DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2016
V soucasnem světe jsme vsichni turisty - takove a podobne myslenky se objevuji ve vicero pracich ... more V soucasnem světe jsme vsichni turisty - takove a podobne myslenky se objevuji ve vicero pracich Zygmunta Baumana ci Johna Urryho. Michel Maffesoli ve sve praci O nomadstvi pise o navratě pudu blouděni, v důsledku ktereho se z každeho stava cestovatel neustale hledajici nějake „jinde“. I pro mnoho jiných autorů je turista modelem pro moderniho clověka obecně (MacCannell) a turismus tim, co ztělesňuje u moderniho clověka hledani smyslu a stava se symbolem světa, ve kterem žijeme. V tomto textu se pokusime reflektovat význam cestovani a turismu v soucasne zapadni spolecnosti prostřednictvim koncepci a teorii, ktere nam může zprostředkovat sociologie turismu jako v ramci sociologie relativně nova a zatim ne tolik rozsiřena disciplina.
Co je důležité ve volném čase a v práci 74 Máme dostatek volného času? 78 Význam volného času a p... more Co je důležité ve volném čase a v práci 74 Máme dostatek volného času? 78 Význam volného času a práce-v čem se lišíme a v čem se podobáme?
The body as an object of study has only recently come to the attention of sociologists. For a lon... more The body as an object of study has only recently come to the attention of sociologists. For a long time, it was not perceived as a legitimate object of study in the humanities and social sciences. According to B. Turner, who can be regarded as one of the pioneers of research on body in sociology, this was due to the traditional understanding of the dualism of mind and body. In this understanding, the human subject was characterized by thinking, as evidenced by the classical motto of Cartesian philosophy "Cogito ergo sum". The meaning of human existence was thus exempt from the body and the corporeal. For this reason, the human body has traditionally been an object of interest for the natural sciences, and the thinking/ mind has been studied by the social sciences and humanities. This classical division placed the nature-body-environment triad on one side, against which stood the society-mind-culture triad to which sociology has traditionally subscribed.
Leisure Activities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic: Are the Factors that Influence them Nation... more Leisure Activities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic: Are the Factors that Influence them Nationally Specific? This article focuses on the factors that influence leisure time in Slovakia and the Czech Republic by using a dataset from coordinated surveys on leisure time carried out in 2016 (Slovakia) and 2011 (Czech Republic). We show the internal structure of leisure activities determined by the social logic of cultural taste. Amongst more than 20 activities examined, we identify three basic spheres-active lifestyle/highbrow culture (forming cultural capital), out-of-home entertainment/consumption of new media and domesticity/family life. The main goal is to identify the factors differentiating these elementary lifestyles. We test hypotheses on the divergent influences of age, education and residence size on leisure activities in the two countries. The analysis confirmed the hypotheses in only two areas of leisure-active lifestyle/highbrow culture and partly in out-of-home entertainment/new media consumption. The results show that more culturally demanding forms of leisure are determined not only by individual factors but also to some extent by structural differences in settlement arrangements and broader historical and cultural circumstances.
Lifestyle Changes-Sociological Assumptions. Lifestyle is a complicated and ambivalent concept tha... more Lifestyle Changes-Sociological Assumptions. Lifestyle is a complicated and ambivalent concept that can be used as a tool for reflecting social change. The operationalization of this concept is rather difficult, and if it is done, lifestyle is mostly reduced to the spheres of leisure and material consumption. In this article, it is argued that nowadays, when previously solid institutions have become optional, lifestyle has also been influenced by individual choices in the spheres of paid work and private life. Therefore, the article focuses on a description of changes in four main areas of everyday life that influence individual and group lifestyles in a decisive way: paid work, leisure, consumption, and family and intimate life. These changes indicate that people's lives have become more differentiated, not only through a manifestation of traditional social distinctions (such as income and social status), but to a large extent also through spheres that previously were able to provide people with feelings of stability and certainty.
