Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Department of Creative Communication
This edited volume brings together a range of contributions solely on the linguistics of humour. Rather than favour one approach, this collection of articles gives a state-of-theart picture of current directions in pragmatic humour... more
A bone of contention among researchers is whether the primary function of humour is the expression of aggression against the hearer or the promotion of solidarity between the interlocutors. It is commonly averred that teasing boasts a... more
The main objective of this article is to list and briefly characterise several semantic and pragmatic types of verbal humour, primarily those which cannot be reduced to (canned) jokes. First of all, a distinction is drawn between jokes... more
Verbal humour 1 is a phenomenon prevalent in everyday and media discourses, occurring in various contexts (e.g. formal/informal or spoken/written) and manifesting itself in an array of forms, e.g. canned jokes, witticisms, teasing or... more
The interdependence between humour and the Cooperative Principle (CP) (Grice 1975(Grice /1989b(Grice , 1978(Grice /1989b(Grice , 1989a appears to be a bone of contention in pragmatic studies on verbal humour. The wellentrenched approach... more
- by Marta Dynel
Th e primary objective of this article is to discuss humorous pictorial advertisements contingent on non-verbal (visual) and verbal components, with the heuristic apparatus provided by Fauconnier and Turner's conceptual integration theory... more
The paper offers a proposal of a new classification of hearer roles in media discourse represented by political debates. It is posited that broadcast talk operates on distinct, yet mutually dependent, communicative levels, entailing... more
bstract Goffman's work on participation marks a watershed in linguistic studies on speaker and hearer roles in interaction, both in everyday conversations and in media discourse. Goffman is thus widely credited for having expanded the... more
This theoretical essay addresses a number of methodological problems pertinent to linguistic research on film discourse. First of all, attention is paid to the interdependence between contemporary film discourse and everyday language,... more
Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht kreative Metaphern als Form des intentionalen sprachlichen Humors. Das Hauptanliegen besteht in der Darstellung wichtiger Faktoren, die zum einen das humoristische Potenzial von Metaphern in... more
- by Marta Dynel
The primary objective of this paper is to postulate a tripartite division of jokes according to three major incongruity-resolution mechanisms underlying their incremental development, and to review the existing models of joke... more
The paramount goal of this paper is to tease out a number of universal communicative phenomena which carry humour appreciated by the recipient of a drama series, based on data culled from a famous medical drama series, "House". This... more
- by Marta Dynel
This volume presents recent developments in the linguistics of humour. It depicts new theoretical proposals for capturing different humorous forms and phenomena central to humour research, thereby extending its scope. The 15 contributions... more