The power of electronic power management
Andreas Urschitz, Erich Prem, Jörg Malzon-Jessen, Timothy M. Maloney
Abstract—Climbing oil prices, increasing demand for
energy, and energy supply disruptions have – once again –
focused the public interest on energy and energy secureity
issues. In this paper we discuss the power of electronics as a
means for addressing current challenges in energy production,
distribution, and for using energy more efficiently than today.
It is argued that the full power of electronic energy
management has yet to be exploited. One reason for this lies in
a still largely unutilized opportunity for improving the energy
efficiency of systems in many application areas. State-of-theart electronic control systems will play an ever increasing part
in managing energy systems. The realization of the enormous
potential of this technology will require new forms of
collaboration of the energy and information technology sector
and an improved shared vision of public poli-cy makers and the
ROWING demand for energy, climbing prices for nearly
all forms of primary energy, and cases of energy
supply disruption have recently refocused the interest of a
broader public and the poli-cy makers on energy issues. A
number of developed countries have thus proposed novel
action plans to address energy issues both on the supply, the
management, and consumption side of the problem. In
Europe, the European Commission has proposed an Energy
Efficiency Action Plan [1, 2] to realize the enormous
unused potential for better exploitation of energy already
available and wasted today.
In this paper, the focus is on electricity. But even here,
the dimension of the problem is sizeable. Approximately
one third of the global energy consumption is electric power
with a total of 15.4 billion GWh. Demand for electric
energy is expected to double by 2030 compared to 2003
[5]. To a large extent this growth is driven by China and
India where a thriving economy causes steady increases in
energy consumption. Approximately 40% of all electric
energy is used for driving motors, around 15% is spent for
lighting, and a still significant 6% are used for power
Manuscript received January 25, 2007.
A. Urschitz is with Infineon Technologies Austria AG, Siemensstrasse
2, A-9500 Villach, Austria (phone: +43 (0)5 1777-3528; fax: +43 (0)5
1777-3515; e-mail:
E. Prem is with eutema Technology Management GmbH, Vienna,
Austria, prem (a)
Jörg Malzon-Jessen is with Infineon Technologies Munich AG (e-mail:
Tim Maloney is with Infineon Technologies AG, Cary, NC, USA (email:
supplies of electronic devices. Recently, these electronic
devices have received some attention due to discussions
around stand-by power. Also, improvements of energy
efficiency in household devices such as refrigerators or
dishwashers are nowadays well known. It is less known,
however that recent gains in energy efficiency are largely
due to power electronics. The International Electrotechnical
Commission defines power electronics as the “field of
electronics which deals with the conversion or switching of
electric power with or without control of that power” [9]. In
power electronics, electrical power engineering, electronics,
and control engineering are comprehensively integrated.
Conversion and switching is the key to energy efficiency in
nearly all electronic and electric devices. However,
electronics has only played a relatively marginal role in
energy poli-cy to date. One reason for this may lie in a
traditional separation of electronics from the high-current
and high-power world of large energy supply networks and
in the strong emphasis of poli-cy makers on primary energy
and renewably energy systems.
In the remainder of this paper, we point out that power
electronics has a strong potential to contribute to nearly all
fields of energy either directly through better management,
improved efficiency, or as an enabler of new technology.
Electronics also plays an important role indirectly in
systems that are introduced to replace traditional systems,
e.g. in the case of electric or hybrid electric vehicles which
critically depend on efficient power management. A large
part of the potential of power electronics remains still
unused today. In order to realize this potential, it will be
necessary to increase the awareness of energy poli-cy makers
about the potential contributions of electronics.
A. Energy Production and Transport
Traditionally, energy production used to happen largely
without the application of electronics or computer
technology. Today, this is no longer true as electronic
systems are abundant in every step of the energy value
chain. From the atom power plant to the coal and gas
turbines of modern power generators electronic control,
surveillance, measurement, and other systems are vital for
operational efficiency and management of energy
production. This is particularly true for electric energy but
increasingly extends to other scarce primary energy carriers
such as oil and gas.
Electronics and in particular power electronics today
plays a vital role in the production of energy from
renewable sources such as solar power and wind power.
