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Transportation Research Part F 24 (2014) 183–196
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Driver perception hypothesis: Driving simulator study
Francesco Bella ⇑
Roma TRE University, Department of Engineering, via Vito Volterra n. 62, 00146 Rome, Italy
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 18 July 2013
Received in revised form 27 March 2014
Accepted 8 April 2014
Driving simulator
Driver behavior
Combined curve
Perception hypothesis
a b s t r a c t
According the driver perception hypothesis, horizontal curves appear sharper or flatter
when overlapping with crest or sag vertical curves, respectively. Confirmations of this
hypothesis are provided by studies carried out using non-interactive techniques that do
not allow the analysis of the driver’s reactions to the visual perception of the road.
This study was aimed to add to the body of knowledge concerning driver’s speed behavior on combined curves, as well as to test the perception hypothesis based on the speed
data collected during tests in the interactive CRISS driving simulator.
Speeds on the tangent-curve transition of crest and sag combinations were compared to
those on the tangent-curve transition of horizontal curves with the same radii but on a flat
grade (reference curves).
For the crest combinations the results of the statistical analyses were fully consistent
with the perception hypothesis. On the sag combinations, on the contrary, the driver’s
speed behavior did not differ in any statistically significant way from that on the reference
curves. Therefore this finding did not support the perception hypothesis on the sag combinations. The effects of the combined curves on the driver’s speed behavior did not change
in function of the level of the radius. Some implications of these findings have been
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The information the road provides to the driver is essential in order to modulate the driving control parameters and avoid
risky behavior (Saad, 2002; Theeuwes & Godthelp, 1995). Most of the information required by the driver during the driving
task is perceived visually and it is known that a relevant quote of accident occurs in curves. For example about 5000 fatalities
each year have resulted from single-vehicle run-off-road crashes on the curve sections of two-lane rural roads in the United
States (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 2011). Such statistics are deemed to be due to the erroneous perception of the features of the alignment that induces drivers to assume an inadequate behavior compared to the geometric
design of the curved section (Cartes, 2002).
Several researches have pointed out that the occurrence of erroneous perception increases as the complexity of the alignment increases and that erroneous perception could be significantly relevant in the conditions of horizontal curves overlapping with sag vertical curves or with crest vertical curves (Bidulka, Sayed, & Hassan, 2002; Mori, Kurihara, Hayama, &
Ohkuma, 1995; Smith & Lamm, 1994; Wooldridge, Fitzpatrick, Koppa, & Bauer, 2000). In particular Smith and Lamm
hypothesized that an overlapping crest curve may cause the horizontal curve to look sharper while a sag curve may cause
⇑ Tel.: +39 06 57 33 34 16; fax +39 06 57 33 34 41.
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F. Bella / Transportation Research Part F 24 (2014) 183–196
the horizontal curve to look flatter than it actually is (called driver perception hypothesis). Then the driver may adopt a lower
or higher speed, respectively, than if the radius were on a flat grade. Therefore the erroneous perception of the horizontal
curve may be particularly hazardous for the horizontal curve overlapping with sag vertical curve (called sag combination)
where the drivers may perceive a sharp curve as a flat one.
The hypothesis of Smith and Lamm was based on studies carried out in Germany at the beginning of 1970s and on one
study on the accident locations (Smith & Lamm, 1994). This study was carried out on three sag combinations and one horizontal curve overlapping with crest vertical curve (called crest combination), and established that the accident rate at the
sag vertical curves was higher than the average accident rate over the entire lengths of the observed state routes. It ascertained also that excessive speed was the most frequent cause of accidents. On the crest combination, on the contrary, the
accident rate was less than the average accident rate. However it is important to notice that the accidents were few and
the authors pointed out that the results were not statistically valid and recommended more studies on the driver’s
Later, the perception hypothesis was studied with methods based on the drawing of the perspective of the road and, more
recently, it was validated from studies on the visual perception of the road through the use of visualization techniques
(Bidulka et al., 2002; Hassan & Sayed, 2002). These studies made use of software to draw perspective views of the road
and create short sequences simulating the view of the driver during the driving. Computer animations of horizontal curves
overlapping with crest vertical curves or with sag vertical curves (test curves) and of horizontal curves with the same radius
but overlapping with flat grade (reference curves) were showed on a computer monitor simultaneously to a sample of subjects. Each subject was asked if the computer animation of the reference curve appeared ‘‘same sharp’’ as, ‘‘less sharp’’ than,
or ‘‘sharper’’ than the computer animation of the test curve. The responses of the drivers confirmed the perception hypothesis of Smith and Lamm. With these techniques, models were also set to estimate the horizontal radius perceived on the
combined curves as a function of the actual radius (Hassan, Sayed, & Bidulka, 2002). The perceived horizontal radius has been
proposed in order to determine operating speeds by means of predicting models that have been obtained from speeds which
have been collected on non-combined curves. This implies accepting the hypothesis that to a different perception of the horizontal radius corresponds a different speed adopted by the driver. It must be said that this assumption was not verified by
an experiment.
Furthermore it should be noted that visualization techniques are non-interactive and do not allow to evaluate the driver’s
reaction to its perception of the road scenario. They allow only a qualitative evaluation by subject on the basis of a visual
representation of the road scenario.
