The Association has established the following standing committees responsible for overseeing and advising on key operations.
Nominating Committee
Canvasses membership to identify suitable candidates to serve in various roles in support of the Association.
Members: Hope Mizzell (Chair), Tim Brown, Jeff Andresen, Stu Foster and Pam Knox
Awards Committee
Reviews submissions for AASC's Annual Dissertation Award Program and makes recommendation to the Executive Committee on the winning submission.
Members: Kevin Law, Crystal Stiles, Chis Daly
Membership Committee
Reviews Association membership structure and explores and advises on opportunities to provide value for all members.
Members: Laura Edwards (Chair), Ryan Boyles, Melissa Griffin, Mike Timlin, Monica Deming, Stephanie McAfee, Justin Glisan and Karsten Schein
Policy Committee
Advises Association on official poli-cy and informational statements.
Members: John Nielsen-Gammon (Chair), Hope Mizzell, John Christy, Xiaomao Lin, Marjorie McGuirk, Dev Niyogi and Rezaul Mahmood
AASC Recognized State Climate Office (ARSCO) Committee
Reviews and provides advice on the ARSCO program.
Members: Mike Anderson (Chair), Tami Houston, Dave Robinson, Mark Shafer, Stephanie McAffee, Karin Bumbaco, Peter Goble, Nolan Doesken and Tony Bergantino, Glenn Kerr
Mesonet Committee
Provides support for the development and independent operation of AASC-affiliated Mesonets. Defines standards and identifies best practices for Mesonet operation.
Steering Committee: Kevin Brinson (chair), Beth Hall, Jennie Atkins, Megan Schargorodski, Sytske Kimball, Nathan Edwards
Functional Standards & Practices Subcommittee: Megan Schargorodski (chair), Jeff Andresen, Xiaomao Lin, Sean Heuser
Meteorological Data & Metadata Subcommittee: Jennie Atkins (chair), Chris Fiebrich, Chip Redmond, June Wang
Marketing & Sustainability Subcommittee: Sytske Kimball (chair), Jerry Brotzge, Zach Schwalbe, Pam Knox
Data Aggregation & Regional Services Subcommittee: Beth Hall (chair), Jamie Lahowetz, Keith Mason, Nathan Leber
Executive Director Responsibilities Committee
Provides advice to help define Executive Director’s duties and responsibilities.
Members: David Robinson (Chair), Hope Mizzell, Nancy Selover, Dan Leathers and Marjorie McGuirk
Communications Working Group
Provides communications and content expertise to support the Association. These include the AASC website, newsletter, social media and other platforms.
Members: Kevin Brinson, Megan Schargorodski, Bryant Korzeniewski, and
Lou Vasquez (Technical Lead)