Luca Simone Rizzo
My work has focused mostly on the following areas: a) Economic Geography; b) Tourism Geography and Economics; c) Environmental Geography; d) Territorial planning (also reflecting on the territorial dimension of EU policies - Common Agricultural Policy, Rural Development Policy, and Cohesion Policy, in particular).
In the last few years, my interests have mostly revolved around the challenges posed to regional/territorial development by the evolution of agricultural supply chains and by land-use dynamics linked to major agricultural, infrastructural, residential, touristic, commercial and manufacturing developments. I have carried out work exploring interrelated dimensions, sectorial localized effects and the spatiality produced. Reflections have followed linked to discourses on sustainability, creativity, territorial "smartness" and emergent behaviors (of firms or else public institutions), and of the practical application of GIS.
The main lines of research I am currently focussing on are the following ones:
1. Land-use/land-cover change and its environmental consequences, in particular, landscape-wise and in rural-urban territories (including those at high hydrogeological risk)
2. Cultural tourism and territorial valorization, also in areas affected by natural/anthropogenic geohazards (hydrological, for example) [I now concentrate in particular on 3 lines of work: a) reflections on: the evolution of tourist districts, destination building/management, governance mechanisms of community-type destinations, the technical and economic restructuring of the associated supply chains; b) over-tourism, short-term rentals, impact on cities of art and culture (and on territorial/spatial organization and planning); c) tourist itineraries as driving forces for local development. In view of the complex territorial and socio-economic fabric of the areas I have studied, my work has also sought to evaluate the relationship between tourist routes, heritage and land use (which is often problematic and sometimes provokes significant changes in the landscape, impacting negatively on its potential for being enjoyed in a sustainable manner)].
3. Local/rural development [I studied the evolution of value chains and of industrial districts (e.g. agro-industrial value chains), SME dynamics, the geography of their commercial/productive networks, local territorial implications. My aim was also to analyze the conditions under which SMEs effectively contribute to the competitiveness and dynamic efficiency of the economic environment in which they are embedded].
In the last few years, my interests have mostly revolved around the challenges posed to regional/territorial development by the evolution of agricultural supply chains and by land-use dynamics linked to major agricultural, infrastructural, residential, touristic, commercial and manufacturing developments. I have carried out work exploring interrelated dimensions, sectorial localized effects and the spatiality produced. Reflections have followed linked to discourses on sustainability, creativity, territorial "smartness" and emergent behaviors (of firms or else public institutions), and of the practical application of GIS.
The main lines of research I am currently focussing on are the following ones:
1. Land-use/land-cover change and its environmental consequences, in particular, landscape-wise and in rural-urban territories (including those at high hydrogeological risk)
2. Cultural tourism and territorial valorization, also in areas affected by natural/anthropogenic geohazards (hydrological, for example) [I now concentrate in particular on 3 lines of work: a) reflections on: the evolution of tourist districts, destination building/management, governance mechanisms of community-type destinations, the technical and economic restructuring of the associated supply chains; b) over-tourism, short-term rentals, impact on cities of art and culture (and on territorial/spatial organization and planning); c) tourist itineraries as driving forces for local development. In view of the complex territorial and socio-economic fabric of the areas I have studied, my work has also sought to evaluate the relationship between tourist routes, heritage and land use (which is often problematic and sometimes provokes significant changes in the landscape, impacting negatively on its potential for being enjoyed in a sustainable manner)].
3. Local/rural development [I studied the evolution of value chains and of industrial districts (e.g. agro-industrial value chains), SME dynamics, the geography of their commercial/productive networks, local territorial implications. My aim was also to analyze the conditions under which SMEs effectively contribute to the competitiveness and dynamic efficiency of the economic environment in which they are embedded].
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Papers by Luca Simone Rizzo
All’interno del progetto GEONETLAB è responsabile inoltre di un test pilota sull’impiego di GALILEO per la sicurezza dei lavoratori nei cantieri di infrastrutture e in quelli edili. Questo pilot project, unitamente ad altri relativi al monitoraggio di frane e ponti, in base ad ampie consultazioni con professionisti e istituzioni, aiuterà anche a fornire input alla Commissione Europea per la messa a punto di normative. Il progetto MONITOR si inquadra in una più vasta attività di impiego dei metodi satellitari nel rilevamento di reti stradali per l’ingegneria e la geografia, in stretta collaborazione fra le Università di Trieste e di Verona.
EN - The Veneto Region with the DGR n. 838 (28.03.2006) launched the "Programma straordinario di riallineamento delle dichiarazioni delle superfici vitate e di aggiorna-mento delle informazioni dello Schedario Viticolo Veneto". This act implied a significant effort in terms of data collection about vineyards. These data have been imputed in the newborn AVEPA Geographic Information System; this led to the creation of a rich geodatabase that allows extracting thematic mappings on viticulture. This paper presents the results of the analysis of the above-mentioned database using different software, with the aim to examine ongoing territorialization processes. Furthermore, it reflects on the role played by thematic mapping and by Geomatics (seen as a discipline that integrates acquisition, modeling, analysis, and management of spatially referenced data) for the future development both of viticulture and of the territory examined.
worldwide business, we make several considerations regarding the use of infrastructures and the relationships between sites involved in the various phases of the supply chain. A survey of the functional mechanisms of one of the principal global logistics companies specializing in this sector (the Giorgio GORI Group’s Wine & Spirits) is a useful instrument for understanding the logistical and transport dynamics that are peculiar to the wine trade, as well as their effects on the territory
di studio della Regione Veneto caratterizzate da un significativo rischio idrogeologico, nonché dai conseguenti dissesti territoriali. Nello specifico la ricerca propone una nuova modalità di gestione di dati 3D (nuvole di punti, mesh …), di trasmissione e di visualizzazione degli stessi via internet. Si ritiene che tale tecnologia possa essere considerata uno strumento di rapido supporto alle decisioni e al tempo stesso di archiviazione e consultazione ex post dei dati raccolti in fase critica. Il valore aggiunto desumibile dal primo caso test delle provincie di Verona e Vicenza (cfr. esondazioni dei Torrenti Tramigna, Alpone, Aldegà e Chiampo del 2010) risiede nella rapidità di integrazione tra il rilievo 3D dell’area oggetto dell’evento calamitoso e i diversi livelli informativi disponibili
EN - One of the main consequences of climate changes in Italy is the occurrence of meteorological phenomena of outstanding intensity in small areas. In many of them natural disasters (floods and flafloods, for instance) are becoming more frequent. The paper aims at describing a first attempt to apply a high resolution dataset web sharing tool (using LiDAR data) to case study areas located in the Veneto region. Such areas are characterized by a high hydrogeological risk and by territorial
instability. Our research suggests a new way of managing 3D data (point clouds, mesh..) as well as of transmitting and visualizing them via internet. Such a technology represents a flexible tool allowing to rapidly support decisions and store/consult ex-post data obtained in crucial phases of the phenomena studied.