The driving simulation is deemed to be the most accurate method in order to study the drivers perception (e.g. Bella,
2009; Lamm, Psarianos, & Mailaender, 1999; Zakowska, 1999). Driving simulators offer several advantages such as low costs
entailed in carrying out experiments, easy data collection, the utmost safety for test drivers, the possibility of carrying out
experiments in controlled conditions. Besides such important benefits, driving simulators are interactive. They allow the test
driver to manipulate the pedals and steering wheel of the vehicle during the task of driving and allow the recording of the
effects of the road configurations on driver behavior in terms of speeds, trajectory, braking, and the like. Such features are the
reason for the growing use of driving simulators for modeling driver visual demand on three-dimensional highway alignments (Easa & Ganguly, 2005; Easa & He, 2006), for testing the effectiveness of road treatments on rural roads with crest
vertical curves (Auberlet, Pacaux, Anceaux, Plainchault, & Rosey, 2010; Auberlet et al., 2012; Rosey, Auberlet, Bertrand, &
Plainchault, 2008) as well as for evaluating the effect of the interaction between overlapping horizontal and vertical
Concerning this last topic two interesting studies are in literature. Garcia, Tarko, Dols Ruíz, Moreno Chou, and Calatayud
(2011) used a driving simulator to study the effect of vertical crest curves overlapped with horizontal curves on driver’s perception and behavior. The results indicated that the operating speeds did not significantly vary across studied curves even
where these curves differed by design or type (flat or crest combinations). Therefore the driver perception hypothesis was
not confirmed.
Hassan and Sarhan (2012) carried out a driving simulation experiment that was aimed to examine the effect of a driver’s
misperception of horizontal curvature on the driver’s speed behavior. The experiment used the same curves as previous animation experiments (Bidulka et al., 2002; Hassan et al., 2002). The simulation data provided support for the hypothesis that
drivers’ misperceptions of horizontal curvature affects their choice of speed. More specifically, the authors found that the
maximum speed reduction between tangent and curve was consistent with perception hypothesis (the mean maximum
speed reduction was higher for crest combinations and was lower for sag combinations). However, the differences between
flat horizontal curves and sag combinations were slight, indicating small differences among driver responses.
In both of these studies the combined curves had symmetrical tangential vertical grades. Therefore the approach tangent
to the crest combination was always uphill (positive grade) whereas the approach tangent to the sag combination was
always downhill (negative grade). Such configurations do not allow to exclude that the results could have been affected
by grades of approach tangents.
The driving simulator study reported here was carried out within this context. It was aimed to add to the body of knowledge concerning driver’s speed behavior on combined curves, as well as to test the perception hypothesis based on the speed
data collected during tests in the driving simulator along several crest combinations, sag combinations and horizontal curves
with flat approach tangent.
More specifically, the study set out to test if, on the basis of the speeds adopted by the driver:
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F. Bella / Transportation Research Part F 24 (2014) 183–196
crest combinations incite drivers to drive at speeds which are significantly lower than on horizontal curves with an equal
radius (called reference curves), which is in accordance with the perception hypothesis (the horizontal radius is perceived
by the driver as being shorter than it actually is);
sag combinations incite drivers to drive at significantly higher speeds than on horizontal curves with an equal radius
(called reference curves), which is in accordance with the perception hypothesis (the horizontal radius is perceived by
the driver as being greater than it actually is);
the potential effects on driver’s speed behavior of the combined curves depend on the radius of the horizontal curve.
2. Method
A within-subjects design (or a repeated measures experiment) was carried out using the fixed-base driving simulator of
the Inter-University Research Centre for Road Safety (CRISS). The experiment was designed to analyze the effects, in terms of
speeds adopted by drivers, of the type of curve (i.e. crest combinations or sag combinations and reference curves) and
whether or not such effects depend on radius of the horizontal curve.
Two road alignments were designed. The first with a flat longitudinal grade, and the second with crest and sag combinations, but having the same horizontal alignment. These were then implemented in the driving simulator. Thirty-five drivers
carried out two driving sessions (one for each road alignment) during which the local speeds were recorded.
In the second stage, on the basis of the speed data collected on the tangent-curve transitions of crest and sag combinations, as well as on the tangent-curve transitions of the correspondent reference curves, two-way repeated MANOVAs were
performed to evaluate if the driver’s speed behavior on the horizontal curves was influenced by the overlapping sag or crest
vertical curves and by the radii of the horizontal curves.
It should be pointed out that the reliability of fixed-base driving simulators similar to that used in the present study (STISIM drive by System Technologies Inc.), has been demonstrated from several studies in the literature that compare drivers’
behavior or physiological parameters recorded on real roadways to simulated driving (e.g. Bella, 2005; Bella, Garcia, Solves, &
Romero, 2007; Daniels, Vanrie, Dreesen, & Brijs, 2010; Jamson & Jamson, 2010; Mayhew et al., 2011; Rosey, Auberlet, Moisan,
& Duprè, 2009; Shechtman, Classen, Awadzi, & Mann, 2009). These studies provide sufficient guarantees as regards the relative validity, which refers to the correspondence between effects of different variations in the driving situation and also
support the use of a fixed-base driving simulator as a valid measure of driving performance.
It should be also noted that this relative validity is indispensable. Absolute validity, which refers to the numerical correspondence between behavior in the driving simulator and in the real world, is not essential, whenever the research is dealing
with matters relating to the effects of independent variables (Tornos, 1998). For the purpose of the present study, only relative validity is required and the CRISS driving simulator has been previously validated as a useful tool for studying driver’s
speed behavior on two-lane rural roads (Bella, 2008a). This evidence has also allowed us to successfully use the CRISS driving
simulator for studying the driver behavior induced by road configurations as well as for providing insights that may help to
guide road design of two-lane rural roads (e.g. Bella, 2007, 2008b, 2011, 2013, 2014a, 2014b; Bella & Calvi, 2013; Bella &
D’Agostini, 2010).