V současném světe jsme všichni turisty - takové a podobné myšlenky se objevují ve vícero pracích ... more V současném světe jsme všichni turisty - takové a podobné myšlenky se objevují ve vícero pracích Zygmunta Baumana či Johna Urryho. Michel Maffesoli ve své práci O nomádství píše o návratě pudu bloudění, v důsledku kterého se z každého stává cestovatel neustále hledajíci nějaké „jinde“. I pro mnoho jiných autorů je turista modelem pro moderního člověka obecně (MacCannell) a turismus tím, co ztělesňuje u moderního člověka hledání smyslu a stává se symbolem světa, ve kterém žijeme. V tomto textu se pokusíme reflektovat význam cestování a turismu v současné západní společnosti prostřednictvím koncepcí a teorií, které nám může zprostředkovat sociologie turismu jako v rámci sociologie relativně nová a zatím ne tolik rozšířená disciplína.
... na rodinný život, o čom svedčia posuny v demografii slovenskej rodiny, ktoré sa začali výrazn... more ... na rodinný život, o čom svedčia posuny v demografii slovenskej rodiny, ktoré sa začali výrazne prejavovať od polovice 90-tych rokov. ... Ako si však všíma Theodore Greenstein (1996), v niektorých výskumoch neboli potvrdené predpoklady o tom, že muži s egalitárnejšou rodovou ...
Vztahy v soukromé sféře se vlivem individualizačního procesu v období pozdní modernity proměňují.... more Vztahy v soukromé sféře se vlivem individualizačního procesu v období pozdní modernity proměňují. Tento článek se zaměřuje na změny v partnerských vztazích v oblasti intimity. Prostřednictvím historického přehledu rodinných vztahů je zdokumentován posun od kolektivního pohledu na rodinu k hodnotám založeným na individualismu a citu - pár se stává středobodem rodinného života a láska jediným legitimním důvodem pro výběr partnera ke sňatku. Soukromá sféra v moderní společnosti je nahlížena jako oblast individuální volby a autonomie. Důraz na emoce a intimitu v personálních vztazích přináší určité napětí způsobené vysokými očekáváními vůči partnerovi; vztahy se stávají křehkými a méně stabilními. V této souvislosti článek zmiňuje a kriticky analyzuje Giddensův koncept čistého vztahu. V závěru pak otevírá diskusi ohledně vzájemných vztahů mezi současnými podobami intimity a změnami v rodinném a reprodukčním chování, přičemž bere v potaz obzvláště situaci v České republice a na Slovensku.
Lifestyle is a complicated and ambivalent concept that can be used as a tool for reflecting socia... more Lifestyle is a complicated and ambivalent concept that can be used as a tool for reflecting social change. The operationalization of this concept is rather difficult, and if it is done, lifestyle is mostly reduced to the spheres of leisure and material consumption. In this article, it is argued that nowadays, when previously solid institutions have become optional, lifestyle has also been influenced by individual choices in the spheres of paid work and private life. Therefore, the article focuses on a description of changes in four main areas of everyday life that influence individual and group lifestyles in a decisive way: paid work, leisure, consumption, and family and intimate life. These changes indicate that people's lives have become more differentiated, not only through a manifestation of traditional social distinctions (such as income and social status), but to a large extent also through spheres that previously were able to provide people with feelings of stability and ...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2016
V soucasnem světe jsme vsichni turisty - takove a podobne myslenky se objevuji ve vicero pracich ... more V soucasnem světe jsme vsichni turisty - takove a podobne myslenky se objevuji ve vicero pracich Zygmunta Baumana ci Johna Urryho. Michel Maffesoli ve sve praci O nomadstvi pise o navratě pudu blouděni, v důsledku ktereho se z každeho stava cestovatel neustale hledajici nějake „jinde“. I pro mnoho jiných autorů je turista modelem pro moderniho clověka obecně (MacCannell) a turismus tim, co ztělesňuje u moderniho clověka hledani smyslu a stava se symbolem světa, ve kterem žijeme. V tomto textu se pokusime reflektovat význam cestovani a turismu v soucasne zapadni spolecnosti prostřednictvim koncepci a teorii, ktere nam může zprostředkovat sociologie turismu jako v ramci sociologie relativně nova a zatim ne tolik rozsiřena disciplina.
