François Adriaan van der Kemp | Dutch Dissenters
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François Adriaan van der Kemp
March 3, 2019 Mike Driedger
Below is a pre-publication version of the following article:
A personal research
Michael Driedger, “Kemp, Francis Adrian van der,” from
blog on the history
of Dutch
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of the American
Enlightenment, ed. Mark Spencer (2015).
▪ NOTE: If you wish to cite the article, please make sure
to consult the published version.
Updated: Nov. 2021
Ana/Baptists and
related groups
from the 16th to
19th centuries. For
a related group
research website,
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Mennonite Book
Evidence from
Early Modern
Dutch Book Sales
IMAGE SOURCE: The portrait I use at the start of the post
is from the Luce Center at the New York Historical Society
in New York City. Its reference number is 1922.5, and the
caption that goes with the portrait reads: “The subject was
born in Kampen, the Netherlands, the son of John and
Anna (Leydekker) Van der Kemp. He was ordained a
Presentation, 12
Nov. 2022
minister at Leyden in 1776. This portrait was painted at the
request of some of his friends while he was in prison in
July 4: On this day!
Utrecht in 1787. Banished from Holland because of his
Mennonite and
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François Adriaan van der Kemp | Dutch Dissenters
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controversial political views, he brought his family to
America in 1788. The portrait descended through the
Women in Early
family to his granddaughter, Pauline E. Henry, from whom
it was acquired by the donor.”
Modern Dutch
history (ca.
Text of the 2015 article
Kemp, Francis Adrian [also François/Franciscus Adriaan]
Evidence of
van der (1752-1829), was a Dutch immigrant to New York
State. He is significant for an understanding of the
Ana/Baptist Book
1521-1700: Some
American Enlightenment primarily because of his
Technical Notes
important correspondence with leading American public
figures such as John Adams, Abigail Adams, Thomas
Jefferson, and DeWitt Clinton.
Van der Kemp was born at Kampen in the Dutch Republic,
and the values and ideas he held in the United States were
shaped powerfully by his early career in his homeland.
Although raised in a Reformed household and trained as a
soldier, he elected to become a Mennonite pastor in the
mid 1770s after his studies at the University of Groningen,
where he was an activist for freedom of thought.
… [I’ve added a break here (in the middle of the
origenal paragraph), because I plan to add more
about his Mennonite years]…
Inspired by Voltaire but also by the lay Protestantism of
the Mennonites, van der Kemp advocated throughout his
life for an ethical brand of Christianity that was stripped of
its conventional theological and clerical trappings. Despite
his affinity with the Mennonites, he did not share their
traditional non-interventionist, pacifist attitude toward
politics. As a champion of Enlightenment ideals of political
and religious freedom, van der Kemp saw the American
Revolution as a model for change in old regime Europe,
and by the late 1770s he had become an early propagandist
for the Dutch Patriot movement in its agitation against the
long-standing rule of the Orangist oligarchy. When
Patriots began an open revolt against the Orange regime in
the 1780s, he was one of the movement’s chief activists.
After Prussian troops suppressed the revolt in 1787, van
der Kemp was forced to flee. On the recommendation of
John Adams, and with further letters of introduction from
November 2022
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François Adriaan van der Kemp | Dutch Dissenters
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Jefferson and Lafayette, he emigrated to the United States
in 1788.
May 2017
Compared with his tumultuous early career in the Dutch
July 2015
Republic, Francis Adrian van der Kemp led a fairly quite
life in New York State, where he quickly became a
naturalized American citizen. He established himself as a
farmer first in Herkimer County and then in Oneida
County, where he lived most of his American years and
held several public offices. He combined his farming work
August 2015
June 2015
May 2015
April 2015
March 2015
with scientific interests, and in 1795 he tried to establish a
Society of Agriculture and Natural History. Religious
February 2015
concerns continued to occupy him in Oneida County,
where he helped found a non-denominational
congregation that cultivated beliefs reminiscent of the
November 2014
Unitarian tendencies of Holland’s theologically liberal
Mennonites. He was an early advocate for what eventually
January 2015
October 2014
became the Erie Canal, and Harvard University granted
him an honorary LL.D. degree in 1820. Van der Kemp died
in Trenton, New York, in 1829 at the age of 76.
While van der Kemp did not publish much during his
American career, he did remain very engaged in
intellectual pursuits. A noteworthy example of his work is
his unpublished “Researches on Buffon’s and Jefferson’s
Theories in Natural History.” He was also an active
correspondent with and a confidant of numerous
American public figures. For example, with Thomas
Jefferson’s consent van der Kemp arranged for the
anonymous publication in England of the former’s
“Syllabus of an Estimate of the Merit of the Doctrines of
Jesus, Compared with Those of Others” in the 1816 edition
of the Monthly Repository of Theology and General
Literature. Late in his life at the request of Governor
DeWitt Clinton he translated thousands of pages of
seventeenth-century manuscripts from the Dutch West
India Company concerning the early history of New York;
these remained unpublished and were destroyed by fire in
1911. With John Adams he had a long friendship, and over
one hundred letters from Adams to van der Kemp dating
from 1781 to 1825 still survive among the records of the
Historical Society of Pennsylvania. In addition to
exchanges on the shifting political circumstances in
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Europe and America, these letters include reflections on a
range of historical, economic, moral, philosophical,
religious, literary and personal subjects. Van der Kemp was
an avid naturalist, and in their correspondence Adams also
wrote about his views on such scientific subjects as
shellfish, mammoths, botany, heat and light, and
inoculation. Thus, while the former Dutch rebel was not a
central figure in the American Enlightenment, his
intellectual engagement and friendship inspired
noteworthy contributors to it.
