Intercultural Communication
Recent papers in Intercultural Communication
This critical essay describes and demonstrates the uses and unique contributions of performative writing as a form of inquiry into the materialities and mobilities of sociocultural communicative phenom- ena. Embracing an Anzaldu an... more
This paper investigates the extent to which perceptions of cultural variation correspond to actual practice with reference to (national) cultures in Britain and Italy. More specifically, the aspect of im/politeness which is addressed is... more
This paper was presented for the Preaching and Theology Group at the 39th Meeting of the Academy of Homiletics, Memphis, Tennessee, December 3, 2004.
This article traces the historical background of the term 'belly dance', the English-language name for a complex of solo, improvised dance styles of Middle Eastern and North African origen whose movements are based on articulations of the... more
The study explores the opinions and attitudes of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) English language teachers from Turkey, the USA, the UK, New Zealand and Spain on intercultural language teaching. 16 teachers from... more
The nature of society means health and medical communication often occurs in different international and local settings. Such interactions generally involve offering care-practices that help individuals maintain or return to a level of... more
Internationalization is a catchword at universities in the third millennium. However, for many, internationalization means mobility of students, outbound or inbound. Research indicates that mobile students can benefit in a variety of... more
Course outline for 'Intercultural Communication', BA in Languages and Translation, Macao Polytechnic Institute
While the role of culture in second and/or foreign language (L2/FL) learning and teaching has often been unquestioned, empirical research on culture learning and teaching in L2/FL education has been less common than opinion-oriented... more
This study investigates intercultural competence of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) students and non-IBDP students and whether it is affected by some variants such as grade, gender, nationality, being a native speaker... more
World music-the umbrella category under which various types of traditional and non-Western music are produced for Western consumption-has been waiting to happen for a long time. At least since the invention of new technologies of... more
This book demonstrates the positive impact of using film and audiovisual material in the language classroom. The chapters are evidence-based and address different levels and contexts of learning around the world. They demonstrate the... more
The need to address culture in the language learning process has been emphasized as a means to promote both intercultural awareness and communicative language curricula. In countries such as Turkey, this has been an ongoing concern in the... more
Bu kitapta kültürlerarası iletişimin; kültür, farklılık ve iletişim gibi temel kavramları kültür ve sosyal bilimlerin çeşitli disiplinleriyle bağlantılı olarak tartışılarak alanın kavramsal temelleri açıklanmaktadır.
Given the prominence of Muslim veils—in particular the hijab and full-face veil—in public discourse concerning the place of Muslims in Western society, we examined their impact on non-Muslims’ responses at both explicit and implicit... more
The entries in this volume introduce technical communicators to foundational practices, current approaches, and emerging trends in translation and localization. To do so, the editors of this collection purposefully recruited authors from... more
This article reviews some of the wide-ranging issues and research surrounding authentic materials and authenticity in foreign language learning. After a brief historical overview and a discussion of some of the definitional ambiguities... more
This is a Position Statement prepared by Cliff Goddard and Anna Wierzbicka for the Symposium “Global English, Minimal English: Towards better intercultural communication”, to be held at Australian National University, Canberra, 2-3 July... more
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Este trabalho visa a questionar a interculturalidade, com base no pensamento abissal e da colonialidade. Infelizmente, esse pensamento ainda está presente na Sociedade Brasileira não nos termos do acordo territorial, mas as negociações... more
All students in the Faculty of Foreign Language Studies at Kansai University are required to study abroad for approximately ten months during their second year. One daunting aspect for students abroad may be how to deal with financial... more
The purpose of this article is to examine the personal, academic, and professional experiences of five Japanese university students who did short-term academic internships in three southeast Asian nations. Since students in Japan often... more
Universities focus significant attention on internationalization to prepare empathyglobally minded graduates by engaging students in study abroad programs and expanding international student enrollment. However, scholarship has not yet... more
Ce bulletin présente les résultats d’une étude de nature qualitative où différents acteurs locaux de plusieurs arrondissements de Montréal ont été interviewés afin de cerner les enjeux et autres défis auxquels ils doivent faire face pour... more
This timely and engaging book addresses communicative issues that arise when science and technology travel across socio-cultural boundaries. The authors discuss interactions between different scientific communities; scientists and... more
This paper considers how, in the process of positioning that is implicit in every interaction, all of us employ multiple and often competing narratives when we talk about cultural identity and our relationships with new cultural... more
W jaki sposób ludzie mogą zorientować się w obowiązującym ich prawie? Jakie szanse na to mają osoby znajdujące się na terytorium obcego dla siebie państwa (np. turyści i migranci)? Czy teorie opisujące i analizujące przebieg kontaktu... more
Purpose: Study abroad has been exceedingly popular among students, recently. Turkish youth have become even more willing to study abroad and improve their English language skills. As lingua franca (ELF), English is the main Language for... more
Abstract: Each year, increasing numbers of international students enroll in Chinese universities, yet no literature is available on their intercultural communication competences (ICC) and acculturation status. The study aimed at... more
En esta presentación toco los siguientes temas: El fenómeno del lenguaje y la comunicación humanos en el marco de la Teoría de los Sistemas Dinámicos Texto y contexto: Distintos tipos de contexto y su interrelación Variables en la... more
Despite all the advances in educational technology, basic principles of the educational setting still apply. By going virtual we expand the group of students who can have intercultural collaborative experiences, but this adds the issues... more
We investigated whether the conflict potential of cultural characteristics might be influenced by the importance that interaction partners attribute to them. We conducted a quasi-experiment in which we analysed the attitudes of 74 German... more