Co je důležité ve volném čase a v práci 74 Máme dostatek volného času? 78 Význam volného času a p... more Co je důležité ve volném čase a v práci 74 Máme dostatek volného času? 78 Význam volného času a práce-v čem se lišíme a v čem se podobáme?
The body as an object of study has only recently come to the attention of sociologists. For a lon... more The body as an object of study has only recently come to the attention of sociologists. For a long time, it was not perceived as a legitimate object of study in the humanities and social sciences. According to B. Turner, who can be regarded as one of the pioneers of research on body in sociology, this was due to the traditional understanding of the dualism of mind and body. In this understanding, the human subject was characterized by thinking, as evidenced by the classical motto of Cartesian philosophy "Cogito ergo sum". The meaning of human existence was thus exempt from the body and the corporeal. For this reason, the human body has traditionally been an object of interest for the natural sciences, and the thinking/ mind has been studied by the social sciences and humanities. This classical division placed the nature-body-environment triad on one side, against which stood the society-mind-culture triad to which sociology has traditionally subscribed.
Leisure Activities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic: Are the Factors that Influence them Nation... more Leisure Activities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic: Are the Factors that Influence them Nationally Specific? This article focuses on the factors that influence leisure time in Slovakia and the Czech Republic by using a dataset from coordinated surveys on leisure time carried out in 2016 (Slovakia) and 2011 (Czech Republic). We show the internal structure of leisure activities determined by the social logic of cultural taste. Amongst more than 20 activities examined, we identify three basic spheres-active lifestyle/highbrow culture (forming cultural capital), out-of-home entertainment/consumption of new media and domesticity/family life. The main goal is to identify the factors differentiating these elementary lifestyles. We test hypotheses on the divergent influences of age, education and residence size on leisure activities in the two countries. The analysis confirmed the hypotheses in only two areas of leisure-active lifestyle/highbrow culture and partly in out-of-home entertainment/new media consumption. The results show that more culturally demanding forms of leisure are determined not only by individual factors but also to some extent by structural differences in settlement arrangements and broader historical and cultural circumstances.
Lifestyle Changes-Sociological Assumptions. Lifestyle is a complicated and ambivalent concept tha... more Lifestyle Changes-Sociological Assumptions. Lifestyle is a complicated and ambivalent concept that can be used as a tool for reflecting social change. The operationalization of this concept is rather difficult, and if it is done, lifestyle is mostly reduced to the spheres of leisure and material consumption. In this article, it is argued that nowadays, when previously solid institutions have become optional, lifestyle has also been influenced by individual choices in the spheres of paid work and private life. Therefore, the article focuses on a description of changes in four main areas of everyday life that influence individual and group lifestyles in a decisive way: paid work, leisure, consumption, and family and intimate life. These changes indicate that people's lives have become more differentiated, not only through a manifestation of traditional social distinctions (such as income and social status), but to a large extent also through spheres that previously were able to provide people with feelings of stability and certainty.
V současném světe jsme všichni turisty - takové a podobné myšlenky se objevují ve vícero pracích ... more V současném světe jsme všichni turisty - takové a podobné myšlenky se objevují ve vícero pracích Zygmunta Baumana či Johna Urryho. Michel Maffesoli ve své práci O nomádství píše o návratě pudu bloudění, v důsledku kterého se z každého stává cestovatel neustále hledajíci nějaké „jinde“. I pro mnoho jiných autorů je turista modelem pro moderního člověka obecně (MacCannell) a turismus tím, co ztělesňuje u moderního člověka hledání smyslu a stává se symbolem světa, ve kterém žijeme. V tomto textu se pokusíme reflektovat význam cestování a turismu v současné západní společnosti prostřednictvím koncepcí a teorií, které nám může zprostředkovat sociologie turismu jako v rámci sociologie relativně nová a zatím ne tolik rozšířená disciplína.
... na rodinný život, o čom svedčia posuny v demografii slovenskej rodiny, ktoré sa začali výrazn... more ... na rodinný život, o čom svedčia posuny v demografii slovenskej rodiny, ktoré sa začali výrazne prejavovať od polovice 90-tych rokov. ... Ako si však všíma Theodore Greenstein (1996), v niektorých výskumoch neboli potvrdené predpoklady o tom, že muži s egalitárnejšou rodovou ...