2.1. Combined curves and reference curves
Two two-lane rural roads, with the same cross-section and horizontal alignment but with a different profile, were
designed. One (reference alignment) was flat, while the other (combined alignment) had longitudinal grades different to
zero. The reference alignment was used as a reference through which the effects of combined curves on the other road alignment could be assessed.
Cross-section, horizontal alignment and vertical profile were designed according the Italian road design guidelines
(Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports, 2001).The cross-section was 10.50 m wide, formed by two 3.75 m wide lanes
and two 1.50 m wide shoulders. The horizontal alignment was more than 15 km long and the radii of the horizontal curves
ranged from 118 m to 800 m. The length of tangents ranged from 150 m to 2200 m. The vertical profile had longitudinal
grades between 6% and +6%. Italian guidelines assume for these roads a design speed ranged between 60 km/h (on curve
with radius equal to 118 m) and 100 km/h (on tangent). The posted speed limit is 90 km/h.
Three sag combinations and 3 crest combinations were designed on the combined alignment with the following features:
the vertical curves were overlapped with horizontal curves so the vertices of the two curves coincided and their length
was the same order of magnitude, as required by Italian design guidelines for the coordination of horizontal alignment
and profile;
to eliminate the influence of the longitudinal grade and the curvature of the element preceding the combined curves on
the driver behavior, all the combined curves were designed with flat and long approach tangent.
The three sag combinations had a departure tangent with longitudinal grade of +4%. The horizontal radii were 252 m,
437 m and 600 m, the deflection angles were 77°, 65° and 57°. The radii of vertical curve were, respectively, of 12,000 m,
16,500 m and 20,000 m.
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F. Bella / Transportation Research Part F 24 (2014) 183–196
The three crest combinations had a departure tangent with a longitudinal grade of 3%. The horizontal radii were 252 m,
437 m and 600 m while the deflection angles were 77°, 65° and 57°. The radii of the vertical curves were, respectively,
16,000 m, 20,000 m and 26,700 m. The absolute value of the longitudinal grade of the departure tangent on the crest combinations, which was set lower than that on sag combinations, was chosen so as to not further impede sight distances. Sightdistances were approximately 380 m, 430 m, and 480 m, respectively. These sight-distances were longer than double the
stopping-sight distance.
These combined curves were of interest for the study’s aims.
For each combined curve, a correspondent reference curve (with the same features as the horizontal curve of the combined curve) was designed on the reference alignment. Each combined curve and the correspondent reference curve were
located on the same section of the combined alignment and reference alignment, respectively (i.e. both curves were located
at the same distance from the beginning of the alignments). Overall, 6 reference curves were used: 3 reference curves for
crest combinations and 3 reference curves for sag combinations.
The schemes and geometric parameters of the sag combinations and crest combinations are shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1.
Fig. 1. Scheme of sag and crest combinations.
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Table 1
Geometric features of the combined curves.
Horizontal curve
Vertical curve
Curve direction
R = radius of horizontal curve
Lc = length of horizontal curve in m (Lcl + Lcirc + Lcl)
Lcl = length of clothoids in m
Lcirc = length of circular curve in m
La.t. = length of approach tangent in m
c = deflection angle
Rv = radius of vertical curve in m
Lv = length of vertical curve in m
ia = approach grade in percent
id = departure grade in percent
Di = |id ia|
2.2. Apparatus
The CRISS simulation system is an interactive fixed-base driving simulator. The vehicle dynamics model has been validated extensively (Allen et al., 1998). The system allows to represent the infrastructure scenario, traffic conditions, configurations of horizontal and vertical alignments, cross section features, and to simulate the friction between tires and road
surface and the vehicle’s physical and mechanical characteristics. The hardware interfaces (wheel, pedals and gear lever)
are installed on a real vehicle. The driving scene is projected onto three screens; one in front of the vehicle and two on each
side. The usual field of view is 135°. The scenario is updated dynamically according to the traveling conditions of the vehicle,
depending on the actions of the driver on the pedals and the steering wheel. The resolution of the visual scene is 1024 768
pixel and the update rate is 30–60 Hz depending on scene complexity. The system is also equipped with a sound system that
reproduces the sounds of the engine. This setup provides a realistic view of the road and surrounding environment.
The system allows the intensity of driver actions on the brake, accelerator pedal, and steering wheel to be recorded and
provides many parameters to describe travel conditions (e.g., vehicle barycenter, relative position in relation to the road axis,
local speed and acceleration, steering wheel rotation angle, pitching angle, rolling angle). All the data can be recorded at time
or space intervals of a fraction of a second or a fraction of a meter. Fig. 2 shows one driving phase from the simulator.
2.3. Procedure
The experiment was carried out using dry pavement conditions in good state of maintenance and with the free vehicle on
its own driving lane. Whereas, on the opposing lane a modest traffic was distributed randomly for the sole purpose of inducing the driver not to invade it. The vehicles in the opposite lane were always present in those sections set away from the
curves of interest. The simulated vehicle was a medium-class car as to its size and mechanical performance and equipped
with automatic gear changes. The data recording system was set to acquire all parameters at spatial intervals of 5 m.
The driving procedure was broken down into the following steps: (a) communicate to the driver about the duration of the
driving and the use of the steering wheel, pedals, and automatic gear; (b) train as to how to use the driving simulator on a
specific alignment for approximately 10 min to allow the driver to become familiar with the simulator’s control instruments;
(c) execute the first test scenario; (d) have the driver vacate the car for about 5 min so as to reestablish a psychophysical state
similar to the one at test start and to fill out a form with personal data (e.g., years of driving experience, average annual distance driven); (e) execute the second test scenario; and (f) have driver answer a questionnaire as to any discomfort perceived
during the driving procedure, including the type (e.g., nausea, giddiness, daze, fatigue, other) and the intensity (e.g., null,
light, medium, high). The participants completed the procedure in less than 60 min.
