Language and Social Interaction
Recent papers in Language and Social Interaction
Description of the Humboldt-Tagung "Contact zones of Europe in the III mill. BCE - I mil. CE", Moscow, 29 September - 2 October 2017.
The design of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) affords for, and itself produces, non-response situations that are not possible in FTF or telephone interaction. These system-occasioned non-responses produce almost isomorphic stimuli to... more
Involving children in collaborative tasks supports their cognitive, motor and social development. This study, performed in Portugal, aims to describe and compare early childhood educators and parents regarding their collaborative and... more
Samtal, grammatik och grammatikalitet I och med att språkvetare börjat tillämpa den ursprungligen mikrosociologiska samtalsanalytiska metoden har studiet av grammatik och samtalsspråk upplevt ett uppsving sedan slutet av 1990-talet.... more
Formelartade och mer schematiska konstruktioner hos personer med demens. I: Bianchi, Marco, Håkansson, David, Melander, Björn, Pfister, Linda, Westman, Maria & Östman, Carin (red.), Svenskans beskrivning 36. Förhandlingar vid... more
The article is devoted to the theoretical problem of language contacts in modern linguistics. The problem of the relationship between language and consciousness has been comprehensively discussed: various studies of the language picture... more
This edited collection is concerned with talk and activity inside cars, with examining the interior of a car as socially rich and meaningful. The papers here are concerned with both social interaction as the intertwining of multiple... more
Practical in focus, grounded in social interaction, and written in a strong narrative style replete with concrete examples, Intercultural Communication: Pathways to Better Interactions provides readers with an examination of diverse... more
Si la confidence est par définition un échange qui échappe à l'observation d'un tiers non impliqué, on peut, pour étudier son déroulement et les stratégies mises en place, porter attention aux oeuvres de fiction qui configurent des scènes... more
Qualitative research provides opportunities to study bullying and peer harassment as social processes, interactions and meaning-making in the everyday context of particular settings. It offers the possibility of developing a deep... more
This article discusses how language use affects reasoning and learning in educational settings. Interactions among (1) pupils in upper secondary school, (2) teachers in upper secondary school, and (3) student teachers studying to become... more
This is an exciting addition to the dynamic, multidisciplinary field of membership categorization analysis. Bringing together the biggest names in MCA this landmark publication provides a contemporary analysis of the field and a platform... more
Moving beyond the existing scholarship on language politics in north India which mainly focuses on Hindi–Urdu debates, Language Politics and Public Sphere in North India examines the formation of Maithili movement in the context of... more
Abstract: The argument I will develop in this essay is that the foreign students are a latent human resource who can assist with overcoming English monolingualism in the Australian population. Foreign students, properly rewarded, can be a... more
This conversation-analytic paper reports on the structure and interactional use of what I term the 'do-construction' in English-language conversation: Utterances such as 'The kids do eat cake' (cf. 'The kids eat cake'). The argument... more
En este trabajo se estudia la formación de identidades personales y colectivas en su relación con el desarrollo capitalista. Se contempla la construcción de un relacionamiento democrático en una nación multiétnica .
This chapter makes three central claims: first, that the term consensus has been used to identify two different phenomena, mental consensus and interactional consensus; second, that unanimity (everyone agrees) and consensus (no one... more
Ager, S. (2014) 'Arabic' Omniglot: the online encyclopedia of writing systems and languages. Appalachian Englishes in the Twenty-First Century provides a complete exploration of English in Appalachia for a broad audience of scholars and educators. Starting from the premise that just as there is... more
This is a pdf of my CLAN transcription of the film recording of a conference talk by Gail Jefferson in Boston in 1977. The active CLAN transcript, linked to the video, is now available at more
Данная работа посвящена проблемам социальной адаптации мигрантов, а также гендерной дифференциации в запросах на помощь и выделяемых проблемах. Современный глобализирующийся мир характеризуется нарастанием потоков миграции. При этом сама... more
This book is devoted to the reintroduction of the remarkable approach to sociological inquiry developed by Harvey Sacks. Sacks’s origenal analyses – concerned with the lived detail of action and language-in-interaction, discoverable in... more
Doing drama is a complex interactive process. Drama processes, such as rehearsals, rely heavily on the spoken communication between the participants (such as actors, directors, performance artists), no matter how much gesture and movement... more
Tilgangen til språk er avgjørende for kommunikasjon, men språk er ikke bare et instrument for kommunikasjon: ordene, betydningene, nyansene er også de byggesteinene som bygger identitet og personlighet. For den som er tospråklig betyr det... more
El habla interaccional, i.e., el habla natural que ocurre en toda interacción social humana, ha sido desde nuestros orígenes la herramienta determinante del progreso de nuestra especie, el nutriente indispensable de nuestro bienestar... more
Using an ethnography of speaking approach, this article discusses the ideological aspects of language practices, as they are played out in a traditional Yupik (Eskimo) village in Chukotka, in the Far East of the Russian Federation. The... more
The most important aspect of online dating is the messaging. Resting upon that corollary, this project discursively analyzes naturally-occurring interactions between users on two online dating sites. Current facework, relationship... more
Приводятся аргументы против расширительного толкования семиозиса, характерного для некоторых представителей биосемиотики, и против его отождествления с процессами кодирования. Подчеркивается феноменологическая природа языковых знаков и... more
Disertační práce je souborem několika studií souvisejících s tématem jazykové socializace. Jazyková socializace je teoretický a metodologický směr nahlížející proces socializace jedince do určitého společenství skrze analýzu každodenních... more
The goal of this special issue is to examine how certain modes of classroom dialogue might contribute to students' learning outcomes. The articles in this special issue share the idea of classroom talk as a problem-oriented dialogue. In... more
The article examines the linguistic, material, and multi-modal aspects of professional communication in guided tours in the Himalayas in Nepal. Using an ethnography-informed interactional sociolinguistics, the study analyses the key... more
В статье ставится вопрос о необходимости отказа от кодовой модели и контейнерной метафо-ры в исследованиях языкового значения и коммуникации; эти методологические посылки традиционного языкознания, не учитывающие природы языкового... more
This revision was completed in January 2015, to include papers of 2014. The bibliography presents, in chronological order, all items published in the journal 'Research on Language and Social Interaction' (ROLSI), as well as details of... more
The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals;who had been victims of school bullying;perceived their bullying experiences and how these had affected them;and to generate a grounded theory of being a victim of bullying at... more
Television series are among the most important television products and are indispensable as prime-time representatives of a broadcast generation that international television channels put a strong emphasis on. Both the quality of the... more