University of Wolverhampton
During the last two decades we have become familiar with new forms of protest. These new types of protest direct their discontent towards the system in ways that involve the general public, trying to affect change by spreading the feeling... more
Euripides Altintzoglou presents us with a body of work that encourages change. In doing so, the first collection of works is a group of engaging radical portraits that allow the viewer to become part of the work while at the same time... more
Euripides Altintzoglou returns to Beton7 Arts with a new group of works that engage with a range of issues related to the crisis of late capitalism. The collection of works does not simply address socio-economic phenomena and their... more
This book analyzes the philosophical origens of dualism in portraiture in Western culture during the Classical period, through to contemporary modes of anti-dualist portraiture. Dualism – the separation of mind from body - plays a central... more
All portraits play host to a number of antithetical tensions, such as “private” and “public,” “real” and “ideal,” without which they would be reduced to a type of unassuming identification of subjects. Whereas in pre-modern times the... more
‘Change’ is the locus of the avant-garde’s revolutionary character. Historical claims and contemporary theorizations of the avant-garde enforce methodological distinctions between radical and conforming attitudes that fluctuate according... more
In the wake of theArab Spring, Time Magazine named 'The Protester', 2011's Person of the Year. Revolts, social unrest and demands for systemic changecontinue to spread from the anti-austerity street marches in Europe and the progressive... more
All portraits play host to a number of antithetical tensions, such as 'private' and 'public', 'real' and 'ideal', without which they would be reduced to a type of unassuming identification of subjects. Whereas in premodern times the... more
"Legal opinion in some quarters refuses to acknowledge the irreversibility of the change brought about by the revolt against or defiance of age-old norms. This refusal is revealed in the negative opinions, especially of women who... more
This paper explores the confusion in values that underpin the stereotyping of ‘the Muslim woman’. From the point of view of the ‘woman who veils’, it addresses the idea of strategic self-presentation geared by the logic of negotiation.... more
Routledge, 2001) 160pp, UK 7.99 US$12.95 (pbk), ISBN 0-415-22708-9 (pbk) ISBN 0-415-22707-0 (hbk).
Together we can end violence against women and girls". This is not a rallying cry of a women's group but the title of the strategy adopted in 2009 by the Home Office to address the growing problem of violence against women in the UK. This... more