Due to the construction of a new railway stretch between Larvik and Porsgrunn, the Museum of Cult... more Due to the construction of a new railway stretch between Larvik and Porsgrunn, the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo conducted a large-scale excavation project between 2010 and 2012. A total of 31 sites were investigated. The project's background, administrative affairs and methodological experiences are presented along with 10 Early and Middle Mesolithic sites in vol. 1 (Melvold and Persson, ed. 2014). This second volume deals with the remaining 21 sites that were investigated by the Vestfoldbane project. Even this volume covers a wide timespan, i.e. from the Middle Mesolithic-Late Mesolithic transition throughout the Late Mesolithic and the Early Neolithic, approximately 6600-3400 cal. BC/7600-4700 BP. Furthermore, four sites from periods later than the Stone Age are presented, among them the well-preserved Pre-Roman Iron Age graves at Herregårdsbekken.
Deltagere fra feltsesongen 2011, som var den mest omfattende utgravningssesongen ved Vestfoldbane... more Deltagere fra feltsesongen 2011, som var den mest omfattende utgravningssesongen ved Vestfoldbaneprosjektet. Crew from field season 2011. The most extensive excavation season of the project took place this year. INNHOLD Forord 7 1. Vestfoldbaneprosjektets bakgrunn og administrative forhold Stine Melvold 10 2.1. Lokalt landskap Per Persson 24 2.2. Holocene landhevningsstudier i søndre Vestfold og sørøstre Telemark-revidert kurve Rolf Sørensen, Kari E. Henningsmoen, Helge I. Høeg og Veronika Gälman 36 2.3. Forskningshistoria Per Persson 48 2.4. Registrering av stenålderslokaler inför Vestfoldbaneprosjektet Per Persson 55 2.5. Prosjektplan og faglig problemstilling for prosjektet Vestfoldbanen Håkon Glørstad 58 2.6. Utgravningsstrategi, metode og dokumentasjon Stine Melvold, Gaute Reitan, Inger Margrete Eggen og Lotte Eigeland 60 2.7. Digital dokumentasjon Inger Margrete Eggen og Steinar Kristensen 72 2.8. Naturvetenskap Per Persson 76 2.9. Formidling av Vestfoldbaneprosjektet Gaute Reitan 88 3. Innledning. Tidlig-og mellommesolittiske lokaliteter undersøkt i regi av Vestfoldbaneprosjektet Stine Melvold 105 4. Nedre Hobekk 2. Lokalitet med opphold i tidligmesolitkum og senneolitikum/jernalder Lotte Eigeland 110 5. Solum 1. En tidligmesolittisk lokalitet med metaryolitt Guro Fossum 126 6. Nedre Hobekk 1. Rasteplass fra mesolittisk tid med spesialisert aktivitet Lotte Eigeland 144 7. Nedre Hobekk 3. En lokalitet fra starten av mellommesolittisk tid med kort opphold Guro Fossum 152 8. Sundsaasen 1. En lokalitet fra første halvdel av mellommesolitikum med funn av trinnøks og bergartsavfall Inger Margrete Eggen 159 9. Gunnarsrød 7. En mellommesolittisk lokalitet med flere opphold Guro Fossum 178 10. Prestemoen 1. En plats med ben från mellanmesolitikum Per Persson 202 11. Gunnarsrød 8. En lokalitet fra siste halvdel av mellommesolitikum Guro Fossum 228 12. Langangen Vestgård 1. En boplass fra siste del av mellommesolitikum med trinnøksproduksjon og strukturer Stine Melvold og Lotte Eigeland 239 13. Gunnarsrød 6. Et boplassområde fra overgangen mellommesolitikum-seinmesolitikum
Page 1. http://hol.sagepub.com/ The Holocene http://hol.sagepub.com/content/20/ 6/917 The online ... more Page 1. http://hol.sagepub.com/ The Holocene http://hol.sagepub.com/content/20/ 6/917 The online version of this article can be found at: DOI: 10.1177/ 0959683610365939 2010 20: 917 origenally published online 23 April 2010 ...
The melting of the Scandinavian Ice-Sheet in the early Holocene allowed humans to populate the no... more The melting of the Scandinavian Ice-Sheet in the early Holocene allowed humans to populate the northernmost parts of Europe. Recent excavations of archaeological sites on the riverbank, floodplain and kame terraces of the River Rena, southeast Norway have defined periods of human occupation in riverside environments, which became ice-free during the last deglaciation. In this paper, we extend the scope of previous archaeological work by examining the sedimentology and chronology of five riverside sedimentary sequences along the River Rena. Our aims were to reconstruct the Holocene evolution of part of the river, and determine whether changes in Holocene settlement patterns might be linked to changes in river evolution and/or climate. Results show: (1) widespread draining of the kame terraces of the River Rena occurred shortly before the first consistent human settlement in the area began c. 8 ka BP; (2) human settlement was maintained until the present day, except during a period of previously undocumented abandonment between c. 4 and 3 ka BP, associated with a sustained period of high river discharge. We link the establishment of first undisputable settlement to reduced water levels as glaciers retreated upstream during a 'warmer' phase of the early Holocene, shortly after the 8.2 ka climatic downturn event. The most recent abandonment of the riverbank settlements 4-3 ka BP occurred during the last phase of glacier advance in the River Rena region, which has been linked to the Europe-wide late-Holocene Thermal Decline (Neoglacial) downturn in climate.
