Joan Negre
Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica, Arqueologia Cristiana i de l’Antiguitat Tardana, Investigador Adscrit
My research is focused on two main fields: the archaeology and history of medieval islamic world, and the spatial analysis of historical phenomena. I study socioenvironmental dialectics through investigating human occupation strategies and their spatial signatures.
Supervisors: Juan Antonio Barceló and Ramon Martí
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Al-Andalus by Joan Negre
16th century onwards, this term was given to maize, when the American cereal replaced the African millets.
ABSTRACT This study presents several developments in ancient and medieval landscape history on the rural range of the city of Tortosa, mainly focused on the hydraulic practices identified through archaeological and textual sources. This way, it is possible to recognise different settlement patterns and dynamics representing diverse models of spatial occupation, which are related to the consecutive social and economic formations within this territory. We are interested in the polyhedral historical reading of both innovations and continuities of these processes, taking into consideration the cumulative importance of each of these phases on the construction of the agrarian space of the frontier capital under study.
Palabras clave: castillo de Ulldecona, ḥiṣn, castrum, al-Andalus, Tortosa.
16th century onwards, this term was given to maize, when the American cereal replaced the African millets.
ABSTRACT This study presents several developments in ancient and medieval landscape history on the rural range of the city of Tortosa, mainly focused on the hydraulic practices identified through archaeological and textual sources. This way, it is possible to recognise different settlement patterns and dynamics representing diverse models of spatial occupation, which are related to the consecutive social and economic formations within this territory. We are interested in the polyhedral historical reading of both innovations and continuities of these processes, taking into consideration the cumulative importance of each of these phases on the construction of the agrarian space of the frontier capital under study.
Palabras clave: castillo de Ulldecona, ḥiṣn, castrum, al-Andalus, Tortosa.
The confined size of the assemblages (~7-8 m2) are likely to represent occupations by small sized groups. The spatial consistency between early Holocene occupations and marine hunter-gatherer assemblages observed at a regional level suggests that groups with similar mobility and foraging strategies could have occupied the site.
Keywords: coastal site, early Holocene, early coastal foragers, lithic technology, spatial analysis.
Este trabajo toma como eje central el estudio de las estrategias de gestión social del espacio por parte de las sociedades cazadoras-recolectoras-pescadoras de la costa atlántica de Tierra del Fuego. Se aborda esta problemática desde una triple óptica: el análisis de las dependencias entre sitios arqueológicos y variables ambientales de su entorno; la cercanía de estos lugares a ciertos recursos necesarios para su supervivencia; y las relaciones de vecindad entre ellos. Las herramientas utilizadas para la implementación de estos análisis se encuentran dentro del dominio de la Arqueología Cuantitativa, destacando diversos métodos de estadística exploratoria y espacial. Gestión de datos, análisis y visualización se interrelación en un Sistema de Información Geográfica a través del cual se interpretan los resultados principales. Con ello se pretende responder a diversas cuestiones, como qué variables ambientales o de cercanía a ciertos recursos pudieron afectar a la elección de los lugares de asentamiento, con qué intensidad lo hicieron o si existen indicios de otros factores más allá de los vinculados al medio físico que hubiesen podido influir en la elección de los lugares de hábitat.
The survey includes a total of 1251 structures, of which 804 are dwelling pits, 432 are shell midden domes, and 15 are other sites – ranging from around 7500 BP (uncal.) to the recent past. The Cambaceres Surveys also includes a targeted test pit survey aimed at locating older settlements without preserved organic material, defined as Early Coastal Forager (ECF) sites. The discovery of the large Binushmuka I settlement is an important result. At this site, two ECF lithic concentrations were discovered, dated to 7300–7500 BP. Details from excavations at Binushmuka is described in a separate report (Zangrando et al. in progress). The test pit survey also includes a number of other localities where ECF settlements could be expected, but with negative results.
For more details about the project, see the Marine Ventures website:
In this contribution the first results of a nonrandom sampling methodology applied on secondary lithic deposits are shown. Lithic sources are described quantitatively and qualitatively so as to know which raw materials were available for manufacturing stone artifacts in the archaeological site Herradura 1. This site is located in the northeastern of Tierra del Fuego and it was occupied by hunter-gatherers during the Late Holocene. In order to characterize and compare lithic secondary sources, analytical units where raw materials are present over the surface were selected. Several clasts attributes were analyzed, including geological origen, grain size, grain size homogeneity, presence of planar features and number of fractures. The results obtained confirm that although there are numerous secondary deposits immediately accessible, the knapping quality of available rocks is heterogeneous and the presence of unfavorable traits for knapping is frequently registered. In contrast, analysis of lithic artifacts recovered in H1 indicates a selection of raw materials of good quality: fine-grained rocks, with homogeneous size grain and a low percentage of fractures and planar features.
RESUMEN. Este trabajo explora la variabilidad espacial del registro arqueológico en asentamientos cazadores-recolectores del litoral atlántico de Tierra del Fuego (Argentina), mediante el desarrollo teórico y metodológico de un conjunto de herramientas de carácter cuantitativo. El objetivo es evaluar la intensidad de ocupación a partir de tres casos de estudio, mediante la aplicación de distintos enfoques provenientes de la estadística espacial, el análisis de la diversidad del registro arqueológico y el estudio de rastros de uso en artefactos líticos. Los resultados de esta propuesta han permitido relacionar el grado de complejidad entre la organización social del espacio, la variabilidad del registro material y los niveles de intensidad de ocupación.
Concerning the contents, this work could be divided into three different parts: a first one -with generic title Research Context (Block 1)- , where theoretical core ideas that we base on are exposed, and where a general and specific overview of previous works and description of the territory studied can be found. Secondly, we have named From the Study of the Observable to the Articulation of Historical Information (Blocks II, III and IV) the process we have carried out in order to obstain a data set for this research, and the way they are used to build a number of historical subjects and analytical elements through different points of view and methodologies. Finally, the third part, named Construction of the Historical Discourse, : social transformation dynamics (Blocks V and VI), tackles the most relevant issues of historiographical debates nowadays, and turning those pieces of historical information obtained into a comprehensive analysis of social transformations in the area of Tortosa, specifically, and the Iberian area, in general.
This is how the present piece of research has enabled us to present an extensive amount of new data and information on the territory, as well as to give us the opportunity to propose historical issues that we consider to be fundamental in current historiographical debates that focus on the origen of Andalusian society. Anyways, the guiding thread has been the historical transformation process that is inherent to the study of any past society, and that is the reason why we have made great efforts to show a diversificated and changing image. Even if the society of Al-Andalus is a historical subject full of shades and distinctive features concerning each study case, we think that a series of common dynamics has been established, that are of great value in understanding both the past of our specific territory here analyzed and the Andalusian State as a whole.