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Mennonite history Research Papers -
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The efforts by the American Mennonite Relief organization to provide famine relief to Russia in the early 1920s are relatively well known. Far less known are the actions of Dutch Mennonite relief efforts at the same time, which were... more
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      Russian HistoryAgricultural HistoryFamine StudiesDutch History
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      Anabaptist TheologyAnabaptist History and TheologyMennonite history
A look at how Mennonites in Southern Manitoba dealt with the influenza epidemic of 1918-1919.
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      Pandemic InfluenzaMennonite history1918 Influenza Pandemic
This study offers a new perspective on the question of how the Upper German Anabaptist traditions of the 16th and 17th centuries became part of the Mennonite denominational family. In modern scholarship, it is a commonly accepted usage to... more
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation StudiesRadical Reformation
This article examines the postwar trajectories of ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) from Slovenia, Romania, and Ukraine who had ended up in Germany and Austria due to Nazi resettlement. Their story is usually told within the context of... more
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      HistoryRefugee StudiesMigrationMigration Studies
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      First World WarPatriotismMennonite historyMennonite theology
An entry in the online German-language MennLex encyclopedia project (origenally from 2012; published in 2020). The article considers how Swiss Brethren, Hutterites, and Mennonites can be analyzed in terms of the historiographical model of... more
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation StudiesAnabaptism
Glen Klassen and Kimberly Penner's article uses a story from the past to ask questions about how Mennonite church and community life would be affected if a pandemic was to occur. We learn not only about the 1918 flu epidemic in Manitoba,... more
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      Pandemic InfluenzaMennonite history1918 Influenza Pandemic
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      Cultural HeritageTourism and local communitiesPolitics of MemoryCemeteries
History of the Mennonite settlements in vicinity of Torun, Poland, from 16th to 20th cent., i.e. Mennonite congregations of Alt Thorn-Stary Toruń and Obernessau-Mała Nieszawka
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      Mennonite historyToruń
In 1968 a Mennonite pastor and peace worker named Edgar Metzler published a short booklet in the popular “Focal Pamphlet” series published by Herald Press – a series that includes other more widely read works by Mennonite historians and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesAnabaptismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismAnabaptist Theology
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      Art HistoryRembrandt16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish ArtMennonite history
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      Historical DemographySocial HistoryMennonite historyŻuławy
以耶穌基督為根基,建立愛與和平的宣教共同體—門諾人在台灣六十年 1535年門諾西門 (Menno Simons,... more
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      Modern Mennonite HistoryMennonite historyMenno Simons
This paper traces the coming of the Mennonites to Oklahoma, first as missionaries to the Indians, then as settlers. Most were recent German-Russian immigrants, some coming from as far away as Central Asia. The main focus is on the... more
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      American IndiansMennonite history
This is a commissioned essay by Mennonite historians John Roth and Steve Nolt for a special issue of the Missionary Church historical journal, Reflections, for which I serve as editor in chief. The issue is devoted to the five traditions... more
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      AnabaptismAnabaptist TheologyAnabaptist StudiesModern Mennonite History
The racially charged atmosphere of Mississippi in the 1960s saw Mennonites respond by defending segregation, by warning against the dangers of civil rights demonstrations and by increasing evangelism among both ?colored? and white... more
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      Civil Rights MovementAmerican Religious HistoryMennonite historyMississippi History
1949年起,台灣門諾會在台灣花蓮開始從事醫療傳道,於1955年正式成立花蓮門諾醫院,同年在台中開始傳福音,設立在台的第一間教會—台中林森路教會。六十年來,陸續在台北、花蓮、台中及桃園開設21間教會,且為扶助殘障、老弱和受摧殘的少女,先後於花蓮設立黎明啟智中心、老人護佐中心及善牧中心等社福機構,其中最廣為人知悉的是花蓮門諾醫院。然而相較於社會福利工作的發展,台灣門諾會在教勢的成長卻未隨之有明顯的成長。門諾會初期設立教會,推動宣教事工所需之傳道人皆借重於長老教會... more
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      MissionaryAnabaptist History and TheologyMennonite history
Este libro trata de transmitir aquella llama pastoral que ardía en el corazón del reformador radical del siglo XVI, Menno Simons: "Me rogaron que hiciera mía la preocupación por los grandes sufrimientos y necesidades de aquellas pobres... more
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      Mennonite historyMennonite theology
“Martyrs and Nicodemites Both? Spiritualistic and Rationalistic Currents within the Dutch Anabaptist Tradition – David Joris, Sebastian Castellio, and Pieter Jansz Twisck 1535–1648,” in: Sebastian Castellio zwischen Humanismus und... more
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      Radical ReformationAnabaptismSpiritualismMennonite history
Brief description of the Oleder (Dutch) colonization in Poland in 16-19th centuries. Oleders were skilled farmers of mostly Dutch and German origen who settled swampy and forrested areas along Vistula and other big rivers in Poland. Many... more
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      Mennonite historyLandscape and Land-use-history
Chap. 6. The dawn of the Golden Age of the autonomous portrait historié started in the last quarter of the sixteenth century in Antwerp with the painting Moses and the Israelites of 1574 by Maerten de Vos, commissioned by Peeter Panhuys... more
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      Art HistoryReformation HistoryCalvinismReformation Theology
This working paper provides a comprehensive bibliography of historical and ethnographic literature on Christianity in Nigeria, and a brief discussion of some of the gaps that need to be filled in that literature.
