Ezekiel Ajibade
Dr. Ezekiel Adewale Ajibade is a Senior Lecturer and Partnership Director at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso. He is a Stephen Olford Fellow of Expository Preaching, USA, a visiting scholar to Calvin Theological Seminary, USA, and the President, African Homiletics Society. He is also the Regional Director, International Orality Network Africa, and owns the Zionsprings Life Resource Centre, an Educational Consultancy service.
Supervisors: Dr. Ted Rendall, Dr. David Olford, Dr. Solomon Ademola Ishola, Dr. David Allen, Prof. Emiola Nihinlola, and Dr. Grant Lovejoy
Phone: +2348035947272
Address: The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Supervisors: Dr. Ted Rendall, Dr. David Olford, Dr. Solomon Ademola Ishola, Dr. David Allen, Prof. Emiola Nihinlola, and Dr. Grant Lovejoy
Phone: +2348035947272
Address: The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria.
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This thesis is therefore to present the church’s ecological role alongside with the gloomy picture of current environmental crises and ecological rape and to challenge her to be on the positive side of caring for the earth resources that God has made humans steward over, instead of destroying it. When the church is properly educated about these two sides of reality, there will be a change of attitude and the overall effect will be a healthier and more secure world to live in.
While contributing significantly to studies in contextualization and homiletics, this book is immediately applicable to practitioners, especially African preachers and those working in oral contexts.
Get the book here: https://langhamliterature.org/expository-preaching-in-africa
or here: https://www.amazon.com/Expository-Preaching-Africa-Effective-Proclamation-ebook/dp/B097H2WYZY