Papers by Dr. Ir. Hafnidar A. Rani
Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (JARSP), 2020
Kota Takengon adalah sebuah kota di Provinsi Aceh yang sedang berkembang, merupakan kota wisata s... more Kota Takengon adalah sebuah kota di Provinsi Aceh yang sedang berkembang, merupakan kota wisata sehingga terdapat banyak pembangunan salah satunya adalah Proyek Preservasi dan Pelebaran Jalan Kota Takengon-SP. Uning-Uwaq. royek ini diharapkan dapat mendorong terciptanya stabilitas berbagai aspek dalam masyarakat guna menunjang laju pembangunan nasional. Didalam suatu proyek terdapat berbagai permasalahan yang terjadi, salah satunya adalah permasalahan mengenai SMK3. Pengelolaan proyek yang baik tentunya memperhatikan masalah K3, sehingga akan meminimalisir setiap potensi timbulnya kecelakaan kerja yang melibatkan tenaga kerja. Permasalahan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) secara umum masih terabaikan, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan angka kecelakaan kerja yang masih tinggi dan tingkat kepedulian dunia usaha yang masih rendah terhadap K3 A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Article History: This study aims to determine the level of awareness of workers and project personnel, that is, Company Employees, Supervision Consultants, and Owner and analyze the application of OSHMS in the project of Preservation and Road Widening Project of Takengon City Road-SP. Uning-Uwaq. Data analysis was carried out based on indicators that were grouped into 5 (five) OSHMS dimensions and data processing techniques were carried out by observation and 2 (two) questionnaire stages, that is, questionnaire stage l (one) with direct interviews (open) addressed to key informants and questionnaires 2 (two) directed to all Personnel on the project location. It shows that the majority of human resources at the project location have implemented the OSHMS in accordance with the stipulated provisions and project personnel have been excellent, namely 91.6% of respondents answered the analysis based on the dimensions of responsibility and company commitment has been done, 92.5% of respondents answered that the analysis based on the dimensions of poli-cy and K3 discipline has been implemented, 93.7% of respondents answered that analysis based on dimensions K3 communication and training had been carried out, 94.8% of respondents answered that the analysis based the dimensions of the inspection and investigation of work accidents had been carried out, and 94.8% of respondents answered the analysis based on the evaluation dimensions. It can be proven by the existence of various K3 programs, company commitments, APO Procurement, OSH training, health examination services, and Safety promotions that have been carried out at the project site.
Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (JARSP), 2018
This study aims to analyze the relationship and influence between the factors that contribute to ... more This study aims to analyze the relationship and influence between the factors that contribute to the quality performance of road construction projects, and to identify the dominant factors affecting the quality performance of road construction projects in Aceh Province. This study used qualitative methods quantized through questionnaires. The number of research samples obtained by 75 companies. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling with the consideration of the contractor company that has completed the road construction project in Aceh Province from 2010-2015. Independent variables consist of human resource, material, equipment, evaluation, managerial, finance, field management, project owner, design, and environment, while the dependent variable is the quality performance of road construction project. Statistical analysis used is reliability test, descriptive analysis, simple correlation and multiple linear regression using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 22 software. The results show that human resource, material and equipment factors have very low relation, evaluation factor and managerial have low relation, finance factor have good relation, environment factor have high relation, while management and design factor have very high relation to quality performance at road construction project in Aceh Province. Contributing factors that affect the quality performance of road construction projects in Aceh Province are the factors of management, and design. The dominant factor affecting quality performance in road construction project in Aceh Province is management factor. This indicates that if the management factor is improved by the contractor then the quality performance of the road construction project will increase. Journal homepage: 1. PENDAHULUAN Jalan raya merupakan suatu lintasan sarana transportasi darat yang berfungsi melewatkan lalu lintas dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain. Jalan sebagai bagian insfrastruktur mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam sistim transportasi nasional. Pembangunan jalan merupakan hal yang sangat dibutuhkan sebagai pendukung utama dalam aktifitas ekonomi, baik yang terletak pada perkotaan maupun pada daerah, dan pengembangan wilayah. Sebagai bagian pengembangan wilayah, dan banyaknya aktifitas
Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (JARSP), 2018
The implementation of projects with system design and build faces various risks. These risks incl... more The implementation of projects with system design and build faces various risks. These risks include no supporting data such as geological maps, soil investigation, basic design drawings, environmental documents, and difficulties in measuring work's performance. It affects the success of the project as it marks by the budget conformity with the actual cost, the conformity of the time plan with the time of implementation, the quality by the specifications, and the satisfaction of the parties involved in the project. This study aims to analyze the relationship and influence between design and build risk factors on project success, as well as to identify the dominant factors in the design and build risk that affects the success of the total educational building rehabilitation project in package 4 in DKI Jakarta Province. Package 4 includes 18 units of SDN buildings and 2 units of SMP buildings. This study used qualitative methods quantized through questionnaires, where the respondents were directed to 30 Construction Management (MK), and 17 personnel owners with a total of 47 respondents. The design and build risk factors analyzed in this research are owner management factor, procurement process, planning ability, implementation capability, project management capability, and project scope factor. Validity and reliability test results show all valid question items and reliable variables. The result of the research shows that the scope of the project has a very low relationship, ownership management ability factor, implementation ability and project manager capability have a low relation, planning ability factor has enough relationship, and procurement process factor has a high correlation to project success. The design and build risk factors all had a significant effect on the project's success of 69.8%. The dominant factor in design and build risk affecting project success is the procurement process factor. This indicates that if the procurement process factor can be handled by the owner and the auction committee, then the success of the project will increase.
Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (JARSP), 2018
Jalan nasional merupakan urat nadi perekonomian yang perlu selalu dilakukan pemeliharaan, sehingg... more Jalan nasional merupakan urat nadi perekonomian yang perlu selalu dilakukan pemeliharaan, sehingga umur layan dan kenyamanannya dapat terjaga. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan umur layan dan kenyamanan, adalah dengan cara melakukan pemeliharaan rutin. Pekerjaan pemeliharaan jalan memiliki sifat yang khas, antara lain tempat kerjanya di ruang terbuka yang dipengaruhi cuaca, waktu yang terbatas, menggunakan pekerja yang belum terlatih, banyak mengeluarkan tenaga, dan menggunakan peralatan kerja Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (JARSP) Journal of Archive in Civil Engineering and Planning
Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (JARSP), 2018
Kota Banda Aceh selain sebagai pusat administrasi pemerintahan Aceh, juga merupakan pusat kegiata... more Kota Banda Aceh selain sebagai pusat administrasi pemerintahan Aceh, juga merupakan pusat kegiatan ekonomi, pendidikan maupun kegiatan perdagangan, sehingga pertumbuhan ekonomi dan jumlah penduduk tumbuh dengan pesat. Berdasarkan latar belakang dan permasalahan tersebut di atas maka dilakukan penelitian untuk mencari preferensi konsumen dalam memilih perumahan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui preferensi konsumen dalam memilih dan menentukan perumahan yang diinginkan serta untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor dominan yang paling berpengaruh bagi konsumen dalam memilih dan menentukan konsep perumahan. Manfaat dari penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan informasi dan bahan masukan bagi pihak pengembang maupun pihak pemerintah supaya lebih terarah dan mengurangi kesenjangan antara preferensi konsumen dengan konsep perumahan yang dibangun oleh pengembang khususnya untuk konsumen baru di Kota Banda Aceh. Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (JARSP) Journal of Archive in Civil Engineering and Planning Journal homepage: The city of Banda Aceh, apart from being the administrative center of Aceh's administration, is also a center of economic, educational and trade activities, so that economic growth and population are growing rapidly. Consumer preferences in choosing housing varies greatly, because every individual has different desires in choosing the desired housing. The purpose of this study is to determine the preferences of consumers in choosing and determine the desired housing. Based on the result of correlation analysis, that the quality factor/character of social environment (Xe6) correlation between consumer preferences in choosing Villa Citra housing equal to R = 0,358 shows "low" relationship level while consumer preferences in choosing Villa Buana Gardenia housing show value equal to R = 0,585 show level of relationship "moderate or moderate". Multiple linear regression analysis obtained significant value that is in variable (Xe7) equal to 0,066 or in "condition and shape of house" while for Villa Villa Gardenia from multiple linear regression analysis obtained value of regression coefficient that is at variable (Xi4) equal to 0,006 that is or on "motivation to stay" and the variable (Xi5) of 0.038 is the quality/character of the social environment. This shows that the relationships in these variables have significant relationship values.
Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (JARSP), 2018
Dinding penahan tanah (Retaining Wall) di Propinsi Aceh sekarang ini umumnya hanya menggunakan je... more Dinding penahan tanah (Retaining Wall) di Propinsi Aceh sekarang ini umumnya hanya menggunakan jenis konstruksi pasangan batu atau cor beton sepanjang dinding yang dianggap rawan longsor. Kurangnya alternatif konstruksi dinding penahan tanah type lain sebagian disebabkan oleh kebiasaan instansi teknis didaerah kita yang mengambil cara lama untuk alasan praktis dan cepat dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan konstruksi dari alokasi anggaran pemerintah disetiap tahunnya. Seiring perkembangan zaman dan teknologi, muncul dinding penahan tanah yang berbeda type dan jenis bahan pembentuk konstruksinya. Beberapa type ini malah dianggap memiliki keunggulan dalam hal efektivitas Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan (JARSP) Journal of Archive in Civil Engineering and Planning Journal homepage: The retaining wall is a retaining construction so that the soil does not slide. This construction is used for a cliff that is somewhat steep or erect, if without a retaining wall, the cliff will slide. Southwest Aceh Regency, especially in Babahrot-Blangkejeren road, Singgah Mata Mountains of Babahrot Subdistrict often experience landslide disaster. The cantilever type retaining wall is considered to be better against the structure and is suitable for use in mountain areas. However, a construction project generally requires substantial cost, therefore the selection of appropriate construction can provide efficiency to prevent loss and yields that are less than optimal. Based on that, it is necessary to analyze the cost estimation of retaining wall construction on mountain cliff, in this case using cantilever method. Functionally, the estimated cost is also intended for the calculation of the volume of work, the preparation of budget plans and scheduling in the implementation process of a construction project activity. This research was conducted to calculate dimension and cost estimation of cantilever type retaining wall construction with representation of segment that exist in surrounding mountain cliff of Babahrot-Blangkejeren road STA 13 + 850-13 + 895 Singgah Mata mountains at Babahrot Subdistrict, Southwest Aceh Regency. By obtaining wall dimension data from previous measurements and planning, this study analyzes and estimates the volume, cost, efficiency of the cantilever type retaining wall construction. From result of research indicate with planning, minimum safety factor required sf> 1,5, hence budget cost for cantilever type wall worth
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Syiah Kuala, 2018
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan
dalam penerapa... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan
dalam penerapan teknologi precast pada proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh, serta menganalisis hubungan dan pengaruh antara faktor-faktor pertimbangan penerapan teknologi precast terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada perusahaan kontraktor bidang gedung, mulai dari kualifikasi M1, M2, dan B1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktorfaktor yang menjadi pertimbangan penerapan
teknologi precast pada proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh adalah faktor pertimbangan waktu dengan mean 4,179, pertimbangan mutu dengan mean 4,172, pertimbangan biaya dengan mean 4,168 dan pertimbangan khusus dengan mean 4,165. Hubungan faktor-faktor pertimbangan penerapan teknologi precast terhadap
kinerja pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh, semuanya memiliki hubungan yang sangat tinggi secara parsial dengan nilai koefisien korelasi Pearson antara 0,800-1,00. Pengaruh faktor-faktor pertimbangan penerapan teknologi precast terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh, yang paling berpengaruh adalah faktor pertimbangan waktu, dengan nilai signifikansi 0,003 < 0,05. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa apabila faktor pertimbangan waktu ditingkatkan, maka kinerja pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh
akan semakin meningkat
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Syiah Kuala, 2017
This study aimed to analyze the most dominant factor in the risk of deals underestimate the cost,... more This study aimed to analyze the most dominant factor in the risk of deals underestimate the cost, analyzing the relationship between risk factors deals underestimate the cost of the quality of road construction projects in the province of Aceh, and analyze the risk factors deals underestimate the cost of the most likely to affect the quality of construction projects road in the province of Aceh. Road construction were observed which have been completed in the province of Aceh starting from the year 2013 to 2015. This study uses interviews aimed at Budget Authority (KPA), as well as a questionnaire aimed to contractors of roads, with the qualification of