Riga Technical university
Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications
Nowadays liquid crystal display (LCD) is an integral part of humans’ everyday life. High demand for new and innovative LCD products force LCD industry to develop and implement new types of LCDs. Bistable smectic-A (SmA) LCD is one of the... more
Bistable smectic-A (SmA) liquid crystal display (LCD) is one of the most promising devices for smart glass applications due to long-term bistability, low haze at clear state, low transmittance at scatter state and low power consumption.... more
Promocijas darba mērķis ir noskaidrot, vai Smectic-A šķidrais kristāls var būt nākamās paaudzes produkts, kas spētu uzlabot cilvēku ikdienu. Šī šķidrā kristāla optiskās īpašības, salīdzinot ar tirgū pieejamajiem produktiem, ir krietni... more
The Thesis focuses on Smectic-A (SmA) liquid crystals' (LCs) functional behaviour in order to understand if this will be the next generation product that could improve the daily life of the society. The optical properties of this... more
Taking into account that each new day an amount of daily processed data grows exponentially, it is obvious that knowledge society needs flexible, effective and high performing tools to retrieve, learn and apply necessary information.... more
The purpose of this study is to between the learners' emotional characteristics and styles in touch screen environments. We propose a method to identify the variety of learners' boredom in the learning process utilising handwriting data.... more
The quality of youth education, in general, is worsening (Coppola and O’Higgins, 2015). Some of the reasons for such a statement are (i) the current changes of educational systems in general, (ii) eventually unreasonable switching between... more
Complex mathematical approaches exist in biological, social, and educational sciences, creating models to understand and explain cognition processes in human brain. Yet, the logged raw data is just an initial learners' behavior footprint... more
Abstrakt Previous experience shows that renovation of ventilation system is not a typical component of renovation of multi-apartment buildings (MABs) in Latvia. As a consequence, rooms are not ventilated enough and indoor air quality... more
The aim of the study is to create the complete landscape model for learner behavior and knowledge acquisition data, and mapping the real learner performance data on it. This paper reports on a TELECI approach for learner knowledge... more
In this paper, we introduce the Hybrid AI-Fuzzy Intelligent Control (HAFiC) system prototype. The proposed model is the add-on to online learning-tutoring environments to proactively detect learners’ emotional states by measuring... more
We consider the problem of resource allocation in a substrate network and suggest a simulation scheme for dynamically adaptive bandwidth allocation protocols using CPN (Coloured Petri Nets) Tools. The proposed simulation scheme based on... more
Data analysis in Virtual Learning Environment deepens the understanding of cognition processes in real student’s brain. The challenge is the evaluation of the quality of e-learning courses before the large-scale implementation. With this... more
We consider the problem of bandwidth allocation in a substrate network as an optimization problem for the aggregate utility of multiple applications with diverse requirements and describe a simulation scheme for dynamically adaptive... more
The user behavior data generated in the TELECI learning environment with additional short, easy-to-use multiple-choice questions before and after each content subunit are used for visualization and correlation analysis. Three user... more
This article examines our proposed innovative strategies to further improve e-learning and new eBig3 learning approaches using an e-Ecosystem that is based on a multi-screen concept to support e-learning. Here we present the data... more
For reduction of the impact of electromagnetic field on parameters of electronic equipment, shielding in many different shapes and qualities is used. The quality of the shielding is dependent on size, shape and amount of openings in the... more
The energy consumption and electrical characteristics of a novel direct current (DC) power supplied industrial robot prototype are compared and analyzed with a state of the art alternating current (AC) supplied industrial robot. An... more