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How Śāktism Began

Handout for my paper at the 17th World Sanskrit COnference, Vancouver, 13th July 2018

How Śāktism Began Judit Törzsök 17th World Sanskrit Conference, Vancouver, July 13th, 2018 1 From the Atimārga to Śākta Scriptures 1.1 Observances borrowed and adapted from the Atimārga E.g. a vidyāvrata called pāśupatavrata in the Siddhayogeśvarı̄mata (SYM) 10.1415: ekavāso hy avāso vā maunı̄ mantravibaddhadhı̄[h.] vicared grāmarathyāsu tathā hy āyatanes.u ca // cared vrata[m . ] mahogram . vai sthito vā (?vam . śa?) caṅkrama[n] / etat pāśupatam . nāma sadyah.siddhipradāyakam Cf. Pāśupatasūtras 1.10-11: ekavāsāh. / avāsā vā. The unmattakavrata and the mahāvrata in the Brahmayāmala (BY), chapters 21 and 45, see Kiss 2015. 1.2 The Śākta transformation of the Lākula cosmography For the Lākula universe as a precursor of the Śaiva one, see Sanderson 2006. Lākula scripture cited by Ks.emarāja ad Svacchanda 1.43. Three kinds of Rudras: Aghora, Ghora and Ghoraghoratara. Śaktis performing the five divine functions are attached to them. SYM 2.24-30 Three kinds of Śaktis: Aghorā, Ghorā and Ghoraghoratarā perform the divine functions. Rudras are associated with them. (Törzsök 2016) 1.3 Kāpālika pantheon and rites of magic On kāpālika elements in the BY, see Sanderson 1989, 2009, Hatley 2007, Törzsök 2011 and Kiss 2015. 2 Initiation in early Śaivism and Śāktism: the life-cycle rites Niśvāsa Mūlasūtra (NM) 4.9-13: garbhādhānam . punsavanam . sı̄māntañ jātakarma ca/ nis.krā tathā nāmam prāśanam cūd am eva ca// . . . mekhalājinavāsām si pavitram dan d adhāran am/ sandhyājāpañ ca homañ . . .. . ca tripun.d.ram cābhivādanam// vyomavyāpı̄ pitā mahyam vāgeśı̄ jananı̄ . . mama/ sadyotātah. kumāro ’ham agnistham abhivādayet// abhivādya gurum . 1 2 hy evam . vratan tyaktvā tu snāpayet / snātvā codvāhayed bhāryām . jñānasiddhikumārikām// tayā saha yajed yajñām . pākādyām . āsahasrikām/ tāpasyam . ca parivrājyam . śodhanam . . tathā// See also: Sarvajñānottara 10.39cd ff. Svāyambhuvasūtrasam . graha 13.14ff. (draft editions Dominic Goodall). Later: extraction of the initiand’s caste. No life-cycle rites for the initiate in early Śākta scriptures (only for the fire in the BY). 3 Initiation in early Śaivism and Śāktism: the purification of levels Both the NM and the SYM first describe basic initiation (vidyādı̄ks.ā/dı̄ks.ā) ending with the cutting of the bonds (NM 4, SYM 7), then the levels to be purified (NM muktidı̄ks.ā ch. 5, SYM dı̄ks.ayā niyatam . ch. 8). What the NM calls muktidı̄ks.ā is simply part of the dı̄ks.ā in the SYM, the descriptions run parallel. 