Species Richness
Recent papers in Species Richness
Restoration practice suggests that neighbor control is essential in semiarid grasslands, but ecological theory predicts that neighbor effects are relatively small in young fields. We investigated the effectiveness of neighbor control... more
A study was conducted to investigate the association between tree species composition with soil edaphic factor in Chemerong Recreational Forest, the largest recreational forest in Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia. Two types of forest were... more
Invasions of Typha (cattail) and/or Phragmites (common reed) in wetland ecosystems result in changes in species richness, diversity and composition of vascular plants. These invasions are particularly harmful in lakes where threatened... more
Nectar-feeding birds are important pollinators in fire-prone regions of the world, but the impact of fires on these bird communities has seldom been studied. Nectarfeeding bird communities were censused during peak flowering, before and... more
Despite the great interest concerning the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem functioning, there is virtually no knowledge as to how the diversity of decomposer microbes influences the decomposition rate of soil organic... more
The factors responsible for widespread declines of grassland birds in the United States are not well understood. This study, conducted in the short-grass prairie of eastern Wyoming, was designed to investigate the relationship between... more
of ecosystem properties in response to above-ground functional group richness and composition.-Oikos 89: 11-23. While there has been a rapidly increasing research effort focused on understanding whether and how composition and richness of... more
Floristic Quality Assessment (FQA) is proposed as a method to assess floristic integrity in Illinois. For the application of FQA, each taxon in the Illinois vascular flora was assigned an integer from 0 to 10 termed a coefficient of... more
The abilities of species to use the matrix of modi®ed habitats surrounding forest fragments may aect their vulnerability in fragmented landscapes. We used long-term (up to 19-year) studies of four animal groups in central Amazonia to test... more
The extinction and recovery of scleractinian corals at the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary was analyzed based on a global database of taxonomically revised late Campanian to Paleocene coral collections. In contrast to earlier... more
The extent to which nutrients from Pacific salmon are transported to riparian areas may be influenced by differences in spawning behavior among species. Chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta, pink salmon O. gorbuscha, and sockeye salmon O. nerka... more
• Grassland dynamics can be well reproduced by an individual based multispecies model. • This virtual community was used to test hypotheses on effects of plant traits.
The flora of the deciduous forests at the base of the north Estonian limestone escarpment is species rich, with an exceptionally high number of rare bryophyte species. Relationships between species richness of bryophyte and herb layers... more
Temporal trends in attributes of restored ecosystems have been described conceptually as restoration trajectories. Measures describing the maturity or ecological integrity of a restoration site are often assumed to follow monotonically... more
This paper attempts to give information about the structure of mangrove distribution at Tok Bali, Kelantan in order to initiate for management and rehabilitation program. A study was conducted in July to November 2006 to determine the... more
Comparing species richness among assemblages using sample units: why not use extrapolation methods to standardize different sample sizes?-Oikos 101: 398-410. Comparisons of species richness among assemblages using different sample sizes... more
We compared the community structure of benthic algae inside and outside pomacentrid damselfish (Stegastes nigricans) territories in a moat at Sesoko Island, Okinawa, Japan. S. nigricans maintained ''algae farms'' that were dominated by... more
Boreal flat bugs include a high proportion of species that are considered negatively affected by forestry. Knowledge on the biology and habitat demands of individual species is generally limited. We examined the influence on flat bugs of... more
Question: How do forest herb species differ from each other in their spatial and temporal dynamics during recovery from volcanic disturbance, and how are dynamics related to species traits?
We propose that cavity-nesting bird communities are structured in nest webs analogous to food webs, where interspeci®c and intraspeci®c interactions are centered around nest site availability. Our sites of mixed deciduous coniferous... more
Rarely do ecologists have the data needed to assess the impacts of invading species on biodiversity, i.e. pre-and post-invasion census information from both invaded and control sites. Using a 21-year time series, we demonstrate that the... more
Benthic infaunal communities at Mai Po Inner Deep Bay mudflat, Hong Kong were investigated between August 2002 and August 2003. A total of 55 species belonging to 8 Phyla from more than 99,074 specimens were recorded. The species richness... more
Rapid assessments are used as qualitative approaches to evaluate wetland quality in the absence of quantitative data and adequate time to assess wetland structure and function. To examine how rapid assessment methods assess bird... more
2009). Available soil phosphorus in semi-natural grasslands: Assessment methods and community tolerances.
Recently, a molecular phylogeny based on four mtDNA gene regions has been estimated for 17 species and subspecies of Aegla freshwater crabs from Chile. With this phylogenetic hypothesis and information on geographic distribution,... more
Summary For myxomycetes the understanding of their diversity and of their ecological function remains underdeveloped. Various problems in recording myxomycetes and analysis of their diversity are discussed by the examples taken from... more
Increased productivity from sewage effluents can enhance species richness locally. Results from a study of spottail shiners (Notropis hudsonius) in 1999 showed that prevalence and the mean number of myxozoan parasite species per host were... more
Page 1. Chapter 8 Structure of an Arid Tropical Bird Community, Rajasthan C. Sivaperuman, S. Dookia, PL Kankane, and QH Baqri Abstract The diversity and abundance of avifauna in the Thar Desert, Rajasthan were studied from May 2000 to May... more
Fish communities and habitat structures were evaluated by underwater visual censuses a rocky location impacted by thermal discharge (I) and at two control locations, one in a Sargassum bed (C1) and the other in a rocky shore with higher... more
Historically, the upper Willamette River valley in western Oregon was characterized by seasonal floods and large expansions of its stream network. During the past century, human activities have altered or eliminated many intermittent... more
Invasive rats (Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus, R. exulans) have large impacts on island habitats through both direct and indirect effects on plants. Rats affect vegetation by extirpating burrowing seabirds through consumption of eggs,... more
. Forest bird diversity in Mediterranean areas affected by wildfires: a multi-scale approach. -Ecography 25: 161-172. Fire is a key mechanism creating and maintaining habitat heterogeneity in Mediterranean landscapes by turning continuous... more
Aim The paper has four major objectives: (1) to determine whether diaspore mimics accurately represent dispersal dynamics of real diaspores in a free-flowing river; (2) to estimate distance travelled and reasons for stranding of floating... more
Canopy-forming seaweeds are regarded as important habitat-formers in shallow coastal zones and their present decline or disappearance in many coastal areas can potentially affect diversity and abundance of associated species. Here, we... more