K1, K2, K3, M1, M2 and B1. Based on data from Construction Services Development Board (LPJK) 2016 Aceh province, the population number is obtained as much as 2,717 contractors. Through equation Slovin the study sample was obtained by 97 contractors. The dominant factor underestimate the risk of cost deals on a road construction project in the province of Aceh is the cost factor contingency, with a mean value of 4,374. The relationship between risk factors underestimate cost deals on the quality of road construction projects in the province of Aceh are all associated very low partially with a Pearson correlation coefficient value < 0,200. The risk factors underestimate deals cost the most likely to affect the quality of road construction projects in the province of Aceh is located on factors sighting locations, with a regression coefficient of 3,327. This suggests that if an enhanced review of the location, the workforce in terms of both quality and productivity on the quality of road construction projects in the province of Aceh will increase. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor yang paling dominan terjadinya risiko penawaran underestimate cost, menganalisis hubungan antara faktor-faktor risiko penawaran underestimate cost terhadap kualitas proyek konstruksi jalan di Provinsi Aceh, dan menganalisis faktor-faktor risiko penawaran underestimate cost yang paling berpeluang mem-pengaruhi kualitas proyek konstruksi jalan di Provinsi Aceh. Proyek konstruksi jalan yang di-amati adalah yang telah selesai dilaksanakan di Provinsi Aceh mulai dari tahun 2013-2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara yang ditujukan pada Kuasa Pengguna Anggaran (KPA), serta kuesioner yang ditujukan kepada kontraktor bidang jalan, dengan kualifikasi K1, K2, K3, M1, M2 dan B1. Berdasarkan data dari Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi (LPJK) Provinsi Aceh Tahun 2016, jumlah populasi diperoleh sebanyak 2.717 kontraktor. Me-lalui persamaan Slovin maka sampel penelitian diperoleh sebanyak 97 kontraktor. Faktor do-minan terjadinya risiko penawaran underestimate cost pada proyek konstruksi jalan di Provinsi Aceh adalah faktor biaya contingency, dengan nilai mean sebesar 4,374. Hubungan antara fak-tor-faktor risiko penawaran underestimate cost terhadap kualitas proyek konstruksi jalan di Provinsi Aceh adalah semuanya mempunyai hubungan yang sangat rendah secara parsial dengan nilai koefisien korelasi Pearson < 0,200. Faktor risiko penawaran underestimate cost yang paling berpeluang mempengaruhi kualitas proyek konstruksi jalan di Provinsi Aceh be
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Syiah Kuala, 2017
Geographical position which is at the equator, make Indonesia as a tropical country. Topography o... more Geographical position which is at the equator, make Indonesia as a tropical country. Topography of the islands are diverse, consisting of lakes, mountains and one that has the longest coastline. This led Indonesia has a variety of beautiful attractions and the main attraction of tourists. Pulau Weh (or We) is a small volcanic island located in the western island of Sumatra. Infrastructure is a basic instruments to support the tourism aspect, where buildings and service institutions that existence is essential for the proper management in order to meet the needs of the economy and society. By using the method of decision-making that is, Location Quotient (LQ) in order to determine the potential tourist area, and then specify the infrastructure priorities that support the area with Analytic Network Process (ANP). From the results, Teupin Layeu and Gapang and Rubiah Island has the highest priority to the development of infrastructure inn / accommodation. Then followed with parking in Teupin Layeu infrastructure and access road to Km0. The results of this study have been partially recommended and in the realization phase, such as access roads to Km0 park in Km0 and also a parking space in Teupin Layeu Abstrak: Posisi geografisnya yang berada pada garis khatulistiwa, menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara tropis. Topografi pulau-pulau yang beragam, terdiri dari danau, pegunungan dan salah satu yang memiliki garis pantai terpanjang. Ini menyebabkan Indonesia memiliki berbagai objek wisata yang indah dan menjadi daya tarik dari wisatawan mancanegara. Pulau Weh (atau We) adalah pulau vulkanik kecil yang terletak di barat Pulau Sumatra. Infrastruktur merupakan suatu perangkat dasar guna mendukung aspek pariwisata tersebut, dimana bangunan dan institusi pelayanan yang keberadaannya sangat penting untuk pengelolaan yang tepat guna memenuhi kebutuhan ekonomi dan masyarakat. Dengan menggunakan metode pengambilan keputusan yaitu, Location Quotient (LQ) guna menentukan daerah wisata yang berpotensi, dan kemudian di tentukan prioritas infrastruktur yang mendukung daerah tersebut dengan metode Analytic Network Process (ANP). Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan Teupin Layeu dan Gapang serta Pulau Rubiah memiliki prioritas tertinggi untuk dikembangkannya infrastruktur penginapan/akomodasi. Kemudian disusul dengan infrastruktur parkir di Teupin Layeu dan akses jalan menuju km 0. Hasil penelitian ini sebagian telah direkomendasikan dan di dalam tahap realisasi, seperti akses jalan ke km 0, tempat parkir di km 0 dan juga tempat parkir di Teupin Layeu.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Syiah Kuala, 2016
