Alberto Martín Esquivel
Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, Faculty Member
University of Salamanca, Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología, Antigüedad Tardía y Alta Edad Media en Hispania (ATAEMHIS) Research Group
Ph.D. in Archaeology (University of Salamanca)
Lecturer in Archaeology (2023-); Associate Lecturer in Archaeology (2020-2021); Teaching Assistant in Archaeology (2015-2019) | Predoctoral National Programme for the Promotion of Talent and Its Employability - National Sub-Programme for Training (BES-2014-068469) by Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation - Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - Government of Spain. European Funds: European Investment Bank (EIB) - European Social Fund (ESF).
Visiting Research at Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche e dei Beni Culturali, Università di Siena (Siena, Italy) / ERC neEU-Med (ERC-2014-ADGG) - EEBB-I-18-13009 - Research Director: Giovanna Bianchi (University of Siena). Visiting Researcher Program for the academic year 2018 (July–September) | Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation - Ministry of Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - Government of Spain.
Visiting Research at Dipartimento di CIviltà e Forme del Sapere, Università di Pisa (Pisa, Italy) - EEBB-I-17-12593 - Research Director: Federico Cantini (University of Pisa); Monica Baldassarri (Museo Civico di Montopoli in Val d'Arno). Visiting Researcher Program for the academic year 2017 (September–December) | Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation - Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) - Government of Spain.
Visiting Research at Istituto Italiano di Numismatica (Rome, Italy) - EEBB-I-16-11372 - Research Director: Alessia Rovelli (Università degli Studi della Tuscia). Visiting Researcher Program for the academic year 2016 (September–December) | Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation - Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) - Government of Spain.
ResearcherID (Thomson Reuters): B-5529-2017
Supervisors: Cruces Blázquez Cerrato (PhD Supervisor) and Iñaki Martín Viso (PhD Supervisor)
Address: ↓
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla
c/ Fernán González, 09003, Burgos (Spain)
Lecturer in Archaeology (2023-); Associate Lecturer in Archaeology (2020-2021); Teaching Assistant in Archaeology (2015-2019) | Predoctoral National Programme for the Promotion of Talent and Its Employability - National Sub-Programme for Training (BES-2014-068469) by Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation - Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - Government of Spain. European Funds: European Investment Bank (EIB) - European Social Fund (ESF).
Visiting Research at Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche e dei Beni Culturali, Università di Siena (Siena, Italy) / ERC neEU-Med (ERC-2014-ADGG) - EEBB-I-18-13009 - Research Director: Giovanna Bianchi (University of Siena). Visiting Researcher Program for the academic year 2018 (July–September) | Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation - Ministry of Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities - Government of Spain.
Visiting Research at Dipartimento di CIviltà e Forme del Sapere, Università di Pisa (Pisa, Italy) - EEBB-I-17-12593 - Research Director: Federico Cantini (University of Pisa); Monica Baldassarri (Museo Civico di Montopoli in Val d'Arno). Visiting Researcher Program for the academic year 2017 (September–December) | Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation - Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) - Government of Spain.
Visiting Research at Istituto Italiano di Numismatica (Rome, Italy) - EEBB-I-16-11372 - Research Director: Alessia Rovelli (Università degli Studi della Tuscia). Visiting Researcher Program for the academic year 2016 (September–December) | Secretariat of State for Research, Development and Innovation - Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) - Government of Spain.
ResearcherID (Thomson Reuters): B-5529-2017
Supervisors: Cruces Blázquez Cerrato (PhD Supervisor) and Iñaki Martín Viso (PhD Supervisor)
Address: ↓
Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales
Universidad Internacional Isabel I de Castilla
c/ Fernán González, 09003, Burgos (Spain)
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Books by Alberto Martín Esquivel
Papers by Alberto Martín Esquivel
Book Chapters by Alberto Martín Esquivel
Book Reviews by Alberto Martín Esquivel
The session aims to create a space for dialogue to present different projects currently engaged in the open-source publication of various types of archaeological data (sites, excavations and finds). The goal is to illustrate their usefulness in studying the evolution of lived spaces and their use, from structures to discovered artifacts.
The goal is to foster discussion so that in the future different databases, each with its own types and levels of information of archaeological data, can interact with each other. Methodological issues related to database construction and sharing, WebGIS and WebGL development, and contextual analysis of archaeological artifacts for characterizing lived spaces will also be addressed during the discussion.
The importance of this session lies in the potential archaeological analysis that these digital resources can offer in studying aspects related to the use of spaces, such as the production and circulation of ancient artifacts or the evolution of different types of structures.
Alberto Martín Esquivel (Universidad Isabel I; GIR03 UI1; ATAEMHIS USAL)
Antonio F. Ferrandes (Sapienza - Università di Roma)
Deadline: January 15, 2024
Submissions at:
More info:
Proposals should include a title an abstract (of a maximum of 500 words) the name(s) of the contributor(s) the affiliation(s) of the contributor(s). All texts should be written in Times New Roman 12. Titles should be written in italics, names and institutions in Roman. Please avoid using capital letters. Contributors will have 15-25 minutes to present their paper.
Para abrir el tema a otras áreas distintas a la Arqueología se ha diseñado un programa en el que se abordará el rol del arqueólogo en temas como la gestión de espacios museísticos, la Memoria Histórica a través de la Arqueología Virtual y la divulgación científica. De esta forma, estudiantes de grados o postgrados de Historia, Gestión del Patrimonio, Museología, Historia del Arte, Turismo, Ciencias Políticas, Informática e Ingeniería, entre otros, pueden registrarse para participar en las tres conferencias.