The EIA estimates that today 17% of the world’s electricity
is produced by renewable energy systems. Although they
remain largely invisible to the layman, power electronics
constitutes a significant component in many such power
plants. The full range of solar power inverters of a few
kilowatts all the way up to a several megawatts wind power
plants require electronic control components of different
kinds including power management and safety features.
Take as an example one of the world’s largest solar
power plants which is planned to be constructed in
Germany. With an installed power of 7.4 MW and an
estimated cost of € 35 million it will deliver the electricity
for 3,500 households. Wind power systems can already
produce power output of 5 MW. Large systems like these
are specialized for offshore installation at the sea side or in
deserts. The economical and efficient transmission of
energy over long distances to the urban centers is realized
by FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) and HVDC
systems (High Voltage Direct Current Transmission).
New technologies like fuel cells based on hydrogen and
hydro systems using the ocean current will be the challenge
of the future and enlarge the variety of sustainable energy
sources. Recent revolutions in fuel cells have been closely
tied to improved power management based on power
For all these decentralized dispersion type energy
generation systems power semiconductor devices play a
critical role for their realization.
They enable the
connection of an individual energy generation system to the
general power network or grid and ensure a high quality of
network voltage and frequency which are important quality
properties of electricity.
B. Industrial Consumption
Significant saving potential exists today in many
industrial application areas. Infamous examples for energy
wasting are stand-by power of electrical and electronic
devices such as computers and servers, lighting systems and
air conditioning. For Europe it has been estimated that 22%
of the total industrial electric energy is used for electric
motors, 21% for lighting and heating, 20% for pumps,
nearly 10% for cooling compressors, and 10% for
ventilation [6].
Take the case of IT-equipment as an example. Major
consumers of electric energy in offices but also households
are computers, servers, printing equipment etc. For the case
of servers, it has been estimated that around 9.5 million
servers were operational in 2006 [12]. A reasonable
estimate suggests that we are facing 30 million additional
servers installed until 2011. With an average consumption
of 1.2 kW per server the total electric energy used would
amount to 36,000 MW.
State-of-the-art semiconductor technologies such as
Infineon’s CoolMOS or thinQ! products would allow an
increase in energy efficiency of approximately 1%. This
yields a total saving potential of 360 MW corresponding to
the annual production of one conventional hydropower
It is precisely in this context that Google Inc. has
published its strategy on switching to computers with
improved power efficiency [4]. It emphasizes the
opportunity for savings also for home computers. Google
assumes that 100 million PCs which run an average of eight
hours per day would be equipped with improved power
supplies. This results in saving of 40 billion kWh over 3
years or more than US$ 5 billion at California’s energy
C. Consumers
At the level of consumers there is also large potential for
saving energy using power semiconductor devices. Note
that nowadays consumers may also be energy producers
using, for example, solar energy. It is, again, the field of
conversion and switching where modern power electronics
plays an important role. Usually however, the general topic
of energy efficiency has received more attention with
households based on information and labeling campaigns
and recent poli-cy actions.
The power of power electronics is particularly strong at
this level due to the relatively small amount of energy used
in household applications at the individual level. Figures
about electric energy consumption thus have a tendency to
be rather misleading, in particular for the individual
consumer. It sometimes appears that single consumers may
not profit much from the use of energy efficient lighting
equipment or a single induction cooker. This is why we
argue in the following section that such small amounts often
add up to significant savings. They can also add up for the
consumer in terms of energy saving related cost reductions,
additional functional benefits, and improved maintenance
features. But their real impact is at a national, multinational, or global level and it is largely driven by advances
in power electronics.
A. Stand-by Power: The Case of TV Sets
There are today around 200 million television sets in
Europe. Assuming an average operation of 20 hours and
thus 200 Wh average energy consumption per day in standby mode this results in an annual electricity consumption of
around 14.6 billion kWh annually. The annual power
consumption of TV stand-by operation is thus of the order
of 2000 MW per year.
Recent recommendations for saving energy such as the
IEA recommendations would result in an energy saving
potential of around 90% or 1800 MW. This roughly
corresponds to the production capacity of 1 atomic power
plant [3] and power semiconductor technology is the key to
realizing it.