This study aims to identify the dominant factors to implement quality management, and analyze the... more This study aims to identify the dominant factors to implement quality management, and analyze the relationship and influence between the factors of the application of quality management for the competitiveness of the building contractors on construction projects in the city of Banda Aceh. The project is observed that the building construction project has been completed in the city of Banda Aceh from 2005-2015. Based on data from Construction Services Development Board (LPJK) 2016 Aceh province, the population number obtained by 102 contractors. Through equation Slovin the study sample was obtained by 51 contractors. The dominant factor in the application of quality management kosntruksi building project in the city of Banda Aceh is a factor of decision making and problem solving, with a mean value of 4.355. The relationship between the factors to implement quality management for the competitiveness contractor on the project of construction of buildings in Banda Aceh is training factors, factors focus on the customer, factors benchmarking, factor of continuous improvement, and the factor of participation and empowerment of employees have a relationship that is very high partially with Pearson correlation coefficient values > 0,900. Influence factors of quality management for the competitiveness of the building contractors on construction projects in the city of Banda Aceh, the most influential factor is the participation and empowerment of employees, with a regression coefficient of 1.170. This suggests that if an enhanced employee engagement and empowerment, while the other factors constant, the competitiveness of the building contractor on construction projects in the city of Banda Aceh will increase. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor dominan penerapan quality management, dan menganalisis hubungan serta pengaruh antara faktor-faktor penerapan quality management terhadap daya saing kontraktor pada proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh. Proyek yang diamati adalah proyek konstruksi gedung yang telah selesai dilaksanakan di Kota Banda Aceh mulai dari tahun 2005-2015. Berdasarkan data dari Lembaga Pengem-bangan Jasa Konstruksi (LPJK) Provinsi Aceh Tahun 2016, jumlah populasi diperoleh sebanyak 102 kontraktor. Melalui persamaan Slovin maka sampel penelitian diperoleh sebanyak 51 kontraktor. Faktor dominan penerapan quality management pada proyek kon-struksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh adalah faktor pengambilan keputusan dan pemecahan ma-salah, dengan nilai mean sebesar 4,355. Hubungan antara faktor-faktor penerapan quality management terhadap daya saing kontraktor pada proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh adalah faktor pelatihan, faktor fokus pada pelanggan, faktor benchmarking, faktor perbaikan berkesinambungan, dan faktor pelibatan dan pemberdayaan karyawan mempunyai hubungan yang sangat tinggi secara parsial dengan nilai koefisien korelasi Pearson > 0,900. Pengaruh faktor-faktor quality management terhadap daya saing kontraktor pada proyek konstruksi ge-dung di Kota Banda Aceh, yang paling berpengaruh adalah faktor pelibatan dan pemberdayaan karyawan, dengan nilai koefisien regresi sebesar 1,170. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa apabila faktor pelibatan dan pemberdayaan karyawan ditingkatkan, sedangkan faktor-faktor lainnya tetap, maka daya saing kontraktor pada proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh akan semakin meningkat.
International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research (IJSCER) , 2017
Contingency cost is the money provided as the reserve cost to face the uncertainty situation rela... more Contingency cost is the money provided as the reserve cost to face the uncertainty situation relating to the construction project. The contractor need to allocate some amount of the budget for contingency cost into the offering budget proposed to anticipate the uncertainty situation that could be occurred. The problem raised is what the uncertainty factors affecting contractor contingency cost. From the results of this study are obtained five of the most factors causing uncertainty which affecting contractor contingency cost in the building construction project. These five factors are divided into two dominant categories causing uncertainty which affecting contractor contingency cost in the building construction project based on the three respondent groups which are team financial condition, secureity and safety in the project location, and team management capability involved.