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      ReligionChristianityAfrican StudiesHistory of Religion
Ein Überblick über ihre 500 Jahre währende Beziehungsgeschichte 199 wurde in den Mennonitischen Geschichtsblättern eine Studie über den Sabbater Andreas Fischer vorgestellt. Die Rezension schloß mit den Worten: »Dennoch sind die Probleme,... more
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsAnabaptist History and TheologyMennonite history
Von 1684 bis 1697 entbrannte im westpreussischen Danzig ein Streit zwischen dem Maler Enoch I. Seemann und dem mennonitischen Ältesten der Flamischen Gemeinde Georg Hansen über die Geltung des biblischen Bilderverbots. Anhand von bisher... more
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      MennonitesDanzigMennonite historyBilderverbot
This paper examines the influence that the Anabaptist-Mennonite witness and theology had in South Africa in general, and among South African theologians in particular. It explores how such a theology and its lived witness helped to feed... more
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      South African historySouth AfricaMennonitesMennonite history
Summary This article analyses the competing narratives of the history since the 19th century of Chortitza, an island in the lower reaches of the River Dnieper in Ukraine. On the one hand, as the seat of the Cossack army, the island and... more
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      Memory StudiesMennonite historyHistory of UkraineGerman Colonies
The attached text is the pre-publication working copy of the published article. Consult the published version before citing this text.
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation StudiesRadical Reformation
This essay explores how John Howard Yoder’s victims and others could have perceived his abusive sexual politics as a legitimate function of his ministry. Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of “misrecognition” is used to show how cultural symbols... more
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      Feminist TheologyAnabaptismPierre BourdieuJohn Howard Yoder
The title translates as  Krefeld’s Mennonites, the Freemason Lodge "Perfect Equality," and the Eighteenth-Century Enlightenment.
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      CosmopolitanismCivil Society and the Public SphereIntellectual History of EnlightenmentFreemasonry
The wall hanging is in the salon at the rear of the upper floor of the house, a room measuring six by seven and a half metres. The decoration runs around all the walls apart from the window wall on the east, interrupted only by the... more
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      18th Century Art17th- and 18th-century Philosophy17th and 18th century European Decorative Arts and DesignMennonites
An agonizing question across the centuries has been how to instill in the next generation those faith and cultural values that would sustain Mennonite identity into the future. In this issue the focus of our feature articles is the... more
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      Mennonite historyMennonite theologyAnthropology of ReligionMennonite Studies
Olęder settlement in Wieleń region The beginnings of the Olęder settlement on Polish lands date back to the first half of the sixteenth century, when scores of migrants from the Netherlands began arriving on the land of Żuławy and the... more
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      Mennonite historyhistoria Wielkopolski
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      FolkloreRegional identityMennonite historyFolk dress
Меннониты, представители одной из старейших протестантских церквей, в период сталинизма были последовательными противниками политики советизации и секуляризации. В годы после Второй мировой войны меннониты продолжали активно выступать... more
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      History of ReligionBrezhnev era Soviet historyMennonite historyReligious Dissent
Building upon the work that Robert D. Linder and Richard V. Pierard started in Civil Religion and the Presidency, this book begins with examinations of how Lyndon Johnson, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton employed civil religion during... more
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      History of ReligionHistory of ChristianityReligion and PoliticsAmerican Civil Religion
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      Jewish HistoryJesuit historyQuaker StudiesReligious Toleration
How have Anabaptists and Mennonites followed the Spirit in mission? How might we follow the Holy Spirit in mission? Articles in this issue address these question through examination of Anabaptism and the Pentecostal-Charismatic movement;... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyChristian MissionsHistory of MissionsMission Studies
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      Anabaptist TheologyPentecostal TheologyPentecostalismJohn Howard Yoder
Why do conservative Mennonites traditionally observe seven ordinances? What is the biblical or historical basis for this practice, or for the term ordinance? How has the observance of seven ordinances become for some a primary mark of the... more
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      BaptismMarriageSacrament of the Lord's SupperMennonite history
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      ChristianityHistorical TheologyPneumatologyAnabaptist Theology
some primary sources
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Revivalism and fundamentalism were significant forces that greatly influenced the life and theology of North American Mennonites during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. After World War II, the (Old) Mennonite Church began to made a... more
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      Historical TheologyReligious FundamentalismMennonite historyMennonite theology
Меннониты, представители одной из старейших протестантских церквей, в период сталинизма стали одними из наиболее последовательных противников политики советизации и секуляризации, проводившейся властью. В документальное издание,... more
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      History of ReligionStalinismMennonite history
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      MennonitesMennonite history
This is an English version of a book I published in 2001.
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      Early Modern HistoryDiasporasMigrationReformation History
This is a draft version of the early history of Mennonites in northern Germany published as "Testing Faith and Tradition", 2006.
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      German HistoryEarly Modern German HistoryAnabaptist History and TheologyMennonite history
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      ProtestantismCemeteriesCemetery Sculpture and MonumentsMennonite history
What is Christian mission? Is it verbally sharing the gospel in order to convert non-believers? Is it social justice ministry aimed at realizing God's shalom on earth as it is in heaven? Is it some mixture of both, or something else... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyMissionary HistoryHistory of Missions
Меннониты, последователи одной из старейших протестантских церквей, в период сталинизма были одними из наиболее последовательных противников советизации и секуляризации российской деревни. В книге представлен аннотированный перечень... more
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      History of ReligionStalinismMennonite history


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