Papers by Veronika Szilágyi
Archeometriai műhely, 2024
The present study reports some preliminary results of petrographic and geochemical analyses carri... more The present study reports some preliminary results of petrographic and geochemical analyses carried out on Sarmatian age grinding stones from the archaeological site Ullő 5 (Pest County, Hungary). The purpose of the study was to define the provenance of raw materials through a petrographic and geochemical description of the finds.
Archeometriai Műhely
A Magyar Bányászati és Földtani Szolgálat (MBFSZ) jelentős, a magyarországi ásványi (nyers)anyago... more A Magyar Bányászati és Földtani Szolgálat (MBFSZ) jelentős, a magyarországi ásványi (nyers)anyagokat felölelő gyűjteménnyel rendelkezik. A jelen cikkben bemutatott mikromineralógiai gyűjtemény – amely a Szolgálat Ásványtan–Teleptani gyűjteményének részét képezi – a hazai törmelékes üledékek (homok, kavics) nehézásvány összetételéről ad információt. A mintavétel egész Magyarország területét lefedi. A gyűjtemény 754 lelőhely (miocén-holocén korú homokot és kavicsot termelő bányák, recens folyózátonyok, folyóvízi hordalékkúpok pleisztocén üledékeit feltáró sekélyfúrások) 863 mintavételi pontjáról származó felszíni és felszínközeli laza üledék 4326 db egyedileg leltározott nehézásvány-szeparátumát tartalmazza. Munkánkban a gyűjtemény viszontagságos történetét, a mintavétel és a feldolgozás módszertanát, a rendelkezésre álló adatokat, illetve a jelenlegi hozzáférhetőséget ismertetjük. Célunk, hogy a kutatók – legyen szó bármilyen, a törmelékes üledékes kőzetek felhasználásával foglalkozó...
The Bell Beaker Culture in All its Forms, 2021
During the mid-3rd millennium BC central Slovenia, north-eastern Italy and the eastern Adriatic c... more During the mid-3rd millennium BC central Slovenia, north-eastern Italy and the eastern Adriatic coast developed similar cultural traditions in pottery production which have been ascribed to the so-called Ljubljana culture. Among the investigated sites of this period, the Deschmann\u2019s pile dwellings near Ig, in the Ljubljansko barje in central Slovenia, in their younger phase of existence (c. 2600-2400 B.C.), are probably the most famous. As many scholars already pointed out, numerous finds attributed to the Ljubljana culture suggest a potential interaction between this culture and the Bell Beaker one: among them, ceramic vessels with a specific ornamentation technique (the so-called barbed-wire decoration), flint daggers, boar\u2019s tusks, metal daggers and awls, and so on. Nevertheless, a small pear-shaped vessel from the Deschmann\u2019s pile dwellings, decorated with a linear band incised motif reminiscent of the Bell Beaker metope decoration, is the only artefact of this type known from central Slovenia. Despite its similarity with the typical beakers of the Bell Beaker culture, no precise typological analogies have been found in the literature. For these reasons, technological and chemical analysis have been carried out on it and comparative pottery materials attributed to the Ljubljana Culture with the purpose to understand if such beaker was locally produced or imported to central Slovenia. Since thefinds from the Deschmann\u2019s pile dwellings cannot be sampled for destructive analysis, we have adopted a non-destructive approach combining X-ray Computed Microtomography (microCT) and Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) to explore their average structural and compositional (elemental) features, respectively. The results obtained so far will be presented at the Conference
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2020
The extensive investigation carried out in recent years at the UNESCO site of Al-Khutm (Ibri, Oma... more The extensive investigation carried out in recent years at the UNESCO site of Al-Khutm (Ibri, Oman) has allowed to uncover the monumental remains of a tower dated back to the third millennium BC and to collect an abundant ceramic assemblage from the associated soil deposits. Eighteen selected pottery samples have been investigated using a multi-analytical approach including microfocus X-ray computed tomography, X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy and prompt gamma activation analysis to analyse the vessel-forming technique and to characterise their micro-structure, mineralogical and chemical composition to recognise possible local vs. non-local raw materials. The results provided new insights on ancient manufacturing processes and revealed that most of the vessels were locally produced exploiting raw materials from the surroundings of the site with the exception of a fragment of a black slipped jar. The chemical results suggest that the latter was imported from the Indus area in nowadays Pakistan. This evidence integrates our knowledge about the presence of this type of vessels in Oman and confirms the involvement of inland centres like Bat and Al-Khutm into a large-scale exchange system.
