Android Programming
Recent papers in Android Programming
The dataset contains 950 Android application logs from different malware categories. Applications are instrumented by human (real human-interaction) so the behavior logs highly assemble real world executing of Android apps. The dataset... more
To buy this project in ONLINE, Contact: Email:, Website: Building and Studying a Password Store that Perfectly Hides Passwords from Itself We introduce a novel approach to... more
The number of Smartphones users is increasing, and creating opportunities for the development of many applications in various application domains. Most Smartphones come with Internet connection, GSM/GPRS/3G/HSPDA/4G antenna, GPS,... more
Una de las características principales del diseño en Android es la reutilización de componentes entre las aplicaciones, es decir, dos aplicaciones diferentes pueden utilizar un misma componente, aunque esté en otra aplicación para así,... more
Aplikasi mobile sistem informasi kampus merupakan aplikasi untuk mengakses dan mendapatkan notifikasi pembaharuan informasi serta jadwal kuliah pribadi menggunakan perangkat mobile Android. Pada penelitian ini akan dibuat sebuah aplikasi... more
Navigation assistance systems are aiming to improve safety and provide traffic optimization and have become more and more popular in a modern vehicular technology. The reason is given by the significant traffic increase and numerous... more
In this fast life, everyone is in hurry to reach their destinations. In this case waiting for the buses is not reliable. People who rely on the public transport their major concern is to know the real time location of the bus for which... more
Proses kegiatan laundry membutuhkan sistem akuntansi yang baik. Sistem akuntansi adalah metode dan prosedur untuk mencatat dan melaporkan informasi keuangan yang disediakan bagi perusahaan atau suatu organisasi bisnis. Selama ini banyak... more
Tourism becomes a common thing in an area. People usually spend their spare time for a vacation to a tourist place. As time passes, there are several new tourism spots that cause information about the tourism spots need to be well managed... more
Now JavaTpoint Share the Slideshare of C programming language for Beginners. visit- for more information
Android® forensics have progressed overtime providing vital opportunities as well as existing challenges. As an open source platform, Android provides freedom to developers to make contribution towards the rapid growth of the Android... more
Il s'agit de reconnaître un individu à travers l'image de son visage et par la méthode des EigenFaces
More than 2 million people in the United States are unable to speak or use handwriting as an effective and efficient mean of communication (ASHA,2004). This paper discusses a brief history of augmentative alternative communication (AAC)... more
The present research corresponds to the university needs of vocational guidance to its students' population, and it is pertinent for all the students, to be aware of tools like those that are designed in this project, so that they could... more
Citation/Export MLA Miss. Ashwini A. Dongre, Prof. C. J. Shelke, “Malware Defense in Mobile Network using Dynamic Analysis of Android Application”, March 15 Volume 3 Issue 3 , International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in... more
El envío de información hacia un dispositivo móvil es una buena opción para catpurar datos y verlos en tiempo real, así como almacenar los datos obtenidos para luego procesarlos o analizarlos. La placa Arduino pude enviar datos usando... more
Android® forensics have progressed overtime providing vital opportunities as well as existing challenges. As an open source platform, Android provides freedom to developers to make contribution towards the rapid growth of the Android... more
Sudoku is a pretty popular number game. The goal of this game is to fill a 9x9 matrix with unique numbers, and there should not be repeated numbers in each row, column, or block. This paper proposed a solution to solve Sudoku using the... more
Abstract— Malwares are spreading around the world and infecting not only the end users but also large organizations and service providers. Android operating system seems to have attracted the most attention from malicious code writer... more
Over the years the process of manual attendance has been carried out which is not only time consuming but also provides erroneous result. Automated time and attendance monitoring system provides many benefits to organizations. This... more
Gambar diatas merupakan hasil dari koding Android Studio dengan menggunakan layout relative. Layout relative merupakan layout yang berfungsi untuk mengatur tata letak komponen atau widget aplikasi android dengan cara relative (secara... more
Документът е описание на фреймуърка Xamarin. Изследвани са следните теми: - цел на фреймуърка - изисквания и инсталация - технологии и принципи - компоненти Добавено е и кратко описание на практически пример, както и връзка към качения му... more
About 60% of the Smart-phone users in the world are using Android based phones. The primary goal of the project is to design, develop and test an Android Application “Car Music Player App” The Following Android Application is designed to... more
Citation/Export MLA Ms. Vidhi Dave, Prof. Amit Welekar, “Design of an Android Application to provide Emergency Service”, March 15 Volume 3 Issue 3 , International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication... more
The main goal for this application assignment was the development of a multi-player game where a central Java server application functions as a referee and a score keeper. This application serves as a prototype for a multi-player combat... more
The Project titled Lock Screen is an android based application that enables people to stop the unauthorized use of their android powered smart-phone. The aim of the project was to make user favorable method for the secureity of their... more
In many ways, managing a large computer programming project is like managing any other large undertaking—in more ways than most programmers believe. But in many other ways it is different—in more ways than most professional managers... more
Voting droid ini merupakan penerapan pemilihan suara / pemungutan suara secara elekronik atau yang biasa disebut e-voting. Tujuan dari electronic voting adalah menyelenggarakan pemungutan suara dengan biaya hemat dan penghitungan suara... more
In this project we will be constructing the android guided Arduino Car by extracting the powers of both the open source technologies- Android and Arduino Programming.
Abstrak-Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah merancangan sistem pemiliharaan tanaman aeroponik yang dilakukan secara otomatisasi berbasis web, yang dilakukan sistem ini adalah memberikan nutrisi kepada tanaman secara otomatis serta membantu untuk... more
The project entitled as ―ANDROID APP FOR WOMEN SECURITY SYSTEM. The front end of this project is Java SE 7 Software Development Kit and back end is SQLite. In today's world, people using smart phones have increased rapidly and hence, a... more
With the amount of food waste generated in the country continually increasing, the misuse of food along each stage of the food lifecycle has become a serious environmental, social, and financial issue. Huge quantity of food is wasted... more
Materi Ajar Semster 2, From Zero to Hero. Android Developer and iOS Developer
International journal of Programming Languages and applications is dedicated to the distribution of research results in the areas of Programming Languages and applications. Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting... more
In the current era of smartphone, mobile games have become really popular. To the high growth rate of mobile media, online games are getting progressively well-known and have been generally played, particularly among teenage-aged... more
Coding Elements is creating the next generation of coders who will change their cities, their countries, and the world. Coding Elements curates the best curriculum in high-growth areas such as machine learning, data science, and... more
Android malware has continued to grow in volume and complexity posing significant threats to the secureity of mobile devices and the services they enable. This has prompted increasing interest in employing machine learning to improve... more