Papers by Darko Radmanović
Project Borđoš – Ten Years of Research | Vol. I, 2024
Zbornik Matice Srpske Za Prirodne Nauke, 2016
In spring 2012, osteological material was collected at the "Gornja Šuma" site (site no. 47), loca... more In spring 2012, osteological material was collected at the "Gornja Šuma" site (site no. 47), located in the territory of Novi Sad, and it was dated to the early 9 th century. The withers heights of pig-Sus scrofa domestica, domestic cow-Bos taurus and sheep-Ovis aries, as the three most dominant species at this archaeological site, were analysed based on the length of bones and according to various authors [Boessneck 1956; Zalkin 1960; Matolcsi 1970; Teichert 1975]. It was determined that in these three species the withers heights mostly corresponded to the data from the Middle Ages.
Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke, 2015
Based on the results of the vertebrate fauna research from 10 Neolithic archaeological sites in V... more Based on the results of the vertebrate fauna research from 10 Neolithic archaeological sites in Vojvodina (Serbia), two of which belong to K?r?s culture, 7 to Starcevo culture, and one to Vinca culture, the proportional contribution of domestic and wild animals was analysed. These sites were approximately dated between 6000 and 3200 BC. The smallest proportion of domestic animals was recorded at the sites of Golokut-Vizic and Nosa Biserna Obala, while the biggest one at the sites of Prosine-Pecinci, Zlatara-Ruma and Kudos-Sasinci. A small proportion of domestic animals at Nosa Biserna Obala shows that the animal husbandry was only just at the beginning, and a high proportion of wild animals testifies about the importance of hunting in economy. These are the characteristics of settlements of K?r?s culture, where goats and sheep dominate among domestic animals. Low proportion of domestic and high proportion of wild animals were recorded at the site of Golokut which, like most of the d...
Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke, 2014
Based on current published and unpublished research results, a total of 16 vertebrate species mem... more Based on current published and unpublished research results, a total of 16 vertebrate species members of mammal (Mammalia), bird (Aves) and osteichthyes (Osteichthyes) classes have been registered at 11 archaeological sites from the Roman Period in Vojvodina. Mammals dominate with 12 species and one genus, birds are present with 3 species, and osteichthyes with one. From the Migration Period, at 9 sites, 22 vertebrate species have been registered, of which 13 species and one genus of mammals, 4 species and one genus of birds, and 5 species from the Osteichthyes class. At 8 sites from the Medieval Period, 16 vertebrate species have been registered. Mammals are the most numerous class with 10 species and one genus, while birds are present with 4 species and one genus. Furthermore, two species of osteichthyes have also been registered.
Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke, 2014
Based on current research results, a total of 40 vertebrate species from 4 classes have been regi... more Based on current research results, a total of 40 vertebrate species from 4 classes have been registered at 10 archaeological sites from the Neolithic period in Vojvodina (Serbia). The most numerous one is the mammal class (Mammalia) with 25 species, then bird class (Aves) with 9 species, osteichthyes (Osteichthyes) are represented by 5 species, while reptiles (Reptilia) are the poorest class with only one species. For the Eneolithic period, at 7 archaeological sites, a total of 11 species members of Mammalia class have been registered.
Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke, 2013
After decades-long vertebrate fauna research, out of 42 archaeological sites in Vojvodina (Serbia... more After decades-long vertebrate fauna research, out of 42 archaeological sites in Vojvodina (Serbia) from different periods ranging from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, remains of birds were registered at 17 sites (4 from the Neolithic, 1 from the Early Iron Age, 7 from the Late Iron Age, 5 from the Roman Period, 1 from the Migration Period, and 4 from the Middle Ages). A total of 14 species and 4 genera were registered for this vertebrate class. The richest ornithofauna is from the Neolithic, where 9 species and 3 genera were registered. The Migration and Medieval periods are next with 4 registered species and one genus each. There were 3 species registered from the Roman Period, and 2 species from the Late Iron Age. The poorest ornitofauna was registered from the Early Iron Age, only one species.
Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke, 2013
Based on current published and unpublished research results, a total of 34 vertebrate species fro... more Based on current published and unpublished research results, a total of 34 vertebrate species from 4 classes have been registered at 9 archaeological sites from the Early Iron Age in Vojvodina (Serbia). The most numerous one is the mammal class (Mammalia) with 22 species, then osteichthyes class (Osteichthyes) with 10 species, while birds (Aves) and reptiles (Reptilia) are repsented with one species each. From the Late Iron Age, at 14 archaeological sites, a total of 21 species were registered, of which 16 belong to the mammal class (Mammalia), birds (Aves) are represented by 2 species, and osteichthyes (Osteichthyes) by 3 species.
Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2010
The researches on the skeletal elements astragalus and calcaneus have been made in order to deter... more The researches on the skeletal elements astragalus and calcaneus have been made in order to determine differences among deer (Cervus elaphus L) populations. Specimens were taken from several Neolithic localities on the territory of Balkan Peninsula. Possible differences among the populations are possible due to different geographic and ecologic factors at the research localities, and due to influence of artificial selection. The artificial selection is evidenced by the choice of game, taking into consideration usability of deer as a hunting game for Neolithic people. Statistic analysis has shown that there is variability among individuals of the species Cervus elaphus L. at the localities. However, there are no statistically significant differences among the populations. The individual variations among wild populations have been confirmed, while the most significant anthropogenic influence is evidenced by prominent selection of hunting game. Scatter analysis has shown that there is significantly larger number of male individuals, in comparison to female ones, in the specimen. This data is in correlation with the already mention fact that usability of male individuals is greater.
The domestication of plants and animals, and subsequent the changes that they had triggered om hu... more The domestication of plants and animals, and subsequent the changes that they had triggered om human societies, plays a crucial role in archaeological narratives on processes of Neolithization. Given that Neolithic communities are generally perceived as "pastoral-agricultural", hunting activities are usually interpreted as sporadic, occasional, seasonal, and even anomalous. In this paper, we argue that subsistence strategies and human-animal interaction were far more diverse, and (micro)regionally and culturally specific. The paper focuses on the site of Golokut-Vizić, which stands out in relation to other Starčevo sites by its specific location within the hilly and forest landscape of the Fruška Gora mountain, as well as by high frequency of wild animals within the faunal sample. By incorporating existing and new results of archaeozoological analyses (namely taxonomic composition and seasonality), stable isotope analyses and archaeological data on settlement patterns (arc...
Domestikacija životinja i promene koje su time usledile smatraju se jednim od ključnih 'neoli... more Domestikacija životinja i promene koje su time usledile smatraju se jednim od ključnih 'neolitskih' inovacija, zajedno sa pripitomljavanjem biljaka, pojavom grnčarije i artefakata od glačanog kamena, kao i novim oblicima društvene organizacije i ideologije. Ovi procesi, međutim, nisu bili ujednačeni, niti su neizostavno pratili jedni druge. Rad se osvrće na eksploataciju životinja na ranoneolitskom lokalitetu Golokut-Vizić na zapadnim obodima Fruške gore. Faunistički uzorak sa ovog lokaliteta ukazuje da su se njegovi stanovnici, osim uzgajanja domaćeg govečeta, ovce, koze i svinje, bavili i lovom na divlje goveče, jelena, srnu i divlju svinju i sakupljanjem školjki i puževa. I divlje i domaće životinje bile su zastupljene jedinkama različitih uzrasta, što bi ukazivalo da su se lov, tj. klanje domaćih životinja odvijali tokom različitih sezona. Katkada su ostaci životinja bili 'ritualno' deponovani, kakav je slučaj sa lobanjom divljeg govečeta pohranjenom u grobu žene...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019
Archaeological evidence indicates that pig domestication had begun by ∼10,500 y before the presen... more Archaeological evidence indicates that pig domestication had begun by ∼10,500 y before the present (BP) in the Near East, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) suggests that pigs arrived in Europe alongside farmers ∼8,500 y BP. A few thousand years after the introduction of Near Eastern pigs into Europe, however, their characteristic mtDNA signature disappeared and was replaced by haplotypes associated with European wild boars. This turnover could be accounted for by substantial gene flow from local European wild boars, although it is also possible that European wild boars were domesticated independently without any genetic contribution from the Near East. To test these hypotheses, we obtained mtDNA sequences from 2,099 modern and ancient pig samples and 63 nuclear ancient genomes from Near Eastern and European pigs. Our analyses revealed that European domestic pigs dating from 7,100 to 6,000 y BP possessed both Near Eastern and European nuclear ancestry, while later pigs possessed no more ...
Papers by Darko Radmanović