None of the participants were told about the experiment’s purpose. They were instructed to drive as they normally would
in the real world.
Fig. 2. The road scenario during the driving simulation.
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The sequence of the two scenarios was varied for each driver, so as to avoid any influences that might result from the
repetition of the experimental conditions in the same order. The order of curves within a scenario remained unchanged. Consequently the same order could affect the speed (driver could slowly increase the speed on the last curves of the scenario).
However, it should be noted that such a potential effect (increase of speed) should occur both on the combined curve and the
correspondent reference curve. This is because both curves (the combined curve on the combined alignment, as well as the
reference curve on the reference alignment) are traveled on by the driver after he has traveled the same distance from the
start of the test on the combined alignment, as well as on the reference alignment. Therefore, considering that the speeds on
the combined curve and the correspondent reference curve were compared in relative terms, there is a reasonable guarantee
that the potential effect of the order of curves does not bias the results of the study.
2.4. Participants
Thirty-five drivers with regular European driving licenses were selected to perform the driving in the simulator. They
were chosen from students, faculty, staff of the University and volunteers from outside of the University according to the
following characteristics: no experience with the driving simulator, at least 4 years of driving experience and an average
annual driven distance on rural roads of at least 2500 km. The participants, male (66%) and female (34%), ranged from 23
to 62 years of age (average 26). From the analysis of the questionnaire filled in by the drivers at the end of the test, it emerged
that no participants experienced any discomfort condition. No participant therefore was excluded from the sample.
2.5. Data collection
The local speeds of each driver were recorded along the section formed by the last 200 m of the approach tangent and the
horizontal curve (approach clothoid, circular curve and departure clothoid). More specifically, for each combined curve and
for each reference curve, the following local speeds of each driver were analyzed:
speed (VT200) at the point (T200) on the approach tangent located 200 m from the beginning of the horizontal curve (Fig. 1)
speed (VCb) at the point (Cb) where the circular curve begins (Fig. 1).
Then the difference of speed (DVT–C) between VT200 and VCb was also obtained.
VT200 was analyzed in order to ascertain whether or not, driver’s speed at point T200, was unaffected by the type of the
successive curve, but depended solely, as per the literature (e.g. Bella, 2014b; Nie & Hassan, 2007; Polus, Fitzpatrick, &
Fambro, 2000), on the length of the approach tangent. It should be noted that the choice of this point is consistent with
the results of Fitzpatrick et al. (2000) who found that the speed along the approach tangent does not begin to drop until
at a point closer than 200 m to the point of curvature. Should it be confirmed, as expected, that VT200 does not depend on
the type of curve, the possible difference between the value of VCb on the combined curve and value of Vcb on the correspondent reference curve, shall exclusively depend on the conditioning induced by the type of curve.
VCb was analyzed to ascertain if the drivers’ speed behavior on the section of tangent-curve transition was affected by the
type of the curve (combined and reference), and whether or not such effects depended on the horizontal curve radius.
It should be noted that the longitudinal grade on the combined curves is quite small at point Cb, (approximately +1% for
sag combinations and 0.7% for crest combinations). These longitudinal grade values, although differing slightly from the
zero value on the reference curves, did not lead to any appreciable conditioning of drivers’ speeds.
Trends similar to those on the section between T200 and Cb were obtained on the section between T200 and the point where
the approach clothoid begins (at this point the longitudinal grade was zero also on the combined curves). This notwithstanding, the differences between the driver’s speed behavior on combined curves and on reference curves along the T200-beginning of the approach clothoid section, were far less obvious compared to those recorded on the T200–Cb section. The
underlying reason for this is the fact that at the beginning of the approach clothoid, the driver is far away and consequently
fails to have an adequate perception of the curve, which is such as to significantly condition his speed. It should also be noted
that the choice of considering the driver’s speed at the beginning of the circular curve is completely consistent with the study
conducted by Hassan and Sarhan (2012). These researchers, for the same reason pointed out above (better perception of the
combined curve), analyzed the driver’s speed behavior along the section between the approach tangent and the first 200 m
of the combined curve.
It should likewise be pointed out that the studied curves do not form a homogeneous sample in curve direction terms (see
Table 1). This variable might affect the driver’s speed on the curve. A statistical analysis was therefore performed in order to
evaluate if the driver’s speed behavior on the curve was affected by the curve direction. The speeds of each driver at midpoint
of the 6 reference curves were analyzed for this purpose. A two-way repeated measures ANOVA was performed; the dependent measure was the speed at the midpoint of the curve and the independent variables were radius (3 values) and curve
direction (right and left).
The two-way repeated measures ANOVA with a Greenhouse–Geisser correction determined that the mean speed at
midpoint of the curve differed statistically significant between radii (F(1.788,60.794) = 16.719, P = 0.000, partial Eta
squared = 0.330, observed power = 0.999), however the mean speed was not influenced by the curve direction
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F. Bella / Transportation Research Part F 24 (2014) 183–196
(F(1,34) = 2.371, P = 0.133, partial Eta squared = 0.065, observed power = 0.322). Neither was the interaction effect radius by
curve direction found (F(1.626,55.288) = 0.187, P = 0.785, partial Eta squared = 0.005, observed power = 0.075).
Consequently, as expected, the speed at midpoint of the curve was solely affected by the radius, but not by the curve
direction. This result, while not excluding the possibility that the driver’s speed behavior on the combined curves is influenced by the curve direction, provides reasonable guarantees as regards the high degree of reliability of the driver’s speed
behavior analyses, conducted independently of the curve direction of the horizontal curve. In addition, such a result is fully
consistent with the findings of Hassan and Sarhan (2012) who found that the curve direction has no effect on driver’s speed
behavior for crest combinations, sag combinations and horizontal curves.