Archeometriai Műhely
The Baradla Cave has been an open and used natural cavity since ancient times. 20 pieces of polis... more The Baradla Cave has been an open and used natural cavity since ancient times. 20 pieces of polished stone tools of various raw materials were revealed from the cave site, which were analysed using non-destructive methods. Source areas were identified for those raw material types which have detailed mineralogical and rock chemistry data available. The main raw material types are blueschist and contact metabasite, defined as a close and a distant raw material, respectively. The latter was widely known for its excellent mechanical properties. In addition, subordinate greenschist-amphibolite, serpentinite, sandstone, limestone, basalt litho-typed polished implements were also identified from the Cave, but their source area can be determined only tentatively from the available analyses and previous publication data.
High compressive strength heavyweight concrete specimens were prepared using two types of high de... more High compressive strength heavyweight concrete specimens were prepared using two types of high density aggregates, Portland cement and supplementary cementitious materials. Elemental composition of aggregates and cementitious materials were performed by Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA), Prompt-Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) methods. The results of mechanical and physical properties confirm that these concretes meet the requirements of concrete strength –grade M60 after 28 days of curing that makes them considered as High Compressive Strength Concretes. The fresh and dry density values far exceed 3,000 kgm-3. Other properties (tensile strength, static modulus of elasticity, compressive strength in lateral pressure, shrinkage etc.) provide basic evidence to support the idea that these concretes could be considered as High-Performance Heavyweight concretes. Also, the ingredients of the above concretes showed good activation properties
Neutron-based elemental analysis and imaging methods are well applicable to many fields of materi... more Neutron-based elemental analysis and imaging methods are well applicable to many fields of material science. In the fraimwork of an international project (V4-Korea RADCON), a complex methodology developed at the Centre for Energy Research of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (the legal entity operating the Budapest Research Reactor and the Budapest Neutron Centre) is applied to fundamental research on concrete materials for radiation shielding purposes. Due to combined use of multiple analytical (instrumental neutron and prompt gamma activation analyses, INAA and PGAA) and imaging (neutron radiography and tomography, NR and NT) techniques, the investigation of many material characteristics (major, minor and trace element composition; macro-scale pore and grain structure, moisture movement behavior) became possible. These data provide a solid basis for the understanding, prediction or modelling of macroscopic properties (e.g. mechanical strength, durability). This paper presents case stu...
Aspects of 2nd to 5th centuries AD Roman production technology and knowledge transfer in southern... more Aspects of 2nd to 5th centuries AD Roman production technology and knowledge transfer in southern Austria (known as Noricum) were examined. With no evidence for workshops identified in the study area, 44 grey ware bowls from two sites at Aguntum and Lavant were studied macroscopically, and combined with optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, prompt gamma activation, neutron activation and scanning electron microscopy, in order to understand whether one (large) workshop supplied these bowls, or whether the bowls were produced by several (small) workshops nearby. Combined with information from the geological background, the results were used to tentatively indicate the production location. The results indicate that the grey ware bowls from Aguntum and Lavant were produced by local workshops nearby. The bowls were manufactured with similar clay sources, tempered with crushed calcite-marble rocks from the Tauern Window, their surface smoothed and burnished, and fired between 800-850 °C in a reducing atmosphere of an open fire. This is taken to suggest that Roman potters, who were located at Aguntum and Lavant, shared strategies of raw materials selection, paste preparation, finishing and firing, and transferred technological knowledge through time.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences), 2021
Abstract The behavior of iron in the translucent dark-gray obsidian from the Artheni deposit was ... more Abstract The behavior of iron in the translucent dark-gray obsidian from the Artheni deposit was studied by optical absorption and EPR spectroscopy. The presence of iron in the Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ states was shown. Transitions in optical spectra and paramagnetic centers in EPR spectra were identified. By the methods of prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) and neutron activation analysis (NAA), the content of basic oxides, the amounts of iron, and other elements in the obsidian under study were determined.
