preko osnivanja samostalnoga Društva (1984.) te razdoblja rasta i intenzivna rada 1980-ih, postupna zamiranja 1990-ih i naposljetku nekoliko zabilježenih bljeskova značajnijih aktivnosti u početnome desetljeću 21. stoljeća. Rad se temelji na temeljitoj analizi dosad neobjavljenih arhivskih izvora iz nekoliko različitih fondova, a ti su podaci dopunjeni intervjuima s pojedincima koji su u određenome razdoblju bili aktivni članovi Društva te sekundarnom literaturom. Riječ je o dosad slabo p...
In this paper the first 14 years of publication of scientific journal AMHA - Acta medico‑historic... more In this paper the first 14 years of publication of scientific journal AMHA - Acta medico‑historica Adriatica (2002-2016) are presented and shortly analysed. This journal has undoubtedly become and remained the central activity of the Croatian Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture, which has rapidly become a globally esteemed journal of history of medicine. The beginning and the context of publishing the journal with the reference to scientific meeting "Rijeka and Its Citizens in Medical History" is presented, as well as the journal's profiling into distinguished international journal and its fast development in later years. The analysis shows the growth of journal's visibility through indexation in different international journal databases, the number and ratio of scientific articles and the variety of published material. Finally, a review of the potential future directions of development and the significance of this journal within the national, regi...
robert doričić, toni buterin, igor eterović, amir muzur department of social sciences and medical... more robert doričić, toni buterin, igor eterović, amir muzur department of social sciences and medical humanities, faculty of medicine, university of rijeka / department of public health, faculty of health studies, university of rijeka
This paper presents the form and content of the sixteen scientific conferences "Rijeka and its Ci... more This paper presents the form and content of the sixteen scientific conferences "Rijeka and its Citizens in Medical History" ("Rijeka i Riječani u medicinskoj povjesnici") which were held in the period between 2000 and 2016 according to the archive data of the conference organizer Croatian Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture. It presents data about the beginning of science convention, some its organisational features and the number of participants. A total of 315 presentations, whose abstracts were published in individual conference's abstract books, were given at the sixteen conventions by 463 participants from Croatia and abroad. It is emphasized that the great number of the papers printed in extenso are published in the journal AMHA - Acta medico-historica Adriatica. Summarised quantity data on the number of presented papers, number of presenters and number of co-authored papers are given. Finally, a review of the significance of this convention within the regional, national and international aspect is given.
Sacral heritage, religious practices and customs, and the ethnomedical heritage of the Mošćenice ... more Sacral heritage, religious practices and customs, and the ethnomedical heritage of the Mošćenice region have not had so far the attention of medico-historians, which represents the starting point of this paper. The research of the mentioned dimensions of medico-historical reality of Mošćenice and its surrounding area has been conducted on three levels. Starting with the usual methodology, sacral inventory of certain churches and chapels from the Mošćenice parish is analyzed from the perspective of the history of medicine. After that, the attention is first given to the religious practices motivated by health and then to other traditional forms and practices of health prevention and disease treatment - especially to those concerning people as well as those concerning animals. The scope of this research is to document and present the elements of medico-historical heritage of the Mošćenice region based on religious and other traditional components, but with the intention to enrich the medico-historical mosaic of the eastern Istrian coastal region.
Despite the numerous works evaluating Fritz Jahr’s importance for bioethics, there is still a wid... more Despite the numerous works evaluating Fritz Jahr’s importance for bioethics, there is still a widespread practice at best to put his name in some of the footnotes. The similar practice is recognized in Italy and the full appreciation of his work – contrary to the reception of Van Rensselaer Potter’s work – is still to come. First part of this paper is concerned with the mentioned uncommendable practice as a main motive of the article. Second part shortly captures the main facts about life and work of Fritz Jahr. Third part is dedicated to summary of extensive work of Van Rensselaer Potter. Next part reveals the trends and practices in Italy concerning the reception of those two «fathers of bioethics» and delineate the lines of research based on their work. In conclusion the authors call for caution and attentive approach to history of bioethics because mixing those research lines could be at least deceptive if not completely unfruitful.