La primera de ellas, bajo el título de "El Ecomuseo del Río Caicena en Almedinilla (Córdoba): 25 años de gestión integral del patrimonio desde el municipalismo", correrá a cargo de su director, Ignacio Muñiz Jaén, y está prevista para el 20 de noviembre. La siguiente, programada para el 27 de noviembre "Dictadores, tumbas y revolucionarios. La Arqueología Virtual como herramienta de la memoria", será ofrecida por el CEO de PAR - Arqueología y Patrimonio Virtual, Pablo Aparicio Resco, mientras que Alberto Romero Molero y Marcos Terradillos Bernal, profesores de la Universidad Isabel I, hablarán sobre "El perfil profesional del arqueólogo. Museos y divulgación científica al servicio de la sociedad" en la última conferencia, prevista para el 4 de diciembre.
ENG: The main objective of this seminar is to reflect on how to study a Latin inscription and the possibilities provided by new technologies: from the first analysis of an inscription in situ and its edition, to its exposure to the public. Different presentations will be organized that will focus on the different tasks that an epigrapher must carry out in the study of an inscription and on the tools that he can use to analyze a Latin inscription in an optimal way, such as the processing of images to read it, the use of photogrammetry to make knowledge more accessible and, finally, the reconstruction of the lost parts of the epigraphic support thanks to 3D printing, a technology that also facilitates exposure to the public. In this way, we intend to contrast the work of the traditional epigrapher with the application of current technological tools. We will reflect on the enormous possibilities of advancement in the epigraphic discipline referring to the changes it has undergone over time.
Sessione I
Dalla moneta al contesto - Dal contesto alla moneta
1) Il reperto in base ai contesti di rinvenimento: quali sono i processi che possono portare alla immobilizzazione della moneta nella stratigrafia e come interpretarli. a) Situazioni di giacitura primaria e secondaria, b) di posizione nel volume o interfaccia degli strati anche in relazione a processi formativi, c) di dialettica con altri materiali in associazione posti a confronto.
2) Interpretazione di uso e funzione del reperto numismatico in base al contesto funzionale e spaziale di rinvenimento (domus, necropoli / cimitero; santuario / chiesa, ecc.).
3) Differenze tra rinvenimenti monetali in siti di carattere pubblico/luoghi del potere e siti di carattere privato con annesso dibattito su come collocare e interpretare categorie particolari quali luoghi di culto o aree cimiteriali.
Sessione II
Dai dati sul rinvenimento allo studio della circolazione
4) come utilizzare, nell’analisi dei dati, i diversi livelli di informazione inerenti il rinvenimento numismatico: scavi archeologici da un lato e scoperte fortuite, prive di documentazione stratigrafica, dall’altro (dibattito sulle possibilità di analizzare le diverse fonti di informazione insieme o separatamente).
5) Possono i calcoli matematico-statistici aiutare a localizzare, in base ai rinvenimenti conosciuti, l’area di provenienza (zecca, ecc.), oppure le probabilità di circolazione di moneta in date aree? Quale apporto può fornire al materiale numismatico il confronto con metodi di analisi GIS applicati ad altri tipi di reperti?
Nel corso dell’Incontro verranno analizzati rinvenimenti monetali da Roma (Palatino), Cascia (Santuario e vicus di Villa San Silvestro) e San Miniato (mansio, cimitero altomedievale e vicus di San Genesio) per riflettere sui problemi associati alla lettura, all’interpretazione e alla divulgazione scientifica del dato numismatico.
Il dibattito vuole porre l’attenzione sulla necessità della revisione e messa in atto di un metodo concordato e formale che permetta di usufruire di tutte quante le informazioni fornite dal contesto archeologico al quale la moneta è associata; infatti, solo attraverso l’integrazione dei dati si potrà migliorare il significato del rinvenimento monetale da scavo archeologico e la comprensione dell’uso della moneta e dei suoi modi di circolazione.
This presentation shows the research tools offered by Fasti Online, indicates future lines of development and collaboration with other projects, and proposes the integration of new tools for improved geospatial analysis of its digital contents.
At the same time, some examples will be presented to illustrate the diachronic analysis of lived spaces in sites with a large amount of information, such as Pompeii or the city of Athens, observing the evolution of both public and private structures using different search criteria available in the advanced search section (Monument Types; Site Location and Site Date Range).
The session aims to create a space for dialogue to present different projects currently engaged in the open-source publication of various types of archaeological data (sites, excavations and finds). The goal is to illustrate their usefulness in studying the evolution of lived spaces and their use, from structures to discovered artifacts.
The goal is to foster discussion so that in the future different databases, each with its own types and levels of information of archaeological data, can interact with each other. Method- ological issues related to database construction and sharing, WebGIS and WebGL development, and contextual analysis of archaeological artifacts for characterizing lived spaces will also be addressed during the discussion.
The importance of this session lies in the potential archaeological analysis that these digital resources can offer in studying aspects related to the use of spaces, such as the production and circulation of ancient artifacts or the evolution of different types of structures.
durante las últimas décadas en el ámbito de la Arqueología. Para ello,
el curso contará con tres bloques formativos para el estudio de la
Arqueología de una manera transversal.
El primero de ellos tiene que ver con los análisis de elementos
materiales más destacados dentro del registro arqueológico, siendo
las cerámicas, los restos óseos y la Numismática los principales
El segundo bloque se centra en determinados estudios dentro del
campo de la arqueología militar y en concreto en los datos que la
epigrafía y los Sistemas de Información Geográfica nos proporcionan
para el estudio de la misma.
El último hace referencia a la dimensión social de la Arqueología
destacando los últimos métodos para la puesta en valor de un
yacimiento arqueológico, así como las diferentes formas de dar a
conocer el Patrimonio Arqueológico a la sociedad en su conjunto.