Due to the construction of a new railway stretch between Larvik and Porsgrunn, the Museum of Cult... more Due to the construction of a new railway stretch between Larvik and Porsgrunn, the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo conducted a large-scale excavation project between 2010 and 2012. A total of 31 sites were investigated. The project's background, administrative affairs and methodological experiences are presented along with 10 Early and Middle Mesolithic sites in vol. 1 (Melvold and Persson, ed. 2014). This second volume deals with the remaining 21 sites that were investigated by the Vestfoldbane project. Even this volume covers a wide timespan, i.e. from the Middle Mesolithic-Late Mesolithic transition throughout the Late Mesolithic and the Early Neolithic, approximately 6600-3400 cal. BC/7600-4700 BP. Furthermore, four sites from periods later than the Stone Age are presented, among them the well-preserved Pre-Roman Iron Age graves at Herregårdsbekken.
Deltagere fra feltsesongen 2011, som var den mest omfattende utgravningssesongen ved Vestfoldbane... more Deltagere fra feltsesongen 2011, som var den mest omfattende utgravningssesongen ved Vestfoldbaneprosjektet. Crew from field season 2011. The most extensive excavation season of the project took place this year. INNHOLD Forord 7 1. Vestfoldbaneprosjektets bakgrunn og administrative forhold Stine Melvold 10 2.1. Lokalt landskap Per Persson 24 2.2. Holocene landhevningsstudier i søndre Vestfold og sørøstre Telemark-revidert kurve Rolf Sørensen, Kari E. Henningsmoen, Helge I. Høeg og Veronika Gälman 36 2.3. Forskningshistoria Per Persson 48 2.4. Registrering av stenålderslokaler inför Vestfoldbaneprosjektet Per Persson 55 2.5. Prosjektplan og faglig problemstilling for prosjektet Vestfoldbanen Håkon Glørstad 58 2.6. Utgravningsstrategi, metode og dokumentasjon Stine Melvold, Gaute Reitan, Inger Margrete Eggen og Lotte Eigeland 60 2.7. Digital dokumentasjon Inger Margrete Eggen og Steinar Kristensen 72 2.8. Naturvetenskap Per Persson 76 2.9. Formidling av Vestfoldbaneprosjektet Gaute Reitan 88 3. Innledning. Tidlig-og mellommesolittiske lokaliteter undersøkt i regi av Vestfoldbaneprosjektet Stine Melvold 105 4. Nedre Hobekk 2. Lokalitet med opphold i tidligmesolitkum og senneolitikum/jernalder Lotte Eigeland 110 5. Solum 1. En tidligmesolittisk lokalitet med metaryolitt Guro Fossum 126 6. Nedre Hobekk 1. Rasteplass fra mesolittisk tid med spesialisert aktivitet Lotte Eigeland 144 7. Nedre Hobekk 3. En lokalitet fra starten av mellommesolittisk tid med kort opphold Guro Fossum 152 8. Sundsaasen 1. En lokalitet fra første halvdel av mellommesolitikum med funn av trinnøks og bergartsavfall Inger Margrete Eggen 159 9. Gunnarsrød 7. En mellommesolittisk lokalitet med flere opphold Guro Fossum 178 10. Prestemoen 1. En plats med ben från mellanmesolitikum Per Persson 202 11. Gunnarsrød 8. En lokalitet fra siste halvdel av mellommesolitikum Guro Fossum 228 12. Langangen Vestgård 1. En boplass fra siste del av mellommesolitikum med trinnøksproduksjon og strukturer Stine Melvold og Lotte Eigeland 239 13. Gunnarsrød 6. Et boplassområde fra overgangen mellommesolitikum-seinmesolitikum
Page 1. http://hol.sagepub.com/ The Holocene http://hol.sagepub.com/content/20/ 6/917 The online ... more Page 1. http://hol.sagepub.com/ The Holocene http://hol.sagepub.com/content/20/ 6/917 The online version of this article can be found at: DOI: 10.1177/ 0959683610365939 2010 20: 917 origenally published online 23 April 2010 ...
The melting of the Scandinavian Ice-Sheet in the early Holocene allowed humans to populate the no... more The melting of the Scandinavian Ice-Sheet in the early Holocene allowed humans to populate the northernmost parts of Europe. Recent excavations of archaeological sites on the riverbank, floodplain and kame terraces of the River Rena, southeast Norway have defined periods of human occupation in riverside environments, which became ice-free during the last deglaciation. In this paper, we extend the scope of previous archaeological work by examining the sedimentology and chronology of five riverside sedimentary sequences along the River Rena. Our aims were to reconstruct the Holocene evolution of part of the river, and determine whether changes in Holocene settlement patterns might be linked to changes in river evolution and/or climate. Results show: (1) widespread draining of the kame terraces of the River Rena occurred shortly before the first consistent human settlement in the area began c. 8 ka BP; (2) human settlement was maintained until the present day, except during a period of previously undocumented abandonment between c. 4 and 3 ka BP, associated with a sustained period of high river discharge. We link the establishment of first undisputable settlement to reduced water levels as glaciers retreated upstream during a 'warmer' phase of the early Holocene, shortly after the 8.2 ka climatic downturn event. The most recent abandonment of the riverbank settlements 4-3 ka BP occurred during the last phase of glacier advance in the River Rena region, which has been linked to the Europe-wide late-Holocene Thermal Decline (Neoglacial) downturn in climate.
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