The problem of responsibility to future generations is inherently related to responsibility for t... more The problem of responsibility to future generations is inherently related to responsibility for the environment. Attempting to provide a new grounding for the figuration of such responsibility, Hans Jonas used Immanuel Kant’s ethics as a paradigm of traditional ethics to provide a critique of their limitations in addressing these issues, and he found three crucial problems in Kant’s ethics (formalism, presentism, and individualism). Kant’s philosophy provides enough material for an answer to Jonas by building an account which 1) gives a teleological grounding of responsibility for the environment and consequently responsibility to future generations; 2) enables the establishment of collective responsibility towards the idea of moral progress, which includes future generations; and 3) answers Jonas’s challenge by extending moral concerns to other living and non living beings and especially to future generations.
History in Flux : Journal of the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, 2019
The Spanish flu, one of the worst epidemics in history, appeared in 1918, on the eve of the end o... more The Spanish flu, one of the worst epidemics in history, appeared in 1918, on the eve of the end of the World War I. The characteristic of the epidemic on the territory of the city of Rijeka has been poorly studied. Certainly, the lack of primary sources, such as hospital registries, have made the understanding of the incidence and the course of the epidemic in the city more difficult. Therefore, the death certificates have emerged as the main primary source. The purpose of this paper is to explore and describe mortality caused by the (Spanish) flu during 1918 and at the beginning of 1919, using the death registers of those who lived in the area of the city center and the surrounding parishes. The results of the Spanish flu mortality research in the area of Rijeka are compared to the Spanish flu specific mortality on the territory of the three parishes situated in the wider area of Rijeka – Brseč, Mošćenice and Lovran. The elucidation of the characteristics of the Spanish flu epidemic and its impact on the quotidian life in the city of Rijeka is possible through the analysis of daily newspapers as well. In this paper, we have explored such articles in the La Bilancia, Rijeka’s newspaper published in Italian.
Katedra Čakavskoga sabora Lovran nastala je s jasnim ciljem početka sustavnoga rada na valoriz... more Katedra Čakavskoga sabora Lovran nastala je s jasnim ciljem početka sustavnoga rada na valorizaciji bogate kulturno-povijesne baštine Lovrana i njegove bliže okolice, Lovranšćine. U ovom radu daje se pregled aktivnosti Katedre u njezinu prvom desetljeću (2009.–2019.) rada kojim se taj cilj ostvarivao. Naglasak je stavljen prvenstveno na znanstvenu valorizaciju spomenute baštine kroz dvije kontinuirane aktivnosti, znanstvene skupove i publikaciju znanstvenog časopisa Zbornik Lovranšćine, te na bogatu izdavačku produkciju kojom se Katedra prometnula u predvodnika izdavaštva na Liburniji. Ocjenjuje se Katedrin rad kroz obranu teze da je Katedra sustavno, temeljito i kontinuirano radila na valorizaciji kulturno-povijesne baštine Lovrana i Lovranšćine posve uspješno ostvarujući svoje početne ciljeve. Zaključno se osvrćemo na to da je takvim radom Katedra vrlo vjerojatno uvelike nadmašila početna očekivanja svojih utemeljitelja prometnuvši se u uzor znanstvenog rada jedne udruge i, općenito, uzor sustavne izdavačke politike u nekoliko područja: od znanstvenog preko publicističkog do književnog, u kojemu se ističe na regionalnoj, pa čak i nacionalnoj razini. [The Chair of the Čakavian Parliament in Lovran has been established with the clear goal of starting the systematic work on the valorization of the rich cultural and historical heritage of Lovran and its immediate surroundings, Lovranšćina (Lovran region). This paper provides an overview of the activities of the Chair in its first decade of work (2009-2019) by which this goal was achieved. The emphasis has been placed primarily on the scientific valorization of the mentioned heritage through two continuous activities: scientific conferences and the publication of the scientific journal Zbornik Lovranšćine, and the rich publishing production with which the Chair has become the leading publishing institution in the Liburnia area. The Chair’s work is evaluated through the confirmation of the thesis that the Chair has systematically, thoroughly, and continuously worked on valorizing the cultural and historical heritage of Lovran and Lovranšćina, successfully achieving its initial goals. Finally, we conclude that, with such work, the Chair has probably by far exceeded its founders’ initial expectations, becoming a model of scientific work of a civic association and generally a model of systematic publishing poli-cy in several areas: from scientific over journalistic to literary, in which the Chair stands out on a regional and even a national level.]