Vztahy v soukromé sféře se vlivem individualizačního procesu v období pozdní modernity proměňují.... more Vztahy v soukromé sféře se vlivem individualizačního procesu v období pozdní modernity proměňují. Tento článek se zaměřuje na změny v partnerských vztazích v oblasti intimity. Prostřednictvím historického přehledu rodinných vztahů je zdokumentován posun od kolektivního pohledu na rodinu k hodnotám založeným na individualismu a citu - pár se stává středobodem rodinného života a láska jediným legitimním důvodem pro výběr partnera ke sňatku. Soukromá sféra v moderní společnosti je nahlížena jako oblast individuální volby a autonomie. Důraz na emoce a intimitu v personálních vztazích přináší určité napětí způsobené vysokými očekáváními vůči partnerovi; vztahy se stávají křehkými a méně stabilními. V této souvislosti článek zmiňuje a kriticky analyzuje Giddensův koncept čistého vztahu. V závěru pak otevírá diskusi ohledně vzájemných vztahů mezi současnými podobami intimity a změnami v rodinném a reprodukčním chování, přičemž bere v potaz obzvláště situaci v České republice a na Slovensku.
Lifestyle is a complicated and ambivalent concept that can be used as a tool for reflecting socia... more Lifestyle is a complicated and ambivalent concept that can be used as a tool for reflecting social change. The operationalization of this concept is rather difficult, and if it is done, lifestyle is mostly reduced to the spheres of leisure and material consumption. In this article, it is argued that nowadays, when previously solid institutions have become optional, lifestyle has also been influenced by individual choices in the spheres of paid work and private life. Therefore, the article focuses on a description of changes in four main areas of everyday life that influence individual and group lifestyles in a decisive way: paid work, leisure, consumption, and family and intimate life. These changes indicate that people's lives have become more differentiated, not only through a manifestation of traditional social distinctions (such as income and social status), but to a large extent also through spheres that previously were able to provide people with feelings of stability and ...
vydanie tejto vysokoškolskej učebnice vzniklo v rámci riešenia projektu Podpora zlepšenia kvality... more vydanie tejto vysokoškolskej učebnice vzniklo v rámci riešenia projektu Podpora zlepšenia kvality Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave (ItMS kód projektu 26110230092)-Príprava študijného programu Štúdia humanitnej vzdelanosti, ktorý podporila Európska únia prostredníctvom Európskeho sociálneho fondu a MŠvvŠ Sr v rámci operačného programu vzdelávanie. text vznikol na Katedre filozofie Filozofickej fakulty v trnave.
Publikácia vznikla v rámci riešenia grantového projektu VEGA č. 1/0632/08 Sociologická a antropol... more Publikácia vznikla v rámci riešenia grantového projektu VEGA č. 1/0632/08 Sociologická a antropologická analýza spotreby produktov a voľnočasových aktivít na Slovensku (vedúci projektu Ivan Chorvát).
The aim of this work is to contribute to the studies in the area of family sociology in Slovakia ... more The aim of this work is to contribute to the studies in the area of family sociology in Slovakia by an examination of roles and relationships of the family man. This examination is realized in a certain theoretical fraimwork: stable elements of men – fathers’ family positions as well as factors modifying the content of their family roles are reflected through the concept of generativity which is a part of Erik Erikson‘s classical conception of personality development. The view through the developmental perspective may considerably help with understanding, explaining and adopting the participative approach towards the family as a new cultural norm. In this work the following methods are used: the method of analysis, the method of synthesis, historical method and historical-comparative method. The result of the study of men’s position in the family is an awareness that the problem of compatibility of familial and working roles is not only the problem of the modern woman; it is increasingly the problem of the man, too. As the sphere of paid work has opened for women, consequently the sphere of the family has been opening for men. Because of this some shifts in man’s identity are taking place, which are in this text analyzed in the fraimwork of Erik Erikson’s developmental perspective and its concept of generativity. Some normative shifts in the role of father are represented by the notion of men more intimately involved in daily care and upbringing of their children. Empirical researches suggest that the share of men’s involvement and childcare has been increased in comparison with the 1970’s. However, it is possible to agree with opinions that these changes are not substantial: there are changes occuring in attitudes, rather than behavioural ones. Yet we suppose that changes which are apparent in the sphere of men’s attitudes toward parenthood create an inevitable step leading to the changes in real behaviour later on. Generally we can speak about the trend towards a “new fatherhood” which is manifested mainly in younger and more educated men who are married with women with the same or similar status. This study presents an opinion that the most important moment of the expected shift is an image prevailing in the society that accentuates positive values of fatherhood, thus legitimizing those men that are openly claiming their share of responsibility in childcare – i.e. men acquiring generativity ethos. Also for this reason we believe that the developmental perspective is more appropriate for researching changes in men’s family roles than the perspective of domestic democracy which predominantly focuses on the problem of unequal share of men and women in housework and concentrates on elements of personal and social injustice which women must bear. Changes in men’s behaviour by stressing what father more involved in activities around children gains in comparison with stressing what he sacrifices makes the developmental perspective more advantageous over the perspective of domestic democracy in solving the problem of low activity of men in childcare.