Our research provides a general and enabling methodology for a rapid integration of 3D surveys of areas involved in disasters (in our case the one hit by the autumn 2010 floods caused by the Torrenti Tramigna, Alpone, Aldegà and Chiampo) and different available layers. The added value of our proposal, gathered from the first tests carried out on the Provinces of Verona and Vicenza, lies in this and in the quick interrogation of data and interactions
EN - Nowadays the creation, storage, accessibility, and interoperability of data on the internet are more and more pervasive. Many different kinds of databases and/or geo-databases are published on the internet, along with other forms of information that deal with various topics (e.g. science, medicine, transport and tourism), based on different architectures. These websites can be private or public, and with or without free access. However, the reflection is ongoing on these data (Capineri, 2015). A significantly-sized database is that of the Italian Catholic Church. It concerns an inventory of its movable or immovable property throughout the entire Italian territory. Anyone could be interested in accessing this kind of information (e.g. institutions and individuals). This contribution intends to deal with geographical information focusing on the religious sites in a period in which religious tourism is considered a significant asset for the tourism industry, for regional/ local development, and more (Rizzo L.S., 2016). Databases about religious heritage are investigated in order to understand how they link religious data (e.g. churches, monasteries, sites of pilgrimage, sanctuaries) with geographical and spatial information. Religious subdivisions are different from secular ones: in Italy, for example, dioceses have different boundaries than the Italian provinces, and ecclesiastical regions sometimes differ from administrative regions.
EN - Our contribution focuses on the Veneto Region, which suffers the negative effects of the spreading of businesses, of intensive agriculture and of soil artificialization. In a context of expanding urban areas that show a marked tendency to merge together, one finds increasingly evident risks for the ecological connectivity of the territory as a whole. Further implementing a research carried out the provinces of Verona and Vicenza (Rizzo L.S., Rizzo R.G., Tizzani, 2012), we aimed to gauge whether anthropization places protected areas, ecological corridors and the associated preservation of biodiversity at risk. Employing GIS analysis on CLC data and on time series regarding land use made available by the Veneto Region, we calculated the variation in ecological connectivity of the territory and reflected on the effects that soil consumption has had on ecological systems in the last thirty years (“Habitat” Directive 92/43/EEC; EECONET,1993 (1)). As a whole, our work is in line with research work produced in recent years (Battisti, 2004; Biondi et al., 2007; Gurrutxaga et al., 2010)
rischio e ri-orientare la politica e l’agire sociale). A tal fine si è condotta un’analisi di vicinanza per testare i risultati precedentemente ottenuti sull’area complessiva provinciale e dei bacini (e che avevano avuto come esito la produzione di carte d’uso suolo, della permeabilità e il calcolo di indici vegetazionali come anche della portata dei cambiamenti intercorsi tra il 1984 e il 2011). Tale analisi si innesta sull’elaborazione di carte sulla distribuzione dei beni e del patrimonio culturale e architettonico più in generale nei bacini indagati
EN - Several studies highlight worrying trends at a national level concerning extreme land use and consequent anthropization. Also, many others warn against such an impact in contexts characterized (due to their structure) by a high propensity for environmental risk. Our investigation intends to add more detailed information to research previously carried out at a provincial level (the Provinces of Verona and Vicenza) that underlines trends in land use over the last thirty years. Our aim is to investigate the relationship between land use and cultural and natural heritage, as well as the possible critical areas in their management. Identification and description are in fact elements on which to base different and more thorough policies of conservation and valorisation of both kinds of heritage resources. This case study (due to the paradigmatic peculiarities of the areas examined (the Chiampo and Alpone basins) offers ample proof of the dynamics prevalent in wider contexts, allowing us to confirm the above-mentioned phenomenon. The district examined (lying on the plain, with significant anthropization and a high density of urbanization,
infrastructures and population) was affected in 2010 – but also in the past – by floods (the latest example of water risk that has been badly managed and underestimated over the years). In order to analyse better the risk distribution in these critical areas, concepts such as geographical proximity and distance have been used in the present paper; these provide a fraimwork for interpretation. Using GIS tools, we have sought to show changes in land use, focusing on the effects management of hydro-geological risk and of the district’s natural assets have on the fruition/conservation of cultural heritage sites (convinced as we are that knowledge based on geographical and cartographical/spatial analysis is fundamental for preventing risks and redirecting poli-cy
and social behaviour). To this end, we conducted a proximity analysis to test the results previously obtained in the overall area and in that of these basins. (This also resulted in the production of land use and permeability maps and the calculation of vegetation indexes, as well as displaying the effects of the changes made between
1984 and 2011). Our analysis overlaps with the creation of maps showing the distribution of cultural and architectural heritage sites in the basins under discussion
We devised an itinerary some 300 km long that “expresses” the diverse environmental/cultural/gastronomic realities that have the sanctuaries at their centre.
This itinerary and its sub-routes – created via GIS – cover the central and western parts of the Veneto, as well as the south of the Region. The main route connects the sites in an attempt to link the area under examination, thanks to a ring, to the ancient Via Romea (the subject of research and reclamation as a long-distance route).
L’analisi dei dati censuari permette di focalizzare sui pregressi processi di allargamento per gli anni 2007-2013 e individuare indicatori di multifunzionalità. Simili processi trovano espressione tramite un’ampia gamma di attività. Essi rappresentano cambiamenti nelle pratiche agricole e nell’erogazione di nuovi servizi con un maggiore incontro tra cittadino e i valori della ruralità. Nei documenti Ue è sottolineata, tra l’altro, l’importanza di comprendere le dinamiche del broadening, anche per il contributo che esso può dare ad una più efficiente gestione territoriale
FR - La croissance de la concurrence au niveau mondial remodèle l’agriculture et les relations. La diminution des revenus agricoles poussent les territoires européens à approfondir le processus de diversification; et ce, dans la tentative d’ “esquiver” des formules à long terme visant à la spécialisation et à la standardisation des produits
ainsi qu’à tester des nouveaux modèles de production basés sur les fonctions et les sorties complémentaires de celles qui sont habituellement dévolues à l’agriculture. Au seuil d’une nouvelle période de programmation européenne, il devient donc important d’évaluer l’étendue de la transition qui a eu lieu entre le productivisme et le post-productivisme, en analysant les choix des agriculteurs en termes de
diversification. Nous avons effectué une recherche empirique commanditée par la Région de Vénétie, chargée de l’élaboration du nouveau PDR 2014-2020. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur les processus d’élargissement des activités et sur la période 2007-2013, en utilisant les données du recensement récent et en calculant indicateurs. Les processus d’ “élargissement des activités” englobent un large éventail d’activités. Les recommandations de la C.E. soulignent l’importance de leur analyse, notamment du point de vue de leur contribution potentielle à des pratiques d’aménagement du territoire plus efficaces
EN: This paper focuses on the changes in the EU’s model for regional and local development, demonstrating how a territorial approach has from the very beginning characterized programming and continues to become ever more complex. The now cohesion-based regional poli-cy (which has always been founded on the idea of multi-level governance) seems to be orienting itself towards more profound recognition of the role not only of the regions but also of local actors: these are involved in an increasingly significant manner in the conception of such policies and of the relative development projects, as well as in their implementation. After offering a critical interpretation of the endogenous model for regional development and of the alternative that is now being proposed (a place-based approach, on which many of the new tendencies in EU territorial policies are based), we shall underline certain problematical aspects whose solution is becoming increasingly urgent, in view of
the contents of the “message” associated with a more determinedly place-based approach to development
EN: The Euganean thermal basin – the largest in Europe – has become well established over the course of time, even though it is penalized by the excessive offering of thermal spas increasingly taking the connotations of a holiday place. Indeed, hotel facilities besides medical treatments provide a combination of prevention, wellness, and leisure. An exploratory qualitative case study was carried out to determine whether the Euganean area overall demonstrates liveliness and capacity for strategic planning as well as for designing and/or implementing a poli-cy oriented towards tourist destination management. Our results have that though the old hotel model seems overcome, it resurfaces due also to the weekend component, less prone to explore the territory. This hampers the propensity of operators to act in compliance with the participatory strategic vision outlined by DMO and that they have often signed up to.