3.1 The early list of levels: tattvas placed in the bhuvanas NM: Kālāgni, Narakas, 7 -tālas, 7 lokas (bhūr etc.), Brahma-, Vis.n.u-, Śivapura, Brahmān.d.a, Śatarudra, Pañcās.t.aka, Devayonyas.t.aka, Yogās.t.aka, Suśiva, Gurupaṅktitraya, Tattvasarga, Gahana (the Uttarasūtra also includes Māyā, Vidyā, Īśvara and the Guhyasūtra has Niyati, Kāla, Rāga, Māyā, cf. Goodall et al. 2012: 44)... Ends with Nis.kala. SYM: Kālarudra, Naraka, Pātāla, Bhūrloka, Brahmaloka, Vis.n.u, Rudra, Dik, Rebı̄ja, 40, Earth and the tattvas up to Buddhi,, 8 Devayoninikāśas, 56 Guhyas, Māyā, Krodha, Rāga, Kāla, Paramātmānuga-s, 7 Sarvaiśvarya-givers, Sr.s.t.i-, Anugraha-, Pradhāna, Rāga, Purus.a, Niyati, Vidyā, Kalā, Kāla, Māyā, Īśa, Sadāśiva, Śiva Bhairava. BY 32 (prakriyāpat.ala, bhuvanadı̄ks.ā): Kālāgni, Narakas, 7 Pātālādi, Bhūrloka, Pr.thivı̄ etc, 7 lokas, tattvas up to Buddhi, Sattva, Rajas, Tamas, Avyakta, Purus.a, Niyati, Vidyā, Sadāśiva, Bhairava/Śivatattva. Similar procedure for the pada-, varn.a-, kalā- and tattva-dı̄ks.ā. 3.2 The Śākta transformation: levels inhabited/governed/purified by Mothers SYM 8.29-31, 38: kālarudre tu ye proktā mātaro guhyasam . bhavāh./ narakebhyah. patitvena mātarānyā vyavasthitāh.// pātālā mātarā cānyās tathā bhūrlokamātarāh./ brahmalokanivāsinyo vais.n.avyo rudramātarāh.// tathānyāś caiva diksam . sthā rebı̄jādhis..thitā[h.] parāh./ catvārim . śati cānyā ca pañca prakr.tikāran.ā[h.]// [...] ı̄śe sadāśive caiva sam sthitānyā varānane/ śive . ca bhairave guhye sam sthitāh śāntamātarāh // . . . BY 32.117-8: brahmān.yā caiva svarllokam . maharloke tu vais.n.avı̄/ kaumārı̄ ca janarlloke tapaloke vivasvatı̄// māhendrı̄ satyaloke tu sodhayet pūrvvavat 3 kramāt/ bhuvane śatarudrān.ām . carccikām . sodhayed budhah.// (transcription Shaman Hatley) Nb: mātr.sāyojya in 55.9d. 4 Initiation in early Śaivism and Śāktism: the man.d.ala 4.1 The name giving ceremony and the dı̄ks.ā with fire rituals No name giving in the Niśvāsa, name giving is part of the dı̄ks.ā in the Sarvajñānottara (ch. 10), before the life cycle rites. In the Svāyambhuvasūtrasam . graha, it is part of the Samaya rite, after the Śivahasta, but before dı̄ks.ā proper. Name giving belongs to the Samaya ceremony (as part of the dı̄ks.ā) in the SYM and to the consecration (abhis.eka) in the BY (independently of the śaktihasta). Names end in -śiva in the Sarvajñānottara and the Svāyambhuvasūtrasamgraha. In the SYM, names end in -śakti, in the BY they end in -bhairava or -śakti. (SYM also has a man.d.ala with 12 Rudras for name giving.) The names are gotra names. 4.2 Deity man.d.alas in siddhi-oriented rites in early Śākta sources SYM: In addition to the samayaman.d.ala/dı̄ks.āman.d.ala: man.d.ala of the Umāmāheśvara-cakra (21), a sarvakāmika-man.d.ala (ch. 25). BY: in the sexual rituals of the Sādhaka (ch. 45), in the great churning (mahāmanthāna ch. 46), a mudrā-man.d.alaka (of Mothers, ch. 55), man.d.ala of a yogicakra of 24 Yoginı̄s (ch. 57) etc. Worship often described as mudrāman.d.alasam . yukta. 