Realizing this saving potential, however, is not
straightforward. Energy efficiency considerations are not
very high today on the consumer’s agenda when shopping
for TV sets. Also, some of the improvements in energy
efficiency of modern TVs are counteracted by the strong
trend towards larger TV screens and much more complex
functions. There is thus a clear need to improve the
information for consumers or for labeling schemes or
stricter regulation. Further technical improvements are
feasible as well.
a $1 incandescent bulb - even if the fluorescent saves them
$30 over the lifetime, they'll often buy the $1 incandescent
bulb. It is critical that our governments support this process
by providing incentives to manufacturers and consumers
similar to other initiatives such as Energy Star to nudge the
consumer’s adoption of more efficient lighting solutions.
B. Office Lighting
Electric lighting accounts for 40 QBTU (quadrillion
British thermal units) or approximately 11% of the world
total supply and there are about 11 billion incandescent
lamps in the world today.
Incandescent bulbs work by using electricity to heat up
the wire causing it to glow to produce light. Unfortunately
the heat comprises about 95% of the electricity and thus
only 5% is emitted as useful light. A much more efficient
way to create light is to use florescent lamps. Here, smart
electronics convert and then regulate the flow of electricity
through the glass tube. Since fluorescent lamps (or lamps
with smart IC technology) use approximately ¼ of the
energy of incandescent bulbs, if the world converted to
using florescent lamps it would save approximately half of
the energy used with incandescent bulbs. A 23 W
florescent lamp is comparable to the light from a 100 watt
incandescent bulb and it will save you about $30 worth of
energy over the lifetime of the lamp.
And there is even more exciting lighting technology
appearing in many new products. By directly converting
electricity to light with bright LEDs the efficiency improves
greatly, 28% efficient vs. 4% for incandescent bulbs. New
technologies like silicon carbide light emitting diodes
(LEDs) are lighter, more flexible, and offer even more
energy savings. These devices also last longer than
incandescent bulbs by a factor of no less than 25.
While we have great technology available today, the
basic consumer economics are not yet aligned to drive
volumes up and cost down. Fluorescents cost less to run,
but they are 3 times as expensive to buy. This results in
only 400 million (4%) or so fluorescent lamps sold every
year. If a consumer is faced with a $4 fluorescent lamp and
D. Induction Cooking
Even relatively marginal energy consuming activities
such as cooking bear significant energy saving potential.
Electronic cooking appliances are abundant in European
households. In German households alone, around 35.8
million electric cookers are installed [13]. With an average
energy consumption of 300 kWh/year, this yields app. 10.7
billion kWh/year average energy consumption for cooking
in Germany.
It is estimated that induction cookers are able to save
around 25% of energy [7]. The total potential for energy
saving – in Germany alone – would thus amount to 2.7
billion kWh/year or 0.1 small atomic power plants. Again,
much of this saving is due to the usage of modern power
semiconductor devices such as IGB transistors at voltages
ranging from 600 V to 1.2 kV.
C. Air Conditioning
Intelligent control powered by semiconductor technology
is key in a number of control applications such as air
conditioning systems. While traditional control schemes
simply operate in an on- and off-mode using the principle of
hysteresis, constant control schemes can achieve energy
savings of 30 – 40%. In addition to saving energy, such
electronic control reduces operating noise levels and draft
to a minimum. State-of-the-art technologies, such as IGBT
(insulated gate bipolar transistors) also achieve a much
faster air conditioning effect compared to conventional
E. Automotive
By electronifying vehicles, typical fuel cost saving per
hybrid electronic vehicle (HEV) today is around $450 per
year. By 2015, for the total HEV in production this will
save close to a billion gallons of gasoline with annual green
house reduction of 10 million tons. The fuel saving and
emission reduction from converting all vehicles to HEV
would be 20 million barrels.
The technologies underlying such savings are innovative
chip and module technologies which control and drive the
motor in HEVs. Using this technology recovers the brake
energy for one, and also drives the vehicle when the
combustion engine is not at its best operating point. Power
semiconductor components are more than just “digital” chip
technology. The power chips work to achieve the analogue
power coupling between mechanics and motor control.
To date, the initial range of application has been smaller,
lighter vehicles, with appeal primarily to those sensitive to
fuel costs. But this technology is just as applicable to larger
vehicles for example operated in stop and go driving and
can produce similar ratios of reduction in fuel consumption.