3. Data analysis and results
In order to test the perception hypothesis for crest combinations and sag combinations, 2 MANOVAs were performed; the
first one was aimed to compare the driver’s speed behavior on crest combinations and corresponded reference curves; the
second test was aimed to compare the driver’s speed behavior on sag combinations and corresponded reference curves. More
specifically, two-way repeated MANOVA measures were carried out in order to investigate the main and the interaction
effects on the dependent measures VT200 and VCb due to the following independent variables (or factors):
Type of curve (two types: crest combination or sag combination, correspondent reference curve);
Radius of the horizontal curve (three radii, see Table 1) on which the length of the approach tangent also depends (it
increases with the radius, see Table 1).
It should be noted that for the analysis on VT200 the radius was used as a substitute factor for the length of the approach
tangent in order to perform the multivariate analysis of variance on the two depended measures with the same two factors
(type of curve and radius).
3.1. Crest combinations
Table 2 shows a summary of the mean values of the dependent measures (VT200 and VCb) and their standard deviations for
every combination of the 2 factors (type of curve and radius). The DVT–C values are also shown.
The MANOVA revealed a significant main effect for curve (F(2,33) = 8.497, P = 0.001, Wilk’s lambda = 0.660, partial Eta
squared = 0.340, observed power = 0.951) and for radius (F(4,134) = 5.01, P = 0.001, Wilk’s lambda = 0.757, partial Eta
Table 2
Descriptive statistics for crest combinations and correspondent reference curves.
Type of curve
Mean (km/h)
Std. deviation
Crest combination
R1 = 250 m
Crest combination
R2 = 437 m
Crest combination
R3 = 600 m
Reference Crest
R1 = 250 m
Reference Crest
R2 = 437 m
Reference Crest
R3 = 600 m
Table 3
Main effects for crest combinations.
Independent variable
Dependent variable
Partial Eta squared
Observed power
Type of curve
F(1,34) = 13.128
F(2,68) = 10.100
F(2,68) = 4.456
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squared = 0.130, observed power = 0.958). The interaction effect curve by radius was not found (F(4,134) = 0.964, P = 0.430,
Wilk’s lambda = 0.945, partial Eta squared = 0.028, observed power = 0.299).
Univariate statistics (Mauchly’s tests revealed that the assumption of sphericity was always ascertained) showed that
curve significantly affected the dependent measure VCb, while radius significantly affected the dependent measures VT200
and VCb (Table 3).
3.1.1. Speed at the point T200 on the approach tangent
Univariate tests determined that VT200 differed statistically significant between radii (F(2,68) = 10.100, P = 0.000, partial Eta
squared = 0.229, observed power = 0.982) but it was not affected by the type of curve (F(1,34) = 1.295, P = 0.263, partial Eta
squared = 0.037, observed power = 0.198). On the crest combinations, the mean value of VT200 was 115.5 km/h, while the
mean value on the reference curves was 117.6 km/h; the difference was not statistically significant (Fig. 3). The interaction
effect curve by radius was also not found (F(2,68) = 0.431, P = 0.652, partial Eta squared = 0.013, observed power = 0.117).
Post hoc tests using the Bonferroni correction revealed that the mean value of VT200 (111.5 km/h) on radius R1 (250 m)
was significantly less than that on radius R2 (437 m) (mean difference = 7.5 km/h; P = 0.004) and on radius R3 (600 m) (mean
difference = 7.6 km/h; P = 0.002). The mean value of VT200 (119.0 km/h) on radius R2 was not significantly different than that
(119.1 km/h) on radius R3 (mean difference = 0.1 km/h; P = 1.000).
Hence the speed at the point on the approach tangent located 200 m from the beginning of the horizontal curve was not
affected by the driver’s perception of the type of curve. VT200 depended exclusively on the radius of the horizontal curve, or
more correctly, in accordance with the literature (e.g. Bella, 2014b; Nie & Hassan,2007; Polus et al., 2000) by the length of the
approach tangent (that increases with the radius, see Table 1).
Having ascertained that VT200 is not affected by the driver’s perception of the type of curve, it is possible to affirm that the
potential difference between the value of VCb on the combined curve and that of Vcb on the correspondent reference curve
(they have the same length of approach tangent), depends entirely on the conditioning induced by the type of curve.
3.1.2. Speed at the beginning of the circular curve
Univariate tests revealed that VCb differed statistically significant between curves (F(1,34) = 13.128, P = 0.001, partial Eta
squared = 0.279, observed power = 0.941) and radii (F(2;68) = 4.456, P = 0.015, partial Eta squared = 0.116, observed
power = 0.747). The interaction effect curve by radius was not found (F(2,68) = 0.940, P = 0.396, partial Eta squared = 0.027,
observed power = 0.206).
The mean value of VCb on crest combinations (96.4 km/h) proved significantly less than that on reference curves
(105.1 km/h; mean difference = 8.7 km/h; P = 0.001) (Fig. 3).
Concerning the main effect for radius, post hoc analysis showed that the mean value of VCb (97.5 km/h) on curves with
radius R1 (250 m) was significantly less than the value (103.2 km/h) on curves with radius R3 (600 m) (mean difference = 5.7 km/h; P = 0.019). The mean value of VCb on curves with radius R1 was also less than the mean speed (101.6 km/
h) on curves with radius R2 (437 m) however the difference was not statistically significant (mean difference = 4.1 km/h;
P = 0.234). The difference between the mean values of VCb on curves with radius R2 and on curves with radius R3 was not
statistically significant (mean difference = 1.6 km/h; P = 0.960).