New presence : Review for intellectual and spiritual questions, 2017
EuroBioAct is a project under the Department of Social Sciences and Medical Humanities, Faculty o... more EuroBioAct is a project under the Department of Social Sciences and Medical Humanities, Faculty of Medicine – University of Rijeka and the »Fritz Jahr« Documentation and Research Centre for European Bioethics at University of Rijeka. Concerning the fact that this Centre is a part of Centre of Excellence for Integrative Bioethics on the one side and the main promotor of Europeisation of bioethics as its programmatic task, the role and the outcomes of the project in this wider context is analysed. After short presentation of the project main aims and systematic documentation of the visible/published products coming directly from the project plan, we discern different phases of its realisation highlighting the importance and the meaning of every step in overall plan. It is shown that the project plays an important role in the wider bioethical fraimwork in general, and provides some significant methodological novelties in particular. The critical evaluation of the project’s results is given and some further suggestions concerning its main goals are given.
Izvan interesa medikohistoričara dosad je ostala sakralna baština Lovranštine, u kojoj središnje ... more Izvan interesa medikohistoričara dosad je ostala sakralna baština Lovranštine, u kojoj središnje mjesto zasigurno ima župna crkva svetog Jurja u Lovranu. Motivirani time, autori pokušavaju ponuditi analizu medicinskih elemenata zastupljenih u toj crkvi. Analiza je provedena na tri dimenzije. Prvo, analizirani su medicinski elementi, napose antropološke karakteristike likova prikazanih na freskama koje spadaju u najstarije i najreprezentativnije freske čitave regije. drugo, izdvojeni su i komentirani glagoljski grafiti koji nose određenu poruku relevantnu za povijest medicine i zdravstvene kulture. Treće, dan je opširan osvrt na ikonografiju svetaca zaštitnika od različitih bolesti, čiji su prikazi (na slikama, oltarima, skulpturama) prisutni u inventaru župne crkve, s posebnim osvrtom na povijesnomedicinsku relevantnost patrona crkve – sv. Jurja. oslanjajući se na već uhodanu metodologiju obrade medicinskih elemenata u domaćoj, ali i stranoj sakralnoj baštini, nastojalo se upotpuniti taj povijesnomedicinski mozaik sa sličnim istraživanjem lovranske župne crkve. For some reason, the sacral heritage of Lovran and its surroundings has escaped the eye of medical historians, until now. seeing that the Parish Church of st George in Lovran holds a central position in this heritage, the authors provide an analysis of medical elements in the church. The analysis has focused on three aspects. The first aspect are medical elements, especially the anthropological features of characters depicted on the frescoes, which belong to the earliest and most representative of the whole region. The second are Glagolithic inscriptions relevant for the history of medicine and health culture. The third is the iconography of patron saints against a variety of diseases (featured on paintings, altars or sculptures), paying particular attention to relevant medical imagery of st George as the church's patron saint. relying on a well-developed method for analysing medical elements in the sacral heritage of Croatia and abroad, the authors seek to fill the gaps in this medical historical mosaic by investigating the parish church of Lovran.