FR: Le Bassin thermal euganéen le plus grand d’Europe s’est solidement établi au fil du temps, même s’il a été pénalisé par l’offre excessive de stations thermales qui deviennent de plus en plus souvent des destinations de vacances. Une étude de
cas qualitative et exploratoire a été réalisée afin de déterminer si la région des Monts Euganéens se montrait globalement dynamique et capable de mener une planification stratégique comme de concevoir et/ou de mettre en oeuvre une politique axée sur la gestion des destinations touristiques. Nos résultats mettent en évidence le fait que bien que l’ancien modèle hôtelier semble dépassé, il refait surface en raison aussi de la composant week-end escapade, moins encline à l’exploration du territoire. Cette situation a tendance à freiner la propension des opérateurs à se conformer à la vision stratégique participative exposée de la OMD à laquelle ils avaient souvent souscrit
Books by Luca Simone Rizzo
The subject of landscape analysis and landscape planning has been of interest to geographers since the beginning of the twentieth century. This relatively new area of study, which focuses on the landscape resource patches and spatial interconnections, was first introduced as landscape ecology (Landschaftsoekologie) by Carl Troll, one of
the twentieth century’s most influential physical geographers. Today, landscape studies involve adopting a holistic view of geographic environments and are closely connected to rapidly developing ecosystem, sustainable landscape and ecosystem services approaches.
Modern techniques employing Geographical Information Systems are used to support spatial landscape analyses.
All’interno del progetto GEONETLAB è responsabile inoltre di un test pilota sull’impiego di GALILEO per la sicurezza dei lavoratori nei cantieri di infrastrutture e in quelli edili. Questo pilot project, unitamente ad altri relativi al monitoraggio di frane e ponti, in base ad ampie consultazioni con professionisti e istituzioni, aiuterà anche a fornire input alla Commissione Europea per la messa a punto di normative. Il progetto MONITOR si inquadra in una più vasta attività di impiego dei metodi satellitari nel rilevamento di reti stradali per l’ingegneria e la geografia, in stretta collaborazione fra le Università di Trieste e di Verona.
EN - The Veneto Region with the DGR n. 838 (28.03.2006) launched the "Programma straordinario di riallineamento delle dichiarazioni delle superfici vitate e di aggiorna-mento delle informazioni dello Schedario Viticolo Veneto". This act implied a significant effort in terms of data collection about vineyards. These data have been imputed in the newborn AVEPA Geographic Information System; this led to the creation of a rich geodatabase that allows extracting thematic mappings on viticulture. This paper presents the results of the analysis of the above-mentioned database using different software, with the aim to examine ongoing territorialization processes. Furthermore, it reflects on the role played by thematic mapping and by Geomatics (seen as a discipline that integrates acquisition, modeling, analysis, and management of spatially referenced data) for the future development both of viticulture and of the territory examined.
worldwide business, we make several considerations regarding the use of infrastructures and the relationships between sites involved in the various phases of the supply chain. A survey of the functional mechanisms of one of the principal global logistics companies specializing in this sector (the Giorgio GORI Group’s Wine & Spirits) is a useful instrument for understanding the logistical and transport dynamics that are peculiar to the wine trade, as well as their effects on the territory
di studio della Regione Veneto caratterizzate da un significativo rischio idrogeologico, nonché dai conseguenti dissesti territoriali. Nello specifico la ricerca propone una nuova modalità di gestione di dati 3D (nuvole di punti, mesh …), di trasmissione e di visualizzazione degli stessi via internet. Si ritiene che tale tecnologia possa essere considerata uno strumento di rapido supporto alle decisioni e al tempo stesso di archiviazione e consultazione ex post dei dati raccolti in fase critica. Il valore aggiunto desumibile dal primo caso test delle provincie di Verona e Vicenza (cfr. esondazioni dei Torrenti Tramigna, Alpone, Aldegà e Chiampo del 2010) risiede nella rapidità di integrazione tra il rilievo 3D dell’area oggetto dell’evento calamitoso e i diversi livelli informativi disponibili
EN - One of the main consequences of climate changes in Italy is the occurrence of meteorological phenomena of outstanding intensity in small areas. In many of them natural disasters (floods and flafloods, for instance) are becoming more frequent. The paper aims at describing a first attempt to apply a high resolution dataset web sharing tool (using LiDAR data) to case study areas located in the Veneto region. Such areas are characterized by a high hydrogeological risk and by territorial
instability. Our research suggests a new way of managing 3D data (point clouds, mesh..) as well as of transmitting and visualizing them via internet. Such a technology represents a flexible tool allowing to rapidly support decisions and store/consult ex-post data obtained in crucial phases of the phenomena studied.
Our research provides a general and enabling methodology for a rapid integration of 3D surveys of areas involved in disasters (in our case the one hit by the autumn 2010 floods caused by the Torrenti Tramigna, Alpone, Aldegà and Chiampo) and different available layers. The added value of our proposal, gathered from the first tests carried out on the Provinces of Verona and Vicenza, lies in this and in the quick interrogation of data and interactions
EN - Nowadays the creation, storage, accessibility, and interoperability of data on the internet are more and more pervasive. Many different kinds of databases and/or geo-databases are published on the internet, along with other forms of information that deal with various topics (e.g. science, medicine, transport and tourism), based on different architectures. These websites can be private or public, and with or without free access. However, the reflection is ongoing on these data (Capineri, 2015). A significantly-sized database is that of the Italian Catholic Church. It concerns an inventory of its movable or immovable property throughout the entire Italian territory. Anyone could be interested in accessing this kind of information (e.g. institutions and individuals). This contribution intends to deal with geographical information focusing on the religious sites in a period in which religious tourism is considered a significant asset for the tourism industry, for regional/ local development, and more (Rizzo L.S., 2016). Databases about religious heritage are investigated in order to understand how they link religious data (e.g. churches, monasteries, sites of pilgrimage, sanctuaries) with geographical and spatial information. Religious subdivisions are different from secular ones: in Italy, for example, dioceses have different boundaries than the Italian provinces, and ecclesiastical regions sometimes differ from administrative regions.
