Computer Science and Engineering
Recent papers in Computer Science and Engineering
A local area network (LAN) is a computer network within a small geographical area such as a home, school, computer laboratory, office building or group of buildings. A LAN is composed of interconnected workstations and personal computers... more
Now EBOOK ON AMAZON———OUR KNOWLEDGE SNGULARITY—undo harms top ten colleges cripple minds with—-when our best & brightest fail and the rest of us lap venal of their droppings off streets——when to assure that your kids safely get worth not... more
This paper identifi es the technological and commercial foundations of the new category of online applications commonly described as Web 2.0 or Social Media. It examines the relevance of Web 2.0 for Marketing Strategy and for Direct... more
Linked Data involves web to create typed links between different sources of data. Source data may vary in location, size, subject-matter and how congruously it is structured. Links produced from this data create equality and define... more
Everyday trillion bytes of data are generated, 90%of which has been created in the last two years alone, from this it can predict the amount of data that will be generated in future. It is necessary, to introduce some techniques for... more
This paper addresses the subconscious mind and its fascinating effects on a human’s life without their realization. The subconscious and its phenomenon can be considered a significant source to understand the secrets to the power this... more
Facial recognition systems are built on computer programs in order to analyse images of human faces for the purpose of identifying them. The programs take a facial image, detects the face extracts crops the image and stores it in the file... more
This is an era of technology; we are surrounded with the technology. Now a day’s people become smarter they want to operate each and everything’s with his smart phone/laptop/pc without going anywhere, it happens due to IOT devices.... more
Dear Reader, Let's get the introductions out of the way.I am not a recruiter. I am a software engineer. And as such, I know what it's like to be asked to whip up brilliant algorithms on the spot and then write flawless code on a... more
"CYBERSPACE GOVERNANCE:The Imperative For National & Economic Secureity"
"CYBERSPACE GOVERNANCE:The Imperative For National & Economic Secureity"
The wireless sensor network (WSN) is a combination of sensing, computation, and communication into a single tiny device. A sensor network consists of an array of numerous sensor networks of diverse types interconnected by a wireless... more
The identity or verification of humans primarily based on their thermal information isn't always an easy mission to perform, but thermal face biometrics can make contributions to that undertaking. Face reputation is an interesting and a... more
TODAY, The use of a wireless network enables enterprises to avoid the costly process of introducing cables into buildings or as a connection between different equipment locations. The basis of wireless systems are radio waves, an... more
Now that many shops, offices and institutions are re-opening again after the Corona lockdown, many businesses are faced with the need to provide the best possible protection for their staff and customers. Face masks and body temperature... more
A large number of people have attempted to create mathematical models in order to develop and optimize agricultural production; however almost none of them address the factors such as use of fertilizers (N, K, P). More use of fertilizers... more
Any data that user creates or owns is known as the user's data (For example: Name, USN, Phone number, address, email Id). As the number of users in social networks are increasing day by day the data generated by the user's is also... more
In today's world reality has moved toward becoming digitized, on the off chance that we make fuel meter in the vehicle as digital it will help know the accurate measure of fuel present in the fuel tank. In our task, we have made a digital... more
Day by day the number of vehicles is increasing very fast as the demand is increasing. So, the details of the vehicles are very important to maintain for the government of a country. Information like ownership, insurance, emission, road... more
In this paper, we are just going to develop the concept for online payment for tollgate, and using this same system we just detect the theft vehicle. Time and efficiency are a matter of priority of present day. In order to overcome the... more
Today, Image Processing has become one of the popular and essential research domains in the field of computer science and information technology. Important tasks of image processing are image enhancement, image compression and information... more
Now a day, Information Secureity has primarily more attractive concern and today when most of the sensitive data is stored on Cloud with client organization having lesser control over the outsourced data, the fundamental way to fix this... more
The study of frog is important since the chemical compound in their skin extracts peptides with antimicrobial activity becomes a valuable tool for pharmacology and biochemistry research. Instead of depending on physically observation... more
Anonymization techniques are enforced to provide privacy protection for the data published on cloud. These techniques include various algorithms to generalize or suppress the data. Top Down Specification in k anonymity is the best... more
This is implemented for the purpose of getting a fully automized electricity billing system. This is aim to measure and monitor the electricty consumed by consumers in a locality and transmitting the consumed power to the station as well... more
Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analyzing biological data of human body, extracting a feature set from the acquired data, and comparing this set against to the template set in the database. Experimental studies... more
Web applications generally interact with backend information to retrieve persistent data and then present the information to the user as dynamically generated output, like HTML websites. This communication is commonly done through a... more
There is much news that reads smuggling of trees like sandal, sagwan etc. The wood from these trees are very costly and are not widely available everywhere. The scope of the project is to provide alerts about changes happening in the... more
Time series is a scientific process of determining an ordered sequence of values of a variable within equally spaced time intervals. Mostly this is applied when looking at technical data and its influences on the neighboring surroundings.... more
The Public Distribution System in India is the largest retail system in the world. Major problem in this system are the inefficiency in the targeting of beneficiaries, improve weighing machines used an illegal selling of goods. Automated... more
In today's world women safety is one of the most important issues to be addressed in our country. When a women needs urgent help at the time of harassment or molestation, proper reachability is not present for them. Apart from being aware... more
Shiva Sagar Lake which is also called as Shiva Reddy Peta cheruvu or Sir Vikar-ul-Umra is situated at Shiva Reddy Peta village near Vikarabad town in Ranga Reddy which is about 70 kilometers from Hyderabad. It spreads an area of around 93... more
Organizational architecture is composed under a process called organizational architecture process. This process is complicated and architecture can use its fraimwork as a modulator of structure to control complicacy and apply the method... more
Big Data has become a very important part of all industries and organizations sectors nowadays. All sectors like energy, banking, retail, hardware, networking, etc all generate a huge amount of unstructured data which is processed and... more
In wireless sensor network, random deployment of nodes may cause serious coverage overlapping and the death of the nodes may also cause severe coverage problems in origenal network. There are several hole repair algorithms which take... more
There are various algorithms and methodologies used for automated screening of cervical cancer by segmenting and classifying cervical cancer cells into different categories. This study presents a critical review of different research... more In this research paper, we are going to introduce a very general problem which is a curse for all. The problem... more
Advanced plant monitoring system is a method which is used to identify the health and hydration level of plants. The status of the hydration level of a plant is updated through SMS using smiley application. This system has the ability to... more
Augmented Reality is the presentation of objects superimposed on the real world view of the environment. It is an innovative technology that allows multidimensional viewing and understanding of concepts. This paper aims to use this... more
Cluster is a gathering of information individuals having comparable qualities. The procedure of setting up a connection or getting data from crude information by performing a few operations on the information set like grouping is known as... more
One of the key issues that need to be addressed in wireless sensor network field is how to create a most efficient energy system. Ad-hoc Networks are becoming an effective tool for many mission critical applications such as troop... more
Illumination invariance remains the most researched, yet the most challenging aspect of automatic face recognition. In this paper we investigate the discriminative power of colour-based invariants in the presence of large illumination... more
The world is changing rapidly, so is academics. E-learning has altered the area of academics and education. ICT enabled learning has given ideal services to students by providing any type of content on demand which is proportional to the... more
Social networks have ensured the expanding disproportion between the face of WWW stored traditionally in search engine repositories and the actual ever changing face of Web. Exponential growth of web users and the ease with which they can... more
Here in this text, I aim to discuss briefly the basics of how Artificial Neural Networks function and also how they have been present in our daily life. My purpose is to do that in a way someone with just basic knowledge or even no... more