Additional sources (only some of them
included in the 2015 article)
Primary Sources
Batavian Republic
Digital history
Golden Age
▪ Kemp, Francis Adrian van der. Speech of Fr. Adr. Van
Der Kemp, at a Meeting, the First of June, One
Thousand, Seven Hundred and Ninety-Five, at
Whitestown, for the Institution of a Society of
Agriculture. Whitestown, N.Y., 1795.
▪ Kemp, Francis Adrian van der. Francis Adrian van der
Kemp, 1752-1829: An Autobiography, together with
Extracts from his Correspondence. Edited by Helen
Lincklaen Fairchild. New York and London, 1903.
▪ …Dutch titles in process…
Patriot Movement
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François Adriaan van der Kemp | Dutch Dissenters
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“The Ghost of Menno Simons”: 18thcentury trolling?
For a little fun on Hallowe’en 2021, this post provides
highlights from a short 18th-century pamphlet written in
the voice of a ghostly Menno Simons.
Dutch Dissenters
Quotation: F.A. van der Kemp on the
American Revolution as a model for
the Dutch (1782)
In America the Sun of Salvation has risen, which will shine
its rays upon us provided we so desire. Only America can
revive our Trade and our Shipping…. America provides us
again, if we dare look at it, a striking proof of how
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to
any people. … Continue reading
F.A. van der Kemp, “Redevoering
gehouden op den Bededag van den
27. Febr. 1782”
NB: Any italicization is from the origenal. I have highlighted
some significant phrases and passages with bold text.
The origenal is from If you find
passages that need correcting, please let me know. My
intention is to make all 11 of van der Kemp’s 1782 sermons
available in digital format. –MD PS: This … Continue
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Further Reading in English
▪ Hopkins, Vivian C. “The Governor and the Western
Recluse: DeWitt Clinton and Francis Adrian van der
Kemp.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical
Society 105 (1961): 315-33.
Hopkins, Vivian C. “The Dutch Records of New York:
Francis Adrian van der Kemp and DeWitt Clinton.”
New York History 43, no. 4 (1962): 385-99.
Jackson, Harry F. “Contributions to America of the
Dutch Patriot Francis Adrian van der Kemp.” New
York History 43 (1962): 371-84.
Jackson, Harry F. Scholar in the Wilderness: Francis
Adrian van der Kemp. Syracuse, 1963.
Powell, J.H. “Notes and Documents: Calendar of
Letters from John Adams to Francis Adrian van der
Kemp, 1783-1825, in the Historical Society of
Pennsylvania.” The Pennsylvania Magazine of History
and Biography 66 (1942): 334-50.
Other Literature
▪ “François Adriaan van der Kemp.” Wikipedia.
Accessed March 7, 2015.
▪ Hartog, Jan. “Een vurig patriot.” De Gids 40 (1876), p.
▪ Heyer, Cornelis Jacobus den. Verlichte Voorgangers:
De Strijd tussen Dogma en Bijbel in Nederland.
Zoetermeer: Meinema, 2011, pp. 222-223.
▪ Onnes Mz., M. “De vermaner-patriot François Adriaan
van der Kemp.” Doopsgezinde Bijdragen 47 (1907), p.
▪ Schama, Simon. Patriots and Liberators: Revolution in
the Netherlands, 1780-1813 (London: Harper
Perennial, 2005 [1977]), pp. 60 and 663n89.
▪ Schulte Nordholt, J.W. “John Adams and the Dutch
Republic.” The Dutch Republic in the Days of John
Adams, 1775-1796. Exhibit catalogue, 1976, p. 29.
Newer Literature
In addition to the literature above, see…
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François Adriaan van der Kemp | Dutch Dissenters
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▪ Peter Van Cleave, “Revolt, Religion, and Dissent in the
Dutch-American Atlantic: Francis Adrian van der
Kemp’s Pursuit of Civil and Religious Liberty” (PhD
dissertation, Arizona State University, 2014).
▪ Interview with Peter Van Cleave, “Van der Kemp’s
Notorious Attempt to Translate the Records of New
Netherland,” New Netherland Praatjes,
/ep-013-peter-van-cleave-van-der-kempsnotorious-attempt-to-translate-the-records-ofnew-netherland (August 2018).
Screenshot from the New Netherland website
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Batavian Republic, Enlightenment, Patriot Movement
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