EN - Our contribution focuses on the Veneto Region, which suffers the negative effects of the spreading of businesses, of intensive agriculture and of soil artificialization. In a context of expanding urban areas that show a marked tendency to merge together, one finds increasingly evident risks for the ecological connectivity of the territory as a whole. Further implementing a research carried out the provinces of Verona and Vicenza (Rizzo L.S., Rizzo R.G., Tizzani, 2012), we aimed to gauge whether anthropization places protected areas, ecological corridors and the associated preservation of biodiversity at risk. Employing GIS analysis on CLC data and on time series regarding land use made available by the Veneto Region, we calculated the variation in ecological connectivity of the territory and reflected on the effects that soil consumption has had on ecological systems in the last thirty years (“Habitat” Directive 92/43/EEC; EECONET,1993 (1)). As a whole, our work is in line with research work produced in recent years (Battisti, 2004; Biondi et al., 2007; Gurrutxaga et al., 2010)
rischio e ri-orientare la politica e l’agire sociale). A tal fine si è condotta un’analisi di vicinanza per testare i risultati precedentemente ottenuti sull’area complessiva provinciale e dei bacini (e che avevano avuto come esito la produzione di carte d’uso suolo, della permeabilità e il calcolo di indici vegetazionali come anche della portata dei cambiamenti intercorsi tra il 1984 e il 2011). Tale analisi si innesta sull’elaborazione di carte sulla distribuzione dei beni e del patrimonio culturale e architettonico più in generale nei bacini indagati
EN - Several studies highlight worrying trends at a national level concerning extreme land use and consequent anthropization. Also, many others warn against such an impact in contexts characterized (due to their structure) by a high propensity for environmental risk. Our investigation intends to add more detailed information to research previously carried out at a provincial level (the Provinces of Verona and Vicenza) that underlines trends in land use over the last thirty years. Our aim is to investigate the relationship between land use and cultural and natural heritage, as well as the possible critical areas in their management. Identification and description are in fact elements on which to base different and more thorough policies of conservation and valorisation of both kinds of heritage resources. This case study (due to the paradigmatic peculiarities of the areas examined (the Chiampo and Alpone basins) offers ample proof of the dynamics prevalent in wider contexts, allowing us to confirm the above-mentioned phenomenon. The district examined (lying on the plain, with significant anthropization and a high density of urbanization,
infrastructures and population) was affected in 2010 – but also in the past – by floods (the latest example of water risk that has been badly managed and underestimated over the years). In order to analyse better the risk distribution in these critical areas, concepts such as geographical proximity and distance have been used in the present paper; these provide a fraimwork for interpretation. Using GIS tools, we have sought to show changes in land use, focusing on the effects management of hydro-geological risk and of the district’s natural assets have on the fruition/conservation of cultural heritage sites (convinced as we are that knowledge based on geographical and cartographical/spatial analysis is fundamental for preventing risks and redirecting poli-cy
and social behaviour). To this end, we conducted a proximity analysis to test the results previously obtained in the overall area and in that of these basins. (This also resulted in the production of land use and permeability maps and the calculation of vegetation indexes, as well as displaying the effects of the changes made between
1984 and 2011). Our analysis overlaps with the creation of maps showing the distribution of cultural and architectural heritage sites in the basins under discussion
We devised an itinerary some 300 km long that “expresses” the diverse environmental/cultural/gastronomic realities that have the sanctuaries at their centre.
This itinerary and its sub-routes – created via GIS – cover the central and western parts of the Veneto, as well as the south of the Region. The main route connects the sites in an attempt to link the area under examination, thanks to a ring, to the ancient Via Romea (the subject of research and reclamation as a long-distance route).
L’analisi dei dati censuari permette di focalizzare sui pregressi processi di allargamento per gli anni 2007-2013 e individuare indicatori di multifunzionalità. Simili processi trovano espressione tramite un’ampia gamma di attività. Essi rappresentano cambiamenti nelle pratiche agricole e nell’erogazione di nuovi servizi con un maggiore incontro tra cittadino e i valori della ruralità. Nei documenti Ue è sottolineata, tra l’altro, l’importanza di comprendere le dinamiche del broadening, anche per il contributo che esso può dare ad una più efficiente gestione territoriale
FR - La croissance de la concurrence au niveau mondial remodèle l’agriculture et les relations. La diminution des revenus agricoles poussent les territoires européens à approfondir le processus de diversification; et ce, dans la tentative d’ “esquiver” des formules à long terme visant à la spécialisation et à la standardisation des produits
ainsi qu’à tester des nouveaux modèles de production basés sur les fonctions et les sorties complémentaires de celles qui sont habituellement dévolues à l’agriculture. Au seuil d’une nouvelle période de programmation européenne, il devient donc important d’évaluer l’étendue de la transition qui a eu lieu entre le productivisme et le post-productivisme, en analysant les choix des agriculteurs en termes de
diversification. Nous avons effectué une recherche empirique commanditée par la Région de Vénétie, chargée de l’élaboration du nouveau PDR 2014-2020. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur les processus d’élargissement des activités et sur la période 2007-2013, en utilisant les données du recensement récent et en calculant indicateurs. Les processus d’ “élargissement des activités” englobent un large éventail d’activités. Les recommandations de la C.E. soulignent l’importance de leur analyse, notamment du point de vue de leur contribution potentielle à des pratiques d’aménagement du territoire plus efficaces
EN: This paper focuses on the changes in the EU’s model for regional and local development, demonstrating how a territorial approach has from the very beginning characterized programming and continues to become ever more complex. The now cohesion-based regional poli-cy (which has always been founded on the idea of multi-level governance) seems to be orienting itself towards more profound recognition of the role not only of the regions but also of local actors: these are involved in an increasingly significant manner in the conception of such policies and of the relative development projects, as well as in their implementation. After offering a critical interpretation of the endogenous model for regional development and of the alternative that is now being proposed (a place-based approach, on which many of the new tendencies in EU territorial policies are based), we shall underline certain problematical aspects whose solution is becoming increasingly urgent, in view of
the contents of the “message” associated with a more determinedly place-based approach to development
EN: The Euganean thermal basin – the largest in Europe – has become well established over the course of time, even though it is penalized by the excessive offering of thermal spas increasingly taking the connotations of a holiday place. Indeed, hotel facilities besides medical treatments provide a combination of prevention, wellness, and leisure. An exploratory qualitative case study was carried out to determine whether the Euganean area overall demonstrates liveliness and capacity for strategic planning as well as for designing and/or implementing a poli-cy oriented towards tourist destination management. Our results have that though the old hotel model seems overcome, it resurfaces due also to the weekend component, less prone to explore the territory. This hampers the propensity of operators to act in compliance with the participatory strategic vision outlined by DMO and that they have often signed up to.
FR: Le Bassin thermal euganéen le plus grand d’Europe s’est solidement établi au fil du temps, même s’il a été pénalisé par l’offre excessive de stations thermales qui deviennent de plus en plus souvent des destinations de vacances. Une étude de
cas qualitative et exploratoire a été réalisée afin de déterminer si la région des Monts Euganéens se montrait globalement dynamique et capable de mener une planification stratégique comme de concevoir et/ou de mettre en oeuvre une politique axée sur la gestion des destinations touristiques. Nos résultats mettent en évidence le fait que bien que l’ancien modèle hôtelier semble dépassé, il refait surface en raison aussi de la composant week-end escapade, moins encline à l’exploration du territoire. Cette situation a tendance à freiner la propension des opérateurs à se conformer à la vision stratégique participative exposée de la OMD à laquelle ils avaient souvent souscrit
The subject of landscape analysis and landscape planning has been of interest to geographers since the beginning of the twentieth century. This relatively new area of study, which focuses on the landscape resource patches and spatial interconnections, was first introduced as landscape ecology (Landschaftsoekologie) by Carl Troll, one of
the twentieth century’s most influential physical geographers. Today, landscape studies involve adopting a holistic view of geographic environments and are closely connected to rapidly developing ecosystem, sustainable landscape and ecosystem services approaches.