3.2. Sag combinations
Table 4 shows a summary of the mean values of the dependent measures (VT200 and VCb) and their standard deviations for
every combination of the 2 factors type of curve (sag combinations and correspondent reference curves) and radius. The
values of DVT–C are also shown.
Fig. 3. Effects of crest combinations and reference curves on the dependent measures VT200 and Vcb (the bounds of 95% confidence interval are also shown).
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Table 4
Descriptive statistics for sag combinations and correspondent reference curves.
Type of curve
Mean (km/h)
Std. deviation
Sag combination
R1 = 250 m
Sag combination
R2 = 437 m
Sag combination
R3 = 600 m
Reference sag
R1 = 250 m
Reference sag
R2 = 437 m
Reference sag
R3 = 600 m
The MANOVA revealed a significant main effect for radius (F(4,134) = 11.116, P = 0.000, Wilk’s lambda = 0.564, partial Eta
squared = 0.249, observed power = 1) but not for curve (F(2,33) = 0.818, P = 0.450, Wilk’s lambda = 0.953, partial Eta
squared = 0.047, observed power = 0.178). The interaction effect curve by radius was not found (F(4,134) = 1.030, P = 0.394
Wilk’s lambda = 0.941, partial Eta squared = 0.030, observed power = 0.318).
Univariate statistics showed that radius significantly affected the dependent measures VT200 and VCb (Table 5). The
assumption of sphericity was checked by means of the Mauchly’s test. In case this assumption was violated, the degrees
of freedom were adjusted by using the Greenhouse–Geisser correction factor.
3.2.1. Speed at the point T200 on the approach tangent
Univariate tests determined that VT200 differed statistically significant between radii (F(2,68) = 21.870, P = 0.000, partial Eta
squared = 0.391, observed power = 1) but it was not affected by the type of curve (F(1,34) = 1.651, P = 0.208, partial Eta
squared = 0.046, observed power = 0.239). For the sag combinations the mean value of VT200 was 112.6 km/h, while for
the reference curves it was 115.2 km/h; the difference was not statistically significant (Fig. 4). The interaction effect curve
by radius was also not found (F(1.504,51.128) = 0.00, P = 0.998, partial Eta squared = 0.000, observed power = 0.050).
Table 5
Main effects for sag combinations.
Independent variable
Dependent variable
Partial Eta squared
Observed power
F(2,68) = 21.870
F(2,68) = 19.051
Fig. 4. Effects (statistically not significant) of sag combinations and reference curves on the dependent measures VT200 and Vcb (the bounds of 95%
confidence interval are also shown).
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Post hoc tests using the Bonferroni correction revealed that the mean value of VT200 (104.0 km/h) on radius R1 (250 m)
was significantly less than that on radius R2 (437 m) (mean difference = 14.5 km/h; P = 0.000) and on radius R3 (600 m)
(mean difference = 15.2 km/h; P = 0.000).
The mean value of VT200 (118.5 km/h) on the curves with radius R2 was not significantly different than that (119.2 km/h)
on curves with radius R3 (mean difference = 0.7 km/h; P = 1.000).
These results on VT200 were similar to those obtained for crest combinations. Then also for sag combinations it is possible
to affirm that the potential difference between the value of VCb on the combined curve and that of Vcb on the correspondent
reference curve depends exclusively on the conditioning induced by the type of curve.
3.2.2. Speed at the beginning of the circular curve
Univariate tests showed that VCb differed statistically significant between radii (F(2,68) = 19.051, P = 0.000, partial Eta
squared = 0.359, observed power = 1). VCb did not differ between the curves (F(1,34) = 0.679, P = 0.416, partial Eta
squared = 0.020, observed power = 0.126). The mean value of VCb on the sag combinations was 102.4 km/h, while on
the correspondent reference curves it was 104.5 km/h; the difference was not statistically significant (Fig. 4). The interaction effect curve by radius was also not found (F(1.831,62.239) = 1.280, P = 0.283, partial Eta squared = 0.036, observed
power = 0.257).
Post hoc analysis revealed that the mean value of VCb (94.9 km/h) on curves with radius R1 was significantly less than the
value (108.4 km/h) on curves with radius R2 (mean difference = 13.5 km/h; P = 0.000) and it was also significantly less than
the value (107.1 km/h) on curves with radius R3 (mean difference = 12.2 km/h; P = 0.000). The difference between the mean
values of VCb on curves with radius R2 and on curves with radius R3 was not statistically significant (mean difference = 1.3 km/h; P = 1).
4. Discussion
It should be noted that the speeds on the reference curves and combined curves, although being fully consistent with
those obtained in previous studies carried out using driving simulators (Garcia et al., 2011; Hassan & Sarhan, 2012), are high
in comparison with those that are usually recorded for free vehicles on real two-lane rural roads. Nonetheless, they are not
excessively high compared to those recorded on tangents and curves (non-combined) of real two-lane rural roads in Italy
with characteristics that are similar to those of the alignments utilized in the present study (major two-lane rural roads, that
have been designed according the Italian guidelines) (e.g. Cafiso, 2000; Crisman, Marchionna, Perco, Robba, & Roberti, 2005;
Perco, 2008).
In accordance with that observed in a previous validation study of the CRISS driving simulator (Bella, 2008a), it is deemed
the very high length of approach tangents (up to 1400 m for the combined curves and reference curves with radius of 600 m)
combined with the low perception of risk in the driving simulator have led to the high speeds recorded. Long tangents lead
the drivers to adopt high speeds, both on the real road, as well as in driving simulators. Nevertheless, while on the real road
this tendency is kept in check by the feeling of risk which is perceived by the driver as increasing as the speed increases, in
the simulator this does not occur. Although for these configurations the absolute validity was not ascertained, the relative
validity of the CRISS driving simulator was proven (Bella, 2008a). It should be pointed out that in the present study, the tangent lengths have been designed to be very long (however, they are consistent with Italian road design guidelines for major
two-lane rural roads) in such a way that the driver approaching the combined curves (and the correspondent reference
curves) is not conditioned by the previous curves.