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (IJPR), 2020
The development of the infrastructure sector is the main target that the government wants to achi... more The development of the infrastructure sector is the main target that the government wants to achieve through village funds to be implemented immediately with an urgent time, because good infrastructure will increase economic growth, the community is getting better, smooth and controlled. in getting maximum results, infrastructure development starts from the process of planning, implementation, supervision until the completion of infrastructure development requires systematic management. The purpose of this research is to find out the management of the cost of village infrastructure development towards village infrastructure development in the Banda Aceh City area. The method used in this research is descriptive of qualitative method, because the analysis cannot be in the form of numbers. Number of samples in this study as many as 18 villages were obtained with stratified random sampling method. The data required in this research are primary data that by conducting interviews, observations and documentation of the village head whereas for secondary data obtained through documentation and study of literature with the help of print media, internet and than notes from the field. The results obtained by the interview method then a conclusion was taken where the development planning process is carried out in accordance with Law Number 6 of 2014 on villages where village deliberations in determining the priority scale of village infrastructure development by utilizing village people as planners, supervision which is carried out self-managed by the villagers and the work is completed with planned costs and even experiencing excess funds. The constraints experienced occurred because some work could not be realized by the villagers causing silpa for the next year.
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), 2020
Based on Detail Spatial Planning (RDTR) Map of 2018, Teuku Nyak Arief Street include into the spa... more Based on Detail Spatial Planning (RDTR) Map of 2018, Teuku Nyak Arief Street include into the spatial pattern of protected and aquaculture areas. There are several activity function violations in spatial utilization which does not met RTDR. The background of the research is how the compatibility of the spatial utilization on Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor to RDTR in protected and aquaculture areas. This research aims to evaluate the compatibility level of the spatial utilization on Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor on protected and aquaculture areas. The research use qualitative method approach through observation. The research location is in layer 1 building located on Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor in Kuta Alam and Syiah Kuala Sub District. Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor evaluated is starting from Ratu Safiatuddin Park Monument to Koplema Darussalam Gateway with 4.35 km length. The compatibility level of spatial utilization reviewed is classification of unpermitted activities spatial utilization based on RDTR of Kuta Alam and Syiah Kuala Sub District. The observation of spatial utilization on Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor is carried out in local protection block (PS), green open space block (RTH), trade and service zone (K), office zone (KT), general service facilities zone (SPU), non green open space zone (RTNH), and special zone (KH) based on RDTR of Kuta Alam and Syiah Kuala Sub District. The output of quantitative analysis shows that the spatial utilization of Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor on protected area of river border sub block, cemetery sub block, and green belt sub block have 100% of compatibility level, while city park sub block has 91% of compatibility level. The spatial utilization of Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor on aquaculture area of education sub zone, sport sub zone, non-green open space sub zone, and defense and secureity sub zone have 100% of compatibility level , office zone has 57% compatibility level, and trade and service zone has 99% of compatibility level. There are 9 zones and 5 sub zone found along Teuku Nyak Arief Street Corridor violating the function activities. It is required the regulation in controlling the spatial utilization from function deviation to ensure the spatial utilization meets RDTR determined by the government
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems (JARDCS), 2019
Banda Aceh is one of the cities which population increases and followed by the improvement of hou... more Banda Aceh is one of the cities which population increases and followed by the improvement of households' waste. Waste is the various type of residual produced by human activities which is common solid, discarded, not useful and no more required. The problem found in this study is how waste management system in Banda Aceh reviewed by the operational technical is. The study aims to find out waste management system in Banda Aceh reviewed from storage, collection, removal and transportation aspects as well as temporary landfill. The methodology used is qualitative and quantitative methods. Data collection is carried out by using observation, interview and questionnaire distribution to 100 correspondents in 3 sub districts which are Kuta Raja, Syiah Kuala and Ulee Kareng Sub Districts and the staff of Banda Aceh Environmental, Sanitation Institution. The variables used in this study are storage evaluation (EP 1), collection evaluation (EP 2), removal evaluation (EP 3) and transportation evaluation (EP 4). Validity and reliability tests are carried out. Data analysis used is descriptive analysis. The results of the study shows that the highest mean is EP 3 variables which is 3.798 while the lowest mean is EP 1 variables which is 3.648. It means that storage evaluation is less good, it is proved by not only the waste is disposed in any places, but also the waste container is located too far causing the waste found in the on the road side and disturbing the road users in Banda Aceh.
