Title: The farm and the neighborhood across Rose Street, 1904-1906
On ExploreUK, Davy came across the following campus photographs from 1904 and 1906. The photos show some of the houses on Rose Street at that time, as well as the farm across the street where the Parking Structure #2 and the Don and Cathy Jacobs Science Building are today. Davy marked the photographs with arrows, dots, and lines to help us understand the campus landscape. The homes Davy marks with a dotted line were built between 1902-1904 and were a part of the Clifton Heights neighborhood
The photographer in the photograph from 1904, below, is looking west from the east side of Rose Street:
The photographer in this photograph from 1906, below, is standing on the top of the Administration Building looking southeast:
The yellow arrows, red dot, and dashed red line are marked on the current university campus map:
This is the fifth post in an occasional series, “Davy Jones’ Locker.” Follow along with Davy Jones, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Toxicology and Cancer Biology in the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, as he explores various aspects of University of Kentucky history through the University Archives and online at ExploreUK.uky.edu. The “locker” in the accompanying photograph is one of the cubicles in the Special Collections Research Center’s Breckinridge Research Room where researchers can put their personal items.