On the other hand for the purposes of this study, absolute validity is not essential and it is necessary only to have the
relative validity according to Tornos (1998), since the research is dealing with matters relating to the effects of independent
variables and is not aimed at determining absolute numerical measurements of the driver behavior. For these reasons,
although the speeds recorded at the driving simulator were high, sufficient guarantees are provided concerning the validity
of the methodological approach used in the present study.
4.1. Crest combinations
As far as the main effects of the type of curve are concerned, the statistical analyses demonstrated that (Fig. 3):
– VT200 on crest combinations (115.5 km/h) did not differ statistically significant from that on correspondent reference
curves (117.6 km/h);
– VCb on crest combinations (96.4 km/h) was significantly less than that on reference curves (105.1 km/h);
These results fully support the perception hypothesis on the crest combinations, according to which on such combined
curves, the horizontal radius is perceived by drivers as being shorter than it actually is.
Concerning the analysis of the driver’s speed behavior on combined curves and on flat horizontal curves, there are only
two studies in the literature (Garcia et al., 2011; Hassan & Sarhan, 2012). Both of these were carried out using driving simulators. The outcomes of the present study are compared with the findings of these studies. However it should be noted that
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the samples of curves that were studied by Hassan and Sarhan and by Garcia et al. are somewhat different from those utilized in this study.
In the study conducted by Hassan and Sarhan (2012), the combined curves had symmetrical tangential vertical grades
with values 2%, 3% and 4%. Consequently the approach tangent to the crest combination was always uphill, whereas the
approach tangent to the sag combination was always downhill. It should be noted that such vertical grades on the approach
tangent would influence the selection of the driver of speeds in such a way as to favor the perception hypothesis.
Likewise, the combined curves were not designed in accordance with suggestions aimed at obtaining the coordination of
horizontal alignments and profiles (the vertices of the horizontal curve and of the overlapping vertical curve should coincide
and their lengths should be of the same order of magnitude).
In the study conducted by Garcia et al. (2011) only crest combinations were examined and these too had symmetrical
tangential vertical grades (with values between 1% and 3%). In this case as well, the approach tangent to the crest combination was always uphill. Furthermore, the sample was fairly limited: all of the curves had a radius of 265 m and only 1 was
In consideration of all of this, it is interesting to observe that the results obtained in the present study are consistent with
the findings of Hassan and Sarhan (2012). Indeed, they compared the maximum speed reduction in the tangent–curve transition that was recorded on flat horizontal curves and on crest combinations, and support for the perception hypothesis was
found. The mean maximum speed reduction for crest combinations (24 km/h) was greater than the value (21 km/h) obtained
for horizontal curves. More specifically, Hassan and Sarhan (2012), found that the maximum speed reduction on crest combinations was always greater than that on the horizontal curves, for all the radii of curve. The difference had a maximum
value of 8 km/h for radius equal to 300 m, and a minimum value of 1 km/h for radius equal to 700 m. Nevertheless, the interaction between curve configurations and radius was not statistically significant.
A similar result was obtained in this study: the mean value of DVT–C on crest combinations (19.1 km/h) was higher than
that on reference curves (12.5 km/h). Additionally, the values of DVT–C on crest combinations were always greater than those
recorded on the correspondent reference curves: the difference ranged between 10.2 km/h for radius equal to 437 m and
2.7 km/h for radius of 600 m. Furthermore, in this study as well, no statistically significant interaction effects were found
between type of curve and radius on any of the two dependent measures (VT200, VCb). Accordingly, the effect of the type
of curve on the driver’s speed behavior does not change as a consequence of the level of the radius. This result probably
depends on the range of radii studied (250 m, 437 m and 600 m) that was similar to that utilized by Hassan and Sarhan (radii
ranged between 300 m and 700 m).
The results of the present study does not, on the contrary, support the outcome of the study by Garcia et al. (2011). They
found that the driver perception hypothesis was not confirmed, because the operating speeds did not significantly vary
across studied curves (flat or crest combinations). The authors recognized that the main reason for this unexpected result
was the limited range of geometric configurations of the curves.
The additional main effects (induced by the factor radius) obtained in the present study, were expected. They demonstrate that the driver tends to adopt higher speeds on the less demanding geometric elements, and in particular they confirm
– VCb increases with the radius (large literature, e.g. TRB, 2011).
– VT200 increases with the length of the approach tangent (the length of the approach tangent was designed to be increasing
with the radius) (e.g. Bella, 2014b; Nie and Hassan,2007; Polus et al., 2000).
It is worth noting that the approach tangents of the curves with radius R2 (437 m) and R3 (600 m) are very long (1200 m
and 1400 m, respectively) and they give rise to the same mean value of VT200 (about 119 km/h). This result is not in contradiction with the expected effect, however it correctly underscores the fact that once the speed on tangent has reached a high
value (in this study it was 119 km/h), does not further increase with the length of the tangent.
4.2. Sag combinations
The statistical analyses showed no significant main effects induced by the type of curve (Fig. 4):
– VT200 on sag combinations (112.6 km/h) did not differ statistically significant from that on correspondent reference curves
(115.2 km/h);
– VCb on sag combinations (102.4 km/h) did not differ statistically significant from that on correspondent reference curves
(104.5 km/h).