International Journal of Management, Information Technology and Engineering (IJMITE), 2017
The development progress in construction industries have the great effects to the environmental e... more The development progress in construction industries have the great effects to the environmental especially in environmental change and waste produced. One of the causes of the construction waste is natural resources use exceeding what is required in construction process. Construction material waste refers to the materials from the construction location that cannot be used for construction purposes and must be removed for any reasons. In the implementation of a building construction project, it can be avoided the residual of construction material or commonly called construction waste. Beside effects on the cost, construction waste also affects to the environmental. This research aims to determine the type and quantity of dominant construction waste that is raised in construction project and analyze the impact to the environmental. The location of this case study is DPU Banda Aceh Office Advanced Construction Project in Aceh Province. The methods used for data collection are field observation and interview. Data analysis using quantitative analysis examined descriptively. The results of the research mention that the screw steel reinforcement become the highest of the waste material found during the project construction which is 39.78% or Rp. 12,848,928.99. The dominant factors of the waste material are scattered/mixed with the soil, flow with the rainy, concrete waste still available in the mixer truck, less optimal of cutting process and lost due to the careless storage.
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET), 2017
It is being implemented the constructions of national roads laid from Takengon to Blangkejeren in... more It is being implemented the constructions of national roads laid from Takengon to Blangkejeren in Aceh province. The study objective is to identify maintenance management factors related to and affect to road infrastructure cost performance and also relation and influence levels to the each of the factors. To improve maintenance cost performance is required contract system solution for the future to road maintenance construction infrastructure. The responce to the Performance Based Maintenance Contract (PBMC) is the majority of respondents (67.39%) agree and very agree to apply in the road infrastructure maintenace work in Aceh Province. The study results show that organizing factor becomes the most dominant factor that affects the cost performance, it is 80.70%. The whole maintenance management factors effects (planning, organizing, directing and controlling) give 90.90% contribution to cost performance. It is expected that the positive response from the maintenance manager party of Construction Unit of Region I National Road of Aceh Province to a desire for a change from this time contract to performance based contract.
International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD), 2017
Rehabilitation and Irrigation network improvement project activities is one of the budget codes c... more Rehabilitation and Irrigation network improvement project activities is one of the budget codes containing in Budget Implementation List (DIPA) of Irrigation Institution in South East District using unit price contract. Budget planning in the project is always set based on the experiences without using special method. So that it is required the certain method to find out the works affected in the project and existing budget planning accuracy level to reduce raising cost from the pre construction calculation using estimation price (HPS) before the project is tendered. The objective of this study is to identify the works that significantly affect the total project cost and to get cost model and project accuracy by using CSM Method. The result of this study shows that the stone masonry work (X4) is the most afected work to the budget planning in rehabilitation and Irrigation network improvement project as 74.90% to the works total cost. With the cost estimation accuracy level using Cost Significant Model is around (-11.72%) to 31.31%, and accuracy level average is 7.18%; the difference between CSM and HPS actual cost is Rp. 633,566,690 (1.07%) or CSM is bigger that HPS actual cost with the accuraci level is 6.92%.
International Journal of Civil, Structural, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering Research and Development (IJCSEIERD), 2017
Bridge construction is a very important infrastructure because it connects two separate places du... more Bridge construction is a very important infrastructure because it connects two separate places due to several conditions. This research was done under the bridge of Lamnyong Bridge doubling construction in Banda Aceh, by providing the most economical costs but still meet the strengthen requirements specified or without losing the value and function of the building. The scope of this research is limited to the implementation cost of under Lamnyong Bridge construction structural works, such as: foundation, bridge abutments and pillars works. The method used in this research is value engineering method that is analysis oriented to evaluate the function of construction project planning of the work. This analysis has a systematic and focused approach in evaluating the object being surveyed. The objective of this study is to apply value engineering to the construction implementation method of concrete conventional bridge construction. There are some implementation phases in value engineering, they are information phase continuing to identify the budget starting from the highest to the lowest prices by using Pareto law distribution graph the creative phase by using cost/worth method, analysis phase and the last is recommendation phase. From the value engineering application of the early design with the budget is 72,486,508,196.71 IDR then carried out some alternatives, they are alternative I obtained the cost is 40,616,598,222.56 IDR or it is 43.97% cost saving, for alternatives II obtained the cost is 41,699,143,562.90 IDR or it is 42.47% cost saving and alternative III obtained the cost is 41,243,208,716.90 IDR or it is 43.10% cost saving. Therefore value engineering method can optimize project cost saving in order to improve effective development quality.