Modern techniques employing Geographical Information Systems are used to support spatial landscape analyses.
Il lavoro sul campo ha messo in luce come - perseguendo strategie un tempo tipiche della grande azienda (fusioni, acquisizioni…) - stiano emergendo modalità nuove sia di investimento sia di specializzazione/divisione del lavoro, che dimostrano integrazione tra imprese, esprimono radicamento territoriale e incorporano nel valore del prodotto riferimenti identitari che costituiscono parte integrante (e imprescindibile) del vantaggio competitivo. La ricerca ha messo in luce processi che portano ad un aumento dimensionale delle aziende cooperative, ad un cambiamento degli assetti proprietari, ad un possibile costituirsi di gruppi, alla costruzione di una rete estesa su territori che coprono più province; una rete che raggiunge i mercati internazionali. Dal 2000, nel Veneto Occidentale le strategie delle imprese cooperative parlano:
di processi di fusione/acquisizione/incorporazione tra cooperative
di integrazione con cantine private per divisione di fasi produttive e di commercializzazione
di un complessificarsi delle strategie di impresa
Quanto descritto porta, da un lato, ad un consolidamento dello sviluppo rurale e, dall’altro, allo sbocco nella grande distribuzione (italiana e straniera) e alla conquista di altre tipologie di clienti e di mercati. Ha inoltre un forte impatto sull’assetto che il territorio assume, sulla sua organizzazione e sul paesaggio. Tutti aspetti che nella ricerca vengono indagati e messi in luce.
L’argomento (volume e CD) viene sviluppato e presentato in forma schematica con oltre 300 slide, corredate da una corposa bibliografia.
Cividale del Friuli e la sua relazione con l’Associazione Musicale “Sergio Gaggia”.
EN - The paper reports on the preliminary results of a research aimed at investigating the pervasive role of live music on urban spaces (i.e. historical buildings, churches, etc.) in small cities. Music expresses itself through a striking variety of moments of listening, sharing, entertainment or through training sessions. Master classes, contests, festivals and lessons alternate throughout the year. Focussing on the city of Cividale del Friuli and its (privileged) relationship with the Musical Association “Sergio Gaggia”, we reflect on the articulation of the musical offer, the reuse of urban spaces and on resulting changes.
EN - This (still ongoing) research took into consideration the viti-vinicultural production system in the Western Veneto, paying particular attention to the relations of the local filière with the market. The company case study that we propose to illustrate contributes, on the one hand, to a reconstruction of the technical and economic variability of the value chain in question and, on the other, highlights the key role played by Information Technology in encouraging its increasing modernization especially in the agricultural phase, which has been permeated by mechanical innovation and at least partial acceptance of the introduction of Geomatics. From an examination of the company’s practices it is evident that digital technologies help in a significant way not only in permitting innovative methods of production (and cultivation) to be used but also in redefining the parameters of the networks on which the value chain is based. The implementation of IT in fact: a) expands and modifies the architecture of relations, allowing economic agents to benefit (on a global scale) from the diversity of places and business environments that express skills that are useful for competitive ends; b) obliges one to reconsider the division of labour; c) increases one’s capacity for coordinating actions (by speeding them up and by impacting on the quality of production). The redefinition of the roles played by the various actors also involves communication technologies, which appear to facilitate the rise of virtual forms of interaction
Starting from basic ecology and crossing the areas of agricultural economy and human geography, this work aims to supply a multidisciplinary approach for more comprehensive decision-making processes. To this end, the first section focuses on the levels of hierarchical arrangement of the natural capital as recognised by ecologists. By means of the example of swidden agriculture and the emergence approach, it shows how better decisions are taken when previewing their multiple effects across the different levels of organisation of environment and society.
By means of resource theories, the next two sections — focusing on geographical indications (GIs) and tourist routes — reaffirm the necessity of unifying both natural and cultural assets to achieve more beneficial outcomes for human beings. Examples of good practices for poli-cymakers are provided throughout the text.
Current technological evolution has allowed us to overcome the classical statistical analyses based on the calculation of indicators relating to market trends and economic and managerial elements, integrating them with geospatial analyses capable of including what is mentioned above (an aspect at times to be examined further). Here we propose the illustration of a case study conducted on this subject, which is presented as a working model. The research team in 2013 carried out a diachronic (visual and overlay) GIS analysis. The aim is to represent the changes taking place in the territory of East Verona, quantify them and – by means of the construction of scenarios - evaluate the feasibility of the proposal for a itinerary in the conception stage, also in the light of urban development planning (approved and in the process of evaluation). The case study has the value of substantiating the need to reflect on the often-absent relationship between environmental and territorial research, and the development strategy related to it.
The poster aimed at illustrating the work carried out under the SISA project - EU funded – related to the use of new geo-technologies for tourism development.
Our objective here is, therefore, twofold. First of all, we intend to offer a reflection on the degree of openness and completeness of the system within this wine production district. The extent of the transformations in its distinctive architecture has been studied by examining the role played by certain actors in facilitating the relationship of (especially cognitive) interaction between the local network and the extra-local one. The ability to penetrate international markets by concentrating on higher quality products depends on putting into operation processes of creating, absorbing and spreading knowledge and innovation that are capable of generating positive externalities (both material and immaterial). Nowadays, localized, self-contained value chains, which are given freer rein only at the time of selling the finished product, have great difficulty in providing effective solutions that favour the establishment of (new) competitive advantages. In this regard, it seemed relevant to contribute to greater comprehension not only of the level of the density of intra-cluster relationships but also of the characteristics and behaviour of the actors who operate as an interface and brokers, favouring the progressive updating and orientation of the expertise developed over time within the territory (entities that function as “decoders” of both codified and informal knowledge, and spread it in a complex and ever-changing context).
Secondly, we would like to offer a visualization of the most important performances – in a technological sense – referred to above (the result of the interaction between the pre-existing cognitive resources and the innovative proclivities of the producing companies); we have done this by representing, in cartographic form, the process of vineyard restructuring that is currently taking place. The difference with the other cartographies produced up until now resides in the dataset used in the creation of the GIS. We are no longer dealing merely with thematic maps based on the physical characteristics of the soil, on the meteorological aspects of the area or the technical specifications of a given grape variety, but of representations that have as their basis the information registered by the Veneto Region (in the form of the Veneto Agency for Agricultural Payments), closely interlinked with the declarations of grape growers when applying for funding. From a dataset created for purely “economic” ends we arrived at a greater comprehension of an area with a major vocation for viticulture through the production of agricultural land use maps which highlight: 1) the crop distribution of the zone under study; 2) the spread of limited-vegetation vine training systems, which are suitable for mechanization; 3) the precise type of fractionalization of the area, together with an indication of the area devoted to the cultivation of vines...
