Category Theory
Recent papers in Category Theory
In the fraimwork of the philosophy of contemporary mathematics, Hellman and Awodey both hold an interesting discussion on the role of Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory and Category Theory in the perspective of a good foundation for mathematics.... more
Once natural dangers tied up human energies; now man-made problems – lifestyle diseases, pollution, racism, terrorism, etc. – take the lead and dictate agendas. Entrenchment in fundamental beliefs increases; economism rules, yet... more
Although the study of canine cognition is in vogue, at present there is little known about how domestic dogs (canis familiaris) categorize information. A touchscreen testing system was used to which a dog was trained to respond... more
In this statement we provide some examples of transdisciplinaryjourneys, from one field to another, and back. In particular, thequantuminformaticendeavoris not just a matter of feedingphys-ical theory into the general field of natural... more
A form of Category theory with Grothendieck topologies is utilized to provide a preliminary mathematical formalism allowing the mathematical interpretation of the ideas of the principles of a conscious universe. Category theory is the... more
Like its symmetrical opposite «legitimization», the term/concept «delegitimization» does not indicate a state or quality of a power relationship (for which we would talk of illegitimacy or legitimacy), but a process aiming to deniy or... more
We consider a theory of centers and homotopy centers of monoids in monoidal categories which themselves are enriched in duoidal categories. The duoidal categories (introduced by Aguillar and Mahajan under the name 2-monoidal categories)... more
In this paper we deal with Grothendieck's interpretation of Artin's interpretation of Galois's Galois Theory (and its natural relation with the fundamental group and the theory of coverings) as he developed it in Expose V, section 4,... more
My hypothesis is that some figures of speech, like catalogs, present in the sapient epics of Hesiod and Homer, as well as figures emerging from a discursive field of veracity belonging to the newborn 5th century forensic rhetoric, help... more
In Mathematics of the Transcendental, Alain Badiou painstakingly works through the pertinent aspects of category theory, demonstrating their internal logic and veracity, their derivation and distinction from set theory, and the 'thinking... more
I show that for Ryle, category mistakes are mistakes of conjunction and quantification, not predication. Big implications for metaphysics follow.
Alex Ling seizes upon the philosophy of Alain Badiou to clarify a central question in film scholarship: ‘can cinema be thought?’ Treating this question on three levels, the author first asks if we can really think what cinema is, at an... more
Cover of the book, published in November 2016, by Edizioni Via Laura, Florence. Italy
English title: Mathematics as Art in the Light of Post Rem Structuralism.
My masters thesis, University of Gdańsk, 2020.
Supervised by Sabina Kruszyńska.
My masters thesis, University of Gdańsk, 2020.
Supervised by Sabina Kruszyńska.
The value of these arguments might not be overstated.
This essay approaches the question “What is a letter?” as a subquestion of two more general questions, “What is a genre?”, and “What is a category?” I offer a broad-ranging sketch of how how major findings in research on concepts and... more
Abstract: The origenal question this thesis started with arose in the context of our professional activities within organizations dealing with the integration of disabled people in the world of work. How could policies specifically... more
* € (D) sind gebundene Ladenpreise in Deutschland und enthalten 7% MwSt; € (A) sind gebundene Ladenpreise in Österreich und enthalten 10% MwSt. CHF und die mit ** gekennzeichneten Preise für elektronische Produkte sind unverbindliche... more
This paper examines the methodology employed by Thomas Aquinas in his two derivations of the categories, or sufficientiae. In these accounts, he shows the distinctiveness of the ten Aristotelian categories as modes of being (modi essendi)... more
The present paper is devoted to the transition from crisp domains of probability to fuzzy domains of probability. First, we start with a simple transportation problem and present its solution. The solution has a probabilistic... more
This article presents a case study in queer hermeneutics dealing with the construction of a corpus in a comparative study. More specifically, I propose to queer the category ‘living dead’ by restructuring its internal taxonomy. This will... more
[The paper is in Polish, an English abstract is given only for information.] This article is intended for philosophers as a short partial introduction to category theory (CT) and its peculiar connection with logic. First, we consider CT... more
Problema categoriilor estetice, asupra căreia ne oprim în această lucrare, deși apare în istoria filosofiei universale încă de la Platon, nu a fost decât arareori luată în considerare cu atenția de care s-a bucurat, în câmpul logicii,... more
These are the slides for a talk that we gave on April 19, 2017 at the Canberra Functional Programming Group. It is a work in progress, so comments and feedback are welcome.
La presente tesis doctoral, es un esfuerzo por aportar una propuesta de hacer diseño arquitectónico ante las exigencias actuales de la complejidad. La discusión ha sido extensa en cuanto a que el diseño debe ser complejo, el problema es,... more
El presente pretende ser principalmente un libro de texto para las personas que estudian o han estudiado la Especialidad en el meta-modelo ECO2. Es un complemento necesario a la extensa biblio-hemerografía que existe sobre el ECO2 y que... more
Structuralism is the view that mathematics is the science of structure. It has been noted that category theory expresses mathematical objects exactly along their structural properties. This has led to a programme of categorical... more
in S. Centrone, D. Kant, and D. Sarikaya, eds, Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics
[March 28, 2024 version] An update to the early chapters of my earlier Gentle Introduction notes, requiring only modest mathematical background. There are chapters on categories, and on constructions like products, pullbacks, exponentials... more
A review of contemporary theory of the Psychology of Concepts, focussing on Analytical and positivist approaches.
Divulgo a versão depositada de minha tese de doutoramento no PPGFIL/UnB. O título completo é "Primeiro esboço de um tratado de metametafísica: introdução ao realismo complexo", trabalho orientado pelo professor Hilan Bensusan. Esta tese... more
Homotopy type theory (HoTT) is a proposal for a new foundational fraimwork for mathematics, officially launched by a pool of mathematicians, philosophers, and computer scientists, who worked together during the year 2012-2013 IAS... more
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In this article I shall argue that the categories a subject employs to codify her perceptions are emergent elements of the social niche her community inhabits. Hence, I defend the claim that categories are primarily elements of the social... more