Such results point to the same driver’s speed behavior on the sag combinations and on the reference curves. These results
do not therefore support the perception hypothesis on sag combinations, according to which on these combined curves the
horizontal radius is perceived by the driver as being greater than it actually is.
These results are in line with the findings of Hassan and Sarhan (2012). These researchers found that the sag
combinations had lower values of maximum speed reduction in the tangent–curve transition than those recorded on the flat
horizontal curves. However these differences were small, indicating slight differences in drivers’ responses on sag
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combinations and on flat horizontal curves. More specifically the difference was zero for radii of 400 m, only 1 km/h for radii
of 500 m and 700 m, 6 km/h for radius of 300 m and 10 km/h for radius of 600 m.
It is likewise interesting to note that these authors did not uncover any clear effect of the sag combinations for different
values of the algebraic difference of vertical grades. As a matter of fact, they found that the difference between the maximum
speed reduction on sag combination and that on flat horizontal curve started at a small value (1 km/h) for an algebraic difference of vertical grades equal to 4%, and reverses direction with the greater values of algebraic difference of vertical grades:
for 6% the difference was 2 km/h and for 8% the difference was 7 km/h. Such negative values indicate a greater speed
reduction on the sag combinations. It should be noted that this result is not consistent with the perception hypothesis on
the sag combinations.
Similarly to that which was obtained for the crest combinations, no interaction effects between the type of curve and
radius were found. Concerning the main effects induced by the factor radius, they were similar to those obtained for crest
combinations and were expected. More specifically it was confirmed that:
– VCb increases with the radius;
– VT200 increases with the length of the approach tangent (it was designed to be increasing with the radius).
It is worth noting that the mean values of VT200 on sag combinations and correspondent reference curves with radius R2
(437 m) and R3 (600 m) were equal to those obtained on the approach tangents of crest combinations and correspondent
reference curves with same radii (about 119 km/h). This result confirms that once the speed on tangent has reached a
high value (in this study it was 119 km/h), it does not further increase with the length of the tangent.
As reported in Section 2.3 Procedure, the order of curves within the two scenarios (reference alignment and combined
alignment) was unchanged. Then, the sequence of the curves was for all participants the same. This could have slightly
affected the driver’s speed behavior and could have biased the results of the study when the factor radius of the curve
was taken into account.
However, the mean values of VT200 on crest combinations and correspondent reference curves as well as on sag combinations and correspondent reference curves with similar very long approach tangent (R2 and R3) were the same (about
119 km/h), although the tangent–curve transitions were located at different sections along the alignments. This result seems
to show that the driver’s speed behavior was solely affected by geometric features of the tangent–curve transitions but not
by the order of presentation of the curves. Therefore, it provides reasonable guarantees that the results, which were obtained
taking the factor radius of curve into account, were not significantly affected by the lack of a fully randomization of the order
of the curves.
5. Conclusions
The experimentation at the interactive CRISS driving simulator was carried out in order to test whether the driver’s speed
behavior on the horizontal curves was influenced by the overlapping vertical curves, which had been designed according to
the Italian road design guidelines for the coordination of horizontal alignment and profile, and allows the following main
conclusions to be drawn.
The perception hypothesis on the crest combinations, according to which, on such combined curve, the horizontal radius
is perceived by drivers as being shorter than it actually is, is fully supported by the results of the statistical analyses on the
driver’s speed behavior on crest combinations and reference curves.
On the sag combinations, on the contrary, the driver’s speed behavior did not differ in a statistically significant manner
from that on the reference curves. Consequently, this finding does not support the perception hypothesis on the sag combinations, according to which, on such combined curves, the horizontal radius is perceived by the driver as being greater than
it actually is.
It was moreover discovered that the effects of the combined curves on the driver’s speed behavior do not change as a
consequence of the level of the radius.
It should be noted that these results suggest the inadequacy, and in particular on the sag combinations where the perception hypothesis was not confirmed, of the use of the perceived horizontal radius of the combined curves as an independent variable to estimate operating speeds. More precisely, the operating speed on the combined curves should be estimated
through predicting models that are based on those speeds actually adopted by drivers on the combined curves.
Considering that the combined curves were designed in accordance with the suggestions of the Italian road design guidelines for the coordination of horizontal alignment and profile, the obtained results (the crest combinations incite the driver to
lower speeds while the sag combinations do not incite the driver to higher speeds compared to those on reference curves, as
on the contrary are to be expected in accordance with the perception hypothesis), would appear to confirm the effectiveness
of such suggestions. It should be noted that such suggestions, which are shared in the guidelines of several Countries (e.g.
Spain, USA), come from studies based on the perspective rendering of the road and consequently are not based on the analysis of the driver’s speed behavior induced by the driver’s perception of the road while driving. Interactive driving simulators
are deemed to be efficient instruments for studying driver behavior induced by the road configurations. Consequently the
findings of the present driving simulator study are considered to have furnished an additional and even more reliable validation of the guideline indications for the coordination of the combined curves.
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Finally, it must be pointed out that the findings of this study are valid only as regards the configurations of combined
curves which have been studied. For the longitudinal grade of the departure tangents only the values of 3% for crest combinations and of +4% for sag combination were used. For the radius of the horizontal curves only three values, although these
are the most commonly utilized on the major two-lane rural roads, were considered.
Further research should be aimed at enlarging the sample of combined curves in terms of the longitudinal grade of the
departure tangent and horizontal radius, in particular of small values of the radius. Moreover, for the purpose of a more
extensive analysis of the effects induced by the combined curves, focused experiments to study the driver’s speed behavior,
including in terms of lateral placements are recommended.
The research has been developed with the financial support of the Italian Ministry for University and Scientific Research.
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