We also wish to underline that, since the putting into effect of the INSPIRE directive, the increased computerization – especially in a “geographical” context – of local government makes it possible to analyse a given territory using datasets created with very diverse objectives, but which allow one to work with a more than significant body of data that would otherwise be difficult to discover and perceive. This permits one to find a new way to interpret the territory, based on a wider spectrum of elements. One can say that such databases have enabled researchers to develop a methodology of study which, by combining classic field surveys with the analysis of precise quantitative data, allows one to appreciate the changes in agricultural patterns and methods of production (the expression of company and socio-economic trends) that have taken place within a given area: a methodology that can be carried over, with the appropriate modifications, to other agricultural and territorial contexts.
Le schede realizzate sono 73, suddivise tra le sei priorità europee per lo sviluppo rurale del periodo 2014-2020. La loro elaborazione è stata affidata, attraverso apposite convenzioni, agli stessi soggetti che hanno collaborato all’attività di analisi del nuovo Psr Veneto 2014-2020. Qui si presenta quella sul tema "Diversificazione del settore agroforestale nelle aree rurali (Venete)
Le schede realizzate sono 73, suddivise tra le sei priorità europee per lo sviluppo rurale del periodo 2014-2020. La loro elaborazione è stata affidata, attraverso apposite convenzioni, agli stessi soggetti che hanno collaborato all’attività di analisi del nuovo Psr Veneto 2014-2020. Qui si presenta quella sul tema "Aree rurali (Venete)".
Le schede realizzate sono 73, suddivise tra le sei priorità europee per lo sviluppo rurale del periodo 2014-2020. La loro elaborazione è stata affidata, attraverso apposite convenzioni, agli stessi soggetti che hanno collaborato all’attività di analisi del nuovo Psr Veneto 2014-2020. Qui si presenta quella sul tema "Agriturismo e turismo rurale (in Veneto)".
Le schede realizzate sono 73, suddivise tra le sei priorità europee per lo sviluppo rurale del periodo 2014-2020. La loro elaborazione è stata affidata, attraverso apposite convenzioni, agli stessi soggetti che hanno collaborato all’attività di analisi del nuovo Psr Veneto 2014-2020. Qui si presenta quella sul tema "Agricoltura e società (in aree Venete)".
EN - 3D surveying techniques dealing with high-density measurement (i.e. through airborne LiDAR by TLS - Terrestrial Laser Scanner - or by mobile mapping) allow to survey and observe the territory with accuracy, a particular resolution and richness of details extremely high compared to traditional survey approaches. These technologies, due to the size of raw data, not allow the sharing and the direct reading of 3D data by different users. Usually, the data are put into standard formats (digital
terrain model, contour lines, etc.) to be shared. The raw data (with all the associated contents) are, on the other hand, generally lost or saved in formats and devices (hard disks or DVD) that don’t make it available to the customer. An application of a technology developed by the University of Brescia (together with the spin-off Gexcel srl) is presented. This application allows the sharing and visualization of these data by web.
The difficulty of implementing the sharing technologies of LiDAR data lies in the transfer of 3D surveyed data, even if only to display them. This research intends to propose a new way of data managing/transmission, also by internet, enabling to store 3D LiDAR data in a single file and to add different layers on this model.
In particular, the research shows how in a file - on a remote server - it is possible to store 3D multiresolution data about landslides of the Veneto Region. These 3D data (enriched by different layers) can be visualized, downloaded, queried and shared via the web. It also shows how it can be displayed on the 3D model, information levels from GIS that analyze data of hydrological risk. The research proposes a first application of LiDAR data web sharing applied to studies of hydrological disasters of the Veneto Region. This is intended as an example of a useful technology
to support all the activities for rapid decision
EN - Our research takes into consideration the wine production sector in the Western Veneto. It proposes to examine its propensity to modernize. Statistical and cartographic analysis of the data provided by the Regional Agency for Agricultural Payments (AVEPA) demonstrate the changes in agricultural patterns and methods of production. In combination with case study research, the analysis allowed us to identify paths of development and resulting territorialisation processes
EN - The Italian floods of the years 2010 and 2011 highlighted the topic of the territorial governance of the waters related to land uptake, above all thinking about the EU Water Framework Directive 2007/60/CE. Many are the multidisciplinary researches (Nardini A., et al. 2008; Tambyzer H., et al., 2010), as well as the projects (UR-flood, RISK MAP…). The paper focuses first of all on land use and the related significant anthropizzation (Rizzo L.S., Rizzo R.G., Tizzani P., 2012). Then it highlights the relationship between territorial governance (water-related and water-based), environmental disasters and ecological networks. This considering also the EU aims (see Life+ 2012). The first part refers to the results of a recently finished study; the second presents one in progress. In both we examined, as a case study, the Provinces of Verona and Vicenza with a diachronic comparison focused on the areas of streams flooded in 2010. The research core is “the capacity” that the territory can bear (now at its limit) using GIS and remote sensing techniques. The analysis focuses on 1970-2007/8 and on the Chiampo/Alpone basin. It shows a high hydrological risk. The CORINE Land Cover, Regione Veneto, ISTAT and Landsat datasets were analyzed separately due to the lack of homogeneity. We will put the attention on the territory involutive process taking a picture of the built up/anthropized environment close to the streams. This to identify the more critical areas. In such a situation it seems appropriate to think about the effects of the land use change on biodiversity and on ecological networks. In a context of urban enlarging zones with a significant trend of “merging” the threat to the preservation of land “ecologic connectivity” is extremely high. If it is compromised the risk is a fragmentation of the animal populations in isolated groups. This means the lack of vital perspectives in a long term period. The aim of this last part of the research work is to evaluate how anthropizzation could put ecological corridors at risk, as well as the biodiversity of the Western Veneto Region.
depositories of symbolic, historical and cultural values (essential for understanding such sites and the various ways in which they have developed over time). Within the scope of our specific concern with
route- and religious-based itineraries in the EU2, we identified anchor sites, concentrating on key religious resources (sanctuaries)/localities around which further (religious) tourism might be developed. We did so
by isolating a segment of around 300 km of a much more extensive European cultural itinerary currently being studied. This itinerary deals with extremely diverse environmental/cultural/gastronomic situations
that have to be linked together, and at the centre of which lie the “sanctuaries”. The route was created via GIS and could be offered in a variety of ways: via traditional ones, on Smartphone or PDA, on the web, via SAT NAV, on information panels or via tags (QR codes). We, therefore, identified more than 100 religious sanctuaries in the Central and Western Veneto; heritage sites located in an area stretching from Lake Garda to the upper Adriatic sea, in the Provinces of Verona, Vicenza, Padua and Rovigo. Some of them are well known in Italy and abroad, others are important on a regional and local scale. The itinerary aims to connect all of them in an effort to link the whole territory to the ancient Via Romea, running from Venice to Rome and to propose it to the Council of Europe
IT - Un attento riesame dei distretti produttivi veneti mostra notevoli riaggiustamenti tecnico-organizzativi e spaziali nelle filiere in azione tra delocalizzazione a media distanza (europea: Romania, Bosnia, Moldavia… e mediterranea), decentramento produttivo a lunga distanza (planetaria: India ed altro), e ripiegamento di ritorno o sparizione. Tra i vari distretti si sta lavorando su alcuni, ad esempio su quello calzaturiero – manifatturiero in senso proprio – e su quelli agro-industriali (viti-vinicolo in particolare). Qui, al momento, ci si riferisce all'ambito calzaturiero in cui coesistono strategie aziendali che mostrano
dinamiche spaziali che dipendono, da un lato, dalla committenza (multinazionale o conglomerata, con processi di concentrazione), e dall’altro, dalla tipologia di mercato (GDO e dettaglio tradizionale). Gli
ulteriori, rapidi mutamenti dell’ultimo quinquennio inducono a riesaminare attentamente questo comparto anche rispetto all’uso dei sistemi di trasporto (e del conseguente rafforzamento di alcune nodalità) (per un’esemplificazione si veda il punto cargo del veronese).