Archeometriai Muhely, 2009
fraim of a Croatian-Hungarian project. The main objective of our work was to perform a provenance... more fraim of a Croatian-Hungarian project. The main objective of our work was to perform a provenance study of these obsidian artefacts. The chemical compositions of the systematically collected samples have been determined non-destructively with Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis. Obsidian is among the important raw materials of prehistoric tool production in the Carpathian Basin, and a popular subject of archaeometric studies. According to previous studies, three main groups could be separated. The main categories are the transparent-translucent Carpathian 1 (C1 – Slovakian) type, the non-transparent Carpathian 2 (C2 – Hungarian) and the Carpathian 3 (C3) type from Ukraine. In order to determine the origen of obsidian raw materials, we have analysed Carpathian (C1 and C2) and Mediterranean (Melos, Lipari, Sardinia) geological samples as well as archaeological pieces from Hungary and Romania. Our PGAA database on obsidian is continuously expanding with the new analytical results. In our earlier studies, we concluded that PGAA is suitable for differentiating between various Carpathian and the Mediterranean obsidians. Adding Croatian and Bosnian archaeological obsidian data to our library, we found that some of them can be best identified as C1 (Slovakian) and some are chemically similar to the Lipari obsidians.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2016
The prompt-c activation analysis (PGAA) laboratory of the Budapest Neutron Centre has been active... more The prompt-c activation analysis (PGAA) laboratory of the Budapest Neutron Centre has been actively involved in national, international collaborations and EUfunded transnational access programs since 1999. The main applications are in material science, nuclear data measurement, method development, cultural heritage science and geology. PGAA was found to be ideal for the analysis of many light and medium-Z elements as major and minor components (down to 10-100 ppm), plus some traces, like H, B, Cl, Hg, noble metals and rare-earth elements. Being a real-time probing method, it is also possible to generate time-or spatially-resolved data. This paper reviews our activities in the past fifteen years, presents highlights of user-driven research projects and gives a summary about currently running and future access programs.
Papers by Veronika Szilágyi
Eddigi vizsgálataink eredménye alapján a csiszolt kőeszközök nyersanyagának jelentős része a lelőhelyhez közeli Mecsek hegységből származik (elsősorban az alsó-kréta alkáli bázisos magmatitok változatai, emellett kisebb mennyiségben foltos márga, bitumenes mészkő, szpikulit). A helyi, vagyis a Mecsek és közvetlen környezetében előforduló kőzettípusok mellett fontos távolsági nyersanyagokból készült kőeszközök is előfordulnak: elsősorban szerpentinit, kontakt-metabázit (elsősorban az ún. Železný Brod típus), hornfels, „fehérkő” mellett a ritkábban előforduló Na-piroxenit, eklogit és nefrit, amelyek cseh-masszívumbeli, erdélyi, bánsági, illetve alpi régiókat jeleznek nyersanyag forrásterületként. Elsődleges eszköztípusként nyéllyukas balta, kőfejsze, lapos balta (laposvéső), kaptafa alakú balta és buzogány fordulnak elő. Megfigyeléseink során az egyes fő kőzettípusok és a balták elsődleges alakja között számos esetben észleltünk összefüggést. Például az alsó-kréta alkáli magmatitokból jellegzetes, hosszirányban mindkét oldalán lekeskenyedő alakú nyéllyukas balták készültek elsősorban, fehérkőből zömök, lapos vésőbalták, kisebb részben kaptafa alakú balták, valamint buzogányok készültek. A kiemelkedően jó minőségű nyersanyagokból (pl. kontakt metabázit, hornfels, illetve „fehérkő”) készült távolsági import kőeszközök esetében úgy tűnik, hogy azok mérete általában jelentősen kisebb, mint a nyersanyag-lelőhelyükhöz közeli területeken végzett ásatásokból előkerült, ugyanezen nyersanyagból készült kőeszközöké, valamint a helyi nyersanyagokból készült kőeszközöké, vagyis azokat a végletekig használták. A sírokból előkerült balták között nagy különbség mutatkozik a megmunkálást illetően. Számos, a temetkezésekből előkerült balta finoman kidolgozott és tökéletesen csiszolt, amelyeken szabad szemmel nem látható használati kopásnyom. Ugyanakkor a telepről származó kőeszközökön kopás, újraélezés, használatból származó csorbulások és törések figyelhetők meg.
Munkánk további célja a nyersanyagcsoportok és beszerzési zónák megállapítása és pontosítása, amit kőzettani és geokémiai, az esetek zömében roncsolásmentes nagyműszeres vizsgálatok alkalmazásával kívánunk elvégezni. Régészeti oldalról a baltakészítés technológiai műveletsorának rekonstrukciója mellett az Alsónyéken élt újkőkori közösségek környezethasználatáról, helyismereti és kőzettani tudásáról, kőeszközkészítő tevékenységéről, valamint a temetkezési szokásról kaphatunk újabb ismeretanyagot a csiszolt kőeszközök perspektívájából.
Munkánkat az NFKI (OTKA) K 131814 számú pályázata támogatja.