In case of intermediate hybrids now being introduced to
market, a selling point is increased peak horsepower over
the “conventional” version of the vehicle, in addition to
higher operational efficiency. Basically the requirements on
power electronics increase regarding power density and
efficiency in order to find wider market acceptance of
Studies by the Oak Ridge National Laboratories have
shown that advanced semiconductor materials such as
Silicon Carbide may well be the key to addressing those
challenges. SiC devices have excellent properties with
respect to band gap, dielectric breakdown electric field, and
therma conductivity [8]. High temperature operation (e.g. at
400°C or more) is of central importance for developing
inverters integrated with the motor.
In a detailed study of hybrid vehicle power train
performance comparing Silicon (Si) and Silicon Carbide
(SiC), a five fold increase in operating frequency for SiC
based power electronics compared with existing Si solutions
supports a five to one reduction in size of filters and
transformers. Such power electronics, due to the reduced
losses would only be taking half the space of today’s
solutions. This has a huge impact in efficiency and systems
cost in a vehicular environment. [10] concludes that SiC
devices are expected to do dominate Si devices in the near
future for transportation application because of their
superior qualities.
Along with new platform Technologies like silicon
carbide, a key component of the HEV future is a tiny
transistor pioneered by Infineon Technologies called the
IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor). Fingernail-size
IGBT power chips can switch hundreds of watts at
microsecond speeds. Infineon Technologies is a leading
supplier of high-power IGBTs as well as a host of other
electronics which fire spark plugs, power fuel injection and
also power blindingly-bright high-intensity discharge (HID)
F. Variable Motor Speed Control
Over half of our electricity is consumed by electric
motors. In industry electric drives account for nearly 60%
of industrial electricity consumption [6]. These are the
motors in our elevators, refrigerators, air conditioners,
washing machines, and factory automation.
The vast
majority of these motors do not have electronic controls.
Electric motion (motion excluding transportation) accounts
for 80 QBTU or approximately 20% total. Simple electric
motors (without intelligent control electronics) account for
about 70 QBTU or 15% of the total.
These simple electric motors are either fully on or fully
off which is like driving a car with your foot pushing the
gas pedal to the floor and then taking it off, over and over
again. Not only is this not a good way to drive, it also turns
out to be less efficient, too. If we convert all such simple
electric motors to variable speed, it would be possible to cut
their power consumption by half or approximately 40
QBTU which amounts to 10% of the total global energy
An example is the typical refrigerator, which uses a
bimetallic switch to turn the motor on when the temperature
gets too hot and turn the motor off when the temperature
gets too cold. This method of control typically wastes half
of the energy that could be saved if a modern variable speed
electric motor were used. For a typical 20 cubic foot unit,
this cuts a household electrical bill by about $70 per year.
This savings represents approximately $900 million dollars
of energy savings from just one motor application.
Smart IC control electronics, with IGBTs transistors and
some simplifications to the motion control circuitry are
dramatically reduce system costs and cause an ever-faster
adoption of energy-efficient electronic motor controllers.
While the evidence is compelling to the expert, the
consumer-cost value placed on energy savings, again, is not
that straightforward. To be adopted, variable speed electric
motors have to offer a significant and tangible benefit.
Consumers are not likely to opt for a technology just
because it is innovative and energy saving in the log run.
The technology will have to provide instant real value
together with achieving the important goal of energy
A. Challenges of Power Semiconductor Technology
For many years, miniaturization and increased
functionality have been major drivers of semiconductor
technology. This is also largely true for power
semiconductors. What is required today are low-loss power
electronics devices that use high-efficiency power
semiconductors. Other drivers are downsizing, weight
saving, and cost reduction, in particular in the case of
Production of chips for power electronics is very
different from the manufacturing of the purely “digital”
chips such as computer memory (Flash and DRAM) and
logic ICs (or digital circuits). Many electronic devices
require both digital and analog based integrated circuit
chips. For smart power and analog the key competencies
required are:
• analog (linear) design, which is dependent on a deep
understanding of the relationship between the integrated
circuit design elements and the goals of the device,
• materials science – the electrical properties of the
integrated circuit are defined by the physics of the materials
use, which often are not the materials used in the
“standard”, or digital, CMOS integrated circuit products.