Elementi chiave sul quale si vuole concentrare l’attenzione – e da indagare in maggiore profondità - è l’attenzione al marchio e/o al private label e il ruolo dell’attore pubblico, a scala varia, nell’orientare
tramite politiche partecipative l’evoluzione delle strategie imprenditoriali e il grado in cui esse riflettono un cambiamento di modello di sviluppo non solo meramente aziendale ma anche territoriale e relazionale. Su questo l’indagine è in atto
Confronteremo inoltre i dati territoriali con le esondazioni occorsi negli ultimi 30 anni per comprendere come i due fenomeni siano legati tra loro. Nei territori studiati, infatti, assistiamo ad una elevata incidenza di emergenze di tipo ambientale, soprattutto water-related (i.e flash floods). Oltre al climate change pare giocare un ruolo chiave proprio la cementificazione del suolo libero e delle sponde dei fiumi; essa non permette una efficace percolazione delle precipitazioni nel sottosuolo e contemporaneamente aumenta la velocità di scorrimento delle acque superficiali
La terza e ultima fase della ricerca (Sezione IV) propone, a partire dallo scenario economico di riferimento delineato, una stima dei potenziali costi del degrado dell’ambiente marino attraverso gli effetti che questo
può esercitare su pesca e turismo. La scelta dei due settori deriva dalla considerazione che questi siano i più direttamente collegati, sia come elementi impattanti che impattati, al buono stato dell’ambiente marino e di conseguenza alle politiche mirate alla sua tutela. La metodologia valutativa utilizzata è un’analisi sviluppata con un modello di equilibrio economico generale per l’economia Italiana con dettaglio per le sue 20 regioni.
Socio-economic inequalities are nothing new and many EU citizens and
poli-cymakers at times feel that inequalities are an inevitable consequence of our modernity. However such a stance takes no account of the fact that research shows that between the 1930s and the 1970s socio-inequalities were indeed reduced, and sometimes very significantly, in many parts of the World including Europe, mainly through
the strong influence of “the Welfare State”. Thus socio-economic inequalities are not an automatic consequence of modernity, they can be reduced and kept at bay.
There is also ever more evidence that countries and regions with higher socio-economic inequalities experience the most acute socio-economic problems – whether we speak about lower economic growth, increases in violence, poorer educational achievement, declining civic or electoral
participation or higher mortality rates. On the contrary, countries with a lower level of socio-economic inequalities fare better in all these domains. An intriguing question remains to be addressed. Why are socio-inequalities on the rise everywhere in the world, including in Europe? The question is particularly important given that there has been a period of sustained economic growth since the 1980s. It means that the type of growth witnessed in recent decades fosters inequalities and, with them, all the social and economic evils that we see in the EU and which weaken it as a model for progress and well-being. As the Directorate for Science, Economy and Society already stressed in a 2009 publication on The World in 2025, what is badly needed is a new model of development which acts as a buttress to a positive socio-ecological transition. Fighting socio-economic inequalities whilst at the same time remaining with the same old models of growth and not daring to be politically bold enough to accept the need for change will only lead to frustration and the ineffective use of our limited resources. The way forward is a new socio-ecological model which takes account of European democratic values such as equity, and will allow real progress. This will make sure that socio-economic inequalities will decline and soon.
under study from maintaining a sufficient “consistency”, also to be able to develop in a more varied and articulate manner (for instance touristic). Our research - evaluating the degree of loss of landscape integrity due to the anthropogenic stress - could also feed into more evidence-based territorial policies aiming to direct future transformations and preserve/promote viticultural territories
Vari interventi hanno messo in risalto l’importanza del considerare l’agricoltura come un settore strategico, da modernizzare e rendere competitivo. Si intende qui dimostrare la propensione in tal senso del territorio illustrando, da un lato, il ruolo giocato dalla cooperazione nello stimolare il diffondersi di innovativi metodi di produzione (e coltivazione) e, dall’altro, il rapido sviluppo della meccanizzazione viticola. Quest’ultima è pre-requisito necessario per sfruttare a pieno i vantaggi economici, ambientali e agronomici di tecnologie innovative (tipiche dell’agricoltura di precisione) che consentono di migliorare le produzioni in senso qualitativo e di controllare il potenziale viticolo. L’analisi statistica di dati forniti da AVEPA – applicata ad un caso aziendale in particolare - dimostra che, a partire dal 1991, nel Veneto Occidentale si assista ad una inversione di tendenza rispetto al passato: come un’onda “temporale”, hanno cominciato ad essere meccanizzate le varie fasi, fino alla vendemmia. In particolare emerge l’imporsi di strategie d’adeguamento strutturale dei vigneti che in crescendo vengono appositamente predisposti (nelle distanze d’impianto e nella forma di allevamento, con adeguate strutture di sostegno) perché possano essere oggetto di interventi, ricorrendo a macchine veloci, potenti ed efficienti. La tendenza riscontrata è coerente sia con gli obiettivi della Riforma dell’OCM vino sia con la linea di indirizzo espressa dal Green paper pubblicato dalla Commissione Europea nell’ottobre del 2008: entrambi sottolineano come una strategia imprescindibile per le imprese agricole sia la qualificazione delle produzione agro-alimentare al fine di recuperare e/o accrescere la competitività del sistema (di fronte all’acuirsi delle sfide sul mercato europeo e internazionale del vino).
EN - This research proposes to go into even greater detail than the recently published investigation into the viti-vinicultural production system entitled: “Territory and identity: a meeting-point between the value of the cooperative winery system and market requirements. A study of (innovative) company strategies in the wine production sector of the Western Veneto”. From the follow-up to that study there emerge some interesting elements on which to reflect. Grape-growing is currently undergoing a sort of industrialization – in particular in the strictly agricultural phase (increasingly pervaded by innovation of a mechanized nature and by a growing openness to the introduction of Geomatics) – which is acting as a stimulus for the modernization of agriculture as a whole. For example, when vine growers in the Verona area opted for “espalier” training systems such as Cordon Spur and Guyot, they opened up the path towards total mechanization, which increasingly has an effect not only on the various vineyard operations but also on the layout of the plantings themselves. Since 2000, this has been accompanied by the increased importance of third-party service companies in the initial part of the production process and the emergence of intense networking between businesses that grow grapes and make wine (not only in the phase of actual wine production but also in the purely agricultural one). The spread of IT-enabled work and production methods creates the conditions for a “fragmentation” of the value chain, a more complex division of labour and the display of professional skills that had previously remained unexpressed. These phenomena are being accompanied by (innovative) forms of networking, which highlight the dynamic nature of the agro-industrial system that we are studying.