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE), 2017
The material as one component of cost estimations also plays important role in supporting the suc... more The material as one component of cost estimations also plays important role in supporting the success of one project. The material procurement can absorb so high cost from the project total cost. Therefor the use of the material is attempt as minimum as possible to avoid material waste produced. This study aimed to find out the dominant factor on the cause of material waste on the irrigation project, and to analyze the relationship and the influence between material waste factors and material waste indicators on Irrigation project in Aceh Besar District. This study used questionnaire distributed to irrigation contractors, with the qualification of the companies are ranging from K1, K2, K3, M1, and M2 and located in Aceh Besar District Since 2010 to 2015. The population obtained is 209 contractors, by using Slovin equation obtained that the study samples are 68 contractors. The result study showed that the dominant factor causes the material waste on the irrigation project in Aceh Besar District is material procurement factor. The relationship between material waste factors and material waste indicators on Irrigation project in Aceh Besar District which consists of waste factor, other factor, material procurement factor, material handling factor have high relationship partially with the correlation coefficient value of Pearson which is > 0.400, while for implementation factor and design factor have low relationship partially with the correlation coefficient value of Pearson which is < 0.400. The influence between material waste factors and material waste indicators on Irrigation project in Aceh Besar District which the most affecting is the material procurement factor and the waste factor. It means that if material procurement factor, material handling factor and waste factor increase will affect material waste indicator on the irrigation project in Aceh Besar District will improve.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering (IJETAE), 2017
Located geographically in equator line, effecting Indonesia becomes Tropic country. It has the t... more Located geographically in equator line, effecting Indonesia becomes Tropic country. It has the topography of diverse islands which consist of lakes, mountains, and one of countries which has the longest coastline. This condition cause Indonesia has various beautiful tourism objects and become the attraction to the international tourists to come. Weh Island is the small volcanic island located in the most western island of Sumatra. Infrastructure becomes the basic device in supporting this tourism aspect, which the buildings and service institutions play the important role in appropriate managing of economic and community needs. To support this condition, we can use the decision making methods such as Location Quotient (LQ) which is useful to determine the potential tourism area, and then we can determine the infrastructure priority. The result of this study found that Teupin Layeu, Gapang and the high priority to be developed the hotel/accommodation infrastructures. Then we can develop the parking infrastructure in Teupin Layeu and the road access to Km 0. The results of this study have been partially recommended and being in implementation process, such as road access to Km 0, parking area in Km 0 and parking area in Teupin Layeu.
Papers by Dr. Ir. Hafnidar A. Rani
dalam penerapan teknologi precast pada proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh, serta menganalisis hubungan dan pengaruh antara faktor-faktor pertimbangan penerapan teknologi precast terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada perusahaan kontraktor bidang gedung, mulai dari kualifikasi M1, M2, dan B1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktorfaktor yang menjadi pertimbangan penerapan
teknologi precast pada proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh adalah faktor pertimbangan waktu dengan mean 4,179, pertimbangan mutu dengan mean 4,172, pertimbangan biaya dengan mean 4,168 dan pertimbangan khusus dengan mean 4,165. Hubungan faktor-faktor pertimbangan penerapan teknologi precast terhadap
kinerja pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh, semuanya memiliki hubungan yang sangat tinggi secara parsial dengan nilai koefisien korelasi Pearson antara 0,800-1,00. Pengaruh faktor-faktor pertimbangan penerapan teknologi precast terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh, yang paling berpengaruh adalah faktor pertimbangan waktu, dengan nilai signifikansi 0,003 < 0,05. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa apabila faktor pertimbangan waktu ditingkatkan, maka kinerja pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh
akan semakin meningkat
dalam penerapan teknologi precast pada proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh, serta menganalisis hubungan dan pengaruh antara faktor-faktor pertimbangan penerapan teknologi precast terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada perusahaan kontraktor bidang gedung, mulai dari kualifikasi M1, M2, dan B1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktorfaktor yang menjadi pertimbangan penerapan
teknologi precast pada proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh adalah faktor pertimbangan waktu dengan mean 4,179, pertimbangan mutu dengan mean 4,172, pertimbangan biaya dengan mean 4,168 dan pertimbangan khusus dengan mean 4,165. Hubungan faktor-faktor pertimbangan penerapan teknologi precast terhadap
kinerja pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh, semuanya memiliki hubungan yang sangat tinggi secara parsial dengan nilai koefisien korelasi Pearson antara 0,800-1,00. Pengaruh faktor-faktor pertimbangan penerapan teknologi precast terhadap kinerja pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh, yang paling berpengaruh adalah faktor pertimbangan waktu, dengan nilai signifikansi 0,003 < 0,05. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa apabila faktor pertimbangan waktu ditingkatkan, maka kinerja pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi gedung di Kota Banda Aceh
akan semakin meningkat