5 The circle of Mothers (mā and their shrine (māśman) 5.1 Mā SYM 22.23: mā . bodhā[t] sam . skārāt tapaso ’tha vā/ prāpnuvanti narāh. kecit siddhim etām anuttamā[m]// Tantrasadbhāva [Muktabodha Indological Research Institute] (TSB 16.143cd-44ab): mā . bodhāt sam . skārāt tapase ’thavā// prāpnuvanti narā kecit siddhim etām anuttamām// Cf. SYM 28.40: mā . yogāt sam . skārāj japato ’pi vā/ prāpnuvanti narāh. siddhim . yatanā[t ?] prāśitena vā// Cf. Tantrāloka+viveka 4.57cd-58: [...] śrı̄brahmayāmalagrantham . pat.hati [probably not, A.S.]—mā . bodhāt sam . skārāt tapasah. priye//dhyānād yogāj japāj jñānān mantrārādhanato vratāt/ sam . prāpyam . kulasāmānyam . jñānam . kaulikasiddhidam// mātr̄.n.ām . –caks.urādikaran.eśvarı̄n.ām . , man.d.alasya samyak vr.ttirūpatāparihāren.a śaktirūpatayā parijñānān māāt priyamelāpādikramen.a sam . bodhanād vā [...] 4 5.2 Those in charge of mā worship (of 8 Mothers?) Mālinı̄vijayavārttika 2.320 cit. Varāhamihira (loke ’pi yāvad ı̄dr.ks.ah. pravādo jyotirādike, also in Īśvara-Pratyabhijñā-Vivr.ti-Vimarśinı̄ vol 3 p.100 yathāha varāhamihirah.): vis.n.or bhāgavatā magāś ca savituh. śam . bhor jat.ābhasmino (sabhasmadvijā ĪPVV) mātr̄.n.ām atha mā viprās tv atha brahman.ah. / śākyāh. sattvahitasya (sattvahitāya ĪPVV) buddhavapus.o nagnās tathaivārhato yo yair (yair yo ĪPVV) deva upāsyate svavidhinā tais tasya kāryā kriyā// Br.hatsam . hitā 59.19: vis.n.or bhāgavatān magām . ś ca savituh. śambhoh. sabhasmadvijān mātr̄.n.ām api man.d.alakramavido[K. mā] viprān vidur brahman.ah./ śākyān sarvahitasya śāntamanaso nagnān jinānām . vidur ye yam . devam upāśritāh. svavidhinā tais tasya kāryā kriyā// 5.3 The māā or Mother shrine as a place recommended for tantric rites Netratantra 19.74ab (for giving bali): nadı̄tı̄re śmaśāne vā hy at.avyām . mā [...] SYM 8.5ab (for dı̄ks.ā/siddhi): śmaśāne caiva bhūbhāge mātr.veśmany athāpi vā [...] BY 55.16 (for the man.d.ala): smaśānaran.abhūbhāge na[g]āgre kanda[rodare]/ nadı̄nadasamudre ca mātr.vesmacathus.pathe// Niśvāsa Uttara 2.4 (for the worship of Mātr.kā): mahāgirivare ramye udyāne ca śivālaye/ devyā mā vāpi catvare tu catus.pathe [...] SYM 6.3 (for the Samayaman.d.ala): [...] sugupte śaran.e vātha ekavr.ks.e manorame/ mā ’tha udyāne yatra vā rocate manah.// TSB 21.99-100 for siddhi:ās..tamyām upos.itvā caturdaśyām athāpi vā/ mā . pravis..t[v]ā tu abhı̄taś cāpyatandritah.//japed as..tasahasrān.i dı̄ks.āphalam avāpnuyāt/ kapāle likhya deveśi bhı̄marūpām . kapālinı̄m//... TSB 21.211cd ff for Yoginı̄ invocation: mā . pravis.t.vā tu pūjayitvā tu man.d.alam// japed yogeśvarı̄m . devı̄m . supat..tas bhramamā ivākāśe tāvat tam . nadate gr.ham// āgacchanti tato devyo yoginyo vikr.tānanāh./ sarvakāmam . prayacchanti sādhakasya sumedhase//... Hars.acarita (ed. Kane p. 46) on Bhairavācārya: kva bhagavān āste—iti. so ’kathayat: asya jı̄rn.amā bilvavāt.ikām adhyāste—iti.


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