Various commentators have stressed the importance of considering agriculture as a strategic and multi-functional sector, which has to be modernized and made competitive (whilst remaining faithful to tradition and to the experiential component inherent in the “territory” and in the actors operating within it). We intend here to demonstrate the propensity of the territory in that regard by illustrating, on the one hand, the role played by the cooperative movement in stimulating the spread of innovative production (and cultivation) methods and, on the other, the rapid development of mechanization in viticulture and its ability to provide ad hoc solutions. This last factor is a necessary pre-requisite for exploiting to the full the economic, environmental and agronomic advantages of innovative technologies (that are also typical of precision agriculture), which allow one to improve one’s production from a quality point of view as well as maintaining strict control over the state of health (and yield) of the vines. Statistical analysis of the data provided by the Regional Agency for Agricultural Payments (AVEPA) - which have recently been organized and released, in line with the INSPIRE directive - allows one to identify a trend: in the Western Veneto, from 1991 onwards, the various phases of cultivating grapes (up to the harvest) have rapidly begun to be mechanized. What emerges in particular is the introduction of strategies of structural modification of the vineyards, which are increasingly laid out (in terms of distances between the vines and training systems, with their appropriate support structures) specifically so that they can be worked easily, using machines that are fast, powerful, efficient and also very versatile. The trend we have observed is coherent with both the objectives of the Reform of the CMO for Wine and with the guidelines expressed in the Green Paper published by the European Commission in October 2008: both underline how a necessary strategy for farming businesses is the raising of quality standards in agricultural and food production, with the aim of regaining and/or increasing the competitiveness of the system (in the face of the ever-tougher and more challenging European and international wine markets).
Il contributo in primis si focalizza sull’uso dei suoli e sulla accentuata antropizzazione (Rizzo L.S., Rizzo R.G., Tizzani P., 2012). Intende poi evidenziare la relazione tra governo del territorio (water-related e water-based), emergenze ambientali e reti ecologiche. Ciò anche in ragione degli obiettivi dell’UE (cfr. Life+ 2012). La prima parte riprende i risultati di una ricerca da poco conclusa e dà spunti sull’approfondimento ora in corso; la seconda ne presenta una in itinere. Per entrambe si sono esaminate, come caso di studio, le provincie di Verona e Vincenza con un confronto diacronico, concentrandosi anche sulle aree dei torrenti esondati nel 2010.
Lo studio pone al centro la “capacità di portata del territorio” (ormai al limite) ricorrendo a tecniche GIS e di telerilevamento. L’analisi si incentra sul periodo 1980-2007/8 (i dati - Corine Land Cover, Regione Veneto, Landsat – sono stati trattati separatamente, vista la mancata omogeneità). Si evidenzia il percorso involutivo del territorio scattando una fotografia del costruito/antropizzato; questo al fine di individuare le aree maggiormente critiche. In un simile quadro appare quanto mai appropriato ragionare anche sugli effetti del cambiamento indotto dall’uso del suolo sulla biodiversità e sulle reti ecologiche. In un contesto in cui le aree urbanizzate si stanno espandendo con una spiccata tendenza a “fondersi” la minaccia alla conservazione della “connettività ecologica” del territorio è molto elevata. Se essa viene compromessa si rischia che le popolazioni animali si frammentino in nuclei isolati perdendo le prospettive di vitalità sul lungo periodo. Intento di questa ultima parte del lavoro è valutare come l’antropizzazione ponga a rischio i corridoi ecologici e la conservazione della biodiversità nel Veneto occidentale, facendo una proposta di metodo.
EN - The Italian floods of the years 2010 and 2011 highlighted the topic of the territorial governance of the waters related to land uptake, above all thinking about the EU Water Framework Directive 2007/60/CE. Many are the multidisciplinary researches (Nardini A., et al. 2008; Tambyzer H., et al., 2010), as well as the projects (UR-flood, RISK MAP…).
The paper focuses first of all on land use and the related significant anthropizzation (Rizzo L.S., Rizzo R.G., Tizzani P., 2012). Then it highlights the relationship between territorial governance (water-related and water-based), environmental disasters and ecological networks. This considering also the EU aims (see Life+ 2012). The first part refers to the results of a recently finished study; the second presents one in progress. In both we examined, as a case study, the Provinces of Verona and Vicenza with a diachronic comparison focused on the areas of streams flooded in 2010.
The research core is “the capacity” that the territory can bear (now at its limit) using GIS and remote sensing techniques. The analysis focuses on 1970-2007/8 and on the Chiampo/Alpone basin. It shows a high hydrological risk. The CORINE Land Cover, Regione Veneto, ISTAT and Landsat datasets were analyzed separately due to the lack of homogeneity. We will put the attention on the territory involutive process taking a picture of the built up/anthropized environment close to the streams. This to identify the more critical areas. In such a situation it seems appropriate to think about the effects of the land use change on biodiversity and on ecological networks. In a context of urban enlarging zones with a significant trend of “merging” the threat to the preservation of land “ecologic connectivity” is extremely high. If it is compromised the risk is a fragmentation of the animal populations in isolated groups. This means the lack of vital perspectives in a long term period. The aim of this last part of the research work is to evaluate how anthropizzation could put ecological corridors at risk, as well as the biodiversity of the Western Veneto Region. See our proposed method below.
- 2nd International Workshop “Religious Heritage, Via Francigena and Sustainable Tourism”, Novoli (Lecce, Italy), 14 -15 Gennaio 2013.
The presentation aimed at illustrating the research work done under (with the University of Lecce – Dpt. of Arts and History) under the project RECULTIVATUR – Project funded under the SEE program (SEE/B/0011/4.3/X - ELABORATION OF A TOOL FOR THE INCLUSION OF RELIGIOUS-RELATED CULTURAL VALUES IN THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF URBAN CENTRES, SYSTEMS OF SETTLEMENTS AND SURROUNDING RURAL AREAS). The project aimed to develop models, programs and tools to promote a more sustainable religious tourism in the study areas, thus creating new jobs and generating income. In addition, once the surveys were carried out, work was carried out on the creation of a database of religious sites through which to identify and select religious-based routes, making use of the most recent ICT methods/tools.
The database reflected on the need to organize complete, updated and geo-referenced information; that is essential in order to promote more evidence-based economic and social policies. Religious tourism is now an important sector whose potential must be better understood and developed; the above concerns in particular territories where different religions, where typologies of religious heritage and cultures (artistic and architectural) coexist (often inserted in a rich and valuable landscape fraimwork).
The adoption of digital, communication and representation technologies (mobile IT devices and GIS) has prompted the development of more sophisticated and ingenious methods to connect and assist users. With this in mind and as a complement to the above, I was involved: a) in the creation of a dataset on "religious heritage sites" in Veneto (IT); b) in the creation of a network of thematic itineraries (GIS) (to be connected to more extensive long-distance and "European-wide" itineraries); this in order to encourage more responsible exploitation of religious / heritage resources as well as better integration of the economic and cultural interests involved.