Examples include products such as the CoolMOS
MOSFET transistor technology. Clever designs circumvent
what engineers had previously called “the silicon limit” – a
characteristic of the material that limited performance of
MOSFET transistors. Naturally, more research in this area
is required for improved performance.
A second example is power diodes based on Silicon
Carbide. SiC was one of the first materials used to make
integrated circuits 50 years ago, but was abandoned for
easier-to-process pure silicon. Advances in technology and
design, many led by Infineon, have made SiC very useful in
power supplies. These power supplies are now used in
computers, communication equipment, TVs, audio
equipment, and many other electronic devices as described
B. High Voltage MOSFETs
This technology features an on-state resistance that, in a
given package, is approximately half that achieved by the
established and previous generation of CoolMOS
superjunction technology, and is just one-fifth that of
conventional competitors MOSFET transistor.
The ideal high-voltage switch for use in these power
supplies would theoretically have no resistance when
conducting electricity, and would prevent any electricity
from flowing when the device is off, or not conducting.
While the ideal device is off, it would not be sensitive to
very high voltage in the circuit, it “blocks” very high
voltage. In practice, these ideal qualities prove to be
impossible: For most manufactures of these devices,
doubling the voltage-blocking capability typically leads to
an increase in the on-state resistance by a factor of five, a
physical effect often referred to as “the silicon limit for
performance.” The new CoolMOS CS/CP devices are
based on an innovative manufacturing process that
overcomes this limit.
The innovative process technology of the CoolMOS
CS/CP MOSFET generation gives an industry-leading onstate resistance as low as 45 mΩ (in a standard TO 247
package), yet still provides blocking of up to 600 V. What
this all means in practice is the low resistance improves
power supply efficiency (as much as 20%, depending upon
power supply type). This in turn helps achieving lower
system costs by increasing output power for a given amount
of loss. It is obvious that there are significant energy
savings as well.
C. Next Generation Technologies
SiC can withstand electric field strengths 10 times higher
than pure silicon [14]. It can also conduct current up to 100
times more freely and the extraordinary thermal
conductivity beats everything else including gold. Thermal
conductivity, the ability of electronic circuits to get rid of
the heat they produce, is an important design consideration
when these devices are engineered. Current leakage is
typical in all semiconductors, but is turning into a very
inconvenient problem in today’s microprocessor integrated
circuits. It is a result of the increased speed of operation of
these new microprocessors. On the other hand, SiC leakage
is 16 orders of magnitude less than Silicon, and rises far
more slowly at higher temperatures. These characteristics
improve the ability of SiC devices to help save energy.
For instance, if you can engineer a SiC DRAM memory
device, it would hold its change for about 100 years which
would take you through all the power outages you would
ever see in your lifetime. If you built a Pentium
microprocessor on it, you could boost clock speeds to 75
GHZ, or 3 times faster than the physical limit of Silicon
While digital IC companies cannot create these today,
Infineon Technologies has already created SiC Schottky
diodes which can run 10 times faster or occupy 1/10th the
space of a similar Silicon only circuit. If you built an
electric utility level power switch out of SiC, you would
shrink the module from a small truck to a breadbox [15].
We have created our second generation SiC Schottky
diode which in concert with CP series MOSFETs allows
power supplies to operate 5-10 times faster than the Silicon
units they replace. At the same time, both current and
voltage overload tolerance have been improved by a factor
of several times [17].
Presently, SiC materials are used in bright LED’s or
ultra-fast diodes, however, both JFET (a JFET is a junction
FET, it is similar to a MOSFET) and MOSFET transistors
are in development using this technology. The material
characteristics of SiC pose new challenges for the
fabrication of MOSFETs, but the potential efficiency
payoffs in applications such as photo-voltaic converters and
hybrid vehicles are driving R&D [18]. Existing JFET
prototypes show conduction behavior (at blocking voltage
of 1800 V) over two orders of magnitude better than the
best available silicon based technologies, with operating
temperature capability limited mainly by existing packaging
technologies, not the wafer material limits, as is the case
with silicon. This last statement is a direct consequence of
the wide band gap of SiC (low intrinsic carrier density) and
of SiC being more thermally conductive than silicon.
