Cinema Theory
Recent papers in Cinema Theory R. Canudo, yedinci sanat kuramı, sessiz sinema estetiği, A. Schopenhauer, G. W. F. Hegel. Ricciotto Canudo’ya göre “yedinci sanat” olarak sinema: Arthur Schopenhauer ve Georg Wilhelm... more
Cos'è un medium? Cosa mediano i media? Che rapporto c'è tra media e tecnologie? Nella definizione dei media entrano in gioco nozioni diverse e la loro sovrapposizione spesso crea confusione. I delicati rapporti che intercorrono tra... more
Si torni a guardare questo film allora, non come un documento interno alle vicende del comunismo italiano ma come un dramma, una lotta in cui l’uomo rischia di smarrirsi ritrovandosi prigioniero di quel consumismo che passo dopo passo lo... more
Le film n'est ni un objet neutre ni une chose, comme l'a parfois prétendu la sémiologie. Ce n'est pas non plus un simple reflet de notre monde ou le produit d'un processus machinique. Si les images nous retiennent, si nous sommes capables... more
The fi lm «Bread» (1929) by M. Shpikovskyi is analyzed in this article. We are took some facts of biography M. Shpikovskyi, learnt his other fi lms and their stylistic characteristics, tried to research the own art method by this director... more
In the early cinema era, there were a lot of authors who inquired into the nature of this new medium, taking into account both its artistic value and its specificity. Among the various approaches, the theories of Bela Balázs stands out,... more
Il saggio presenta i principali temi che caratterizzano il dibattito sulla pedagogia del cinema in Italia tra la fine degli anni quaranta e l’inizio degli anni cinquanta. La prima parte ripercorre le diverse posizioni in relazione alla... more
In: Poslanje filologa, ur. C. Pavlović, T. Bogdan, 2008. Proučavanje filma često se temeljilo na dosezima i metodologijama drugih znanosti – od psihologije (primjerice, psihologije percepcije i kognitivne psihologije), sociologije i... more
The article is about the theory by L. Skrypnyk in his book «Essays about theory of cinema art» (1928). In this theory he studies the rhythm as component of cadre composition. He determines some types of the rhythm and analyzes situation... more
Published in : B. Le Maître et J. Verraes (org.), Cinéma muséum. Le musée d’après le cinéma, Saint-Denis, PUV, coll. « Esthétiques hors cadre », 2013, pp. 135-147.
Provide a critical account of how selected developments in film technology affected the signifying practices of Hollywood cinema.
Alla luce delle innovazioni tecnologiche e delle nuove potenzialità esperienziali presentate dal cinema contemporaneo e dall’intero panorama mediale, l’analisi di genere si configura come strumento utile per la comprensione dei fenomeni... more
The intensive development of the Soviet cinema in 1920s paralleled the Constructivist conception. The establishment of new social formation demanded a new ideological strategy, new reference points. At the outset, the Constructivist... more
Traduction française d'un texte de 1962 paru dans la revue Eiga hyôron / French translation of a text first published in Eiga hyôron in 1962.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the so-called fansubs, a different type of subtitling carried out by amateur translators. The first part of this study covers both the people and phases involved in the fansubbing process from... more
El fenómeno de asimilación e interacción entre televisión e internet está creciendo de forma significativa en los últimos años. Eso se está traduciendo en un impulso en la penetración de la televisión conectada e híbrida, hasta el punto... more
Thorough studies on the New Latin American Cinema of the 1960s have mostly focused on issues such as : ideology (a militant cinema), aesthetics (a cinema of poverty) and form (an imperfect cinema). However, a reflection upon the audience... more
Autor de una extensa obra que rebasa los límites de la Sociología, su principal ámbito de estudio, el pensador francés Pierre Bourdieu es uno de los autores más citados hoy en día al investigar cualquier disciplina desde el contexto... more
Cet article a pour objet l'analyse d'un jeu particulier, Clannad (Key, 2004), choisi en tant que représentant emblématique d'un sous-genre, le "nakigê" ou "jeu à pleurer" en japonais, à l'intérieur de la famille dite des "visual novel".... more
The Conversation, directed by Francis Ford Coppola is about the power of sound and how mishearing events can lead to dire consequences, and, to a further extent, about detective Harry Caul's (Gene Hackman) inability to connect with other... more
Este trabalho embasa-se na tentativa de compreender como o tema da sexualidade emerge da imagem projetada na tela pelo cinema do espanhol Pedro Almodóvar, utilizando-se para isso da análise de três filmes da filmografia do diretor: Pepi,... more
The sports film has become one of commercial cinema's most recognizable genres. From classic boxing films such as Raging Bull (1980) to soccer-themed box-office successes like Bend it Like Beckham (2002), the sports film stands at the... more
H θεωρία των ειδών έχει μακρά ιστορία και ιδιαίτερη βαρύτητα στις κινηματογραφικές σπουδές. Στις σύγχρονες θεωρητικές και μεθοδολογικές αναλύσεις βρίσκουν χώρο ανάπτυξης τόσο τα κλασικά κινηματογραφικά είδη όσο και κατηγορίες όπως ο... more
Il volume prende le mosse da una ricostruzione dell’attuale dibattito sulla fine della postmodernità per poi procedere a ripensare la nozione di “cinema postmoderno” da una prospettiva più attenta alla cultura visuale, al nodo... more
Perhaps one of the oddest examples of the hotel film "genre" is undoubtedly Alain Resnais's L'Année dernière à Marienbad (Last Year at Marienbad, 1961). Although Marienbad takes place almost entirely within the confines of a luxurious... more
The article is devoted to some aspects of Yuri Lotman's own version of cinema theory.
La scelta di concentrare l'attenzione della presente analisi sulla dimensione spaziale del film di Pasolini nasce da due considerazioni di carattere linguistico e metodologico.
monografia sul cinema di David Lynch inteso come sperimentazione di forme e di immagini. un percorso attraverso le forme lynchiane, i corpi i soggetti, i mondi, le stanze e le strade: il tutto condotto in un dialogo costante con le forme... more
In this book it is argued that the human imagination is inseparable from the technologies it has been entangled with since its earliest origens. In this way, technologies have appeared over time with transformative potential of such... more
Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la evolución del concepto de tercer cine – desarrollado por Octavio Getino y Fernando Solanas, miembros del grupo argentino Cine Liberación –, desde su origen a finales de los años sesenta hasta... more
According to Cinematographer Christopher , cinematography is capable of translating ideas and thoughts into images expressed in a space. The film In the Mood for Love by Kar Wai Wong is considered to be the perfect example for what Doyle... more
In the Leaves of the World - Japanese Filmmakers and the High Growth Era The years 1960s stand as a time of upheaval in the history of Japanese cinema. A new generation of filmmakers arises, marking its difference from the so-called... more