Bronze Age metal hoards
Recent papers in Bronze Age metal hoards
Pour télécharger l'article, voir l'URL. Des campagnes de prospections systématiques menées depuis plusieurs années dans le secteur du Camp du Château à Salins-les-Bains ont permis la mise au jour de 40 dépôts de l’âge du Bronze dans des... more
Hauptziel der Ausstellung ist eine für das Publikum leicht verständliche Darstellung des Schönheitsverständnisses und eine weit reichende Information. Als Besonderheit kommt hinzu, dass die Schätze zum ersten Mal an einem Ort zusammen... more
The monograph presents the settlement of north-eastern Slovenia during the Late Bronze Age. It is divided into three parts. The first brings an analysis of the settlements, cemeteries, hoards and stray finds, i.e. all the structures... more
A metalwork hoard dated to the Wilburton phase of the later Bronze Age, found at Barway close to the Isle of Ely in the Cambridgeshire Fens, is reported. Consideration of the hoard, in the context of later prehistoric hoarding in the... more
Le titre interrogatif donné à cette contribution renvoie à un constat : l'absence de mention historiographique de dépôt intentionnel et ritualisé d'objets métalliques durant l'âge du Bronze corse. Cette particularité apparaît comme... more
On highest highths and deepest depths, the depositional context of Late Bronze Age ring hoards in Central Europe. In Late Bronze Age (Reinecke Bz D—Ha A) Upper Lusatia and adjoining landscapes, bronze hoards were deposited in the... more
I 1858 fandt husmand Christian Hansen to bronzelurer i en lille mose i smidstrup, Blistrup sogn, Holbo herred i Frederiksborg amt. I modsaetning til de fleste andre lurfund er Blistruplurerne aldrig blevet indgående beskrevet i... more
Homérosz kilétét, tevékenységét harmadfélezer éve vitatják és csodálják mûveinek olvasói. A tudományos világ – számos szakterületen – ma is kutatja. Elemzi, párhuzamként, magyarázatként használja eposzait, vizsgálja a mû születésének... more
H. Meller, Die Himmelsscheibe von Nebra - ein frühbronzezeitlicher Fund von außergewöhnlicher Bedeutung. Archäologie in Sachsen-Anhalt 2 (Halle [Saale] 2002) 7–20.
H. Meller, Die Himmelsscheibe von Nebra. In: H. Meller (Hrsg.), Der geschmiedete Himmel. Die weite Welt im Herzen Europas vor 3600 Jahren. Begleitband zur Sonderausstellung (Halle [Saale] 2004) 22–31.
Anatolian Metalwork Hoards (Essays on Metal Production and Cultural Contexts) L.I. Avilova Summary Importance of metal for development of cultural and social processes in ancient times is difficult to overestimate. Historical... more
As an important port to the Eastern Mediterranean, Cyprus has been the geopolitical focus of any power residing in the region for ages. The Karpas Peninsula in Cyprus, as a strategic location, is of unique value to both the whole of... more
Both "deposits" of Goluzzo and Santa Marinella, although repeatedly cited in chronological seriation's bibliography and in various bronze artifacts' typological studies, were only partially known and without a proper graphic... more
"In this article is presented a proposal of seriation of bronze artifacts votive groups and hoards from Nuragic Sardinia, on the basis of statistic-combinatory analysis, in a chronological span between Recent Bronze Age and Early Iron... more
THE BRONZE AGE IN WESTERN SICILY. - Many cultures developed during bronze age in western Sicily. Sometime they were contemporary showing the presence of very interesting ethnical dynamics bringing to acculturation phenomena like in the... more
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den bronzenen Zungensicheln aus den europäischen Depotfunden der Spätbronzezeit. Obwohl diese auf den ersten Blick eher unauffällig und unspektakulär erscheinen, bilden sie doch einen wichtigen... more
Воронежский государственный педагогический университет 2015 2 УДК 903.5 ББК 63.4 Б48 Издано в рамках финансирования внутреннего научного гранта ВГПУ 2014 (№35) Б48 Березуцкий В.Д. Курганы на юге Воронежской области (курганный могильник II... more
M.J. Hoffmann, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz 2016. "The societies of West Balt Barrow culture, 500 BC - 1 AD", in P. Urbańczyk, A. Rzeszotarska-Nowakiewicz (eds), "The Past Societies. Polish lands from the first evidence of human presence... more
The legacy of the Late Bronze Age communities populating the Carpathian Basin between the fourteenth and tenth centuries BC represents the perhaps most colourful and numerous range of artefacts before the Roman conquest. These peoples... more
H. Meller, Nebra: Vom Logos zum Mythos - Biographie eines Himmelsbildes. In: H. Meller/F. Bertemes (Hrsg.), Der Griff nach den Sternen. Wie Europas Eliten zu Macht und Reichtum kamen. Internationales Symposium in Halle (Saale) 16.-21.... more
Die Reihe "Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie" trägt dem Bedürfnis Rechnung, Examensarbeiten und andere Forschungsleistungen in die Öffentlichkeit zu tragen. Thematisch findet darin die ganze Breite des Faches vom... more
Chronology, distribution and interpretation of Urnfield metal-hilted swords Subject, regions and period of time covered (chapter 1) This study was basically concerned with the supra-regional investigation of a sufficiently... more
Abstract This thesis examines metalwork deposition, distribution and association in the British Early Iron Age (800-600BC) through the medium of the socketed axe. Out of 1412 known Early Iron Age axes, 954 specimens were analysed in... more
This article deals with engravings depicting sometimes life-sized Bronze Age metal objects from “closed” burial contexts and “open-air” sites in northern Europe. These rock art images have mainly been used for comparative dating with the... more
Bronze is the defining metal of the European Bronze Age and has been at the center of archaeological and science-based research for well over a century. Archaeometallurgical studies have largely focused on determining the geological... more
H. Meller, Der Hortfund von Nebra im Spiegel frühbronzezeitlicher Deponierungssitten. In: 1600 – Kultureller Umbruch im Schatten der Thera-Ausbruchs? 4. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag 14. – 16.10.2014 in Halle (Halle [Saale] 2013) 493–526.
A Kárpátmedence területén a rómaiak megjelenése előtt a Krisztus előtti 14. és 10. század között élt késő bronzkori emberek hagyták hátra a legtöbb és legváltozatosabb emlékanyagot. Ők voltak azok is, akik halom sírjaikkal és... more
Available on: In the recent past, the archaeological community in European countries has drawn attention to a unique find of bronze ornithomorphic plastic artworks (11th-10th cent. BC), coming... more
Co-authored with F. Lo Schiavo, P. Falchi, edited on S. BRUNI, G.C.CIANFERONI (a cura di), Δόσις δ'oλίγη τε φίλη τε. Studi in onore di Antonella Romualdi, Firenze, 2013, pp. 371-416.
Lead Isotopes Analysis (LIA) is a well-established technique, that is used to determine the origen of copper in an artefact under investigation (i.e. “provenancing”), through lead isotopes ratios. By comparing the ratios of the lead... more
The collection "Art and Religion of Ancient Societies" is a continuation of the series of the scientific publications which is devoted to the problems of study of the spiritual culture in the primitive societies. The previous edition "Art... more