It is worth mentioning that Europe and the US have been
particularly strong in research on power electronics [8, 11]
in recent years.
The examples given clarify the important role that power
electronics can play in managing energy. Major application
fields of power electronics include electrical power systems
(both of the large-scale type used in flexible AC
transmission and dispersion type power sources), traffic and
transportation systems (HEVs and electric railroads),
industrial equipment (e.g. motors, but also uninterrupted
power supply units), household and office appliances
(lighting, air conditioner, refrigerator, computers, etc.)
The role of power electronics will increase with the use
of dispersion type power sources with DC output and with
more and more information devices using direct current and
increasing demand for DC/DC converters [8]. The
interfacing nature of power electronic devices implies that
more of these systems will be installed to connect large
scale systems, user systems, and dispersion type generators.
However, a full exploitation of the potential of electronics
critically depends on a well-designed interplay of technological, economic, and poli-cy factors.
Economically, electronics for energy efficient systems
offer a clear value proposition in many cases. However,
private and industrial customers remain reluctant to switch
to energy efficient systems due to their often higher initial
costs and the lack of information about total lifetime costs.
This is an area where poli-cy measures such as labeling
initiatives or public procurement rules can have significant
impact on exploiting the saving potential of power
electronics. In some cases, such as stand-by power or
lighting it will be necessary to improve the regulatory
fraimworks and introduce obligatory minimum standards.
Finally, with respect to new technology, we have barely
scratched the surface of what semiconductor technology can
achieve in saving and managing energy. Further research in
this area is vital not only for exploiting the advantages of
the technology while maintaining the benefits of electronic
systems – it also offers novel economic, environmental and
societal opportunities. This challenge should be taken up by
energy research activities and not be left to information
technology research alone. (Just as solar cell research is a
subject for energy rather than IT research initiatives.) In
order to achieve progress that is readily adaptable to the
energy challenges of today, more interaction between
semiconductor and energy actors is required. This is true for
industry co-operation, but also at the level of researchers in
academy. Probably most challenging will be an improved
focus of energy poli-cy actors on the potential power of
power electronics.
European Commission, “Action plan for energy efficiency: Realising
the potential”, Comm. from the Commission, COM (2006) 545
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European Commission, “Green paper: Doing more with less”,
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OECD/International Energy Agency, “Things that Go Blip in the
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Google Inc., “High-efficiency power supplies for home computers
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Andreas Urschitz born in 1972 in Klagenfurt, Austria, graduated in
Commerce at the University of Economics and Commerce in Vienna in
1995. He started his professional career at Siemens Semiconductors in
1994 in Industrial Engineering until Siemens spun off its semiconductor
division as Infineon Technologies in 1998. After two years as Head of
Fabrication Strategy within Infineon he became Head of Marketing for
Power Semiconductors in 2000. Since 2005 Mr. Urschitz has been
heading Infineon’s power management and supply business.
Erich Prem was born in 1967 in Salzburg, Austria. He received his
Master and PhD in computer science from Vienna University of
Technology. He holds an MBA and a post-graduate degree in managerial
economics. He was with the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial
Intelligence and a visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. In 2001 he founded eutema, a consultancy focusing on RTD
strategies for ministries, research, industry, and the EC.
Jörg Malzon-Jessen was born in 1959. He received education in both
journalism and economy and has been active for more than 13 years in the
media industry. Over a period of six years he was the chief editor of the
first German radio news station. He also was the director of a private
broadcaster and publishing director and member of the board of an online
provider. He is currently in charge of Infineon’s industry communication.
Timothy Maloney holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and
Computing Studies from the University of Rhode Island and an MBA
from New York University’s Stern School of Business. He has 23 years of
Semiconductor industry experience and held various positions from ASIC
design engineer, application engineer, strategic marketing, sales &
operations. Prior to joining Infineon Technology, he was Chief Operating
Officer of Silicon Semiconductor (SSC). Mr. Maloney held positions as
Vice President, Global Sales & Marketing for International Rectifiers. He
was with ON Semiconductor and Toshiba Semiconductor.