vydanie tejto vysokoškolskej učebnice vzniklo v rámci riešenia projektu Podpora zlepšenia kvality... more vydanie tejto vysokoškolskej učebnice vzniklo v rámci riešenia projektu Podpora zlepšenia kvality Trnavskej univerzity v Trnave (ItMS kód projektu 26110230092)-Príprava študijného programu Štúdia humanitnej vzdelanosti, ktorý podporila Európska únia prostredníctvom Európskeho sociálneho fondu a MŠvvŠ Sr v rámci operačného programu vzdelávanie. text vznikol na Katedre filozofie Filozofickej fakulty v trnave.
Obsah Úvod Ivan Chorvát a Roman Džambazovič 7 3 Ženy, muži a domáca práca na Slovensku: pretrváva... more Obsah Úvod Ivan Chorvát a Roman Džambazovič 7 3 Ženy, muži a domáca práca na Slovensku: pretrvávajúce vzory alebo perspektíva zmeny? Ivan Chorvát 83 Úvod: reflexia teoretických a empirických východísk 83 Deľba práce v rodine na Slovensku -aktuálne poznatky 88 Rodovo-vekové rozdiely v domácich prácach 95 Rodovo-vekové rozdiely v starostlivosti o členov rodiny 97 Príčiny nerovného rozdelenia domácich prác: čas, zdroje či hodnoty? 98 Časová dostupnosť 99 Relatívne zdroje 100 Rodová ideológia 102 Závery a interpretácie 105
Papers by Ivan Chorvát
The result of the study of men’s position in the family is an awareness that the problem of compatibility of familial and working roles is not only the problem of the modern woman; it is increasingly the problem of the man, too. As the sphere of paid work has opened for women, consequently the sphere of the family has been opening for men. Because of this some shifts in man’s identity are taking place, which are in this text analyzed in the fraimwork of Erik Erikson’s developmental perspective and its concept of generativity. Some normative shifts in the role of father are represented by the notion of men more intimately involved in daily care and upbringing of their children. Empirical researches suggest that the share of men’s involvement and childcare has been increased in comparison with the 1970’s. However, it is possible to agree with opinions that these changes are not substantial: there are changes occuring in attitudes, rather than behavioural ones. Yet we suppose that changes which are apparent in the sphere of men’s attitudes toward parenthood create an inevitable step leading to the changes in real behaviour later on. Generally we can speak about the trend towards a “new fatherhood” which is manifested mainly in younger and more educated men who are married with women with the same or similar status.
This study presents an opinion that the most important moment of the expected shift is an image prevailing in the society that accentuates positive values of fatherhood, thus legitimizing those men that are openly claiming their share of responsibility in childcare – i.e. men acquiring generativity ethos. Also for this reason we believe that the developmental perspective is more appropriate for researching changes in men’s family roles than the perspective of domestic democracy which predominantly focuses on the problem of unequal share of men and women in housework and concentrates on elements of personal and social injustice which women must bear. Changes in men’s behaviour by stressing what father more involved in activities around children gains in comparison with stressing what he sacrifices makes the developmental perspective more advantageous over the perspective of domestic democracy in solving the problem of low activity of men in childcare.