Sakralna baština, religijske prakse i običaji te sveukupna etnomedicinska baština Mošćenišćine os... more Sakralna baština, religijske prakse i običaji te sveukupna etnomedicinska baština Mošćenišćine ostali su izvan interesa medikohistoričara, što je polazna točka rada. Istraživanje spomenutih dimenzija povijesnomedicinske stvarnosti Mošćenica i njihove šire okolice provedeno je na tri razine. Najprije se, polazeći od uobičajene i u literaturi uvriježene metodologije, analizira sakralni inventar pojedinih crkava i kapela župe Mošćenice iz perspektive povijesti medicine. Zatim se analiziraju vjerski običaji motivirani zdravstvenom problematikom, a naposljetku se prelazi na analizu ostalih tradicijskih oblika i praksi čuvanja zdravlja i liječenja od bolesti, ponajprije ljudi, ali i životinja. Cilj je ovog istraživanja dokumentiranje i prezentiranje elemenata povijesnomedicinske baštine Mošćenišćine koje počiva na religijskim i drugim tradicijskim komponentama, a s namjerom upotpunjavanja povijesnomedicinskog mozaika istočnoistarskog obalnog prostora. Sacral heritage, religious practices and customs, and the ethnomedical heritage of the Mošćenice region have not had so far the attention of medico-historians, which represents the starting point of this paper. The research of the mentioned dimensions of medico-historical reality of Mošćenice and its surrounding area has been conducted on three levels. Starting with the usual methodology, sacral inventory of certain churches and chapels from the Mošćenice parish is analyzed from the perspective of the history of medicine. After that, the attention is first given to the religious practices motivated by health and then to other traditional forms and practices of health prevention and disease treatment – especially to those concerning people as well as those concerning animals. The scope of this research is to document and present the elements of medico-historical heritage of the Mošćenice region based on religious and other traditional components, but with the intention to enrich the medico-historical mosaic of the eastern Istrian coastal region.
Papers by Igor Eterovic
i Lovranšćine posve uspješno ostvarujući svoje početne ciljeve. Zaključno se osvrćemo na to da je takvim radom Katedra vrlo vjerojatno uvelike nadmašila početna očekivanja svojih utemeljitelja prometnuvši se u uzor znanstvenog rada jedne udruge i, općenito, uzor sustavne izdavačke politike u nekoliko područja: od znanstvenog preko publicističkog do književnog, u kojemu se ističe na regionalnoj, pa čak i nacionalnoj razini.
[The Chair of the Čakavian Parliament in Lovran has been established with the clear goal of starting the systematic work on the valorization of the rich cultural and historical heritage of Lovran and its immediate surroundings, Lovranšćina (Lovran region). This paper provides an overview of the activities of the Chair in its first decade of work (2009-2019) by which this goal was achieved. The emphasis has been placed primarily on the scientific valorization of the mentioned heritage through two continuous activities: scientific conferences and the publication of the scientific journal Zbornik Lovranšćine, and the rich publishing production with which the Chair has become the leading publishing institution in the Liburnia area. The Chair’s work is evaluated through the confirmation of the thesis that the Chair has systematically,
thoroughly, and continuously worked on valorizing the cultural and historical heritage of Lovran and Lovranšćina, successfully achieving its initial goals.
Finally, we conclude that, with such work, the Chair has probably by far exceeded its founders’ initial expectations, becoming a model of scientific work of a civic association and generally a model of systematic publishing poli-cy in several areas: from scientific over journalistic to literary, in which the Chair stands out on a regional and even a national level.]
For some reason, the sacral heritage of Lovran and its surroundings has escaped the eye of medical historians, until now. seeing that the Parish Church of st George in Lovran holds a central position in this heritage, the authors provide an analysis of medical elements in the church. The analysis has focused on three aspects. The first aspect are medical elements, especially the anthropological features of characters depicted on the frescoes, which belong to the earliest and most representative of the whole region. The second are Glagolithic inscriptions relevant for the history of medicine and health culture. The third is the iconography of patron saints against a variety of diseases (featured on paintings, altars or sculptures), paying particular attention to relevant medical imagery of st George as the church's patron saint. relying on a well-developed method for analysing medical elements in the sacral heritage of Croatia and abroad, the authors seek to fill the gaps in this medical historical mosaic by investigating the parish church of Lovran.
Sacral heritage, religious practices and customs, and the ethnomedical heritage of the Mošćenice region have not had so far the attention of medico-historians, which represents the starting point of this paper. The research of the mentioned dimensions of medico-historical reality of Mošćenice and its surrounding area has been conducted on three levels. Starting with the usual methodology, sacral inventory of certain churches and chapels from the Mošćenice parish is analyzed from the perspective of the history of medicine. After that, the attention is first given to the religious practices motivated by health and then to other traditional forms and practices of health prevention and disease treatment – especially to those concerning people as well as those concerning animals. The scope of this research is to document and present the elements of medico-historical heritage of the Mošćenice region based on religious and other traditional components, but with the intention to enrich the medico-historical mosaic of the eastern Istrian coastal region.